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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Katherine's attention flinched at the sound of shots being fired. "Did it really take him that long to kill one gaurd?" She sighed, she always got the really slow ones. She wish she had her old partner back. Noticing a trail of blood she followed its direction. It ended up leading her behind a pillar where there was some woman with a injured leg. The woman jumped and pointed her weapon at Kat and Katherine returned the favor. "Weapon down, I'm Kat, I'm here to help.we have a medic onhand to help with that injury, just wait." Katherine yelled for asai to get over there quickly. The woman was seriously hurt.

Asai kicked in the door and ran inside, only to almost trip over something big and solid. Asai quickly regained his balance and glanced over his shoulder to see what it was that had almost made him trip. To his surprise it was doctor Wessel. He wasn't just unconscious, he was dead. Then Asai noticed the other men lying scattered across the floor wearing the same equipment as him. His eyes widened. Had he failed? Had he really failed to save all those lives?

He hung his head, a dark shadow covered his face. He slowly walked into the direction of Katherine's -or like he called her: miss Hiyazaki's voice. There he found her and a badly wounded woman. His face was emotionless as he knelt down and inspected the wound, not introducing himself. It looked really bad and it seemed like it would get infected. But if he treated it properly then the infection would stay away. '' it looks bad, I need to disinfect it before I can treat the wound. It will hurt a bit'' He said

"It shouldn't hurt more than when i got originaly shot." Muttered Aly. "The other gang members probably fled already, there was quite a bunch." Aaliyah twitched slightly at the pain of the wound.

Aly didn't think help would come this fast, usualy it take hours to only get the news back to base. This probably took about two hours before they arrived. She dropped the weapon she still held.

She didn't know Kat and Asai, never heard of either of them. They were probably the only ones free or fit for the job. Aaliyah didn't really care, as long as they wern't gang members, she was fine with them.

"And don't forget that I'm piscivore!" Said Genesis after Miraj. A small deal of the pain was gone, but the deep gashes hurt badly, Gen had one on her back and a couple on her leg. The back one didn't hurt as much, but the leg ones were nearly unbearable.

Genesis wiped off the blood from her claws. It seemed to just wash away, Genesis was using some of the liquid she uses to go invisible to wash it. At the same time it made a part of her hand seemingly disapear. The liquid evaporates quickly, thats how she manages to get visible again, and also the reason she usualy apears in patches.

miraj skipped off to the lunch ladies using her charm to get extra fish for genesis. to her fish seemed like a downright disgusting meal, but who cares she wasnt eating it. back at the table shikov glanced worried at geneisis's wounds. he felt stupid for not helping sooner and didnt like seeing his friends hurt.  gensis had many gashes from the fight amd was doing her best to clean them.  trying not to show much concern in his voice but failing he questioned " are  you alright? is there anything i can do to help with your wounds?' miraj skipped happily up with the tray of fish. "the lunch ladies gave you some extra cause your hurt. lunch is over in ten minutes, the nurse can check you out then."
''Don't move'' Asai said as he took a closer look at her injury and then inspected the back of her leg. Fortunately, there was an exit wound, that meaned that the bullet wasn't still stuck in her leg. But she was still bleeding slightly, he needed to take care of that first. he put on some rubber gloves and took a pad from the first aid kit and carefully, without hurting her to much, applied some pressure on the exit wound. The exit wound was bigger than the one at the front of her leg, so that was the most important wound. Once that wound stopped bleeding he focused his attention on the one at the front. Luckily for her, the wounds didn't had any debris in them. Then he took some sterile alcohol pads from the kit. '' Gonna hurt'' He warned before he actually started to desinfect them.

Genesis looked at Shikov. "I'm.. I'm fine now." Said the level 4 specimen before tunring to Miraj. "Thanks"  She took a fish from the thray and removed the head. Genesis couldn't eat the heads, she always either chokes on it or her stomach hurts afterwards. She can swallow the rest of the fish whole, her mouth isin't made for chewing.

Gen paused. "Why did you help me anyways?" Seh asked. Usually other specimen just ignores her. The lizard's tail twitched slightly ans she swallowed another fish. Genesis was slightly confused,   no one had ever been nice to her, ever. She twitched again because of the pain.

"You were friends with miraj. Plus you were in danger, I don't need to have a reward to help people. It's my duty. Back when I was a Russian soldier it was our job to help protect the civilians, at least when I wasn't killing our enemies... People should always help each other." He looked over to genesis eating fish. Suddenly his stomach was growling like a angry velociraptor. "Excuse me." Shikov got up only to return with two trays. One for miraj and one for himself. Minaj ate strictly fruits and vegetables while shikov was a ravenous carnivore. "This is much better then the sludge they gave us on level five." Shikov started Tearing into the raw steak with his incredibly sharp teeth. They were more pointed then a average human, but you wouldn't notice unless he smiled. Finishing his meal the guards started to round up some other specimens. Miraj chimed in "we need to get genesis to the nurse. I'll go ask one of the guards."
"We'll it looks like you'll live. Which is good, we need all the help we can get with these gangs popping up. I will go get the jeep and bring it around front so you have a shorter distance to travel. I'm sure Asai can patch you up. Apparently he has good medical experience." Katherine walked off in the jeeps direction. She had a nagging feeling about it. She really wished she hadn't left it there... And she instantly regretted leaving it unguarded when she saw it had been stripped clean. Letting out a string of curses she was sure were loud enough the deaf could probably hear she marched over to inspect the vehicle. They had taken any metal they could get their Hands on fast enough and even stole the fuel tanks. She had to admit, these thugs were good at stealin stuff quick. They hadn't even heard or noticed them stripping the metal off it. Certain parts and materials were high price on the black market, fuel and parts were one of them. Walking back to the two with a obvious scowl on her face she spat out her words "some thugs stripped our jeep clean. There is no way possible we are gonna be able to drive it. So we are gonna have get back to camp on foot, and the sun is setting. Either we try to barrel our way through the border and not get mugged in the process , or we set up a small camp somewhere near here and wait till back up arrives. I opt for option two."

"I doubt i can walk very long, and if i do walk i can't go too fast witout it hurting much..." Said Aly.  "Even desinfected, it's bound to hurt." She flinched due to the pain.

There was no way they could get back to base before nightfall, and Aly wasn't a big fan of getting shot down again by gang members. The best choice would probably be to wait for back up. Probably. In both cases they risk being found by gang members.

"Your choice" Said Aaliyah. She wasn't sure what to do. She twitched slightly to the pain again. .

Asai listened to their conversation while carefully bandaging the wounded woman's leg. It was a shot wound, so luckily for he didn't had to stitch it. It had to stay open to heal, stiching it would only make it worse.

His expresion was still that between emotionless and depressed, The loss of those lives had him beaten down. He might return back to his old self when it had sunken a bit, but for now he remained distant and silent, only speaking in short sentences.

'' I vote option two'' He said, seeing that as the safest one. If he was alone, he would have chosen for option one, but now he had two people in his presence and he didn't wanted to expose them to any sort danger.

He finished bandaging and stood up. ''If we get back, you'll might need some antibiotics'' He started packing the kit. '' The surface of your wound is disinfected, but I doubt that the bullet was'' 

"its settled then. well stay here for the night. lets set up a camp on the next floor. we are going to have to get you up the stairs somehow too..." looking around the room kat spotted a large flat sheet of metal. "we can lay you on the sheet and use it like a stretcher. but first im going to go scout out teh next floor. just to make sure its safe."

walking up the old and worn stairs katherine shined her pocket flashlight around the room. several rats scurried away and dust settled on the floor. "its not the nicest place but it will have to do..."

walking back down the stairs she called to asai. "yo Sai! lets get Aly on the stretcher and go upstairs. the rooms clear so lets get up there before the suns is all the way down. it would be a good idea to cover the stairs afterward as well incase some gangs come snooping around."

"I'm probably going to get treated like a vermin..." Muttered Genesis, she knew she wasn't a favorite amongts the humans, unlike Miraj. She scratched her head a bit. "I wish there was a way to break out of here..." She hissed, not too loud. This place was a jail, the only time they were allowed out of their cells was during lunch and breakfeast. It's rediculous, they are all just some kind of military experiments, probably all going to get killed by the very humans that created them. Genesis swished her tail aggressively for no perticular reason. . .

Genetic Manipulation

North city: north city is possibly the worst place on North America. The population is small but those who live there are adept at stealing and killing. The chance of getting the cancer from the polluted air is almost 100% even with a gas mask. Gangs control the entire area and are more dangerous then any health risk. The entire city is full of broken and worn down abandoned buildings often filled with the last survivors.

South city: south city is considerably nicer then north city. It is controlled by the local police. Medicine is routinely shipped in by helicopter. The gangs from north city constantly try to raid this border stops for any medical supplies as well as ammunition. The people in south city try to help people in need and are generally nice. The government has set up the city as a rest stop for soldiers. The north and south city residents are constantly clashing for ownership of their supplies.

Capitol city : Capitol city is the best place you could possibly be in this barren waste land. Though the city is closed off to anyone who is not a important wealthy figure. The president and many important politicians live there. The city is domed off and the air is filtered. The risk of getting the cancer is very low, but still possible there. There are armed hairdos in every corner of the city and no ordinary person is allowed in.

Gene Corporation building (GCB) : the GCB is where all of the test subjects are held. The building is made of five levels,all of them underground. The building is located under North city very close to the border of South city. Each level holds its own experiments and officials. The deeper down, the more dangerous.

Level 1: level one holds no experiments, but rather its a giant office/checkpoint/inventory. All supplied are held in the inventory room and the guards and higher ranking officials live and sleep here. The head of security and the companies secretary are often found here, as well as the scientists.

Level 2: the very low level threat specimens are help here. The ones on this level are often under qualified for warfare but have a excellent generic code. The level is divided into 50 sectors with holding cells and one laboratory.

Level 3: these specimens are a hover level threat then the level 2 specimens, and are capable of fighting if need to. They are often not the best fighters, and don't have the best genetics, but are rather a average. This level also contains 50 sectors with holding cells and a lab.

Level 4: the experiments on this level are considered high threats. They are monitored closely and have restricted access to other floors and their current level. There are only 30 sectors and the holding cells are better equipped to hold the more dangerous residents. Not only does it have 2 labs but it is also the floor with the cafeteria. Every day during the morning and afternoon the specimens from all levels but level 5 are marched into the cafeteria to eat. Breakfeast and lunch lasts a half hour and is the only real mingling time.

Level 5 : the top and most dangerous threats are held here. The specimens on this level are often called monsters, and some of them are. Only half of them are sentient. They are caged and restricted with high level security. They have never seen anything outside of their level. They are fed by having tasteless shoved to them 2 a day. They taste so bad because the food is all chemicals and steroids. The laboratory they have is the main lab with all of the best supplies. All tests preformed are directed by the head scientist. Though the tests are more often know as torture... All patients are battle ready, though sometimes mutations occur from the extreme genetic warping.


The year is 2067. The humans have polluted the earth and the air is toxic. People are constantly during from a unknown cancer that has already wiped out half of the human population. The streets are violent and crimes are not uncommon. Deep within a under ground government facility specimens are being bred and biologically engineered. The president of the United States is concerned with her daughters health. After contracting the unknown cancer he demanded a research program be led to search for a cure. Scientists have been working hard to create a hybrid humanoid with the correct DNA to counteract the cancer. The government refused to fund it unless the hybrids proved of more use then just a cure. The head of defense also took part in the commission and request they also be battle ready. The agency creating the hybrids was titled Gene Co.

Gene Co is currently working on creating a elite group of hybrids also capable of providing the correct genetics for the unknown cancer. Unfortunately splitting genes is very complicated and unwanted creatures are sometimes created. when the process is finished not all of the experiments are sentient.

You have been in this place your whole life, or at least whatever you remember. Tests are conducted regularly and you don't get to socialize often. The president and his cohorts have been pushing harder and harder for the perfect genetic code. More and more monsters have been created and shipped down to level 5. People are getting tense and the violence in the building has been rising. A small rumor has been started on level 4 about breaking out. Everyone knows that's near impossible, but one of the longest living specimens has been making his plan for years. Many are starting to believe he may actually be able to help then escape. Even though they have no idea what's beyond the walls of the building. It's up to you smirk decide if you want to be in ok the game. Just avoid the security if you do.

These rules are important in regards to creating your character. I'm going to be especially picky with this.

Rule 1: there can only be 5 level 5 characters made. I don't want tons of these guys running around. And if you do create a level 5 character it will have to interact differently then the others. Because remember, they are very closely guarded.

Rule 2: don't overpower you character! Your character is limited to 3 abilities. A main ability, a secondary ability, and a special ability. The main and secondary abilities can be like super powers, the same goes with special abilities but they are often more powerful or unique.

Rule 3: try to keep their abilities well rounded. Try to keep then focused around something. Don't go giving them powers that have nothing to do with each other.

Rule 4: they don't have to be good at offense. Level 2 specimens are just fine. They may not be good at attacking, and that's ok, better genetics is going to be very important. They can also have abilities to heal or something unique that doesn't revolve around violence . The opposite is ok to, but for higher levels.

Rule 5: if your going to create a higher ranking official please talk to me. Regular guards are fine, but anything higher then that are key in the plot.

Rule 6: make sure to include weaknesses with your characters. If they have a certain ability to fly or shoot flames or something like that make sure you limit it somehow. Like only being able to use it for a certain point of time.

Rule 7: the specimens are genetically fused and altered with animals and other things. They can have a different appearance, they don't even have to look anything like humans. But please try to keep them somewhat humanoid. You could have a animal based character if you want, but I don't want 20 cats,dogs, and dragons all running around XD

Rule 8: the basic EX roleplaying rules. Respect others. Keep any cursing to the bare minimum. No nudity or overly explicit content.

Rule 9: Have fun :D I'm more then willing to talk to you in the ooc chat about the plot, or you can PM about any questions you have.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Head officer
Human gang member
Level 1 officer
Level 2 specimen
Level 3 specimen
Level 4 specimen
Level 5 soldier
Level 5 specimen
Security guard

Second RP Master

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