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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

The hot sun hung just above the once green and lush forest; now it was drying up. the once green leaves now held a copper color to a yellowish as the leaves now also proved to start perishing. The trees now were mostly barren of their once lush and green leaves, leaving little to nothing for those that fed off of the leaves to survive next to nothing. The river and streams that once ran through the forest were turning into nothing more then a mud pit, a death sentence for some if one got stuck in the mud in order to try to get a drink usually didn't have much successes in getting out alive, most died of exhausted before the threat of dying of thirst set in or it easily was a combination of both. Never the less the herbivorous had readily taken notice of the sudden shortage of food of which was getting smaller by the day. some herds aggressively guarded what they could of an area, normally when one or more ventured into the area things got fairly nasty for both sides. Injuries were uncommon along with a death here or there, it was just causing far too much tensions for the herds and putting their alliances with one another under a heavy strain.

Now however, the herds were gathering in a clearing next to a now muddy and dried cracked lake. Nothing was left of what was once a bountiful source of water. That wasn't on the discussion between the herbivorous but the herds were quite riled up that fine day, why, it was hard to well. Yet if one got close enough they could catch onto what they were saying. The leaders called for silence so they could speak again; they were planning on migrating onto new nesting grounds for this place was no longer suitable. Yet a few herds didn't want to leave their birth home, they would rather stay and though out the drought that has struck the conifer forest. They were all arguing about it and quite loudly so, they were if anything waking any that happened to be sleeping that early fine morning.

Even the skilled hunter named Isirith wasn't immune to their loud bickering. With a groan the raptor rose from her nest, yawning widely as she stretched. Now with everything in order she made her way towards the gathering herds curiously, easily she got close enough to hear what they were talking about before moving away and picking a shaded spot to stand; so they were planning on migrating? That quite meant a change in scenery and a long hard travel undoubtedly to new lands, oh it was quite fine by her, not being in a pack her self she was use to traveling far distances if needed, she had first experienced this at a very young age, as soon as she was able to walk but a few days after they were forced to follow the herds to their nesting grounds. Perhaps, this would be a rip time to start a pack of any gathering raptors such as her self? It was about time she did, for that season was just right around the corner for most carnivorous species, including the herbivorous meaning the sole reason for moving, with little food and no water; the hatchings wouldn't even survive the first few days out side of the egg shell.
*  Her restless and lonely self rose to the beating of the area's very sudden rumbling as the herd's gathered. Her head looked forward and quivered slightly at the sun's sudden glaring grip, her eyes narrowed and she shook herself in entirety to waken further. The rough patch of bush like needles she had chosen to slumber under had hidden a small stash of leafy like blade's underneath, of which she was sure other species had missed out on and she was not shy to help herself. She held her head up and saw the herd's increased growth in not only size but as well as diverseness, she felt the sense of change was coming and you either survived or perished if you where not capable of catching on to such. Her eyes now wide , as the thought of this made her suddenly uneasy, any herd gathering of this size was sure to attract a noticeable amount of unwanted activity from some very much unwanted clans. *

Nightmare sniffed a festering mud puddle in search of water. She was careful to keep her feet out of the muck to avoid getting stuck. There is nothing here...She twisted on the spot and leaped onto some rocks in order to get a better vantage point. Herbivores closest to her shuffled warily, her scaled standing out against the dull background.

Silently, Nightmare listened to the leaders of the herds drone on about food shortage, the lack of water, dyeing herd members, migration... Migration? Paying close attention to this, Nightmare wondered what would come of this. Migration could be life or death for these creatures... and these creature are the life and death for me. A change in scenery would be nice, and to learn something new...

Nightmare bobbed her head at the thought, causing a few herd members to shift away from her. Migration... yes. Migration was the answer, and Nightmare welcomed it.

Vathek plunged his nose into a puddle, keeping his eyes closed to avoid getting the disgusting water in them. He pulled back, gulping down the scarce mouthfuls he had snatched and shuddering as the mud oozed down his throat. Ugh! he thought, opening his eyes.

Shame and embarrassment welled up within him as he eyed his reflection. His many scars often reminded him of the terrible time when his parents...his parents... they had...

Vathek shoved his head back into the muddy puddle, banishing all thoughts from his mind with the wet sensation. Lifting his head once more, he shook himself and trotted off. His stomach yowled its annoyance at him, reminding him again of the absence of food in the dying forest.

"I'm going to have to migrate again," he rumbled aloud, "following the food." Vathek has roamed across the planet, never becoming attached to one place. His heart, he claims, hasn't found its home yet.

Mark of the Conifer

The plot has a good part in it, but.

A vast conifer forest rest next to an even bigger desert which has been said to stretch for miles into the unknown and unexplored territories.

The more the lands are explored, the more that will be added to this.


Based off of: This comic. Which is by Droemar, All credit goes to them. >3

The forest are going dry, rivers and streams that once flowed through the green and lush forest are starting to dry up. The herds are starting to gather for a big migration, leaving the drying forest. The desert beyoned the horizen dosen't look promising. Will they find a suitable place to live until the drought passes, or will they stay and brave the dry season?


Clans & Herds:


Currently Unknown.

No historty :3.

Basic Role-Playing Rules.

1# No fighting or arguing.

2# Keep Ic (In character) Out of Occ (Out of character)

3# No Powerplaying, deffiently a no-go.

4# Keep it PG13, if things' get out of hand, I'll ask you to calm things a bit via pm.

5# Only three Albertosaurus maybe played by players. Seeing we are more focused on smaller raptors, those will be more common then the larger predators.

6# A useful tool to use.

7# Generally there is no posting rule, however give the other people a chance to post. If they do not do so in three days time; skip them and continue with the Role-Play. Yes, posters will be messaged to let them know that they need to post.

8# No killing Player's characters' without their consent. They have to ask via Occ chat or over Pn's. However, such will need to be relied to me, so I don't make a mistake and message the other player saying they cnanot do this or that.

9# You can only 'attempt' or 'try.' to harm someone elses character. You wouldn't like it, if I had my character suddenly rip your character's throat out, now would you? Didn't think so. So play fairly. Don't mean to sound harsh, but seen this way too many times.

10# You can have up to three characters on here, later on this very well may go up depending on how active people are with their second or third character.

11# Herbaviours and Predtaors do not mix nor do they talk to eachother; although they can understand one another easily enough. They hold a hatered for one another, blaming one or the other for the sudden drought that has struck the confier forest.

Semi-Posting Order.

Word Minimum
150 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master

Current Characters
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