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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Tensumara was being dragged in a cage behind a carriage as he moaned and hissed for hunger. The humans have been taking him somewhere for days without food and water, but they would eat it in front of him. The shackles and chains that held him in this cage prevented him from moving as his golden scales shined from the small speckles of sunlight that entered the cage. He lifted up one of his human looking arms and reached for the door of the cage. His golden claws skimmed the bars and then he felt something. The cage bumped on something and as soon as he realised they were now in a village. Scared of the humans who eyed and looked at the cage he let out groans and moans. His scales rattled as he tried to move but he could not. He heard the footsteps as he realised the knights left him in the cage in the middle of the town square. They chained down the cage and the door so there was no way out. He was stuck there with the humans who stared at him, then he realised guards and some hunters were coming towards the cage. He could barley move so he lied there, moaning silently in pain. 

"Isabel, look!" said Ivan, pointing at the cage. At first it looked like a person was locked in it, but Isabel squinted and realized it was actually a monster, and a very horrifying looking one too. "Just listen to it's moans and groans," Ivan said. "It sounds like it's in terrible pain... I know it's a monster, but even a monster doesn't deserve that... Why couldn't they have just killed it immediately instead of taking it alive and torturing it like this? I feel sorry for it, I wish we could help it..."

"Help it?!" Isabel snapped. "Are you out of your mind?! This brute deserves this treatment, just imagine how many people it must have eaten. Besides, it looks like those gaurds and hunters are going to kill it now, anyway, so let's just go. It'll be an unpleasant sight."

"But they're probably going to torture it to death!" Ivan protested. "Let's free it, then maybe we can kill it more mercifully later."

"Ivan, why are you being so stupid all of a sudden?!"

"Oh come on, Iz... I'll distract the gaurds and hunters, and you let out the monster."

"Okay, fine. I don't know why the hell I'm agreeing to this, but..."

So Ivan went to the guards and started talking nonsense to them, and while they weren't looking Isabel took the key from one of their pockets and let out the monster.

"Run!" she said to it. People saw what happened and started screaming. "Come on Ivan, you fool!" Isabel shouted at her brother, starting to flee. "Remind me to kill you later!"

They dashed off into the woods.

Tensumara, instead of attacking the guards that were fireing arrows at it, it slithered out of the cage and reared up like a cobra. The arrows seemed to only be able to penatrate the back of him. He let out a hiss at the humans and slithered twords a barrel full of apples and other fruits. To the humans this monster was more calm even though it was being attacked. Then one of the knights that was with the carrage came out of one of the shops and ran twords the creature when he saw it lose. "Hey!!! What are you doing out of your cage gold serpant?! Get Back!!!" The black armored kinight yelled slamming his sword on the creatures back. Tensumara let out a hiss and turned and faced the knight. It slamed its tail in the knights face, knocking him out. He then saw the other knights, followed by someone that had on armor that looked like a demon. He let out a hiss at the knights before slithering to the forest. 

"NO!!!! Who let my prize go?! You....Who ever has done this better come out! If you do not I will send my knights after you and put you in the cage with that vile beast, for I am Prince Demura, and you have commited a crim far worst than death itself!" The man in the demon looking armor yelled inraged.

Tensumara was in the forest when he found the two that let him go. He reared up like a cobra agen and stared at them, he wanted to say something but wondered what they would do first. 

Isabel and Ivan kept running until they were forced to stop and rest. They stood there and were still gasping for breath when the monster found them and reared up in front of them. They immediately pulled out their bows and arrows, and prepared to fire if necassary, but didn't point them directly at it.

"Ivan," said Isabel, "I'm going to have a really hard time forgiving you for talking me into this."

"Let's talk about that later," Ivan said, "first we'll talk to this monster. Er... can you talk?" he asked it. "Do you remember your human name? Well, I'm Ivan and this is my sister Isabel. We won't hurt you, as long as you don't hurt us."

"Hey, I thought we freed this beast so we could humanely kill it!" Isabel whispered.

"Well, we can't let him know that," Ivan said, "and besides, we're in trouble now, so maybe we should change our minds and let him live! He might be able to help us!"

"Or maybe he'll eat his for lunch!"

"Be quiet, Iz, let him talk!"

Isabel glared at her brother but was silent. Then they both looked at the monster.

Tensumara knew he could not speak properly that much for sometimes it came in riddles or other nonsence. "I am Tensumara." He said but it came out unhumanly. His gold scales, claws, and three rows of teeth shined specs of light off it. The arrows still were in his back with the large gouge from the weapon. The cut from the sword leeked out gold blood. He seemed not to be covered in human blood at all. His huge hole in his cheast shown, the hollow reminder of what he tryed to do to himself. He was quiet and still looked rather weak. He then saw a river and slithered twords it and started to drink the water. 

"Tensumara?!" Ivan and Isabel said in unison. They looked at each other in astonishment, hardly believing it. They both knew the legend, and this monster matched the description of the one in that old story... but they always thought it was just an old story... It couldn't be true, could it? They didn't need to say these things aloud, they could both tell they were thinking the same thing by the look in each other's eyes.

"Um... You're not the Tensumara of that old legend, are you?" Ivan asked.

"What will we do if he is?" Isabel whispered in her brother's ear.

"I don't know," Ivan whispered back, "but it's a good thing we didn't let those men kill him. And we now can't kill him either."

"I suppose not... damn it..." Isabel muttered. Then she spoke to Tensumara again, raising her voice. "Well, even if you're not, it's obvious all three of us are in big trouble now, so perhaps we should team up temporarily to get ourselves out of danger, for now? That prince's knights will probably be coming soon."

Tensumara looked up at them and said unhumanly. "And how do I know you did not just release me to try to kill me for my fleash and bone? I dont trust human kind anymore, nore the other creatures of this world. The knights wont harm you, probibly they will give you a lecture and spit out harsh words to you before they continue on with there demonic prince." He continued to drink for he was far thersty and hungry. His snake like lower body wraped and coiled around him. He seemed calm at the moment but on the inside, his darker new side, he wanted to kill everything.

Ivan and Isabel looked at each other again.

"Let's just go," Isabel said to Ivan. "Well, bye then," she said to Tensumara, and started walking away.

"Oh come on, Iz," Ivan hissed in her ear, "this is the legendary Tensumara! We've got to grab our chance and make friends! Wouldn't it be amazing to be friends with someone from a legend?"

"He obviously doesn't want any friends, Ivan. And besides... just think of the descriptions of all the terrible things he did in that legend. Most monsters are vicious killers, but this guy would be especially bad. And I don't want to stay here and be caught by those knights, even if they just lecture us, so let's go kill something for supper."

So they left Tensumara. Ivan looked over his shoulder as they walked away.

Tensumara looked up at them as they walked away. He knew that he did something good for he did not want them to be harmed by the knights if they tried to protect him. He slithered off and continued on his way, trying to find somewhere to rest. He tried to small the air when he found a dead rabbit that was in a bear trap. He used his long claws to drag it out and started to eat it. He always cringed in disgust, for he hated the new life he lived as a beast. Though after years he was shure he was never going to back so he excepted his fate. He curled up under a tree next to the trap. He was sleeping when he heard another creature approaching. Out of fear he hissed loudly, warning whatever was coming to stay away.
In a village, Veinous Cupcake was hiding in an alley lying in wait for any humans to eat. A lanky built man wearing a balaclava came up to the alley and cleared his throat  when he seen some moonlight reflect off of a patch of fur. The monster leaped right in front of him and said "I am Veinous Cheesecake! I will eat you!" and gave the man a toothy grin. The man tried to run to the local cleric's house and yelled "Cleric! Cleric! Monster make me cry!" only to be grabbed around the neck and thrown back into the alley with enough force to be blown to bits. Veinous Cheesecake then came back to the alley to enjoy his meal.
Rose saw him curled up by the tree, beside a sprung bear trap. At first she thought he was a human, she wondered what kind of idiot human would just take a nap out here in this monster infested forest, but as she stalked closer she realized it was a monster, like herself. She had been thinking of trying to kill him for a meal, but she was always rather hesitant about attacking other monsters, they were always dangerous. All monsters were killing machines, after all. But this monster looked weak, and she was so hungry, she hadn't eaten for a few days... so she crept towards him and prepared to attack, as soon as she was close enough to pounce.
Tensumara looked at the creature and hissed loudly before rearing up and making himself look bigger like a cobra. He hissed and outstretched his long claws before striking. He wrapped his body around rose and made shur she could not move before he did anything else. He was hungry, but never enjoyed eating another creature. He then tightened his coils around her before dropping her on the ground. He scratched her in the back and hissed in warning before he slithered back underneath the tree. He was still alert and watched her to see if she would do anything else.

Before she could pounce, the other monster turned to face her, rearing up and hissing. She froze, paralyzed by fear. He was much bigger than she thought. Then he seized her and she felt his long serpent-like body wrap around her and start squeezing the breathe out of her. Looks like this is the end of me... she thought. But to her surprise, instead of crushing her to death he suddenly dropped her. He scratched her, but that was it. She darted away out of reach, and turned to face him.

"Why didn't you kill me? You look weak, a meal would have given you strength. Now you probably won't get another chance to eat anything or anyone for a long time. You're probably done for." She backed away slowly as she spoke but kept her eyes locked on him, prepared to run as fast as she could if he tried to attack again. She knew she should probably flee right now instead of talking to him, but something made her hesitate. "Erm... anyway... thank you for sparing me. I'm sorry I can't help you." But was that really true? She probably could help him, she knew, it was just that she was scared he'd change his mind and eat her after all if she got too close.

Tensumara was quiet then curled back up under the tree. He knew that she must have thought he was weak from how frail and boney he looked, but he would rather not talk to another creature. " Don't try to hunt me agen." He hissed lowly. He then started to curl up when his tail hit the trap. The trap closed on his tail and he let out a loud hiss. His gold like blood trickled off the trap giving a metallic smell, that to other creatures smelt unedible. He tried to rip off the trap but could not, then he noticed that something was coming. He saw that it was one of the monster hunters.
Tara didn't know why she did it, but she said to Tensumara, "Please don't hurt me, I just want to help you," then she grabbed the trap in her mouth and started trying to yank it off his tail. It ripped open his wounds even more, golden blood gushed out, the evil metallic smell filled her nostils, and some of the blood got in her mouth, it tasted horrible, it definetly wasn't normal blood. Finally she got it off. She immediately turned and fled, not stopping to see if Tensumara was fleeing too. She assumed he was, though. Arrows started flying, one hit her flank, making her flinch. But she was used to arrows, she had been hit by them before. She just hoped this one wasn't  poisoned.

Predator versus Prey (remake)

The Human Realm: Most of this is covered by a vast, seemingly endless forest infested by monsters, who are all actually cursed humans. There are villages here and there, and some castles too, but many of them have been wiped out by monsters - that is, the people living there who haven't been turned into beasts have all been eaten, so now they're basically ghost towns.

The Amulets Realm: The Realm of light and darkness, some say it is a divine realm that separated itself from mortality long ago, this realm is sacred and very rarely humans are allowed to come here. This is where the amulets live, but some amulets go to both realms and either battle, rule, or try to destroy humanity. Amulets that are in this realm can do no harm because they are bind by there own laws not to fight on this heavenly realm.

There is at least one gateway between the the Human Realm and the Amulet Realm, but most humans do not know where it is, and many say it doesn't exist. They also say the Amulet Realm does not exist. But this may change sooner or later...


In a dark medieval fantasy world, ordinary people are suddenly turning into horrible monster and devouring everything and everyone edible. Humans are their favourite food, though. The terrified villagers try to kill all the monsters before the monsters kill them. They slay countless monsters, but they turn into monsters themselves just as fast. So basically, humanity is slowly being destroyed. If the curse isn't stopped, there'll be no humans left, just monsters. Perhaps some of them would still be semi-human, but soon they'd lose that humanity, and by then most of them would be Pure Monsters - with no soul, no feelings, and no humanity whatsoever - anyway.

The Amulets are the cause of the curse for they have been embedded to cause trouble in the mortal realm and tend to cause trouble. Some just turn humans into monsters to teach them a lesson others have other reasons. But the truth to it all is in there creators, they were made for the destruction of the mortal realm and to destroy the very life they created.


The History of this land is embedded in secrets, sins, and greed for there are stories and legends for reasons to protect mortal kind. There is one legend that was forgotten until now, for the curse has returned and monsters are coming to the land. Amulets are now appearing and the legend is coming true.

The legend states a war between mortal kind and magical beings known as amulets. Some amulets tend to take control of humans and protect a village or a kingdom they rule or live in. They watch everyone carefully and punish those who deserve it or otherwise not.


Same Rules apply for normal rp's. Read the RP Guide if you are not familiar.

The Species:

Humans: The villagers. All the monsters were human once, and any human could be transformed into a monster at any time.

Many people have become monster hunters. Since the monsters do a lot of damage and kill countless people, there's a high bounty on each monster's head. You could get rich being a monster hunter, as long as your quarry doesn't kill you before you can kill any of them. It's a very dangerous job, most people who try to be monster hunters get eaten almost right away.

There are also guards stationed at the outskirts of the village at all times. This is a dangerous job too, for the same reason being a monster hunter is dangerous.

A few people have learned the Amulet's magic (an Amulet taught them, that is), but they have to keep their powers secret, because otherwise they get called "witches" by other villagers, and it's easy to guess what would happen next.

Monsters: Although the Amulets can take on monster form, this refers to humans who have been transformed into beasts by Amulet magic. The victim may be directly transformed by an Amulet or magic-using human casting a spell on the victim, or the victim may be indirectly transformed if he or she gets very angry or depressed while an Amulet or magic-using human is in the area. Either way, transformation is always excruciatingly painful.

All monsters crave human flesh. Some may try to fight this, others just give in to it and gorge on humans. Also, most monsters look like beasts but some still look mostly like humans, with just a few animal-like features. The latter can still live in the village if they're careful to hide what they really are, and try not to eat too many people. 

All monsters tend to lose their humanity over time, some faster, others slower, until eventually they become a Pure Monster, without any soul. A monster that still has humanity can be turned back into a human (though he or she may turn back into a monster) but a pure monster cannot.

And of course it's dangerous being a monster too, since all the humans want to kill you.

Amulets (invented by Shinu Grace): Amulets are special beings that are not made from normal metals and bones, they are made by the creators of magic themselves. Some are extremely friendly while others are deadly, they tend to fight each other for territorial reasons and tend to kill one another for prizes. Very rarely a amulet will spend times with a human, or even invest time to be around them. There are three main types of Amulets:

Positive (Light) Amulets: They tend to be more kind and nice to creatures, and spend more time helping humans than most would. They use Life Magic mostly, very rarely they stray from that type.

Negative (Darkness) Amulets: This type tends to be more violent and destructive and have a bitter hatred for all living things. They are known to be rarely nice to humans because they are the ones that will usually hunt them. They tend to stay more towards the Dark arts like Death Magic.

Neutral (Nothingness) Amulets: They are rare and unknown, very uncommon and unusual. They understand little about humanity and there own kind, usually needing to be shown or taught by other people or creatures how to interact with humans. They can master all arts, but do well in illusion magic. (5 amulets only)

The Main Forms.

One (Sakina) Amulets : They are not split apart but one whole amulet. Common type of amulet

Two (Densuka) Amulets: They are split in two and can control two body's. Rare Type of amulet. (10 only)

Three (Hydramia) Amulets: The Three separate amulets, they are extremely rare and unusual. (only 5)

*All types of amulets have three forms. The amulet itself, a monster, and a human.*

* Amulets Are Limited. Rare types are extremely so yea*

*Amulets all have different colors and looks and differ in personality*

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