Take Note:
These Guidelines apply to the Chat Room, Shout Boxes, and to the Forums. They are here to make life easier for all of us, and to keep trouble to a minimum. Please make sure you understand them and keep to them.
Arguing with the Mods:- Don't do it, full stop. Mods enforce the rules and are here to keep the site happy and whatnot, so if we ask you to stop something, it is for a reason. Don't argue back, continue doing it, etc. If you do, we will have cause to warn, fine or ban you from chat, etc. Please respect what the mods tell you to do.
Chatspeak:- Chatspeak can be difficult to read and understand. It can also represent a lot of things that may not be approved. Therefore, we ask that you keep chatspeak to an absolute minimum. We wont chase after you about grammar, but please make an effort to type in a way that others will easily be able to understand you.
Caps:- Posting in all caps is not cool, guys. Please do not post in full caps, in chat and forums. This includes topic titles. "WHAT" should therefore be "what". We will ask to asking you to either edit the topic, and remind you of this rule, at least.
Color Testing:- To color test, please double click your own name in the chatroom and test in there.
Swearing/Cursing:- An absolute no-no. Language on Ex is to be kept polite and reasonable. Acronyms such as "WTF" are not acceptable, either. However, "WTH" is acceptable. Please find polite alternatives to swears.
Advertisements:- Advertisements are to be kept out of the chat room, and to the correct boards. (HOWEVER YOU MAY TAKE THIS TO PRIVATE MESSAGES IF, and ONLY if you have a prior agreement or discussing). If you wish to sell a dinosaur, post it in Dino sales. If you are selling art, in Art sales. This applies also to wanted ads, and to random "Does anyone want this dino?" However, do not advertise in chat.
You can not, and should not use private chat windows to advertise in, just as we do not want people to message people advertisements with regular message system.
Spamming:-Please refrain from "colour testing" in the chat, from double posting [if you can help it. For instance, do not refresh the page after posting a reply or topic], or general "spam". This is not acceptable, and means that mods have to run around clearing up 50 of the same topic.
Language:- Due to the fact that most of the players and mods here speak English, that is the language that we expect you to speak in. I agree that some languages are beautiful, but if we do not know what you are saying, then you could be saying anything. Therefore, please stick to the one language everyone here should know.
Correct Boards:-Please make an effort to post on the correct boards. ^^ If you're selling fish, it goes in "Advertisements", not "Dino Sales". And Art sales go on the Art Sales board, not the show off board. Bugs go to the bug board, and questions go in "Help".
Mod Boxing:- If you experience trouble in chat or on the forums, particularly to do with other players and/or violations of the ToS, please submit the problem to the Mod Box. If possible, include screenshots and explain clearly what the problem is. If you encounter suspected art theft, please do not post it on the topic. Instead, go straight to the Mod Box.
Roleplaying:- Is to be kept out of chat, please. All roleplaying should be in the "Role playing" board, since it's there for that very reason.
Thread Hijacking:- Though this isn't something we will automatically jump on you for, please do try not to post on other people's posts when advertising things.= ro even asking irrelevant [un-related] questions. It is exceedingly rude, and can cause a lot of offence and trouble. If you want to say something that has nothing to do with the curent thread, create your own topic.
Begging:- Isn't tolerated here. It can be seen as rather rude, impolite and immature. So asking for people for money, dinos, scales and items, etc, is not cool. It's perfectly easy to get them by working for it, and it doesn't take much time to become a "sucessful" player, so please guys, don't go around begging. =)
Thanks guys,
-Kitei + The rest of Staff
Posted: 19/07/2010 @ 7:18 pm Edited on 28th Apr 13 @ 1:21pm by Spotty