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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Errala had woken up to the smell of meat. This type of meat smelled so familiar to her, yet she couldn't remember why. She crawled out from the pile of trash to see steak lying on the ground. She hadn't had steak in years, she had almost forgotten it's smell. She looked up at Gunther and tilted her head confused. Why would he get her steak? Not that she could complain at all. She cautiously approached the steak, she stopped just inches from it and looked up at Gunther, figuring he wanted something for her, "What do you want?," she asked. For steak she'd do almost anything.

Grendile was reading some newspaper he had found earlier, it was the only thing he had to read. He looked up when Gunther had came back into the room. Alcohol, this was no suprise at all. He decided to keep quiet, as he had gone sweeping earlier, which he hardly ever did. He went back to reading the newspaper to occupy himself. He hadn't noticed Gunther leave the room while he was reading.

Piper narrowed her eyes at the man. She knew that he obviously wanted to kill her and take her money. She was still on the wall of the building so her only options were to either climb to the top, or drop down and run, risking an injury.

She suddenly had an idea. She muttered a spell under her breath and a huge wall of fire sprung up abruptly from the ground, separating him from her. She decided to drop down and run away, but she landed on her foot wrong and managed to hurt her ankle. She ran away as fast as her injury would allow her. She made her way to the closest inn so she could potentially get some rest. She hoped she had lost the sweeper man.

Nekasni was momentarily confused; she was the one with a gun against his head, correct? Had he forgotten who was the hostage here?  Well, whatever.  She supposed that he was just easily distracted, (like a toddler or something.  Toddlers were like that, right?) and made a mental note to keep the witty one-liners more direct in the future, in case she had to hunt someone like this worthless shmuck down again. Nekasni wondered how you could tell the poo-brains apart from the rest of society.

"Alright! Um, okay. That's fine; I still have this gun against your head. Soooo, I'll just pull the trigger now, I guess."

And she did.

Gunther smiled crookedly. He reached out to push the steak a little closer to Errala. "It's all yours if you can tell me what happened to Grendile. How did he die? Why is he following me around? He never specifically told me these things." He sat on the pavement, arms crossed. "I might even be able to get you more steaks if you tell me everything truthfully."

Iason cursed loudly as the wall of flames appeared. He fell back. Lil stood over him and barked at the flames, her ears flattened to her head. Iason glared against the heat and the brightness of the flames and covered his face. Soon, they were gone, but the girl was gone too. That frustrated him more.

Lothar grimaced. The click of the trigger sent him into a sort of trance. The prospect of death wasn't unfamiliar to him. Many times he faced an experience of closeness to death, so panic was the last emotion he felt. There was no bullet, no death. He opened his eyes. He was still alive. He glared at the lizard-human, who was looking at the gun to see why it didn't shoot.

Getting her bounty wasn't important to him anymore.

He reached out and clipped the creature's jaw. Using the opportunity, Lothar fled. He didn't go anywhere in particular, he just needed somewhere to run from the loan shark in case if she gained chase.

All she had to do is tell him that? That was simple! "He's fallowing you because your Mother asked him to. She wants him to watch over you and help you with your career." She thought for a moment trying to remember how Grendile died, after a few minutes of thinking she answered quickly, eager to have steak, "A book fell on his head from a high shelf and killed him, he's always lying about it though." After that Errala ran for the steak, sinking her teeth into the red meat.

Oscar was tired after flying for hours. He swooped into Gunther's apartment, as the window was open. He stood in front of Grendile, "Hello Grendile." Grendile looked to see Oscar, he didn't mind him being in the appartment. For Oscar, Grendile often made exceptions to the no pet rule, "You can sleep in the closet." Oscar didnt have fur or hair, which would make it difficult for anyone to tell there had been an animal here. Grendile noticed Gunther's absence, he was quick to search the appartment, there was no sign of him. Where could he have gone? "Actually Oscar, could you go find Gunther for me?"

Oscar was tired, but he didn't want to frustrate his master. "Yes master," Oscar took off, searching nearby for Gunther.

When, the gun didn't shoot, Nekasni turned it to the side, and glanced at it with an expresion which, if on a less unreadable face, would be one that was rather perplexed.  It was then that she felt a fist come in contact with the underside of her head.  Immediately following a mild hiss, she pulled a white cell-phone from a coat pocket.

"Hansen.  We've got a runner."

"No, it doesn't matter- I just want you to get those wanted signs down."

"And have whoever bought this sack-of-(oh no, Nekasni!  We don't use that kind of word on a site like Exhibited.  You should have known better) gun dragged behind the building and shot."

The words were spoken in the middle of a vast crowd.  But it didn't really matter- They were not really spoken; Rather, the phone, pressed against her neck, had picked up a myriad of vibrations amidst silent mouthing and turned it into speech.  

Oscar flew around the building a few times before he had found Gunther by the sound of his laughter. Errala must've told him something as she was the only one there with him. They both seemed perfectly fine though, he'd go back and tell Grendile there was nothing to worry about.

Before he could leave he heard the screech of metal. Oscar flew around, trying to find the source of the metallic sounds. He stopped at the source, a very human-like robot. He noticed it's weapon. It didn't seem hostile but he couldn't be certain, he should warn Gunther. He quickly flew back to Gunther, who was recovering from laughing so hard. "Gunther! There's a robot! We need to go!" Gunther wouldn't listen to him, why wouldn't he listen?

Errala only faintly heard Oscar through her gorging on steak. Robots were so common now. They weren't a threat.

The New Days in the Life of a Sweeper
The continent of Carnon. It is a large land mass, with many differen climates and it features many odd species of animal. Humans occupy the large cities and the small towns, and most of them know to avoid the wilderness of the country.

The other continents are Sharquee- a place known for its royalty and manners, and the other an unexplored desert continent.

Carnon City is the capital of Carnon, where the government is stationed. The wealthy live here, and if you are someone worthy of talking about, you probably live here.

South Banks Megalopolis is the main station of sweepers. Here, the headquarters lies and the most famous paying stations are located. This city is teeming with sweepers, and most of everyone who lives here has ties with the sweeper organization.

Kolnco is named "gem of the Coast". Here, fishing is a profitable occupation. It's a beautiful place, and ever since the enlightenment of technology, it has been a popular tourist attraction. The beaches are ignored and polluted anymore- but who cares about water and sand anyways?

Capricorn is a mysterious town stationed in the misty Mountains of War. Here, the famous underground caverns exist, and are now a trade road to connect this city with the others. It grew a bit in size since the fall of Sinew, but it is still a place where not many plan to travel to.

Mariola is a small pleasant town. It's a peaceful place, and many have moved here to start families. It's located on the plains. Here, farms are successful. Without this town, the rest of the country could starve.

After the fall of Sinew, it was noted how important sweepers were to Carnon's existence. Since then, they have been revered as the new law enforcement; which made being a sweeper profitable and eventful. Sweepers were treated grandly by the citizens of the country, and, no matter where you were, you would see one or two sweepers patrolling the streets. The cities grew larger and wealthier because of the rebirth of the government. Carnon's government grew aware of the benefits that came from sweepers, and so a political party was soon formed to defend the sweepers and to keep them going. The people thought this was brilliant, and soon the pro-sweeper party grew famous and popular among the citizens. However, it has its deeper secrets.

Around the time the pro-sweeper party came into power, pledging that the police should be erased all together so that sweepers may defend the country; a new organization was founded. It was ignored for a while, and during that time, it started to build an army of police drones. It was planned that Carnon shall become dependant on sweepers, and, once it was babied by the bounty hunters, the police drones would be sent out. They would cause the sweepers to go extinct, and, once that happened- the pro-sweeper party would have to come into major power to defend the country from falling into another collapse.

And, thus, a new enemy is being forged to play against the ever-growing mass of sweepers.


70 years ago, back when Sinew was still in power, two groups of enemy sweepers sought out to find and kill the evil Criminal Lord. They finally learned to settle their differences and brought down Sinew together, causing a long era of peace after that.


Basically, the same rules as the other two sweeper roleplays.

1. There's an unlimited character amount, but please make sure to keep them all active!

2. Listen to Fea and myself respectively, since we are the rulers of this roleplay.

3. Keep gore to a minimum. Blood is allowed, but don't get too graphic! We need to keep this PG.

4. Romance is allowed, but only kissing and hugging! Remember, PG rating!

5. Profanity is a no-no. 

6. Be literate! Proper grammar and spelling is a must! Use spell-check if you're not confident with yourself!

7. Mary/Gary-sues aren't tolerated, and we will notify you if your character is like that. If you don't fix it, sorry, but they're going to be killed off. No god-modding or power-playing! Your characters are yours and no one else's!

8. DO NOT kill someone else's characters unless they allow you to!

9. Be realistic! Sure, there's mythical species and magic, and now lots of sci-fi, but your characters are still mortal and can get injured. They also have limits to their abilities. (Also they may or may not have to eat at some point :3)

10. Also, please keep the characters mainly human/humanoid. I know there are wolves and whatnot in the joinable species, but we don't want to be overpopulated by wolves. This is not a mainly animal RP!!

11: Please put a 150 word post sample in your character's other information box if you have not RPed with us before. We would like to evaluate your style. This will help make the rp experience better for all of us :3

12: If we find you disobeying any of these rules, being rude to the RP Masters/other RPers, etc. Fea will not hesitate to punch you in the face :D Thank you!

13: HAVE FUN!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Neutral Human

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

Current Characters
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