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Roluth stood on his two legs and stretched his red wings. He swore he could feel something watching him, so to add a little flare. He counjured the flame within him, building it up until he exhaled fire out. The hot flame flew up into the air; Roluth could hear a creature running away. *So, there WAS something there.*

Roluth followed the creature into an open praire; he trailed slowly on the ground. His claws at jutted out of his wings scraped the earth with each step. He finally saw the animal that was watching him it was a kais and her young, three babies to be exact. They followed her faithfully as she quickly moved them out of Roluth's sight.

As Tyrann flew, the wind blew in the right direction just so he could get one whopping nose full of the scent of blood. 'Nightling' thought the king as his mind raced with a million thoughts.

"Kit we have to go back to the colony! Something bad is happening! I'm so sorry!" Tyrann shouted urgently as the thundering bluster of the oncoming storm rip roared through the cove. The dragon gained altitude and fastly soared on a strong wind current right over his colony. 'The guards are attacking Nightling. I've had enough of those ignorant fools.' Tyrann positioned for a dive bomb as he could see 2 of his guards, Hannzel and Skinton, creeping up on Nightling as she protected and banshee carcass for some hatchlings. He only suspected what they had been up to and it was time for it to end. Time for their cheating, dirty, useless lives to end.

The red King started his descent and his body took a torpedo shape, slicing the air with crimson wings. Tyrann bellowed a mighty roar and was upon Stinton in seconds, the king hooking his black claws into his spine and back, crushing them instantly and leaving the guard dead at his feet. Hannzel looked up, totally stunned, but took no time in hesitating to pounce on the red dragon.

While he had Tyrann pinned, Hannzel attempted to impale him with his long, poisonous barb. As attempted to stab Tyrann, Hannzel made one fatal move by taking his left hand off of the king's neck, allowing Tyrann to easily over power him, smashing his face with once powerful smack. Blood and scales flew everywhere as the Rex clawed the wyvern's face. Tyrann arched his neck back, preparing for his breath weapon, and launched a massive electric blast straight into the bloody face of Hannzel, killing the Wyvern for good.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tyrann could see the third guilty guard, Finnigan, about to strike at him. Just as Finnigan was just feet away from Tyrann's face, the king threw his clawed hand over and across the jugular of the brown dragon. He too dropped dead at the king's feet within seconds of bleeding out.

With a heaving chest Tyrann Rex slowly spun around the face his entire colony, who had gathered to watch the battle partake. His voice spoke calmly at first, but rose by many octives shortly as the dead silence of the clearing created a guilty tone.

"Was I blind not to see such horrors happening under my nose. Yes. Was it my error? Yes. BUT IT WAS YOU ALL WHO LET IT SLIP UNDER YOUR NOSES! Letting this abuse happen at all! A memeber of our colony, yes Nightling is a memeber of our family, was abused and ignored by the guards in which I have slain. Slain is blood as cold as their hearts were. Do not grieve them, they do not deserve it. I cannot fathom why such filth ever inhabited our land. Things are changing in my cove. Revision is in order now. But my message to you all is, treat anyone else with as much disrespect as these fools did and you are as dead as they are." Tyrann Rex's red eyes flamed in fury as he began the stalk back to his throne.

"Guards dispose of them." Yelled the king over his shoulder as his honorable guards began to remove the bodies of the dead.

Nightling was terrified but she reigned it in because the youngsters were all scared out of their minds and needed some comfort. The only one who wasn't so upset was the wyveren youngster who she'd prevented from becoming that Banshee's lunch, who had stood in front of Nightling eating her breakfast on one foot. He was being the brave one. Nightling gathered herself to slink off into the forest. With the way those hunters who continued to guard the cache of food were looking at her she wasn't going to be allowed to eat... She came back with more fruit and ate it in silence... She was weak and other guards were glaring at her but with the Rex making it clear they couldn't bully her like they wanted to they kept their distance.

Other dragons were however finally allowed to eat their fills. Including the youngsters. Nightling waited until the others were done before approaching the cache and eating some of the less than fresh meat closer to the bottom of the pile. She was smart enough to cook it with lightning breath as best she could before eating. She still didn't have a place to stay and the wind was picking up. Youngsters were going back to their parents and Nightling decided to just stay in the nursery den for the night... Or she tried to a guard glared her off. There were no witnesses so Nightling went back to her nest as thunder banged in the distance. The wind was picking up but her hut would hold... Nightling slept as best she could in her herb hut on a bed of leaves. The building creaked a little but it kept the wind and water out. She was still weak and still a target. They wanted her gone because she was a shade and an outsider. Nightling was still considering leaving...

Nightling woke the next morning to more rain... She still went out and saw the food was actually unsutible for consumption and reported it to the other medics who helped her clean out the cache. The hunters were angry but Nightling showed them the larva riddled meat and some of them started to get sick understanding the situation. Someone used fire breath at Nightling's instructions to remove all traces of the contamination. A crude construction was meant to keep the water away from the meat and the flies at bay. Nightling improved upon the structure making it better suited and she started helping the hunters gather more meat to take the place of what was lost...

Then she started smoking it of all things after someone else made a fire. Nightling explained it was a way of preserving meat and making it last longer if tough and chewy... She was hanging strips up and using the smoke from the fire to preserve it before showing the others how to store it to last. Nightling called it 'preventative measures' to ward away some sickness. Someone else started taking over a few of the hunters again the ones with youngsters who she'd made sure had something to eat. The only dragons who seemed to consider her of any help were the ones who's youngsters she'd helped or the medics who's respect she'd earned. There were still others... They wanted the corrupt ways again. They had benefitted from it. Nightling also put fruit in her herb hut carefully preserving it for later. She was soaked and found more herbs and other edible things. This land had a massive amount of food if one exploited the resources fully... Nightling didn't notice someone sneaking up on her until they were ready to spring. It was one of the males about her age and he was trying to play or something... Harmless enough... But Nightling had a lot more work to do...

Kitsune stayed where she had landed, and only moved once to wince and cringe as Tyrann angirly yelled at the guards. She thought back to him flying. He was so happy, and loose. She wondered how many times he had gotten go get out like that - for a fly- and just be...a dragon, not a Rex, but a simple...dragon!?

She looked over him now and noticed how he was puffed up with anger, how his demeanor had changed from fun to angry in a split second, how the longer he talked the louder his voice got and the angrier he got. In honesty, it didn't scare her, it just....worried her.

Soaking wet Roluth flew having trouble finding shelter from the rain. The water droplets hit his wings with a thud before slidding off; creating a constant blur of noise. The tree he used for cover during the night had slowly grew more wet with each passing hour until it became unbearable. He felt the rain pick up and visabilaty decreased dramaticly Roluth decided it was best to land since he could barely see around him anymore. His clawed wings and legs splashed in the mud covering his body with the brown mixture. He trudged through the mud for quite a while. He felt hunger grasp his stomach, he hadn't ate in quite a while and haven't seen anything to eat besides the mother kais earlier.

After an exhausting hour of walking with no avail in the weather. Roluth was tired and hungry; he stopped he could swear he could smell food it was faint but it was there. He trudged on a bit more until he reached close to where the smell was coming from. There were dragons a huge red one and a smaller black one; he didn't want to get in a fight with the red one, he looked dangerous. Roluth stared at the food hanging in an area where they can't get wet. His stomach rumbled, he froze, he was shocked no one noticed him. Looking down at himself he knew why, he was completely covered in mud. He stared at the food again then decided against taking any, he didn't want to start trouble with the red dragon. He walking slowly away when he slipped cutting his chest on a sharp rock while also creating a huge splash of mud. *Oh, No! I had to have been seen, there is no way I couldn't have!* His blood started mixing with the mud.

The king was outraged at what had been occurring right under his nose. 'How could I have let such filth reside in his colony. Tyrann sighed, frustrated and desperately wishing the guidance of his noble father. He looked up to the stars, trying to find the one he dubbed as Thantos Rex's star.

" do I do this? I need guidance. I need you. Why did you have to leave this world in such a rush..."Tyrann spoke to the deep blue sky, oddly expecting some sort of answer to appear; however, wasn't surprised when he received no response. The King then glided down to the sandy shore and rinsed himself of the blood, remorselessly as he felt no grievance for the dead guards.

When he was finished, Tyrann thundered his scarlet wings and flew back up to his castle ledge.

"I wish Kit was here..." Sighed the king to himself.

Nightling saw the Rex was upset and went up to the throne bowing. "Sir don't beat yourself up over that... They were doing everything they could to keep it hidden from you and the advisors... Most likely this started under your predecessor's nose. Just come down from the throne every once in a while and see the rest of us check on us yourself. I should go and make sure Sparky isn't driving the guards insane with his chattering..." Nightling walked back down blending into the night. Nightling went down and saw Sparky who had fresh very shallow claw marks on his shoulder and was strangely silent. Nightling saw the guards looking confused. One said "That was supposed to be a slap... I said the claws were accidental. Seriously we got him to talk about something interesting for once and one playful slap with accidental claw makes him shut up..." Nightling healed the wounds shut and Sparky said "I heard what happened to you... Most colonies don't accept stray Shades... The mistrust in us is too great and I for one don't know why it is..." A few guards looked confused "You mean it isn't just some members of this colony that have a problem with Shades?" Sparky said "No most colonies attack unfamiliar shades on sight... I fell silent because I hadn't seen any dragon act friendly to me in so long it was a bit of a shock..." Nightling said "So you aren't about to try to kill him for running his mouth?" The head guard of the bunch said "No we don't have those orders..." Nightling was visibly relieved and turned to leave. She had to either find or dig a den... She was thinking dig...
Roluth sighed in relief nobody saw him, his stomach growled again, he looked once again at the food, but once more decided against it. Roluth looked where he cut himself it was deep and blee ading. He was also slathered in mud head to toe, he wouldn't have been suprised if something took him for a swamp creature, but for this instance it help him camouflage and hide his sent from the other dragons. He commenced to sneak away from the dragon colony. But he didn't get far some younglings spotted him and started wailing out to the guards about the intruder. *Oh, No. No way I'm getting out of this now.*

Kitsune sighed and started walking back too her cave. She thought over the issues and Tyrann ran across her mind. She went to her cave, and - because she got food while flying with Tyrann earlier- she ate dinner. She popped back out of her cave and relished in the cool breeze coming from the setting sun, and started off too Tyrann's rock. 

'What if he's still angry?' 

'What if he doesn't want to talk?' 

'I'll make him talk! No...that wouldn't be right...'

She sighs, as all those thoughts run through her mind. Tyrann's rock comes into view and she slows as she nears it. She stops and the bottom edge and takes a deep breath -braving herself. "Tyrann?" She called meekly. 

Nightling was digging her den under a tree by the herb hut... She wanted a stable location and the tree was massive... She wasn't expecting others to help her. A few den mothers had decided to just let their charges dig a hole and help Nightling. She actually managed to get the den dug large enough for her and Sparky to share it with a fire pit between them... There was still a good layer of dirt between the interior of the den and the possible fire pit... Nightling used the dirt to further support the herb hut before finding fire wood and building a comfortable nest. Nightling rinsed herself off in the river before settling in. She seemed content to have a home... Part of her wanted to light a fire just to be cozy... She was purring... Warm, dry, comfortable, fed, and safe... Nightling was a happy camper...

Cynder flew in the white fluffy clouds they blended perfectly with her white body. She was flying away from the lake she was at. A colony of feirce Wyrms who definitely didn't want her anywhere near them, attacked her. Cynder didn't want to fight so she left quickly without attacking back.

Cynder felt as if there was enough space between her and those Wyrms, but still kept on flying not wanting to chance it. She looked to her right wing where the cut on the membrane of her wing was; shades did that when she was just a youngling.

Cynder set down on a rock ledge feeling a bit lonely. She missed her family but she hasn't a clue where that are or if they are alive. She sat thinking for a bit when she came up with an idea. Cynder breathed in sharply then with all her might roared as loud as she could.

*There now that I roared someone might have heard it and will visit.* She blushed thinking someone might actually come.

Tyrann layed on the edge of his rock throne with his back to the clearing. His eyes half lidded, the dragon was lost in thought, as he often did. Soon, rain poured down upon him like an untamed heartbeat yet the king did not care.

Winds of salt and sea whipped around the castle of boulders that made up the chaos dragon's throne and stray water bullets pelted his scales, not that he could feel them. The storm raged and Tyrann looked carelessly to his cave atop the throne but looked away in disgust at it, almost as if he was punishing himself. Tyrann was so lost in thought he didn't even hear Kit walk up to the bottom of the stack of huge rocks.

He could faintly hear the sound of her voice over the bluster of the wind, but as a chaos dragon, he had an incredible sense of hearing.

"Kit?" Asked Tyrann with a hint of hope in his low voice. His entire demeanor lit up when her saw her and immediately invited the beautiful, black dragoness to join him upon his throne. Tyrann soon realized that there was a raging storm among him and decided it'd be best for him and his darling Kit to go inside his cave.

"The weather is awful tonight my Kit. Perhaps we should go inside? My cave I mean." The dragon proposed as he held out his right hand to allow Kit to go inside the cave first.

Nightling realized she had spoken too softly before but decided to wait out the storm... She heard that whisper again in the wind and stuck her head outside. Her head tilted from one side to the other... 'Danger little shade... Hide...'. This was the first time she'd ever actually heard the wind's voice say anything but Nightling heeded it and stayed inside. At first... But she sensed something menacing... Yet strangely familiar... Nightling saw a dark shape prowling around her herb hut and a familiar voice hiss softly "She's here... This is Nightling's work... She will be mine soon enough... Where are you little Nightling? I do hope you've been waiting for me..." Nightling's blood ran cold... Shadow Blood... Someone from her former colony she had hoped to never see again...

Shadow Blood was pure shadow shade blacker than night who embodied everything those who had a problem with shades feared... He was a liar, a sadist, dabbled in the dark arts, killed anything that got in his way including youngsters, and he had overthrown her father placing that stupid wyvren on the throne... Nightling was the daugter of a rex... Shadow Blood had miscalculated what that Wyveren would do... Nightling wasn't as strong in offensive magic... She couldn't land a decisive blow on this one... Sparky was larger and stronger by far... Tyrann would need help with this menace... Shadow blood left for the moment and Nightling waited for the storm to clear... She just needed one good rub on Tyrann to cast the wards... Shadow Blood couldn't sense her invisibility but the rain bouncing off her would be a dead give away as would footprints...

Kitsune was filled with great joy when he accepted her. She smiled widely at him and nodded in response to his question. "I would love too!" She says, walking forward. "I wonder what has caused such a quick change in the weather..." She says, stopping by him and awaiting his response. 

Looking into his besutiful eyes made Kit feel happy. It made her feel this strange feeling jinn her stomach she had never felt before, but odly, she liked it. She smiles as she walks forwards slowly. Thinking to herself that she might just- possibly a teeny tiny bit-  be falling in love with the Rex....

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

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100 words per post.

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