Exhibited does not have viruses and is not giving you any viruses.
Here is a link to a screenshot taken of an online scan that checks if sites have viruses: Screenie
Not all viruses have instant effect on your computer so if the behaviour starts happening while you are on EX playing, it is a coincidence. The majority of viruses people seem to pick up are from banner-advertisements, which you see everywhere while browsing websites. As you may have noticed, Exhibited uses the small little 'google ads' and not tons of these flashy banner ones. These being just text ads, you cannot get a virus from them.
Downloading any sort of file online that you are not 100% familiar with is always a risk. Exhibited will -never- promt you to download any sort of file, with the exclusion for the chat which requires a Java plug-in (which you are most likely to already have so may only require an update.)
You can easily defend yourself from these advertisements by installing a plug-in on your browser if available (firefox and chrome users see the links at the end of this post) You can also defend yourself from viruses, malware, spyware etc in general from having an up-to-date anti-virus on your computer and a good firewall. Here is some free software you could use (buying premium versions is optional), all of which being top-rated on various sites:
Adblock Plus -- Block advertisements on websites (For Firefox and Chrome)
AVG -- Anti-virus
Avast -- Anti-virus
Malwarebytes -- Anti-Malware
Zone Alarm -- Firewall
Comodo -- Firewall
This one is not free but highly recommended, comes with a 30 day free trial:
Eset Nod32 -- Anti-virus and Anti-spyware
NEVER have more than one anti-virus running at once. They will only conflict with each other and can make you more at risk of getting viruses. However you can have an anti-virus and a firewall, just not more than one of the same thing running at once.
Posted: 16/11/2011 @ 12:27 pm Edited on 16th Nov 11 @ 2:28pm by Clara