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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


The sun glistened against the horizon while the terror birds soared high in the sky. It was getting close for the dinosaurs to start moving, but for one particular female, she refused to leave or move at all. Remaining in the glow of the sun, Sapphira finally decided to open her eyes and notice that hte light was fading with the night thatw as coming. Lifting herself up from the ground she had been laying against, her albino eyes glanced around. Many of the creatures had already moved, and with a snort of her own, Sapphir figured she should start moving as well. Lifting her strong muscular legs, the Allosaurus began her journey alone, in search of friends and a place she can call her haven. I hope I can find this place that has been rumored to exist. Haven valley, it said to follow the setting sun and you'll be there.


Panting heavily, a red blur spread past many trees and even past a few of the other dinosaurs. When the blur finally stopped, he held in his mouth a dead baby trodon. Raising his head up to look around for a moment, glancing at the things that might've gathered around him, the Balaur continued his meal. When he was done, he moved his tongue along his lips, licking the blood stains off the best he could. Tsume moved on from his kill, leaving the bones and what little meat was left there. Taking a deep breath, his legs carried him forward, and his eyes continously glanced around. When he was satisfied enough, he stopped at a nearby lake, dipping his head down and taking a few laps of the water there. He wondered where everyone else was, and if there were any other dinosaurs left in this forest that he could use for another source of meat.

Haven Valley

The setting is beginning at a large dense forest.


It will go from the dense forest, to a scorching dessert.


From the dessert to a cold Tundra.


From there, it will go to swimming/landmasses across water


Lastly will be anothe mixed area of water, cold, and forest, and then over a rock ridge, will be Haven Valley.

The apocalypse is drawing closer to the earth, and the only way to live and conserve your species is to make it to a place that is named Haven Vally. Only there will you be safe from meteors, and the end of the world as you know it. The many species will come together, carnivores and herbivores, along with the marine dinosaurs. Just their rivals and enemies are lurking everywhere, so watch out.
I'll update the history here as the RP continues. That way we can keep track on what is going on.

1.) Be Respectful

2.) All General Rp Rules must be followed

3.) No godmodding

4.) Don't kill someone else's char unless given permission

5.) You can make two chars, if you allow them to be killed, you can make more.

6.) At least a paragraph per post, if you have two chars, around two paragraphs please.

7.) You are playing a dinosaur

8.) I will take suggestions on Species not listed

9.) Love will be involved in this so please, make one male or female, UNLESS two people wish to have a gay dino, then they can have them as their mates

10.) No excessive gore

11.) No real 'mating' you can nuzzle, give subtle roars, and tails touching, but no mating, if it is meant to happen, you can skip it

12.) Start out as an Adult

13.) This may seem unreasonable, but please don't get too far ahead if someone hasn't been on to post for a while. I don't like leaving members out. Also anyone can join in on the rp at any time, as long as they read the history and know a way their dino can join since they're traveling through areas there'll liable to be straggler dinos that join the herds.

14.) Have fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Tyrannosaurus Rex

Second RP Master

Current Characters
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