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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Shadow sniffed the air. He turned and saw the soldier. Shadow gave a warning growl and looked back at the apparently elf and robot. The robot looked disgusted by what he saw. "I'm no muddy looking bat robot!" snapped Shadow. "I am a dragon! My scales are shinier than your metal oil drinker!" yelled Shadow. He then watched as the robot said something. Shadow felt a disturbance in the "force". He looked from side to side, watching to see if anything ambushed them. He then looked back at elf man. Shadow hated the scent of evil. Shadow flicked his tail at the robot, knocking into the ground. Shadow roared in the elf man's face. He then picked up the girl elf and grabbed the soldier and his horse. Shadow flew into the air, careful not to let go. "I'm getting you all back to the village where I can actually protect you all!" Shadow yelled. He could hear the neighing of the horse. Shadow ignored it and placed the girl elf and soldier on his back yelling, "Hang on!" He kept his hold on the horse and flew forward.

Thiris narrowed her eyes and squirmed on top of the dragon's large body. "I don't need protection! I can fend for myself, Dragon!" She slid off the back of the dragon, down the tail, and into the air. She grabbed onto the nearest tree to break her fall. She clung to the tree, completely still, watching the elf man with the long, black hair. He was rather proud looking, even though he was shaken and knocked off of his balance. She drew out an arrow to get ready to shoot him.

Morok Stumbled backwards and watched as the dragon flew off. but, he saw someone drop from the dragon- It was the girl. "What the devil is she doing...?" He wondered, getting back to his feet and brushing himself off. He motioned toward the Robot to follow him into the forest to look for her. Maybe this girl will have the answers to some of my questions.... He thought as he walked into the forest.

Viktor was irritated by being grabbed by the dragon. He wanted to try to recognize the male elf, because he was clearly a part of the Republic if that robot followed him around. He grew even more irritated by Thiris running off. He promised to protect her. He decided to leave the horse to the dragon's demises, slipping from his grasp with difficulty, and climbing up his arm to run down his back, leaping off. He felt as if his stomach was in his throat. He sloppily landed on the tree, scrambling onto a branch. He searched for Thiris, seeing her, he hissed, "Stop running off!"


No4224 groaned and picked himself up. "Oh, the bloody, ugly lizard knocked me over, how utterly and completely terrifying. Good Gods, I hate lifeforms.." He sighed, dolefully, and brushed off the dust from his metal skin.

Insanek, quietly chuckling to himself, watched the big black dragon fly around for a bit, a good distance away, before he slipped right into the dragon's cave. Insanek gave a quick, loud laugh, before continueing with the normal laughter. Ah! What frabjous treasure! He has seen better, mind you, but he would definitely be able to take enough to buy at least half a dozen human slaves, all filled with organs. A twisted grin crept across his equally twisted visage, and he set right to work, picking and choosing the very most valuable of this rather sparse dragon horde. Why, he was so busy with that, he almost didn't notice when the dragon flew in! But that was okay, it wasn't the same one, nor was it any threat; The tremendous animal looked downright pitiful; It was an unhealthy clammy shade, it was skinny enough to fit through a keyhole, and it had an grossly distended belly. The dragon hapazardly landed, and though in a fitful state, was shrieking so quietly that Insanek could only catch bits and peices, especially between his laughter; He heard something about Shadow, heard something about Help me, heard something about Pain, but he didn't need to hear any of this; He could tell just by looking at it that (Insanek certainly knows about organs!) the pitiful thing had been starved past half to death, and then tried toe at an enormous meal, rupturing her stomache. All the food must has spilled into it's abdominal cavity, and knocked things right out of place. Foolish! With a shake of the head a laugh like a tsk tsk tsk, Insanek took his jagged, sickle like knife out of his pack, and sped right up to the sickly draon with a motion like creeping, slinking, and slithering all at once. He stopped, and erratically approached the thing, his arms twitching like a mannequin that hasn't quiet learned how to walk. And then he set to work, hapilly humming as he cackled and cut away. Though it wasn't exactly a choice specimen, it would do; Dragons had plenty of organs, and plenty of them were unique. As the white dragon shrieked like a termite beneath him, he removed some of the signature organs of dragons, and also the lungs. Lungs were his favorite really, such a grand, spongey texture. With an elated laugh, he packed his gatherings into the organs sack upon his back, and quickly set himself going down the backside of the mountain, fast as anything, on the face opposite the dragon cave, lest it return and see it's grandest treasures missing, not to mention it's companion's yet quivering husk sprawled upon the floor of the cave, while Insanek was still muddling about within sight.

Thiris just huffed and looked at him. "Well, stop following me! Like I told the dragon, I don't need anyone to protect me!" She turned around and fixed her eyes on the man again. She pulled back an arrow and aimed it straight for his heart. When he came close enough to get into range, she let go of the arrow, sending it straight toward his heart.

Morok walked closer and closer toward the forest. When he finally reached the trees, he heard a twang. He instinctively ignited his hand with fire magic and reached forward, burning the arrow. He narrowed his eyes and stroked his chin with his non-fiery hand. "Well well, so that's where you're hiding..." He muttered to himself and walked directly under the tree that Thiris was in. He looked up and smiled.

Thiris tried to keep as still as possible. She didn't want to look down- she already felt his steely gaze on her. She held her breath.

"I know you're up there, girl." He looked at his fingernails casually. "Now, come down quietly or I may have to use... other methods." He looked up at her again. She didn't move and remained silent. Morok shrugged and simply set the base of the tree on fire. That should get her down, he thought with a smirk.

(Ok. First of all Isanek or whoever plays Isanek, I was planning on bringing Angel back so she could be Shadow's mate. You can't just kill her. Besides, Shadow fed her and she became healthy. I created Angel as a minor character and then a future main character.) Shadow was angered by the two leaping from his back. Shadow flew towards the village. He dropped off the horse and flew back to the ruins. "Fools!" he yelled, searching for the two. He saw them. "Elf! Human! I must protect you!" yelled Shadow. The urge to protect was pulling at him. If anything happened to the elf girl, even if she could protect herself, he would go on a rampage, probably. Shadow flew down to them. "If this human is to protect you, then I will too," snapped Shadow. "If you slip up in battle, I might be of service," said Shadow. He then saw the elf man sneak into the trees. Shadow didn't like this one bit. That's when he looked down at the elf girl. "Let me protect you and your village from those two evil creatures!" yelled Shadow.

"I don't know." Durt said in a quivering voice. She kind of ignored the fact that she had a talking dragon on her head, that didn't seem very important right now. "That..Well.. the person who lives- Lived- here was going to teach me beginner's alchemy.. I guess not." Durt closed the door and walked numbly down the street and nearly got run over by a large orc with a knife through its head. It was screaming and flailing and running into people but Durt ignored that too. Every single time she finally found someone to teach her alchemy, either something terrible happened or they suddenly decided not to. 

Durt looked up as the large shadow of the gigantic black dragon passed over again. "It seems to be heading someplace near the mountains." She thought. "Ooh I bet he has a cave and a hoard and a family and lots of other dragons!" She mumbled excitedly, breaking into a run then stopping when she remembered the dragon on her head. "Oh. Um, you can go now I guess. Unless you want to come with and see a real dragon?" She asked it. 

Asandoeth frantically grabbed at the controls of his ship, but nothing changed. Everything was being overridden by some nasty command that had taken charge of his craft. "Gawsh- Dangit- YOU CHEESECAKING SWEETROLL WHOEVER DID THIS." He smashed his fist against the dashboard in frustration but that only made his hand smart with pain. The Sausage Radiator, his specially aquired ebay spacecraft was now lurching towards the ground. The air around it began to screech and spark as it entered the atmosphere, and Asanodeth leaped to the back to look for the escape pod, or parachut or severed wings or- He was knocked to the floor unconcious as the Sausage Radiator hit the ground with a suprisingly small explosion. These things were designed to explode several days later if they crashed, so they could be moved to a safer area. 

Viktor sighed with exasperation. He glared at Shadow, "We don't need your help," he snapped. "I can handle this, you go back to your cave and do whatever dragons do their entire lives! None of this has anything to do with you." He glared at Morok. The base of the tree was on fire. He looked to Thiris. "Jump to the next tree if you can. I'll take care of these two morons." He slowly slid down the tree, preparing to reach for his sword. He leaped down, landing on the ground with a soft thud. He unsheathed his blade, glaring at Morok.


Dargon blinked dumbly. A real dragon? The huge ones? He nearly shuddered. But, he had to fulfill his duty to the village. The giant black dragon almost burnt it down, he needs to get revenge! The red drake hopped off Durt's head, fluttering his wings. "Let's go get him!"


No4224, if he could would have rolled his eyes in exasperation, Morok was picking idiotic fights, way too early for them to get any help if they were defeated. He just sighed and slumped on the ground, watching boredly.

Insanek, now deciding he had run down a sufficient distance, slowed down to a trot.  A jerky, inhuman trot, but a trot nonetheless. Until, that is, he almost ran right into a rather short looking elf.  With a quick burst of laughter, he quickly introduced himself, and apologized, laughing throughout.  Still muching on the dragon's lung, he was about to continue right on away from the mountain, as down it wasn't quite far enough for his tastes, when he suddenly noticed that the elf had noticed his dragon lung.  Briefly cackling, he hoped she new EXACTLY what it was, before noticing the red drake and taking of the mountain once again.  As he neared the busy village, he vaugley hoped that the red drake did not know what it was.

Thiris groaned quietly and looked down at the fire. She looked from side to side- until she noticed a way she could escape the tree. She braced herself and climbed all the way up the tree. She jumped from a thick branch to another branch and looked down at the elf with black hair. She drew and arrow quickly and shot it at him.

Morok narrowed his eyes when he saw the girl jump. He grumbled to himself- not realizing that she had shot an arrow at him. He felt a very sharp pain in his shoulder and grasped for it instinctively. He looked at it and saw an arrow sticking out of it. He growled and pulled it out, flinching a little from the pain.

Shadow almost took the soldier's head off. He growled a protest and watched the elf girl fire an arrow at the elf man. Shadow then noticed the little dragon. "What the scales are you doing here?" he asked. He then turned away from the dragon and roared. Shadow flew into the air. He had to accept the fact that this elf girl could handle herself. But that didn't mean he had to leave. He wanted the scent of evil to be gone. Shadow looked down at the robot. "Die metallic one!" he roared. Shadow flew towards the robot. He lit the ground in front of the robot on flames. He then surrounded the robot with fire. "Where are you going to go now?" Shadow growled. He flew over to the elf man. Shadow landed behind him and roared. He prepared to end the elf's life with fire. Shadow then stopped himself. "What am I doing?" he asked. Was he seriously about roast this elf? Shadow shook his head and set the grass on fire in front of the elf man. He blocked the elf's way to the elf girl and the village. Shadow then flew off.

No4224 rolled his eyes, virtually and mentally of course, since his eyes were just LED lights he didn't have much expression. "Oh, dear, what can I possibly do now? Oh, no, looks like I'm going to die, it would be just terrible if I was rebuilt later. Oh, no, fire! Terrifying!" He sighed and slumped down on the grass, watching the nearly hypnotizing colors of the flames. He didn't feel the heat, or anything really, so he just sulked.

Viktor glared at the dragon, "Go away! You're not doing much protecting of the village if you stay sulking around here, now, are you? Go make yourself useful and go warn the village that the Republic is attacking!"

Dargon stared at the huge, black dragon in amazement. It was much larger in person, and terrifying. He growled and flexed his claws. Time to prove to his village that he was loyal. He roared, a rather pathetic, small roar, and flew with a fury to the dragon. He attacked himself to its soldier, biting with no avail, he was so small that the dragon possibly wouldn't feel him. 

(Uh yeah....Shadow already flew off so technique you coudln't bite him......unless you flew after him) Shadow landed in the village. "Listen up two legs and pointed ears!" he yelled. "One of you is in danger! An elf girl and a soldier protecting her is dueling with a robot and an elf man by the ruins," said Shadow. "Your dragon has gone to fight as well, but he is too small," said Shadow. "Allow me to protect your village, for mmy childish behavior is behind me. Forgive me for my actions," said Shadow. He then saw someone step forward. This elf looked just like the elf girl. "Where do you say Thiris was dragon?" he asked. Shadow lowered his head to eye level with the elf. "By the ruins elf," said Shadow. "The soldiers are coming as well," said Shadow. "Take me to her," said the elf. "Very well," said Shadiw. The elf climbed his back. A few more elves did too. Shadow then roared and flew back to where he last saw the elf girl. He landed and the elves got off of his back. "Thiris!" yelled the one elf.


The setting is the grand planet of Arbacia, the land of trees and life. It is home to the native Elves, Trolls, Orcs, and Goblins, along with a few other rare species. The trees grow hundreds of feet tall and the snow-capped mountain ranges poke out of the mighty forests.

There are three main forests in Arbacia: The northern region of Sevreu, the Sounthern land of Yug, and the central land of Medius.

Sevreu: The land ruled by snowy mountains, and evergreen Pines. The people of the north are strong and hearty. Their primary magic is Ice and their best weapon is the Sword or Ax. "The mountains are alive."

Medius: The land of the Hunters and Gatherers. Their huge deciduous trees tower above everything, and their huge population of animals makes them be the best hunters and farmers. Their primary magic is Animal or Earth Magic, and their best weapon is the Bow and Arrow. "The wind speaks and the animals listen."

Yug: The land of the forever Sun. This land is primarily ruled by rain forests, along with a large, barren desert on the other side of the Skytoucher's Mountains. The people of this region make the best Fire Mages and their most used weapons are usually blunt sticks or spears. "Rain and fire, in an eternal dance of balance."

The republic inhabits a part of the desert, using it for a kind of base camp in an abandoned city. The main species of the republic are the lizard-like people called the Lizarus, the gray and uneven-skinned people called the Trikaigle, and the Humans of Earth.


Magic: Those who wish to learn magic must first show any sign of talent with magic and then proceed to study under the wings of the Monks. After they think you are ready, you will be given a test to get the title of mage. The test is to retrieve a special object from an ancient temple, guarded by spirits and other creatures, using only what you know in magic. All who succeed get the title of mage, and all who fail get their powers removed. But, those who fail usually run away and take up the forbidden Dark Magic. 

Weapons: Warriors are usually self-taught in the way of weapons. but, if they show some sort of talent with any weapon, they are recruited by a master to train further in the art of Fighting.



The once-free planet of Arbacia is being threatened by something they had never seen before: visitors from Earth. The Republic of Undivided Nations traveled to Arbacia in search of resources and fortune. The protectors of the planet, the Wildwood Brotherhood, will not allow the Republic to destroy the sacred temples and creatures of the huge, planet-wide forest. But, being terribly outnumbered and outmatched, The Brotherhood must result to a new idea: training an elite group of young adults in the ways of Magic and Weapons.

The Republic will stop at nothing to get what they came to the planet for: riches. Though, the leader of the project, General Makhar doesn't seem to be himself. In fact, he was possessed by the evil God of Chaos, Temnota. Temnota wishes to destroy the planet of Arbacia because his oldest enemy, the God of Peace, rests on this planet. The only way to destroy this god would be to destroy the sacred Temple of Peace- and that's precisely what he plans to do- if he could get rid of the Wildwood's first...

Since Temnota wants to utterly destroy Arbacia, he will gather as many troops as he can- including neutral Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and anyone who is looking for fortune.


Arbacia has a crimson, war-torn past filled with hate and death. The Ancient War left scars on the planet that could never be erased. But when the war ended, there was a thousand-year era of peace.

The Ancient War started when the God of Chaos threatened the God of Peace. The planet was torn in half. Half of the planet followed the Chaos, and the other followed Peace. After years and years of bloodshed, a group of warriors formed a group to stop the Chaos and bring peace once again. They created the Wildwood Brotherhood. The brotherhood gathered many followers and conquered the God of Chaos, sending him to a planet on the far side of the universe, not being able to return for a thousand years.

The Thousand-Year Era of Peace was ruled by the elders of the Brotherhood. The Elders are the veterans of the Ancient war and the masters of White Magic. They taught the teachers of magic, and legends say that they were the ones who discovered all magic in the first place.

Now that the God of Chaos has returned, the Era of Peace is over, and a new war shall begin.


1) standard EX RP rules apply~

2) No godmodding, mary/gary sues, powerplaying, etc. These are very annoying, and many RPers do not appriciate these. If you do not know what these are, ASK! :u

3) Keep swearing to a minimum please~

4) Blood is okay, just dont go overboard with the gore. This is NOT in face a Zombie rp! :P

5) Romance is alright- keep it to kissing and hugging. Nothing nasty or above PG-13!

6) Keep EVERYTHING pg-13 please!!

7) listen to and respect the RP Masters!

8) If you want to have more than 1 character, please make 1 with the Brotherhood and the other with the Republic. After you have these two, you may have as many characters on either side as you want! :D

9) Fictional animals ARE allowed! It's okay to have unicorns, dragons, harpies, etc.

10) finally, JUST HAVE FUN!!! 8D (but not too much, or I may have to eat you 8||)


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