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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Maki-Ann Was climbing a tree, so she could try to find the other high rose children. She was searching for food, when the other went away trying to get away from the humans. Maki finally reached to the top of the tree. She waited for a while and looked around. She didn't see anybody. Then he sang a low, short song:

Waka, Waka

Slowly come,

Waka, Waka

Won't you come?

Maki-Ann looked out into the forest again. Her male camp assistant leader sprited throught the forest to the tree Maki-Ann was in. He babbled a few gibberish words, and Maki-Ann responded back. She glided out the tree and landed next to him. Then the two started baack to the group. Then a noise swept throught the bushes.

Shwwws, Shwws, Shwwwwws.....

Maki turned around to see what it was.

Eugene sat down on a rock and wrote in his notebook:


Nature's Unknown Discoveries

           By Eugene Page

Eugene then looked around. "I don't understand why I'm doing a project during 'break'," he said. "I mean, break means, relaxing from your usual things. To teachers, it must mean somthing TOTALLy different from my vocabulary."

Eugene started pick around the tree, writing down anything that didn't look naturla to him, but it wasn't even alot. "Purple plant with white spots.....a red patch of grass.....clear water...." Eugene wrote these things down without care. Then he heard singing. Kind of a low voiced, but pretty-ish singing.....The english was a little garbed, but kind of understandable... Eugene followed it automaticlly. Then he heard people talking in a launguage he didn't know. Eugene quietly moved trhough the bushes looking for a opening. "Oh, here's a way!" Eugene said. He pushed into another forest area, and saw a girl and a man, both wearing tree bark and grass and leaves for clothes, and no shoes. "Oh...I sorry who are you?" Eugene said. The two people looked at hi not understanding what he was saying. The girl walked up and touched him. "Fshu?" she said in a tough, but softish voice. Eugen had no idea what the girl was talking about.

Maki-Ann was surprised to see a boy standing in front of her. "Oh, I'm sorry, who are you?" Maki-Ann tried to dechiper what he said, since, she rarely spoke english anymore. All she could figure out was "are you", so she knew he was asking for her name. Maki-Ann touch him, and turned to her leader. "Human," she said in their code launguage. Her leader gasped and screamed into the air:

"A HUMAN HAS FOUND US! A HUMAN HAS FOUND US!" he yelled in the code launguage. Suddenly, all of the High Roses in Maki-Ann's group either glided, sprinted or jumped from trees to the area they were in. Maki-Ann said in their lanugauge, "Stop! He isn't causing harm!" But the leader said to her, "What he has in his hand could harm us," and gently pushed her aside. Everyone then circled around the boy, ready to attack him at any moment.

Mary let a melody escape from her one that spoke of peace and love she didn't wan't anyone to get hurt. "Leader please do not harm this boy can you not see he is pure because he has come into the forest and hasn't harmed it once nor has the forest harmed him." Mary said to the leader. Almost all of the people had gone except Maki-Ann and the leader. Mary looked into the eyes of the boy human then quikley looked away and blushed then she looked at the leader and bowed "I am sorry I have spoken out of turn" she said and looked at the ground waiting for his answer.

Eugene tried to run away from these creatures, but they all surronded him in a circle, preventing him from running. Then another harmony arose into the air, and another girl arrived at the place. She spoke somthing to the man, and then almost all of the creatures ran away. The girl came up and looked at him, deep into his eyes, and blushed. "What..." Eugene said, clearly confused.The girl spoke one more time to the man, and the man shook his head and said somthing, shook his head, and walked off, leaving only the two girls.

Maki-Ann was grateful to see sombody who was understanding what was going on. When Mary told everyone to leave, they did. The Leader was mortified. Then Mary said, "I'm sorry I spoke out of turn," The Leader looked at her, and said in the code language: "Be on time for dinner, and I'd like to see you both after dinner," The Leader shook his head in dissapointment and then left. Maki-Ann's heart sank to know that the leader was that mad.

Eugene snapped his fingers to get the girl's attention. "Who....are you?" Maki-Ann was able to understand the boy better. "Maki-Ann," she said. Then very slowly, so she wouldn't sound wierd, she said, "Whats name?" Maki-Ann was trying to say what is your name, but losing her english, it was all she could say. "Eugene," the boy said.

Mary was still on the ground and cowering in fear because she was so scared. I can't believe I just did that Mary thought to herself. Mary looked at the boy and heard him say his name. "Eugene"  she said which caused the boy to look at her "Mary" she said and pointed to herself. The boy looked so different from the people of the forest it was clear he didn't belong but why was he here and how had he survived in the forest so long. A noise in the bushes made her head turn then she looked at Maki-Ann who was stronger and more unafraid of anything and hid behind her Mary was made for healing not hurting.

Kia parked her scooter next to a rock and looked around. "Nice spot to camp," she said. She got off and grabbed all of her stuff out of her hatch (the little bin things that are somtimes attached to motorcycles and scooters) and started to set up her camp. Once she had everything set up, Kia got up and went to gather some firewood to make a fire. 

After she had collected 5 logs, Kia was walking back to her spot when she heard talking. She then saw a man wearing unusual clothing sprint off. "Wow, he was going fast!" Kia though. She walked to the bushes where the man had emergered and look. Kia saw some girls dressed in...nature clothing? Kia fet better when she spotted a boy wearing regualr clothes. "Lets see what up," Kia said. She took a deep breath and dove through the bushes.

Maki-Ann stared the boy down. She expected him to leave right away but instead he stay and looked at them. She then definatly knew it was time for him to leave when Mary hid behind her, she knew Mary for quite a while and usually the bad happens when Mary (Or maki-ann herself rarely) got scared. "Don't you have other things to do?" Maki-Ann snapped in the code language. Eugene flinched. "Uh....what?" He said. Maki-Ann tried all the english she could. "Do other. Go," Eugene then understood, but he didn't want to leave. He wanted to explore these people some more....

Eugene wrote in his notebook: Topic: Different Humaniods

Eugen then reached into his pocket and took out two piences of candy. Then he went into his other pocket and took out a bag of grapes, taking out four. He sat Maki-Ann down and then sat Mary down. He turned to Mary first, and tried to make English undertsandable. "Mary," he said, pointing to her. "Candy. Can-dy." he handed a piece of candy to her. "Grape. gr-ape!" he handed her two grapes," Eugene turned to Maki-Ann. "I heard what you said," she said sharply in code language. Eugene became scared and decided to just give her the food. Maki-Ann stuff the candy in her mouth but spit it ou right away (they'res no candy in nature so she isn't used to eating it) "Eww, thats nasty!" she said in code. She handed the grapes back. Eugene took them, but handed them back. "Eat," he said. Maki-Ann didn't understand. Eugene pretended to eat. Maki-Ann ate a grape. She liked the taste, and ate another. Eugene smiled and then turned to Mary to see what she thought. Moments later, a girl popped through the bushes. Maki-Ann growled and got in position, ready to attack.

Mary started to shake and hid behind Maki-Ann who was ready to attack and peered at what came threw the bushes. Mary looked at the girl who appeared to have black hair and was in pretty decent shape and she was also wearing clothes just like the boy but different. Mary looked a Eugene maybe it was a friend of his or his tribe of people coming she smiled at Eugene she may be scared but she wasn't going to show it. Mary had tried the candy and grapes that the boy had given her and she had liked the candy it had reminded her of a memory she couldn't grasp any longer. Mary pointed to the girl "Friend" she asked Eugene

Eugene jumped as a girl with a bun flew from the bushes. "Gah!" he said. He heard Maki-Ann hiss at the girl and got into a battle stance. He didn't reconize the girl, and the girl didn't seem to reconize him as much either. Mary turned to Eugene. "Friend?" she asked. "no way, that is-" Eugene started, then remeber that they probably couldn't understand what they are saying. So he shook his head then walked up to the girl. "Um, hey," he said. "So these are like, unknown creatures that live in this forest and they're like, a bit paranoid by us, guess its a tribe thing," Eugene coughed, he was a bit nervous himself. "So, just saying, don't hurt them, and they won't hurt you," Eugene held up his hands. "Honest!" he exclaimed. "And they can't speak english either so....yeah,"

Kia screamed as one of the peculiar girls jumped at her and hissed. She was just about to throw one of the logs at the people, but a boy came to her saying, . "So these are like, unknown creatures that live in this forest and they're like, a bit paranoid by us, guess its a tribe thing," "So, just saying, don't hurt them, and they won't hurt you," "Honest!"  "And they can't speak english either so....yeah,"

Kia nodded her head, understanding everything that was going on. She reached into her bag and grabbed a marshmellow. Slowly, Kia walked up to the wierd creature and offered her a marshmellow. "Eat," she said.

Mary stared at the girl who held out a white ball and grabbed it. It looked like unlike anything Mary had ever seen before. "Eat" the girl said to Mary. Mary shook her head and handed it back. Eating was mainly for the morning noon and night meals of her tribe. "Almost night come" she said in chopped up English. It was getting dark and Mary worried about the dangers in the forest at night plus she had to get back to her people and make sure there were no injuries on her people. "You hurt" she said to the boy and girl her healing would work on these humans she knew. 

Maki-Ann shooked her head at the marshmellow, the smells of it distrubed her much. Night was falling and they would have to get back to the tribe soon. Maki-Ann decdided to take the humans along, since they were no harm and dinner was about to be served soon. So she tried to speak in her english, being very garbed, "Dinner night. Come?"

Eugene sighed as he realized the people were no longer distrubed by the girl. Mary had then asked them if they needed to be healed. "No, I'm good, thank you though," he said. The he listened to what Maki-Ann had to say. "Dinner night. Come?" she asked.Eugene had to kind dechiper what she was saying, but then shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, why not," he said.

Maki-Ann smiled, just a little bit, and then move her head a bit to indicate the "follow me" sign.

Mary looked at Maki-Ann who had just invited the boy and girl to visit there home and eat with them Mary couldn't help but gulp what would everyone say about the humans she shrugged and started to climb a tree she looked down to see if the humans were following they weren't. "Maybe they can't climb" Mary said to Maki-Ann. Then she started to laugh they were like children then she stopped laughing and covered her face with her hand she had laughed in front of the people who she didn't even now then she looked down from her tree and seen something weird. "Maki-Ann what is that" Mary said and pointed to a weird shaped animal(Tent) and other things and a weird metal animal(Scooter)
Kia nodded. "Ok, i'll eat dinner with guys," she said. They walked for a while and then looked up. Kia saw Mary in a tree. She said somthing then she pointed to somthing that Kia couldn't see. Kia ran to the tree and climbed until she could see. "Oh, those things?" she said. "Thats just my scooter and tent.," then rember that these people have no idea about english, she said, "Scooter," she pointed to her tyransportation. "Tent," she pointed to her tent, then pointed to herself to indicate that those items belong to her. Kia jumped down and looked at eugene. "So, would you happen to know there names?" she asked. "And; you can stay in my tent with me! Its probably too late to get home, so if you like....I have an extra sleeping bag,"

High Rose Children
Its just a forest really, tall old trees, green grass, a few lakes here and there, rocks, animals, and of course, the high rose kids.

High rose teen: You play as a high rose teen, who was abandon as a child in the forest. Yoou spent so long in the forest, that you started to live as if you were a nature child. You no longer are a regular child who wears skinny jeans or muscle shirts, you now wear stuff like leaves in hair, no shirt, grass skirts ect. You also can have special abilites that you developed while living in the forest. (You can see those abilites in the history section) and plus, there are different kinds of you (also in history section)

Remeber that high roses can't speak english, or speak it really well


Human: You go to this certain forest to do your project, research, tro relax ect. Then you discover this people....these things up in these tree....why is it growling? either way, You are totally creeped out by these people. Or maybe they can teach you about nature.....




(So basiclly, this is a free form rp, just wanted to kind of explain the role of each character)




Powers: This if for the High Rose Children only. You may choose THREE of these






-Steel Teeth (bite down on stuff without any problem (eat a deer without having to kill it))


-Extra strenght (Choose ONE to where can have extra strenght: legs, hands arms)


-Skilled swimmer


-Nature Singing (Sing beautifully to summon a living thing)


-Healer (heal a living thing(NOTICE! To have this power, you have to be one of the first THREE high rose child)) UNAVALIBLE AT THIS TIME! STAY TUNE FOR WHEN ITS AVALIBLE!




Put you powers in the additional notes




High Rose type: You can be the:


-Wild Fire (special power: Can cause and spread fire)


-Plain Nature (Special power: can choose one more power from the list above)


-Clear Water (special power: Can cause waves)


-Air (special power: can cause tornados and strong winds)




Notice!: I like to coordinate with people when we do roleplays! To come up with ideas and stuff that we can do in the roleplay, please go to OOC, I'm always looking there!


 All ex roleplaying rules apply! There are really no more rules except these


1. You can only have THREE POWERS (unless you choose to be a plain nature, then you can have FOUR)


2. Don't use your powers to kill anybody, unless they say its ok


3.Have fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
High Rose- Air
High Rose- Clear Water
High Rose- Plain Nature
High Rose- Wild Fire

Second RP Master

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