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A loud crash came from above as Jane made her way through the Floors. The sound came again and Jane laid back her ears. 'Annoying, just annoying,' she thought, 'Why must demons be so loud? Better yet why must they take up resisdence on the Floor above mine? 'Her lips curled up in a wolfy grin. She could fix that in a snap. She trotted through the roots that had made the Floor seem like a giant siderweb. Mid-stride she stopped, and lifted her muzzle. She took and long breath, taking in all the familliar smells of her Floor. A new scent filled her lungs. Someone was there.

Sola sat in a cave, her chest fluffed in that proud manner that makes everyone angry, but none of the emotion was in her eyes. She listened to the mourning of friends and family of one of the demons on her level. The keepers, as Sola liked to call them, had taken yet another away today.

Above, there was a screeching of avian creatures, bellow, the angry howls of werewolves. Insensitive creatures. Always think of themselves, not for the ones who just lost their loved ones. Especially those mutts... But none of this showed on her face. Sola held her self unmoving, ever present. Do not show emotion, that is how others take advantage and bring you to your knees. I will never let anyone crush me again.

Here, keeping her cool nonchalance, Sola lay down, and listened to the cries of other demons.

Katia heard the wailing and knew they had taken someone--she had heard grieving demons several times before during her time in this prison. She suppressed a slight feeling of sympathy, telling herself it wouldn't help the demons or their doomed friend if she felt for them.

Leaning against a wall of the Floor she was on and had been on for at least a week, she blocked out the howling and resumed exploring the wall for cracks, a hole, anything. There had been nothing so far, but that didn't mean there wouldn't be anything.

Why so optimistic? You know there won't be anything... like usual. Give it up already.

"Do I have something better to do?" she grumbled to herself. Finding a way out had been her goal for almost all of the twelve years she had been there. She had come close several times already, but in the end had failed.

Like you will this time...

So much for optimism.

Cassian hissed as the ceening of the other 'creatures' in this hell hole. Pacing back and forth he felt himself grow weaker. The last time he had been given something to feed on was two days ago. Or at least he thought it was two days since he had no window to tell. He grumbled to himself, hunger making his mood darken. When will they decide to feed him next? Or maybe an employee will walk by and fall for his charm, letting him drink from their wrist or something. It had become a skill since he had been taken, although he had inherited his good looks from his parents.
Riley sat on t he floor of his cell, cross- legged and meditated, trying to control the overwhelming sense of sadness the wailing of the demons were causing him to feel. Slowly his breathing came in and out but the wailing didn't help his concentration. Soon he felt his skin ripple with the familiar sign that he was shifting. Into what, he didn't know. All he knew was that one minute he was sitting as a human and the next he was howling as a wolf, mourning with the sorrowful mood in the asylum. It would be awhile before he could control his emotions enough to turn back

Memories... people had always told Sola that she would remember the good times, but she had grown to know this was a lie. Her eyes slowly drifted close as she relived those horrible moments.

A young demon, around 5 years old, stood in a wooden grove, rain tumbling through the trees and lightning flashing in her luminescent green eyes. Her white angle-wings flaped against the wind, to small and to young to be of any use. "MOMMY! DADDY!" she screamed into the night, the wind tearing the words from her throat...

The memory faded, becoming one of the next morning, dew still on the grass. An elderly woman came up to the small tiger-like demon, scooping her up. "Shh little one... where are your parents? I will take care of you... shh... shhh..." and the kitten willingly buried its head into the women's soft blouse.

Again, the memory faded and changed, becmeing one of a much leter date, around Sola's 15th birthday. The teenage cat walked through the trees, traveling the path she clearly knew from heart. The cat carried herself in a manner that said she was the boss, and no one would stop her. When she came to the house, she let herserlf in, but was met at the door by the same elderly woman.

"Begone! You don't belong here anymore shoo, get, get!" The woman yelled. Confused, Sola turned and sprinted back the way she came, behind her the woman yelling angrily as if she had never before see the cat.

Finally, the last and most pianful memory came. Sola was about 17, wandering the streets of a town. A loud flapping sound came from above, and female winged serpent landed, feathers and scales cascading around her. "You know, its not same to travle by foot."

"Why do you care?"

"My family left me, and I thought I might be kinder to someone. My name is Flame."

"Flame? Isn't that a dragon name?" Sola asked, confused.

"Yeah... but I changed it."

So the became friends, and were like Siamese twins, never apart. The split up only when they came close to being caught, would lie undercover for a week, then get back together. After such a week, Sola moved to their meeting spot when she received the signal, a rainbow feather near her den, to meet with her friend. When she got there, she was ambushed and taken while Flame watched. "How could you do this?" Sola screaamed.

"They caught me, but I told them I would help them catch other creatures. ou can do the same!"

A snarl left Sola's lips. "No, that is where you a wrong. I will not lure others to this fate. I thought you were my friend, and you betrayed me..."

Sola opened her eyes slowly to keep tears from forming. What had happened to Flame after that? She had been sent to the Killing Floor. The words still stung in Sola's heart, but they were true. She had been betrayed, and wouldn't lure others into the same fate. But what Flame hadn't known was Sola had still cared for her, but kept her distance to protect herself.

Sola looked towards the crying demons general area. It is too late now. Protect yourself, and that will never happen again.

Craphenelia's ears perked up at the sounds of the demons. She quickly got up and rushed to the passage that lead to Jane's den. Pushing through the vines, she saw her friend walking with her head slung low . Jane whirrled around, sharp teeth bared and long guard fur on her back standing straight up. Caraphenelia playfully showed her teeth as well and bounded up to the white she-wolf. "A warning next time, or you may just find your throat laying in front of you."  The husky raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"...I'm in a bad mood and you smell ...different." Jane replied, shoving her nose in Caraphenelia's fur. "Where have you been?" Charaphenelia tilited her head. She had'nt been anywhere new. "Oh nevermind, come one I'm hungry." With that the she-wolf trotted off toward the wailing demons with the husky right on her heals.

Katia sighed and gave up on the wall. She was fairly deep anyways, so an escape route was doubtful.

She was sick of this Floor-it was so dark, and wet besides.

Heading up a Floor (she tried to avoid going down. It reminded her that the Killing Floor was then one level closer, and also gave her the feeling that she was getting even more trapped than she already was.) and feeling annoyed when it wasn't much lighter than the previous one, Katia wondered if it was time to find someone to talk to.

Or someone to invade the dreams of.

What was this, the vampires' favorite floor? Maybe she could find a newer vampire, just turned--their minds were usually unguarded.

It had been ages since Katia had entered the dreams of a sleeping male. She hoped she could still do it as easily as she used to.

That is, if you can find someone's dreams to actually enter.

The woods had a darkness to it, not the normal darkness Jezebel was used to, the kind of dark that was lonesome. She kept walking, tree after tree after tree. She wished she had her tools. Her kinves would help her get out of this place. Her room was barried in Zaggnot, her only weakness. It wasn't to overwhealming, and she had adapated to it sort of. She held her arms close as a chill went by. Why am I here? She thought. She pulled her hand out infront of her and tried to cast some fire to keep her warm, she was surprised when it worked. "Jezebel." She herd her fathers voice in her head.

How'd you get in here? She asked. I'm your father. I'm linked. I need you to come home. You are my best warrior. Your brothers and sisters are falling, and morning from you being locked away. This is an order. Come home.

She sighed as the presence of her father went away. She looked closely at the illusions in the assylm room. She closed her eyes an imagined it gone. She glowed as her power went through her body and blew a hole in the room. She quickly made her way to the next room. Fear came to her as she was faced with the stinch of demon blood. She gagged on the smell of fellow comraids of her fathers. She looked around the dark room for an escape, but she realized there may never be one.


With all the time in the world, it wasn't surprising Marceline often found time to reflect on her past doings and things she regretted. Lazily hovering a good 4 feet off the dirt covered floor of her cell, she drifted in circles waiting for a world to bring her next meal. Suddenly, a spark of excitement in her dreary day, she heard footsteps and made her way to the bars of her cell. Sure, she could have unlocked them pretty easily, but she liked her privacy. She looked out and saw a petite blonde walking down the hall. Unlikely that she worked for the asylum, but Marceline was an optimist. "Don't suppose you've come to feed the poor, malnourished vampires, have you?" she asked.
Cassian sat on the only furniture in his cell. He could feel his eyes drooping from weakness. Going so many days without a drop of blood was having an effect on him. He could feel his strength leaving him. He wouldn't be able to think or form a plan of escape like this. Maybe a few minutes of sleep would help him regain a bit of his energy. Laying back he closed his eyes and entered a light unconsciousness. Visions of his parents and clan flashed behind his eyelids. They were probably waiting for him unless they abandoned all hope of him returning home.
Riley's sensitive wolf nose caught the scent of another shapeshifter... and a werewolf. The fur on the back of his neck stood on end and he growled. He was thankful he was in the shape of a wolf. Fangs and claws would help defend him if they somehow wanted to hurt him. He wasn't the type to trust easily but a small glimmer of hope entered his heart. Maybe they could help him escape this place. He couldn't take the smell of death and the noise of sorrow. He was ready to be in the world again, even if it wouldn't accept what he was.
Robert stuck his hand out of his cell "Hey anyone there" he asked. Just then a lady came up to his cell but stood far out of his reach. Robert moved out of the dark and stood in the light. "Do you think you can get me out of here for a while" he said. The lady looked confused for a moment then she looked at his face and said one word "No". Robert smiled at her and looked into her eyes "Please just for a while I will come back I promise I always come back." The lady sighed and opened his cell. Robert walked out and hugged the guard lady "Thank you" he said and left her with a dazed expression. Robert walked off exploring the place he had been doing for a while each day. Robert hummed to himself and walked.

Sola looked up, towards the direction of the crying demons. Their sorrow was steadily quiting down into broken sobs. Poor things. That is why I do not feel anymore... it causes to much pain.

About that time an explosion to her left blew dust and stone in all directions, showering her in knife-like fragments. Damn! What was that? Keeping her composure, always uncaring, she looked in the direction of the blast.

Making no move to get up, Sola waited for whoever blasted the hole in the wall to appear, as she was sure they would do. Way to go about attracting attention to yourself. This is one thing you don't want to do...

With Caraphenelia close behind, Jane quietly walked through the overgrown tunnel the lead to the demons Floor. Their wailing had quieted, she could barly here them now. As she neared the entrance her pace slowed, her body and head paralell to the floor and her ears pressed forward straining to catch any sound that might come from ahead.

Suddenly an explosion shook the entire Floor. Dust spilled into the tunnel while rocks were shook lose from the ceiling, showering the creatures with debris. Jane snarled and leaped forward into a room. Caraphenelia jumped from behind and collided with werewolf. Jane growled and stood up, alert for any movement. Dust floating in the air made it near impossible to see, but she could hear the startled demons. The dust started to settle, and an odd blue glow appeared where a hole had been blown in the wall.

And at that moment, all hell broke lose.

The Killing Floor

At first glance the asylum is a beautiful mansion set on a country-side surrounded by farms.


Inside, a lavishly decorated lobby is the first thing you will see and if you are a creature, the last. Through solid steele doors at the back of the room, there is a dark hallway with a dim light shining through the deep claw marks and gashes in the old doors at the end.

A rickety elevator awaits past those doors to take you to the many floors beneath the asylum.  The Floors vary. Some are dark and dank, while others are filled with blinding light or even forests of vines and roots. Floors are stacked and connected by hidden stairways or passages.


The Killing Floor is the every last floor, so far down in the earth some say its a hairs width from hell. No creature makes it out. No creature knows what awaits if they are sent. All that is known is that no creature has ever come back alive.


Your are a creature locked in an asylum. The goal is to escape and/or not be sent to The Killing Floor. There is no way to avoid being sent if the warden so pleases, he sends creatures at random.  


The Warden created the 'asylum' as a prison for creatures.


The Wardens family was killed by a creature, and since he has vowed to catch every creature possible and imprison them in the asylum. He sends out Hunters to capture them and bring them back.And so far, no creature has ever escaped the asylum.



1. Basic Rp rules apply

2. Mild swearing is allowed

3. No killing or controling anothers character without permission

4. Romance is allowed, but nothing graphic

5. Have fun :D

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