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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Shadow was soaring high in the sky. His large shape made him a formidable foe. Shadow looked down and clearly saw a herd of moose. "Yes. Finally some food," he growled. Shadow dove towards the herd, using the clouds for protection. As he freed himself from the clouds, he roared his might. The moose herd looked up and bolted. Shadow smirked as the largest moose, the bull leader, stood his ground. "Fool," said Shadow. He flew at the moose. The bull bellowed and charged Shadow. Shadow roared and sent a torrent of flames at the moose, cooking him instantly. The moose let out a cry of pain and dropped to the ground. Shadow caught the moose and ate him whole. He scooped up a few more moose and ate them. Shadow then drunk some water. He shook himself and roared, sending echoes through the land. He then flew into the air and soared towards the mountains. As he neared his cave, he saw a blur of motion in it. "An intruder," he said.

Thiris walked out of the old marketplace where she sold her game to the Orcs, eating an apple. She walked down the dirt path that was surrounded by towering Oak trees.

That old marketplace was practically a black market now, ever since some other band of creatures was driven out by the Orcs. Thiris liked the Orcs. Sure they were violent and barbaric, but they didn't look down on her like her kind, the elves, did. She continued down the path when she heard the sound of a dragon flying overhead.

She shrugged and continued down the path until she'd finally reached her village and saw the eldest of her seven brothers waiting for her at the gates.

He looked down at her and crossed his arms. "What were you doing out of the village again, Thiris!"

Thiris just continued to eat her apple, making smacking noises. Her family didn't know about her selling things to the Orcs, and she wasn't about to tell them now.

Shadow landed in the cave. He growled as he saw another dragon in front of him. This dragon was smaller than him. "Get out of my den!" he roared. The other dragon, a white female with brown eyes, walked into view. Shadow's eyes widened. He didn't mean to yell at a female dragon. "Oh. I'm sorry for yelling," said Shadow. The female dragon then collapsed. Shadow caught her before she hit the ground. She was beautiful, but skinny for a dragon. Shadow layed her down on the soft patch of grass in his warm cave and flew out to get her food. As he flew, he saw a village below him. "How fun would it be to raid the village like my father once did before me," he said. Shadow dove towards the village. He blew fire, lighting the torches in the village. He then saw a girl eating an apple. Shadow snorted at her and gusted her with his wings as he flew in the air. "At least I didn't trash the place," he thought. All he did was bring light to the village. He then found some deer and killed them. He brought them to his cave.

Durt swung her legs back and forth casually as her perch, a very rickety covered box type deal drawn by some ugly furry brute, clattered along the rough unpaved part of the road leading to who knew where. Well, hopefully the driver knew but that wasn't her problem. Durt glanced into the sky and leaned back, enjoying the warm sunlight bathing her face until the cart hit a bump and she was very nearly bounced off under the wheels.

"HEY- Wouldya watch whe- Oh." She began to complain but quickly shut her mouth as the driver of the cart thing looked around wildly for the source of the voice. "Freaking ghosts agaain. Urg." He grunted, apparently not seeing Durt who was now trying very hard not to burst into giggles. Her suppressed laughter quickly turned to dismay as a town began to emerge on the horizon, and not just any town. "Aw crud not THIS place." She muttered to herself.

A dark shadow overhead took her attention for an instant then took it entirely. "Oh! Oh oh oh Dargon! Mister did you see it? There's a dragon! Up there in the-" the cart stopped to a violent and jerky halt and the cart driver, a stocky man with squinty-poo colored eyes turned around in suprise to find he had a hitchhiker. "Hey! We don't supports no hitchhiker's heres!" He began to cuss violently and Durt took her chance and booked it, ignoring his curses of protest. Apparently the town was not half as far as it once appeared as she reached it in a matter of minutes and nearly ran over an elf with an apple in the process. "Sorry sorry dragon gotta find it sorry!" Despite being so majestically large the dragon was completely out of view now, and Durt found herself completely lost in a expansive, very dirty and very crowded marketplace. 

Thiris grunted. "Hey! Watch where you're going, half-elf!" She took one last bite of her apple and chucked it at Durt.

She looked around for the dragon to see if it was going to come back. She decided that it wasn't and began to assist the other elves that were putting out fires. They used their fancy magic while she used a big, old, dusty rag. She smacked at the flames until the entire blaze went out.

Her eldest brother came up to her again. "What was that about. Thiris?! Did you lead another darn dragon here? Were you trying to steal it's gold again?"

Thiris chuckled and shook her head. "Dragons don't have gold, that's just a myth-"

"Don't talk back to me, sister. I'm going to tell father of this and you will never be able to go out into that stupid forest of yours ever again!"

Thiris narrowed her eyes and shrugged. "You can't stop me!" And she put two fingers up to her mouth and whistled. A huge bear came running out of the forest. She smiled, gave a salute-like gesture, and ran off with her bear into the forest. Her eldest brother, flabbergasted, grabbed his horse and galloped into the forest to find her- wherever she went...

Shadow watched the female dragon eat. "What's your name?" he asked. "Angel Snowflake," said the female. Shadow nodded. "That's a nice name," he said. Angel smiled. Once she finished, she told Shadow of how she was starved to death by her capturers. "Thank you for helping me," she said, her bones not showing anymore. Shadow nodded and watched her fly off. Shadow wanted to settle down. He was fifteen and he needed a family. Shadow marked around his den and flew out. As he was flying, he saw an elf girl riding a bear. "What the scales is this?" he asked himself. He then saw her being chased by another elf, a male on a horse. Shadow roared, dove down, and blew fire into the air. He then saw that it was the same girl as before. Shadow flapped towards her. He then flew next to the horse and elf rider. The two got spooked. Shadow roared at them. The horse fell, breaking a leg. The rider flew off and landed on the ground. Shadow flew next to the bear and roared. The bear jumped and roared back. Shadow landed in front

Dargon was doing his rounds of protecting the village he called home. He saw the black dragon as it blew fire in one of the parts of the village and simply flew off. Dargon snorted. The enemy dragon was lucky that he did run off. He would have given it something to consider before it came back. He growled, roaring a squeaky roar. Then he fluttered down to examine everything closer. No other pro- wait, what was that? He saw Durt flying through the village like a maniac. He hissed and fluttered over to her, landing on her head. "No hurting villagers!" He scolded.

Viktor was taking an afternoon stroll through the village of the brotherhood. It was a lovely day. Good temperature, good amount of sunshine- it was perfect. Until the dragon came about. Before he could go to fight it, it simply flew off. He shook his head and continued on. Still peaceful, at least. Then, Thirsia ran off on a bear. "You, mercenary!" A male elf called. "Go chase after her, please? I'll lend you one of my horses." Viktor shrugged and accepted. He galloped away on the brown stallion, trying to follow the path of the young elf. He saw the scene with the dragon and pushed the horse faster, unsheathing his sword.

Prototype No4224 looked out of the window of his cell room. He had to be kept here, for he wasn't deemed stable enough to be roaming the halls like the other robots. He stared out at the forest and groaned. He wanted to get out of here. He paced around the room, bored. Then, a male spoke through a speaker, "No4224, you are needed. The elf Morok wants you." Finally! Something to do! His cell room was unlocked with a click. He slowly craked out of there to meet with Morok.

Thiris could barely hear the sound of something following her over the loud footsteps of the bear. She halted the bear and dismounted from him. She looked around and climbed up the nearest tree as quickly as she could. She took out her bow and an arrow, getting it ready. When the bear had finally went away, she could still hear the sound of horse footsteps coming closer and closer. She could see an unfamiliar face riding a familiar horse. Ugh, my lazy brother couldn't even come get me himself! She thought, pointing the bow and arrow at the man. She pulled the arrow back toward her face and let go, sending the arrow flying toward the man.

Morok walked down the lond, dim hallways. When he saw the little robot, a smile appeared on his stone face. "Hello, my robot friend. Are you willing to come with me to take care of some business in the forest?" His voice was smooth and sinister.

Viktor galloped on, his eyes narrowed. Thiris had disappeared. Where did she go? He ventured further, looking for her. An arrow nested itself into his shoulder. He let out a cry of pain and tugged at the reigns of the stallion. The large brown horse whinnied and reeled back, stopped. It stamped it hooves, throwing its head. Viktor looked around for the source of the arrow. He saw a familiar elf perching in a nearby tree. He grunted and pulled the arrow of his shoulder, throwing it aside. "Get down from there!" He shouted up. He really did hope that she could understand through his accent. "Your brother wanted me to find you, so I will! Get down!"


No4224 looked up at the elf dolefully. If, of course, those LED lights for eyes could even portray his emotions. "I am always willing to serve my masters. I have the intelligence of every person here, and I'm used as a slave." He groaned.

Thiris narrowed her eyes and drew another arrow. "If you want me to come down, you're going to have to make me!" She shouted back down at him with a smirk and shot the arrow right in front of his foot.

Morok walked up to the robot. "No no, don't say that. You arn't a slave. You are but a warrior for the Republic. And, we need all the warriors we can get, my dear. Don't forget that you are better than all of the other stupid robots here." He smiled and began to walk toward the door. "Come along, No4224. We have some little elves to find." He said, walking out the door.

Shadow saw all of this. He even witnessed the girl fire an arrow at the other elf. Shadow growled. He had witnessed things in this village in the past. Now elves were fighting each other. Shadow landed and roared. He growled and let loose a ripple of flames into the air. "I thought I was the dangerous one?" he asked, speaking to the elves for the first time. "Stop this fighting at once!" he yelled. Shadow loved fights. But this fight was pointless. The two elves looked the same. "Brother and sister are you?" he asked, his deep voice uttering. Shadow walked up to the tree and looked the girl elf in the eyes. "I will help guard your village, and you, if you two stop this nonsense," said Shadow. His raiding days were over. He wanted to become important, not to be hunted. Shadow growled at the male elf, waiting for an answer.

Durt froze in sheer shock for a few moments, then realized with an overwhelming sense of giddiness that she there was  dragon on her head- a real live not dead not frozen dragon! At least she hoped it was a real dragon.

"Zarkin Frood! You are a real dragon, right?.. not some cheap conjuration by some bored wizard in dark corner?" She began to walk down the street casually with the strange creature on her head, walking slowly as not to disturb it or knock it off. "I hope you don't mind coming with.. THis'll only be a moment I swear." She reached a well-kept wooden shack between several tall structures and and carefully pushed open the door. "Hello- Are you- Oh. Oh my." Durt put her hand to her mouth. The carnage inside the shack was appalling. 

Thiris stared at the dragon and tilted her head. "What? Silly dragon! That's a scummy Human! I'm an Elf. He's not my brother. My brother just sent him to come find me; that lazy oaf!" She pulled back another arrow and shot it towards the man, climbed down the tree, and began to run into the forest at full speed. She dodged logs and trees, puddles and toadstools until she came upon some kind of camp. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a plume of smoke rising from a chimney in the old ruins.

Morok led the robot down the long hallway and opened the door to the outside. He walked down the long flight of stairs without missing a single step. He looked around. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Thiris staring at the ruins. "Oh, and what do we have here?" he said to himself. He turned around to face the robot. "No4224, go get the others. We seem to have stumbled upon a village of elves. And it can't be too far away, now can it..." He grinned deviously.

Shadow blinked twice and laughed, his deep voice rumbling. He shook his head and watched the elf sprint off. "Aren't I crazy?" he asked the human. The human yelped and limped off. Shadow growled and flew into the air. He then smelled something. Carnage. Trouble. Shadow flew off, soaring over the village. He heard them yelling at him. Shadow growled under his breath. He then arrived at some old ruins. It smelled disgusting. Or was his nose decieving him? He then saw the elf girl, again. "Why?" he asked himself. A man approached with a robot. "Uh oh," he said. "Trouble," said Shadow. He could sense the evil deed in this human. He roared over head and landed behind the elf. "Intruders!" he yelled. Shadow placed one foreleg in front of the elf, shielding her. For some reason, he felt the urge to protect her when she needed it. Shadow never felt like this before. He wanted to attack, but he waited for provoktion.

Viktor ran after her, limping from the injuries. He called the stallion over, mounted it with surprising speed, and raced after Thiris and the dragon. If he came back without her, he might be as welcomed as any Republic soldier. He followed them to ruins of a village and dismounted the horse, stepping forward carefully. There was a male elf and a robot, his heart gave a pang as he realized it was one of those serving robots.

Dargon blinked. This weird creature was so obsessive over dragons, it made him snort with amusement. "I am certainly alive and real," he said. He looked into the shack, it was in such a disarray that disturbed him. "What happened here?" He sniffed cautiously.

No4224 groaned. The dragon was ugly, the female elf was ugly,and the familiar human with the Republic uniform was the ugliest. Oh, how he hated the whole scummy lot. "Yes," he dolefully said, "I'll go get some soldiers.." He sent a message back to the Republic headquarters with the communication device in his brain, rather boredly.


The setting is the grand planet of Arbacia, the land of trees and life. It is home to the native Elves, Trolls, Orcs, and Goblins, along with a few other rare species. The trees grow hundreds of feet tall and the snow-capped mountain ranges poke out of the mighty forests.

There are three main forests in Arbacia: The northern region of Sevreu, the Sounthern land of Yug, and the central land of Medius.

Sevreu: The land ruled by snowy mountains, and evergreen Pines. The people of the north are strong and hearty. Their primary magic is Ice and their best weapon is the Sword or Ax. "The mountains are alive."

Medius: The land of the Hunters and Gatherers. Their huge deciduous trees tower above everything, and their huge population of animals makes them be the best hunters and farmers. Their primary magic is Animal or Earth Magic, and their best weapon is the Bow and Arrow. "The wind speaks and the animals listen."

Yug: The land of the forever Sun. This land is primarily ruled by rain forests, along with a large, barren desert on the other side of the Skytoucher's Mountains. The people of this region make the best Fire Mages and their most used weapons are usually blunt sticks or spears. "Rain and fire, in an eternal dance of balance."

The republic inhabits a part of the desert, using it for a kind of base camp in an abandoned city. The main species of the republic are the lizard-like people called the Lizarus, the gray and uneven-skinned people called the Trikaigle, and the Humans of Earth.


Magic: Those who wish to learn magic must first show any sign of talent with magic and then proceed to study under the wings of the Monks. After they think you are ready, you will be given a test to get the title of mage. The test is to retrieve a special object from an ancient temple, guarded by spirits and other creatures, using only what you know in magic. All who succeed get the title of mage, and all who fail get their powers removed. But, those who fail usually run away and take up the forbidden Dark Magic. 

Weapons: Warriors are usually self-taught in the way of weapons. but, if they show some sort of talent with any weapon, they are recruited by a master to train further in the art of Fighting.



The once-free planet of Arbacia is being threatened by something they had never seen before: visitors from Earth. The Republic of Undivided Nations traveled to Arbacia in search of resources and fortune. The protectors of the planet, the Wildwood Brotherhood, will not allow the Republic to destroy the sacred temples and creatures of the huge, planet-wide forest. But, being terribly outnumbered and outmatched, The Brotherhood must result to a new idea: training an elite group of young adults in the ways of Magic and Weapons.

The Republic will stop at nothing to get what they came to the planet for: riches. Though, the leader of the project, General Makhar doesn't seem to be himself. In fact, he was possessed by the evil God of Chaos, Temnota. Temnota wishes to destroy the planet of Arbacia because his oldest enemy, the God of Peace, rests on this planet. The only way to destroy this god would be to destroy the sacred Temple of Peace- and that's precisely what he plans to do- if he could get rid of the Wildwood's first...

Since Temnota wants to utterly destroy Arbacia, he will gather as many troops as he can- including neutral Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and anyone who is looking for fortune.


Arbacia has a crimson, war-torn past filled with hate and death. The Ancient War left scars on the planet that could never be erased. But when the war ended, there was a thousand-year era of peace.

The Ancient War started when the God of Chaos threatened the God of Peace. The planet was torn in half. Half of the planet followed the Chaos, and the other followed Peace. After years and years of bloodshed, a group of warriors formed a group to stop the Chaos and bring peace once again. They created the Wildwood Brotherhood. The brotherhood gathered many followers and conquered the God of Chaos, sending him to a planet on the far side of the universe, not being able to return for a thousand years.

The Thousand-Year Era of Peace was ruled by the elders of the Brotherhood. The Elders are the veterans of the Ancient war and the masters of White Magic. They taught the teachers of magic, and legends say that they were the ones who discovered all magic in the first place.

Now that the God of Chaos has returned, the Era of Peace is over, and a new war shall begin.


1) standard EX RP rules apply~

2) No godmodding, mary/gary sues, powerplaying, etc. These are very annoying, and many RPers do not appriciate these. If you do not know what these are, ASK! :u

3) Keep swearing to a minimum please~

4) Blood is okay, just dont go overboard with the gore. This is NOT in face a Zombie rp! :P

5) Romance is alright- keep it to kissing and hugging. Nothing nasty or above PG-13!

6) Keep EVERYTHING pg-13 please!!

7) listen to and respect the RP Masters!

8) If you want to have more than 1 character, please make 1 with the Brotherhood and the other with the Republic. After you have these two, you may have as many characters on either side as you want! :D

9) Fictional animals ARE allowed! It's okay to have unicorns, dragons, harpies, etc.

10) finally, JUST HAVE FUN!!! 8D (but not too much, or I may have to eat you 8||)


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