Veinte had been wandering around for days with his friend trying to find a good meal for the both of them, however, due to their...size and clumsiness. they had stumbled onto a few meager carcasses, but what would that do, to fill a hungry carnivore-a large one-stomach?
Veinte snorted peering around through the horizon. barely a tree anywhere, just sand, dirt, shrubs. no cover. He really should've picked living in the forests quite far from here than this...this...thing. Suddenly, veinte jumped, feeling his friend(another gojirasaurus, but older) nudge his and pointing to a wandering, smaller, carnivore. a strange looking one, veinte couldn't truly describe it's species, mostly because he was set to look for his own species, predators of him and his own prey. the names of the prey mattered not.
what did matter, however, was to catch this dinosaur.. So, they both stalked off as quietly as they could. amazingly enough, the carnivore was too busy feeding on some kind of herbivore to notice. looks like veinte and his friend might get a good meal...
A series of roars sounded, shocking the small carnivore back to reality, only slightly, for it was too late as veinte grabbed the carnivore and shook him until it no longer moved.
Together, the two gojirasauruses fed on the two carcasses, happy now, to be well-fed.