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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Hillary thought about going with the girl, though she talked funny... She was walking towards the door to join her when she heard what sounded like a upset horse. Then she realized what it was. "they are trying to hurt the Pegasus!" she yelled out. She sprinted down the hall back towards alchemy class. She busted in through the class doors and of course, there was some boy trying to transform the horse back into a table. "stop you monsters!" she started to cry with the fact they were trying to Hurt her Pegasus. "you'll kill him!" she cried out. "Hillary he is only a demonstration for the class, we need that table." She didn't say anything she just guided the Pegasus out of the room. Once she was outside the door she turned around. "Mr.Kreger I am now quitting this class. I'm going to talk to the principal." She walked out with the winged creature beside her. Jet was hissing growling at the teacher. Hillary cried tears all the way down the hall. She opened the door and her creations poked their heads in. The principle just looked up and stopped writing. She saw Hillary crying and holding her horse protectively. "did he try to Hurt your horse?" she said almost like she expected it. Hillary shook her head. The principal got up and gave Hillary a tight hug. "now dear I will switch you to Mr.McClures class, but you cant be switching constantly. Also you can let your horse live, because I know how important a living creation is to the creator, but you can't keep him on campus. I just don't have the space. I already kept Shadow in the storage area, I can't keep a horse-uh... Pegasus thing there too." Hillary hugged the principal real tight. "thank you." she guided the horse outdoors and towards where the girl was heading. To get wherever the other girl was going faster, she hopped on her robotic pegasusu, witch she named Zues. Zues rocketed off, and soon they had the girl within sights. Jet jumped off and flew towards the girl, once again... He wrapped around the poor girl. "he really likes you." she said quietly. Hillary whispered the location of her parents farm into zueses ear and he flew off. "I will visit you later!" she said waving to the Pegasus. "jet come." she held out her arm and the little dragon wrapped his metalic body on her arm. Hillary walked infront of the girl and motioned for her to continue.
Jet heard his brother cry out in the other room. So of course, he was upset too. His master ran towards the sound and saw Zeus about to be transformed by a student. His master got upset and took his brother away. Jet growled at the evil man for making his master sad. They talked to the principal and said that Zeus would be ok. As they were walking down the hall jet started to try out something. His master told him he could communicate through a mental link with his siblings and his master. First he focused really hard on saying "hi" to Zeus. The metal Pegasus filched and said "hi" back. Jet shook with excitement. He focused on his master this time. "it works! The mental link works!" he said happily. Hillary looked down towards him and pet his head. "of course it works. I build all of my creations with a mental link." She replied sweetly. "now come on guys we have to catch up with that girl." His master hopped on Zeus's back and rode off towards the woods. They caught up with that nice girl and jet flew off to play with her. She didn't seem to want to play that much so jet just wrapped himself around her. (his version of a hug) but then his master called for him and he knew not to disobey. "where did Zeus go?" he asked through the mental link. "to the farm." Hillary replied. "oooh! What's that?" he asked. "I will show you when your older." she said. Jet was a little disappointed, but he was happy he could snuggle on his masters shoulder again. He had a feeling the other girl didn't want to have a robot dragon belt.

Zarya watched the girl run off, than comeback by with a Pegasus. She was fascinated by the metal dragon, and now the winged horse. Alchemist. She thought to herself. Must be a specialist, because the horse was metal too... wonder if she likes it that way.

One thing she hadn't heard of though. Finding your zen? Really? Was this person some sort of Buddhist? Finding your zen was for people who didn't have a life. Shaking her head, Zarya looking to the sky. A dragon weaved in and out of the cloud spitting fire and roaring angrily. Something has been stolen from it. If only I could get closer...Zarya's grandfather had told her of dragons going into blind rage when something was stolen from it, especially eggs. Zarya followed the others to one of the dirt-old guys a listened. Good things came to those who waited. She would see how this played out...

Sam was sitting in a little clearing in the forest reading a new book from her parents. Her little dragons were doing their own things meaning Silver was zipping around the clearing, Copper was napping, Iron was keeping a lookout for trouble namely one elf who'd been harrassing Sam lately, and Gold was sitting there with a crystal pebble he'd found staring at it. Sam looked up when she heard a roar. A huge black dragon was in a rage flying about spewing flame. Sam hid from it in a hollow log with her creations before it could spot her. The inside of the log was mossy and actually comfortable, Sam was grateful she'd worn green today. There was a hole that let in light enough to read by after the dragon was gone. Sam may have an affinity with dragons but she didn't want to deal with this one. Something had been taken from the dragon that much was clear. Sam and her little dragons were careful to not take anything from dragons. They'd found a hord once and warned others to not go there. When the enraged dragon left the girl bolted for the dorms. She could listen to some records she had while she read. 
Sam finished up her free period and went to her alchemy class. The little dragons were back in jewelry form except for Gold. Gold being the most helpful one of the bunch. Sam wanted to make a creation that would help her perform magic better, or find a familiar to do the same. Possibly a cat, or a dog. Something smart. Sam pulled her alchemy robes, and other safety gear out of her bag along with her notes. She made a dragon from a pen that could take whatever notes she dictated to it. Gold grabbed Sam's hair tie from her bag she'd forgotten to grab it "Thank you Gold." She braided her hair and used the tie to keep it in place. Goggles in place check, hair back check, black alchemy robes on check, protective gloves check, and secretary check. Well I'm ready for today's project. Sam sat in her seat ready for class. 


Welcome to Madame Arristah's Academy of Artistic and Alchemic Summoning! Or, the AAAS! Here, you will learn the art of summoning, from basic to advanced! Our vast campus sports several useful buildings, along with some extras. We hope the dorms are to your liking, along with your roommates! Please, make yourself at home after you arrive! We are 100% sure that you will have a safe, fun, and insightful experience here!

The Dorm Building: A tall, maroon building that looks like a Victorian apartment building. It has many rooms for students to stay. It is sectioned into a boys' half and a girls' half for obvious reasons. Everything is powered by steam and the nearby river.

The Alchemy Building: A somewhat tall, dark blue building where Alchemy students study the science and art of Alchemy. The bottom floor is for beginning students, and the top is for advanced. The middle floors are for intermediate. There are many smoke and fire detectors in the building for again, obvious reasons.

The Inking Building: A beautiful, golden-yellow colored building surrounded by ancient 'Scribe Trees'. This is where Scribing students go to study and practice the art of summoning creatures using magic paint or 'Ink' from the Scribe Trees of the Forest of Ancients.

Meal Hall: A medium-sized log building where students get Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Archives of the Ancients: Where all the ancient Alchemy and Ink books and scrolls are stored. It is a huge building that almost looks like a smaller; more tree-covered Taj Mahal without the columns on the sides. It is also a dark brown color and has ivy growling all around it. Long ago, an ancient evil spirit tried to steal the scrolls and corrupt the entire Forest of Ancients. But, the ancient Alchemists and Inkers fought back and locked the evil in a faraway abandoned temple. Though, there are signs that the Evil is slowly starting to leak out into the forest again, causing shortages in supplies and Ink.
There are also small towns around the Academy throughout the forest. Though, a few of them have been abandoned because of the evil creatures lurking...


At the AAAS, students learn the art of Summoning with Alchemy or by Inking, which is, summoning great creatures by painting in the air with special, magic paint only found in the Forest of Ancients. They can learn to summon things from little birds, to huge ancient spirits from Lore and Fairy Tales.

Inking is a very powerful and ancient technique. It takes years of practice and, if done incorrectly, may turn out horribly wrong. Alchemy, on the other hand, is taking something that already exists near you and transforming it into a creature to attack with. It also might go horribly wrong and blow up in our face, but your face isn't that important, is it!

It is certainly a dark time for the AAAS. The unknown Evil has begun to rise again. Students are being sent on missions to defeat the evil creatures and restore the forest using their magic, though it is not enough. The AAAS is searching for strong and capable students to search down the Unknown Evil and put an end to it for good. though, they haven't been able to find students yet and the infection keeps spreading and spreading. Soon, the entire Forest of Ancients will be infected and there will be nothing to protect the Great Spirit or the Ancient Archives from falling to the Evil.

As new students begin to arrive, the AAAS is still on the search for that special group of students.


Hundreds of years ago, before the Academy, there was a small group of Masters and spirits protecting the Forest of Ancients where the Great Spirit Miyani dwelled.

But, a strange new Evil had begun to slowly claw itself into the forest. It turned the spirits against the Ancient Masters and Miyani.

The Ancient masters took action and fought back against the Evil, sending it back to the depths through an evil temple of demons that had been abandoned. Ever since that time, the Evil has been quiet.

But now, it is suddenly starting to claw itself back into the world, much more rapidly than last time. It is consuming the edges of the Forest in hate and death, causing the creatures at that part of the forest to go insane and corrupt other parts of the forest.


1) Please follow all of the rules for the RP! I don't want to delete your character if I don't have to!

2) No cursing, too much gore, or anything expicit! (only very very minor swears are allowed. The A-word is too far!)

3) Romance is allowed- this is an academy after all :3 but NOTHING that isn't PG-13!!

4) BE NICE! - this is a very big one. I don't want fights or anything. I will punt anyone who starts OOC fights D8<

5) Respect both Amerillo and I. We thought of this idea together, we don't want it to be stolen. And if we tell you to do something or not to do something, Respect it!!!

6) Mary/gary sues, Godmodding, Powerplaying, Perfect Characters, etc. is NOT allowed. It can be very annoying.

7) This is a Steam-punk-Like RP, so no iPods or TV's or anything XD

8) (I promise this is the last rule) HAVE FUN!!!

Who's and What's of this RP!!

Inking: The art of summoning creatures from painting shapes and pictures in the air using a Magic Brush and Ink. To do this, you must first either draw the creature into a special Spell Sketchbook, or capture the creature using the 'InkNet' spell.

Alchemy: The Science of converting objects around yourself into summoned creatures. You must be very familiar with chemestry and have at least one item that makes up the creature with you to summon it or transform it.

The Evil: An unknown evil spreading through the forest, killing the creatures, turning them into monsters, destroying the Scribe Trees, and trying to destroy the Great Spirit.

Great Spirit: The creator of the forest and ruler of everything in it.

Academy: A place where students come to study and practice Inking and Alchemy.

Forest of Ancients: An ancient and sacred forest filled with Scribe Trees and plenty of things to practice Alchemy on. It also has several abandoned temples scattered around.

Spirits: Small forest spirits created by the Great Spirit to rule over smaller things.

Summoning: The ancient art of using spells, Ink, or Alchemy to summon creatures in combat to defeat evil. It is also possible to summon pets, people, teleport, and create food!

Also! Please be descriptive of your characters! I dislike pathetic description! Just look at all these words! It took me forever! Now show me some appreciation and don't be lazy with posts or creating characters! GAWSH!! >8U

Word Minimum
150 words per post.

Joinable Species
Alchemist Summoner
Ink Summoner

Second RP Master
✧゚・Amerillo・゚✧ (#342)

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