Simple: Do and Dont
- Have fun, enjoy yourself and remember its just a roleplay.
- Read the rules carefully, make sure you understand them, and follow them.
- Pay attention to everyone in the roleplay.
- Listen to the RP Master, they control the rp.
- Use common sense, curtsy and be polite.
- Remember that Exhibiteds rules counts also in characters.
- Give people something to respond to in a post
- Be fair, after all, no character is perfect.
Do not :
- Disregard, ignore or neglect to read the rules set by the RP Master.
- Start OOC arguments over things that happens IC.
- Harass fellow roleplayers, it makes it unpleasant for everyone.
- Use character art that isnt yours to use. This includes photographs, linking to pages etc.
- Take control over other peoples characters, or decide what happens to them in your post. This is considered rude and is known as godmodding.
- Ignore peoples posts.
- Powerplay, remember your characters can get hurt.
- IC = In Character.
- OOC = Out Of Character
- RPM = RP Master Person who made the roleplay and controls it.
- Gary/Mary Sues Characters that are perfect. Gary/Mary Sues are normally frowned upon in roleplay games. These are type of characters that are seemingly flawless, and that everyone instantly is supposed to like, they tend to know everything in advantage and can everything within moments..
We dont want certain topics or parts happening in roleplays on Exhibited, this includes but not limited to:
- Sexual roleplays, (here under all sexual conducts, in heat, hot naughty or any other form that may lead to any sexual related roleplaying, human, anthro or quad.) (Kissing and hugging is ok, but keep it at that)
- Violent roleplays, you can have battles and such, but no graphical, gory details. Keep it tasteful and at an absolute minimum.
- Profanity, keep it at a minimum and as least offensive words you can think of. Censoring the words wont matter, swearing is a no-no on Exhibited.
- Nudity, no full body nudity. Males can take tshirts off and parade barechested, females keeps bras on. No detailed, graphical descriptions and at a minimum.
If hurt in battle and removes tshirt to be bandaged, its ok. If on a beach and want to look sexy, then no.
- Illegal Substances: No drug use or anything of such nature. Alcoholuse and smoking is preferred to be kept at a minimum
Last notes:
> Above all, obey the rules of the RP and Exhibiteds Term of Service, have fun and enjoy the roleplay!
> Posts that are violating the guidelines or TOS will be deleted. Repeat offenders will receive warnings.
>If you find any posts that you think violates the guidelines or the TOS, please contact the moderators immediately.
Posted: 29/01/2011 @ 05:11 am