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Satsu Ayaka (#379)

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Nightmare Land Farm
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Joined July 16th, 2010

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Last Login November 3rd, 2015 Offline!
Player Points 14,830 (0 TW)
Money $0
Dinosaurs 0
Praise 0
Upgraded? Yes - expires on December 26th, 2024
Warnings & Fines 0 / 0
Overlay License No
Club Quill Club
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The Mockingbird Inn Shelf (0/178) Storage Fishtank (0)

That's great! I've got my driver's license now and am currently working at a local restaurant. I'll be taking 7 DE/DC courses as a SR in high school this year.
7:48am Jul 29th, 2015
Haha, I understand; can't say I've been active much either except for the past month or so. I've been pretty good, enjoying summer until school starts. You?
9:46pm Jul 28th, 2015
*Hugs*OMG! Havn't seen you in FOREVAH
9:39pm Jul 28th, 2015
I love exhibited and the community. It is one of the most welcoming communities I've ever seen. I hope real life gets better for you, but I am glad you've been good. and thank you again! Thank you so much ;u; <3 <3 <3
2:23am Mar 16th, 2015
Only give em back if you don't want him. If you are ever active anymore, hit me up! :D
7:22pm Mar 15th, 2015
5:02pm Mar 15th, 2015
I looked at your farm and realized you did not have a spino. So here is one for you 6/6 perfect FREE of charge! :D
1:54pm Mar 15th, 2015
Hello Yami! Nice to see you too! :D I've been pretty good.. my dinos are real beasts on the battle field lol. How have you been? <:3
11:49am Mar 14th, 2015
Hello happy holidays. I am just stopping by before I go to bed. Bye my friend.
9:43pm Dec 5th, 2014
I'm sorry. :(
1:45pm Nov 21st, 2014
Is there anything I can do to help?
9:53pm Nov 18th, 2014
Let me know if you need anything. :)
8:21pm Nov 18th, 2014
What do you mean?
4:06pm Nov 17th, 2014
Me too, just came back pretty recently. Shame there aren't as many people around these days. Hope you'll stick around. :)
12:45am Nov 17th, 2014
Hey, long time no see, great to see you. ^^ I am doing fine thanks for asking. :) How are you?
10:08pm Nov 10th, 2014
*is the crazy psycho who doesn't fear the shark* Hey! How have you been?
1:17pm Nov 10th, 2014
*hugs* I'm sorry to hear that. :(
8:56pm Oct 15th, 2014
I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk?
3:37pm Oct 15th, 2014
How have you been?
12:45pm Oct 15th, 2014
Hey :)
12:54pm Oct 13th, 2014
9:41pm Aug 29th, 2014
lolz. Its and animal RP
3:52pm Aug 12th, 2014
Well, I'm playing the evil character who is basically going to try and raise and army and kill EVERYONE! :D
3:50pm Aug 12th, 2014
*hugs* wanted to ask, I'm in a new RP and was wondering if you'd want to join. It Glory and Gore. :D
3:34pm Aug 12th, 2014
Hey :)
12:52pm Aug 12th, 2014
I'm trying to help spread the word about EX, but it's hard to do. :/ Though apparently I referred at least 17 people since I've joined. So that's good. :) I doubt they are all active, though. :/
5:55pm Jul 29th, 2014
It's depressing. u.u I wish there were more active players on. :/ Then maybe we could get things changed, or at least make the game more enjoyable for us still here.
5:47pm Jul 29th, 2014
Yup! c: Now Sally and Jack's genes can continue on after the originals pass~ My Grims shall last forever, mwahahaha! I am upset that EX2 won't let us transfer our dinos over, though. :(
5:02pm Jul 29th, 2014
Ah, at least you made it out alive. XD I came back because I found a way to clone my main dinos, so I'm really happy about that. :D
4:59pm Jul 29th, 2014
Hah, I haven't been on for months. u.u I'm sort of okay. How are you? :) How have you been?
4:54pm Jul 29th, 2014
*Pokey pokey* o3o
4:48pm Jul 29th, 2014
Lol nice, I am saving up for a deck of cards and that dress
1:59pm Jul 28th, 2014
Good, attempting to save money, you?
12:47pm Jul 28th, 2014
6:55am Jul 28th, 2014
Haha awesome! Sorry I fell asleep and then my mom wanted me to eat something
12:50pm Jul 27th, 2014
Kinda is but oh well. Man clothes on here are sweet! there is a dress for $50,000 (Saving up for it :D) and I wish I could get it in real life
12:04pm Jul 27th, 2014
That must suck! Especially stubbing your toe since that hurts everyone. Really if you hit your pinky toe you are literally lying on the ground holding it. I have no pain feeling in my left palm because I was burnt really badly as a kid so its just kinda..
11:42am Jul 27th, 2014
Whats fib-fi.... that thing you said?
11:27am Jul 27th, 2014
Kinda is especially since the freezing wore off very quickly :P "Don't cry you'll bleed more" sometimes dental people suck... Doesn't help that I have a huge fear of any doctor related things anyways. I am waiting till Sebastian grows up to breed :3
11:24am Jul 27th, 2014
Just a gum graft :3 I feel a lot better today, I recently was watching Jurassic Park so I wondered if there were any dinosaur pet sites and alas here I am. Already attempting to make money :P The people here do seem very nice including you. Woah just saw
11:21am Jul 27th, 2014
More or less good :P Recovering from a recent surgery and found this site yesterday. I love it here
11:13am Jul 27th, 2014
How are you?
10:48am Jul 27th, 2014
Hello fellow quill club
10:42am Jul 27th, 2014
I will. *hugs* I'' try to be on at least once a day, just to take care of dinos.
10:33pm Jul 21st, 2014
Its not your fault Satsu, don't worry about it. <3 The next few day are just gonna be a little hard on me.
10:30pm Jul 21st, 2014
It's a part of a song I like. :) plus, I find it true. I would rather someone hate me for who I am than love me for someone I'm not. :)
9:24pm Jul 17th, 2014
Good, tearing out a wall
6:26pm Jul 17th, 2014
Hey :)
3:37pm Jul 17th, 2014
Ty for the moonies, glad you liked it! (and yesh, tish good)
3:45pm Jul 16th, 2014
11:19am Jul 16th, 2014
its not too bad
8:59pm Jul 13th, 2014
Exhausting; we are redoing all the doors in the house
5:23pm Jul 13th, 2014
Nuuuuu! FR and it's lair-size limitations ruin everything!!! *dies*
3:48pm Jul 13th, 2014
XD no problem, really.
3:41pm Jul 12th, 2014
Alright! Have fun! ;v;
12:08pm Jul 12th, 2014
Why don'tcha check out the RPs? Typically ones where all characters, or most would die in the end. eve
11:47am Jul 12th, 2014
Thanks for the welcome back! Anyways, I'm dandy. Doin' some RPin' again, and breeding, jus' EX stuff. |'D
11:41am Jul 12th, 2014
Alright, I'll see if I can get a colored version for you by then. :)
10:33pm Jul 10th, 2014
*if your still selling
10:20pm Jul 10th, 2014
Great. Looking to gather art of Sola. :P By the way, Jane wants an urn tag. xD I have to upload her ref for you.
10:20pm Jul 10th, 2014
Sorry I've not replied, been busy :P
10:14pm Jul 10th, 2014
You still doing the urn tags, and that other one?
7:32pm Jul 9th, 2014
It was a response to someone's mood who happened to have a lower number than mine, so it was funny. It has nothing to do with your banananess last night :P
2:52pm Jul 5th, 2014
Fave food: deer; fave color; silver; fave drink ; milk. If you could add that her stripes are always changing, and her tail can mimic any poison, that would be awesome. Personality; complicated xD
12:08pm Jul 5th, 2014
What do you need to know?
12:02pm Jul 5th, 2014
Yes! Because best name! Now he can become a fat buttfish and be happy with his new beta friend.
9:29pm Jul 3rd, 2014
9:27pm Jul 3rd, 2014
9:24pm Jul 3rd, 2014
You should name him Buttfish. Or whatever that translates to in Japanese.
9:24pm Jul 3rd, 2014
Awwww, daw~ I love that Betta. I used to have one named Sunshine. He was so mellow he'd even hang out with other male bettas. Just the coolest chill-fish.
9:23pm Jul 3rd, 2014
Also, I broke your box, lol. Sorry
9:19pm Jul 3rd, 2014
Oh, I see now They seem to have thinner bodies and no long whispies at all. Just the weird fins like Bettas get that are exte
9:18pm Jul 3rd, 2014
Yours is very very thin in body-shape and it's throwing me off.
9:17pm Jul 3rd, 2014
Hmm, he's weird then. This is usually the 'normal' shape of their bodies, even as babies:
9:17pm Jul 3rd, 2014
*looks at it again because I dun beleib you* *squints eyes at fish very hardly* Mayyyyybeeee...
9:12pm Jul 3rd, 2014
I didn't see no gourmies on yur fishy page though. :U I thought that one was a molly? Lol. You did get a Gourmi tho? :DDD
8:54pm Jul 3rd, 2014
8:40pm Jul 3rd, 2014
XD Only just now checked my shoutbox. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! *pets face with mantis claws* XD
4:35am Jul 3rd, 2014
Omg, its awesome! :D Love the tag :D
9:17am Jul 1st, 2014
I'm not good with lines xD
12:42am Jul 1st, 2014
Do you want to do the same set up? I color, you draw the lines?
11:32pm Jun 30th, 2014
xD I don't care; its your tank. :D Now I want to go draw some eels. >> Hey, do you think you might want to start co-labing again maybe?
11:23pm Jun 30th, 2014
xD If you have multiple Eels, name one Lightning for me :D xD (Old old old thing of mine)
11:21pm Jun 30th, 2014
Cool! :D
11:13pm Jun 30th, 2014
That's no fun. xD I like saltwater tanks best, but they cost more. Live reef tanks are beautiful!
11:07pm Jun 30th, 2014
Awesome! I want a piranha tank, but mom and dad wont let me xD
11:02pm Jun 30th, 2014
EELZZ If your foliage is think enough and they have enough hiding places, you can have a live. Just put the light on a night/day cycle. :D Atleast, thats what I would do
10:59pm Jun 30th, 2014
Fish tank! :D Saltwater or fresh?
10:55pm Jun 30th, 2014
We had them all killed, but we baby sat someone's dogs and got infested :/
12:54am Jun 30th, 2014
*hugs* sorry for no replying; dealing with fleas >>. I'll reply sometime later
10:58pm Jun 29th, 2014
Did I do it again? XD
2:25pm Jun 29th, 2014
I'm off to bed, its 2 am here
11:57pm Jun 27th, 2014
I hit the send button while scrolling xD
10:34pm Jun 27th, 2014
cool :D
9:34pm Jun 27th, 2014
XD I'm addicted to minecraft
8:45pm Jun 27th, 2014
lol, I'm great, you?
6:22pm Jun 27th, 2014
Thought you might like watching this stream with me:
9:24pm Jun 25th, 2014
11:58pm Jun 24th, 2014
don't ruin it. xD Once I see it though we shall talk
11:22pm Jun 24th, 2014
OMG! Is it good? My and my Best Friend plan to go see it sometime this week. :D
8:15pm Jun 24th, 2014
Good, you?
6:37pm Jun 24th, 2014
Hey :)
6:27pm Jun 24th, 2014
If you don't mind me asking, what seems to be the matter?
1:45pm Jun 19th, 2014
Meyeh! Any ideas? Hope the doctors at least manage to treat you like an intelligent human being. They don't with teens. "Are you pregnat?" "WHAT!? No! I'm 14?" And then they test for random stuff like that anyway. ..If you were going to test then WHY
1:17pm Jun 19th, 2014
Yikes, you gonna be alright!? Don't die on us or anything, right?
11:54am Jun 19th, 2014
Well, I'm going to track them down and kill them for giving you a hard time. Dragon kill or Joker Kill, which sounds more appropriate?
5:41pm Jun 18th, 2014
Are you still doing the tags? I haven't seen you online for a while. Everything okay?
2:04pm Jun 18th, 2014
Lol, its fine. xD I actually wanted to say that when you get your art selling post redone, I still want to order that ref.
8:43pm Jun 11th, 2014
8:12pm Jun 11th, 2014
I won't be on much today and tomarrow; just so you know.
9:50am Jun 8th, 2014
Veilstone City :)
8:16pm Jun 7th, 2014
lol, you can challenge my gym, or a npc or something
7:18pm Jun 7th, 2014
Do you want to post on the pokemon RP? I thought I'd let you go before me. :)
6:58pm Jun 7th, 2014
Bye. (I have nothing more to say.)
6:37pm Jun 7th, 2014
It was nice talking to you. :)
6:28pm Jun 7th, 2014
Okay, well if you ever need any help I'm here. :)
6:11pm Jun 7th, 2014
0_0 Do you need some help?
6:07pm Jun 7th, 2014
How are your dinosaurs?
5:51pm Jun 7th, 2014
I'm very well, thank you. :)
5:41pm Jun 7th, 2014
XD how have you been?
5:28pm Jun 7th, 2014
5:25pm Jun 7th, 2014
Hey, how`s it going. ^^
11:19pm Jun 6th, 2014
5:42pm Jun 6th, 2014
Totally! We need an already started, as none have joined yet!
1:01pm Jun 6th, 2014
I love Houndoom. Just made a pokemon RP if you want to join!
12:56pm Jun 6th, 2014
I like them.
12:48pm Jun 6th, 2014
12:39pm Jun 6th, 2014
Well, hello there chap! (Puts top hat on)
12:37pm Jun 6th, 2014
Eveything is fine, I'll just pop in randomly. ^^
7:19pm Jun 5th, 2014
*tackle hugs* hello Shinu :)
5:04pm Jun 5th, 2014
I've been good. End of school finals, yay. ^^; you?
12:51pm May 7th, 2014
hey, whats up?
7:04pm May 6th, 2014
I'm alright and you?
6:52pm May 6th, 2014
I just stopped by to say hello.
6:07pm May 6th, 2014
I just stopped by to say hello. :) And sweet dreams. X)
7:27pm Apr 30th, 2014
Not a peep for a very long while...hope you're doing ok.
10:31pm Apr 28th, 2014
Happy Easter Felix, You're in my prayers.
9:25pm Apr 19th, 2014
hey, I still owe you for the art lol. I don't think you ever gave me a price. xD
11:22am Apr 13th, 2014
Thanks! I'll make a character soon!
11:58am Apr 10th, 2014
Could I join the Tales of the Ridden RP?
11:46am Apr 10th, 2014
Hello :)
1:51am Apr 9th, 2014
Goodnight friend. :)
7:19pm Mar 29th, 2014
Hi Grace. :)
4:20pm Mar 29th, 2014
Well I hope you get to relax. :)
2:38pm Mar 27th, 2014
I was up for 24 hours last night. I was going crazy! But anyways how are you? 0_0/ (I looked like that^)
10:55am Mar 27th, 2014
Hi Grace. :) (Looks like I am going crazy) XD
1:34am Mar 27th, 2014
I'm well thanks for asking. :)
11:45am Mar 26th, 2014
Hello Grace. How is the manga?
11:41am Mar 26th, 2014
Hi Grace. :)
5:05pm Mar 24th, 2014
Oh you know that doesn't matter to me. :) I just wanted to say hello.
1:59pm Mar 24th, 2014
hello. :)
1:25pm Mar 24th, 2014
... ... So um. Do you like butterflies?
1:56pm Mar 23rd, 2014
Yeah! XD Well it is nice to hear from you. Any new mangas or anything else? :D
1:50pm Mar 23rd, 2014
12:44pm Mar 23rd, 2014
Hey. I do not have anything to say but hello. :)
4:16pm Mar 22nd, 2014
1:43pm Mar 21st, 2014
I am on almost everyday. So that gives you someone to talk to who will listen to each individual detail.
1:40pm Mar 21st, 2014
I have had better days as well but I am really happy to see you here and well. :)
1:09pm Mar 21st, 2014
Hello are you feeling any better?
12:40pm Mar 21st, 2014
Don't cry. You still have many people who love you. Including me. *Wipes tears away*
6:40pm Mar 20th, 2014
At least she moved on loving you and not judging you. I pray for you both. :)
5:50pm Mar 20th, 2014
I..I am so sorry to hear that. Forget my feelings! Are you alright? *Panicked* I hope you stay well. *Remorse*
4:36pm Mar 20th, 2014
You ok? How have you been? :)
2:57pm Mar 20th, 2014
Hello. :)
2:49pm Mar 20th, 2014
I thought the 30-day free trial thing was still going on, mine is just up, but you may want to check.
1:07pm Mar 17th, 2014
There should be a 30-day free trial when you get the poke transfer. (I got one, and it ended a couple weeks ago so I mass transferred all of mine xD)
12:57pm Mar 17th, 2014
German/French. Wow! Talk about swaping spit with the enemy. (In world war 2 Germany and France were at war.) Just a fun fact.
12:55pm Mar 17th, 2014
Your welcome. ... Are you Irish. I am 100% Irish
12:53pm Mar 17th, 2014
Cool! :D Sent you a message asking something. Once I'm home, we definitely have to add each other's friend codes.
12:52pm Mar 17th, 2014
Happy St. Patrick's day.
12:49pm Mar 17th, 2014
I'm sorry I haven't been able to reach you for a while but I will talk more tomorrow I have to leave now bye. And goodnight.
8:48pm Mar 16th, 2014
7:48pm Mar 16th, 2014
Hello. Any better? I am sick now too. But I am always happy to see a friend. :')
2:32pm Mar 13th, 2014
Hello. Any better?
8:47pm Mar 12th, 2014
Ok. Sleep well. :)
2:21pm Mar 10th, 2014
No. Don't be sorry. Your well being is more important to me. Just knowing you alive and well is what I care about. :)
2:18pm Mar 10th, 2014
NOOOOOO! Don't get worst. Please don't go into the light! Please. XD
1:52pm Mar 10th, 2014
Are you doing better your avater still says depressed. Oh and forgive me for asking are you male or female? *embarrassed blush*
1:26pm Mar 10th, 2014
12:52pm Mar 10th, 2014
Oh by the way it is 12:07 where I am so I think I have to say goodnight. :) Love you (I mean that in the Friend way) BYE!
9:08pm Mar 9th, 2014
Well.... I was meaning Japanese. Well.... Grace it is then! (embarrassed blush)
8:44pm Mar 9th, 2014
Or police in English. C: Yes I know what it means.
8:10pm Mar 9th, 2014
8:09pm Mar 9th, 2014
Felix? Felix is a name of one of the kids I'm friends with at school. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.(: So...How about....
8:09pm Mar 9th, 2014
.... I do not know what to call you. I: Give me some options. C:
7:53pm Mar 9th, 2014
YEAH! Friendship. By the way if you did not know. My name is Alexzandria but you may call me Ally or Alex or any other name you want. C:
7:47pm Mar 9th, 2014
But Seriously you are the greatest demon/angel I have ever met! C:
7:34pm Mar 9th, 2014
AAAHHH! I LOVE YOU! No really I really needed that! XD
7:21pm Mar 9th, 2014
SURE! I would love to see my friends work! I'm an artist myself but I don't really mention it. I do things similer to Jaymes Gurney and the new walking with dinosaurs film and Dinosaur king.
4:59pm Mar 9th, 2014
I really look foreword to reading it then. :D
4:43pm Mar 9th, 2014
Oh similer to ghost rider? The angel of justice turned to revenge?
4:34pm Mar 9th, 2014
I also love your ninja theme. I had a gym class last month and we had to act like them. I pretty much was the queen of the castle then. :)
3:13pm Mar 9th, 2014
That is understandable I haven't been doing well myself. But it is nice to be able to talk to you. I really hope you get better soon. :/
2:51pm Mar 9th, 2014
You want to talk or are you all set?
1:14pm Mar 9th, 2014
Hello :)
11:49am Mar 9th, 2014
Said I would drop by if I could, though I don't know how long I can be on ^^
7:04pm Mar 8th, 2014
should be on in 10 to 20 if you're up for talking :)
9:17pm Mar 7th, 2014
Sorta ^
8:59pm Mar 5th, 2014
lol just some leftovers from a relationship that crashed on me I guess :P
8:25pm Mar 5th, 2014
Hello :)
10:26pm Mar 4th, 2014
I know you will lol
10:05am Mar 2nd, 2014
I'd forgotten about that xDD
7:04pm Mar 1st, 2014
7:00pm Mar 1st, 2014
Hope to talk to you soon :) And thank you. I hope you feel better ^
6:58pm Mar 1st, 2014
I was able to get the chat room to work, are you on for a bit?
6:53pm Mar 1st, 2014
*hugs back* Did my character description give you enough to work with?
6:28pm Mar 1st, 2014
I can understand that more than anything. :) Best thing to do is let whatever it is go and accept it; but only when your ready to. It took me sometime to feel ready. :)
6:22pm Mar 1st, 2014
I hope you feel better soon. :)
5:16pm Mar 1st, 2014
Thanks. :) I've missed 3 days of school already and I'm on antibiotics now so I hope they work.
8:24pm Feb 27th, 2014
Ok. :)
7:04pm Feb 24th, 2014
Aw, I wanted to swap friend codes. :(
6:59pm Feb 24th, 2014
Hey satsu, you have pokemon x/y right?
6:55pm Feb 24th, 2014
I deal with that every day, so yeah I understand.
12:59pm Feb 22nd, 2014
No, nothing much. xP Boring here. You?
10:55pm Feb 21st, 2014
*hugs* Hey, whats up? Not talked to you in a while. :)
4:36pm Feb 21st, 2014
10:26am Feb 16th, 2014
Hello :)
8:29pm Feb 7th, 2014
Hope you're ok..and feel better soon.
4:18pm Jan 17th, 2014
hey :)
2:20pm Jan 15th, 2014
Yesssssssss. How many millions of moneies did you want for that btw? Because, if I paid you already for the tag, I didn't pay nearly enough ,lol
11:14am Jan 14th, 2014
Ohmygod. D: I love you. Somuch right now.
11:11am Jan 14th, 2014
:D TY! Did you want to link me?
11:09am Jan 14th, 2014
Thanks! :D I'm still holding your scale. :3
5:43pm Jan 13th, 2014
The carnos are fine, don't worry. :)
5:27pm Jan 13th, 2014
I gtg. :( I may be on later though
4:38pm Jan 13th, 2014
I can give you a finnekin or Chespin/ :)
4:28pm Jan 13th, 2014
lol. What starters did you go with? I got froakie and bulbasaur
4:07pm Jan 13th, 2014
ok. ^^ Hopefully, I'll still be on then xD Is there anything from Y you need?
3:40pm Jan 13th, 2014
lolz, didn't even notice xDD Are you able to do internet right now? *Wantz you as a friend on my pokemon*
3:37pm Jan 13th, 2014
I know right!?!? And the day before my b-day! xD What are the chances?
3:30pm Jan 13th, 2014
OMG. EX has come a LONG way. XD Thanx for the Utah pic. :)
2:04pm Jan 13th, 2014
Wow, so you're an OG: Original Gamer. What was like when Allosaurus & Megaraptor were, uh, fugly? XD
10:57am Jan 13th, 2014
O.O I got a Japanese Xerneas that was infected with pokerus today...
8:41pm Jan 12th, 2014
Alright! He'll get what's coming at him, for sure!
8:38pm Jan 12th, 2014
D: Oh wow. I'm sorry I can't sound any more sympathetic across the internet, but really, I hope things turn out. You go and get!
8:34pm Jan 12th, 2014
Helleruo, helloreo! 83 I've been completely occupied since forever from EX, so it's wonderful to see you all again! <3 And well, I suppose?
8:27pm Jan 12th, 2014
Yeah. And got a great view out here in the boondocks. New #, huh? ;)
10:32pm Jan 10th, 2014
That ticked me off soo much
10:15pm Jan 10th, 2014
All's well here. If I quit posting replies, it's not rudeness. Bad storm tonight. *shakes fist at HughesNet dish*
10:00pm Jan 10th, 2014
How YOO during? Hope the hoidays were good to you. :)
9:51pm Jan 10th, 2014
What is your team?
9:44pm Jan 10th, 2014
k, I'll try to get on here then
9:44pm Jan 10th, 2014
Let me know if you can
9:42pm Jan 10th, 2014
Rofl. Want to become friends on there? I can connect to the internet and we can by 3ds buddies!
9:40pm Jan 10th, 2014
Do you have X or Y?
9:37pm Jan 10th, 2014
Good and addicted to pokemon Y xD Fighting the urge to play it and be on here instead.
9:34pm Jan 10th, 2014
*hugs* You have captured the wild nightly! Whats up?
9:32pm Jan 10th, 2014
sup sup Felix * hugs*
3:18pm Jan 10th, 2014
Oh. . . I didn't notice lol sorry
1:18am Jan 10th, 2014
Nice farm ya got here! :)
1:04am Jan 10th, 2014
That's good *hugs back*
5:16pm Jan 9th, 2014
I've got some fairly large exams in school in a few weeks and my computer has been acting odd every now and again but overall not bad. How have you been? :)
4:32pm Jan 9th, 2014
Oh hello! :D
4:14pm Jan 9th, 2014
Thank you so much! I will definitely ask!
6:25pm Jan 7th, 2014
Thank you!!! You are incredible!!
4:43pm Jan 7th, 2014
Thank you!!! ;w; Now I just need a theme for carno Grims!
4:41pm Jan 7th, 2014
:O!!! C-carno...! Did you just make her??
4:38pm Jan 7th, 2014
8:21pm Jan 6th, 2014
Hi. Thanks for the hug. I think I will be... Eventually.
1:46pm Jan 3rd, 2014
Happy New Year! :D
10:26pm Dec 31st, 2013
Merry Christmas! :D
8:14pm Dec 24th, 2013
Hey :)
3:40pm Dec 24th, 2013
Don't know how to help you xD
3:00pm Dec 23rd, 2013
I don't know. xD Anytime is good I guess. You know I'll join. ;)
1:30pm Dec 23rd, 2013
12:44pm Dec 23rd, 2013
Happy Holidays. :D *lobs snowball in a yuletide manner*
9:04pm Dec 21st, 2013
Randomness. It's how I roll
8:57pm Dec 21st, 2013
*draws forever alone face and sticks it to your head*
7:59pm Dec 21st, 2013
Mid-term testing is holding me up, sorry. Between everything, I'm finding it hard to work on art. :(
7:39pm Dec 14th, 2013
Anything I can be of any help with?
1:04am Dec 14th, 2013
You ok? I've got an ear to bend if you need to talk about anything.
10:04pm Dec 13th, 2013
4:05pm Dec 8th, 2013
4:04pm Dec 6th, 2013
Yeah, but its all good, got out of school today xD
3:55pm Dec 6th, 2013
Nah, sleet/freezing rain mostly. The only hail we're getting is small, but the power lines and trees are loaded with ice
3:44pm Dec 6th, 2013
yeah, bunch of ice coming from the sky to kill us all. >.> We're worried about power going out
3:00pm Dec 6th, 2013
good, dealing with an ice storm in my area :/
2:55pm Dec 6th, 2013
hey! whats up?
1:33pm Dec 6th, 2013
herro! you're tag is done. Here's the tag-sized version: and the large version:
10:53pm Dec 5th, 2013
*gets smacked in the face* hehe XD
6:47pm Dec 5th, 2013
XD XD XD You're falling behind in the snowball war.
6:45pm Dec 5th, 2013
its fine, we're going at our own speed xD
5:46pm Dec 5th, 2013
Cool! I'm currently RPing with an RL friend of mine on Gone, if you still think you wanna join ;D
5:34pm Dec 5th, 2013
Good to see you too. ^^ Hows it been?
5:28pm Dec 5th, 2013
Welcome back! *throws a snowball and dodges the cain*
5:24pm Dec 5th, 2013
Daw <3 Tyvm!!! *will has to get you something now*
10:04am Dec 5th, 2013
(Ty tho <333 You sure you don't want them? ;n;)
9:54am Dec 5th, 2013
Nooooooooo!!!! Dunt do nice things for 13! They don't deserve them! D:
9:53am Dec 5th, 2013
just tell me when u moving crate is empty
9:39am Dec 5th, 2013
Oh, no, I wasn't looking to buy them or anything, I was just saying they were really pretty for a species I tend not to like the color/markings on, lol. The blue-eyed Rattle and the purple Harlequin were the prettiest tho <3
9:37am Dec 5th, 2013
hey, I'm going to give you a refund for the last tag you ordered, because I didn't have time to finish it, and I will be staring a new tag set today, so it wouldn't make sense to have it be so late. Sorry about that. >.
12:27pm Dec 4th, 2013
I fixed the static around your satsu avatar which was the result of a sai glitch. :I here's the link:
1:37pm Nov 16th, 2013
Been great, missed you bunches, and yesh it has been a bit of time, but I have been on more recently, have been doing art and am thinking I might wanna set up a join me and have you and the other's help me pick some art to post on my Deviantart, I serious
12:49am Nov 16th, 2013
holy cow Felix, I did not now I did not have this account as a friend I was wondering why I have not seen you on recently even tho your right there. lol * hugs*
10:48pm Nov 15th, 2013
and here's anthroc:
12:42am Nov 15th, 2013
here's the link for jack!
12:41am Nov 15th, 2013
Y u art people have to make art?? Gawwww xD
9:06pm Nov 14th, 2013
XD the only reason im on now is the nuclear mergon xD
9:00pm Nov 14th, 2013
Im able to pop on every once in a while, mostly for about 10 to 15 mins at a time
8:56pm Nov 14th, 2013
Yeah, I don`t want to quit either, but I don`t think I`ll have a choice. I only get like an hour an a half a day of computer time, so not a lot. I`ll still see everyone on EXD II though so it`s all good. :)
8:31pm Nov 14th, 2013
That`s good, and I`m really excited for it. Can`t wait to raise herbivores as a regular dinosaur. I have way more favorites among the herbivores than the carnivores. ^^ I will probably quit EXD 1 when it opens though. For time management purposes.
8:27pm Nov 14th, 2013
going on. Glad to be back though. Anyway, getting kind of long winded here; how have you been? :)
8:24pm Nov 14th, 2013
I`ve been great, I don`t have a lot of time for computer these days though which is kind of a bummer, but as long as things stay interesting I don`t mind too much. I`ve been traveling all over lately, would have been back sooner, but there was way too muc
8:23pm Nov 14th, 2013
Hey, how`s it going? ^^ It`s been awhile hasn`t it?
8:20pm Nov 14th, 2013
Yes i can for sure :3
12:16am Nov 14th, 2013
1/5 Icons done ^^
8:18pm Nov 12th, 2013
4:24pm Nov 7th, 2013
how do you move dinosuars
4:12pm Nov 7th, 2013
hey, won't be on long. >.> I'm not supposed to be on EX right now xD
2:03pm Nov 4th, 2013
Its awesome. Posted. xD
5:09am Oct 14th, 2013
Ok :3 I will be here :F also, do you want to be the head scientist at the building? It's pretty similar to the other rp but also different. The concept is kinda the same but the everything else is different XD
7:51pm Aug 3rd, 2013
Sure :3 and I started a rp too. It's called genetic mainioulation. Now we have a good amount of rps to keep us entertained :3
5:30pm Aug 3rd, 2013
xD I watched it like, 30 mins after they posted it xDD
4:36pm Apr 26th, 2013
xD I was watching it earlier
4:30pm Apr 26th, 2013
Yeah, me to. Except, I'm cleaning up dino poo. :/
5:52pm Apr 25th, 2013
Talking to my friends during Science class! Like a boss! XD Sup Felix?
5:47pm Apr 25th, 2013
gotta go down to help some of my family move, and as much as I love them, All I can say is I ain't expectin much good quality family time out of this trip. Plus I wanted to go to Dabbles tomorrow...that ain't happening. Where leaving then.
4:18pm Apr 25th, 2013
pretty good just tired and not really looking forward to this weekend
4:12pm Apr 25th, 2013
Sinera is having an episode. xD
3:53pm Apr 25th, 2013
pretty good. :D we watched The Hunger Games in class
3:19pm Apr 25th, 2013
I'm mildly distracted xD
3:11pm Apr 25th, 2013
Lolz hiiiiiiiii~
3:10pm Apr 25th, 2013
hey whats up? :)
3:10pm Apr 25th, 2013
that threw me off/ O.o
12:44pm Apr 25th, 2013
Hey there felix!
11:58am Apr 25th, 2013
xDD Hi old Felix!
10:34am Apr 25th, 2013
Lol XD
9:10am Apr 25th, 2013
Lol, this site is only a few year old ^^ Oh and, I just realized that your account is even older than Bob`s; it must be cool having such a low number. ^^
9:04am Apr 25th, 2013
Hi, I didn`t know you had a second account, and such a low number too; tis cool. :)
8:59am Apr 25th, 2013
Hi myself xD
10:56pm Apr 24th, 2013
:P *I saw nothing!*
10:33pm Apr 24th, 2013
9:42pm Apr 24th, 2013
9:42pm Apr 24th, 2013