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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Nashi woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the waterfall in the distance. She enjoyed the mornings in Elphadon. They were usually quiet and gave her time to think before Nema got up. She stood, shaking dew from her pelt, and stepped over her sleeping 'siblings'. Shadow and Nema had found her about a month ago, but it felt like she had been with them for a long time. She imagined that day while she walked down to the waterfall. Today, Shadow and Nema told her they were going to introduce her to their friends. They said that they'd like her. I hope so. She thought as she now starred at her reflection in the water.
Revatraqx wakes ups and crawls out of her tree den happy and excited "Remcraw! Remcraw! wake up! we get to meet Nashi today!" Remcraw slowly opens his eyes and crawl from under his shelter. Remcraw mutters "Hold on at least let me eat before i go talking to people" Revatraqx laughs "Oh, sorry, I'm just so excited! A new friend to adventure with! I cant wait, can you?" Remcraw says sarcastically "I'm jumping with happiness..." Revatraqx smiles "I'll go look for some eggs and oranges, you can go get a rabbit or two" Revatraqx leaps and takes flight looking for something to eat. Remcraw who prefer to walk walks off in the opposite direction heading to the meadow "rabbits should be around in this area somewhere..." Revatraqx soars by trees looking in each one for a nest or a fruit tree of some kind.
Beechnut woke up and yawned. He thought about his first day to flight school; he was so excited! Beechnut stood up and barked. "This will be fun!" He exclaimed. BEechnut ran thoguht the forest and started to fly. The whole world seemed to smile at him as he flew through the beautiful blue sky. "Hello world!" yelled beechnut. "Beechnut is flying though the-" at that moment  he lost control and started to plung back to earth, and ended up in a lake. Beechnut jumped out of the water and shook. "I will never fly that high until I improve!" Beechnut had mumbled.
Just as Nashi was about to get up, she heard a splash and then was covered with a spray of water. She squealed, more so from being sprayed with freezing cold water than out of surprise. Frantically searching the water, she finally saw something emerge from the water. The creature looked like some type of dog, except its ears were extremely long. Nashi shook some of the water off and waded into the water so she could get a closer look. "Hello? Are you okay?" She called to the dog-like creature. She had never seen something like this before, so she couldnt tell if the creature was friendly or not.

"Hello? Are you OK?" Beechnut turned to see a cheetah standing before him. He gasped and ran around the creature,  "Hi! I'm Beechnut! I can fly, but not as well as you can think! Whats you name? You're a cheetah!" Beechnut then jumped and flew around the cheetah. "Do you live here? I live in the forest! I love it there! Do you love it there?" It had seemed that beechnut was so excited, he couldn't get himslef together. He rolled on his back and said, "Do you have any sibilings? I have one! She is really hyper-active, but she lives somwhere else! You seem really friendly!" It ws probably gonna be a tiring convo......

Nashi's head was overwhelmed. Beechnut was asking so many questions and talking so fast! Her brain couldnt keep up! "Well.....umm..." She started as the dog started flying around her in circles. She sat down and began talking, "I'm Nashi. Yes, yes, and yes." She nodded as she answered the questions. She turned her head to look at him. "So, you can fly, huh? That must be fun! My brother can fly too!"


Shadow woke up with sun shining in his eyes. He didnt choose the best spot to sleep last night, and so the sun that shone through the trees was in his face. He got up and stretched, and moved over to Nema. "Hey, Nems" he started as he poked her. When she was finally awake, he continued. "Come on, I want to find something to eat before we meet everybody." He looked over to where Nashi had slept. "And we need to go find Nashi, too." Nashi usually ran off every morning looking for things to do, mostly exploring or looking for food.

Revatraqx returns from her scavenge "i might as well catch up with Remcraw, he might needs some help." she skips away to the meadow. As she is walking Remcraw meets up with her with two rabbits in his mouth. Revatraqx gasps "Put that rabbit down now!" Remcraw drops the rabbit and says "i already ate mine so i just brought you one back..." Revatraqx stops Remcraw by hugging his head and repeatedly saying shh, while holding his muzzle. "Remcraw, this one is just a baby! we must care for it and cherish it, also look at its fur, its not often you see a brown rabbit in these parts... hmm..." Revatraqx gasp "i have an idea!" Remcraw mutters "uh oh" Revatraqx excitedly "can we keep her! please oh please oh pleeease!" Remcraw shrugs, "as long as you take care of it" Revatraqx puts the rabbit on her head and skips back to the den, she hands Remcraw an orange and she eats the apple. Remcraw cook the eggs. soon as they finished, they headed out to the river to go meet up with their friends 

Beechnut smiled and pranced back into the water. "Now I know about you and you know about me! Isn't that cool Nashi? And you bro can fly? Awesome! Is he in flight school?" He flew out of the water and called, "So friend where do you wanna go? Wanna fly on my back, take a walk....or you could plan it all out for us! What do you wanna do buddy? I'll take on anything!" He leaned close to Nashi. "Anything," He said. "I'll even chase my tail," With one look of his tail, he barked and ran in circles for his tail. Seeing Nashi's confused face, he said "Oh, I understand. You didn't accept my Friendship Request. What do you say?" Beechnut stuck out his paw. "Friends?" He asked Nashi.

"Umm...i guess so." She stood up and followed the dog as he started to bounce away. "No, he's not in it right now. I guess he's already completed his training? But he doesnt fly that much so I really dont know..." She trailed off as she tried to figure it out in her head. The next thing she knew, Beechnut was holding a paw out to her. "Friends?" He asked. She looked at the paw and took it. Smiling she agreed, "Friends". After he calmed down a bit, she walked a few ways and motioned that he should follow. "Well, before we do anything, I have to go find Shadow and Nema. They should be up by now. You can help me find them if you'd like!"
Snowflake woke up to hear her snow owl hooting louldy. After Snowflake was good and awake she ate some SUSHI!!!! Her most favorite food ever. Then she realized she was late to go and meet Nemas new adopted sister. So after Snowflke finished taking care of the pet owl she sat outside of her cave in the cold forest of Zephlin. She thought about her family and how shead run away from her home planet and came to Kundrim Islands after she herd her parents talking about sending her to a goverment facilty just becayse she  had markings and colors instead of being some plain old boaring creature with no color or desighin she was one of a kind and proud to be that way.

Celestica awakened to the bright and shining sun. She rolled out of her soft, cottony cloud bed. Stretching her wings Celestica yawned and smiled at her large pet pheonix, "Morning, Sonne Feuer." The bird made a smooth, and shrill call back to her in greeting. Its bright red and gold wings of fire sparkling in the sunlight. Celestica padded down the golden, grand hallways of her home, her feet barely touching the ground. After combing out her fur, and placing a  sun amulet around her neck, Celestica set out to meet the others at the river. Today she would meet Nashi, Shadow and Nema's new sister.

Beechnut cheered after Nashi shook his paw. "Yeah! Best friends forever! Best friends forever!" He cried. Nashi had then asked him if he wanted to help her find her brother and sister, Nema and Shadow. "Yes! That will be fun!" He said. Beechnut chased his tail and then said, "Are they nice? Will they yell? Are they hyper? You have got to tell me about them you!" He said, getting excited again. "Can you see far? Or do you wanna ride me? THats a great idea! I love having people on my back while I fly! Its alot of fun and its kinda helps me control my flying! You wanna ride me? You can get a better view!" Beechnut then took a deep breath after he finished talking. He bent over to let Nashi on his back, if she wanted to get on.

Kai was in his cave eating breakfast. He was dining on some fresh rainbow trout he had caught earlier and a bowl of blueberries. After gobling down his breakfast, Kai slid down a rock that was kinda like a slide that leaned against his home. After landing with a thump! on the grass he shook his fur and bounded off to find Duman. Who was supossed to be leading Kai to the river where everyone was to meet Shadow and Nema's new sister. Kai didn't know who she was but he hoped that she was nice.

Duman had finnaly finished fixing his mane. His mohawk had become flat while he was asleep, and one hour later, and about one and a half jars of hair gel later, he was ready. After grabbing his collar he transformed into a red tailed hawk and flew over Elphadon, in search of Kai. Duman dived into the trees after spotting a strak of various blues that undoubtedly was Kai. He landed a few feet infront of him and turned into a lion. "Okay, follow me." he said simply to Kai before heading towards the river.

Nashi nodded as Beechnut offered her a ride on his back. She nodded and climbed on. When she was situated, she started to answer his questions. "Yea, theyre both nice. They dont yell alot, really. But Nema can get a little loud when she's excited. Theyre not that hyper either, but theyre still pretty exciting. I think you'd like them. We usually hunt in the mornings, so they should be around where we hunt at. We should find some food too, just to help them out.


Nema and Shadow split up to cover more ground as they hunted. Usually, it was Nema's task to search for the meat, seeing how she had no way to carry fruit. She walked silently, listening and scenting for food. When she caught track of a rabbit, she set out to kill it. Later, when she had gotten three rabbits, she carried them back to where she was supposed to be meeting Shadow with the fruit. Seeing that he wasnt there yet, she ate her share and left the other two rabbits for Shadow and Nashi. 


Shadow headed to where they usually gathered fruit from. It wasnt far from the waterfall and he was planning on stopping by to see if Nashi was there. After picking out a few apples, he concintrated so that they all levitated. Then he set out towards the waterfall, a trail of levitating fruit floating behind him. When he reached the waterfall, he saw Nashi, but she was with someone else too. He called out to her, not wanting to get too close to the mist the waterfall was spraying. She looked like she was about to ride on the other's back. He called her again, hoping she'd hear him over the roar of the waterfall.


Beechnut heard sombody calling Nashi's name. "Do you know that dude?" he asked. "Cause I don't! Lets go say hi!" Beechnut flew all the way over to the creature and let Nashi off his back. "Hello!" he said. "My name is Beechnut! Me and my friend here saw and decided to come over here!" Beechnut smiled and flew around the creature. "As you can see, I use my ears to fly! Its really fun! Although, I have terrible control." Beechnut landed. "But great news- I'm going to flight school! It should be reallly fun I hope!" Beechnut  cocked his head, knowing he forgot somthing. "Say-whats your name?" he asked.


(in my head, it seemed calm)

~Kildrun Island~

This roleplay take place on 3-4 separate islands (flight school will be an option)

Elphadon: The main land/lowest islands in which most animals live, it has a lake formed for a water fall flowing off the island Zephlin, it is mostly forest but it does have some area that are not forested

Zephlin: The coldest island it has one mountain covered in snow, right behind that mountain is a forest with trees that have no leaves, it has a stone walkway leading to a large pond, some areas on Zephlin is not covered in snow. Zephlin has a waterfall that drops onto Elphadon creating the river it has now

Flying school: Is the smallest islands drifting off to the side of Zephlin. The name of the school is Flight academy. Flight academy is a place for young creatures to learn to fly

Kildrun palace: A castle type thing with silk like material covering it, King Deepus and Queen Alexa rule all of kildrun, the whole island is their personal home, you need permission from the guards to be let in. ~you have to message me so i can give permission to let you in so i don't have to make a hundred word post just to say "you may enter"~ decisions will be random

The waterfall: Behind the waterfall their is a cave protected by a female 3 headed dragon. during the night she send out on a quest in search of shiny, beautiful jewels, it is very hard to sneak past her


You are your character/fursona living on the Kildrun islands, you have access to all the islands, the islands are floating and requires a hot air balloon to travel island to island if your character has wings or flying abilities you can just fly to each island

National Colors:

National Dish:

National Flower: Sypra

National Tree: Zero tree


Kildrun is a place that DL sketched out in my notebook so if you have any questions about if they have something, what it looks like, where its located you can message primarily me or DinoLover


Once upon a time.... there was an island in the middle of the pacific ocean, it was a very peaceful island, everyone was friendly, but one day a massive earth quake rumbled the peaceful island of Xerfway (previous name),and  the most glorious, beautiful, and delicate flower made of a special never named jewel was shattered, King Deepus raced to try and get the only part that wasn't shattered. the island rose and broke into 4. the X leaf (only not shattered part) rolled off the island and began to fall, by this time the island would be a mile about the PO (pacific ocean) King Deepus knowing the delicate flower must live on so he jumps off the island too in pursuit of the precious jewel he falls fast, not having wings he dove trying to catch up with the leaf, he finally grabs it and holds tight so if he doesn't survive the fall, at least the jewel with survive, closing his eyes tight seeing the ocean something amazing happens, he slows down and begins to rise back up and the earth quack stopped! king Deepus makes it to the surface of the 4 islands. there were no more of that flower left on any of the islands, king Deepus held the last part... the very last part. the glowing stone shaped like a leaf spoke to king Deepus it said "this stone of the ancient Yets flower ensures peace upon this land and this will keep these islands together and floating, you are the holder of such rare qualities, protect with your life" king D then realized what has just happened. later he would then marry a beautiful lady named Alexa making her queen, they would then rule the islands renaming and protecting with their life. the animals got along so well that a mixture of animals arose,  creating wolf with wings, rabbit with horns and some as crazy as lions with hooves. it was a new beginning a new era... it was the start of Kildren. THE END


No humans please, it will make communication and other things complicated

General EX rules apply

Nothing inappropriate

No character is perfect, if someone throws you into a tree... you just got thrown into a tree

Please do not control other people's character unless its OK the the owner of that character

No character can have "all power" as in sinking one of the islands or having a blast that make the islands dormant or things of that sort

I will not put a "general" species, you will have to message me so i can put the name of your character

When you state the age of your character please do it in human years

Royalty must be referred to as "your highness"

You can have unlimited characters! just long as you can keep up with them ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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