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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Weather: Its Raining
Jaren looked around The tent. The crowd was leaving and the "family" was packing up. "freaks..." he muttered under his breath. He walked over to snack bar feeling hungry. He saw cherry the young red-head standing over the fruit section. "move!" he yelled as he shoved her out the way and grabbed a round apple. "next time don't get in my way!" he walked off as the girl turned invisible And probably ran away. He went back to his room and sat down at his desk. He always returned here if he wanted to think about something. "why can't the old man just die already!" he said while he threw his apple against the wall. Jaren always wanted to be the ringmaster. Why his stupid father got the Job he didn't know. He just wanted him dead and gone so the money could come to him instead. He wanted his father dead soon. Then the circus would be his...

I worried that HE had seen me. He was scary by all means... but was Cherry okay..? She was here before me, and she seemed to be a nice 'gal. But should I approach her? She seemed to be upset, and she was pretty easily heard while she was crying...

I took ahold of my better judgement based on how I know what it feels like to not have someone other then only one to attempt to comfort me whenever I had problems, or felt upset, and went over to her.

"Cherry... are you okay..?" I asked, approaching the taller person. "He- he seemed very rude... so I just thought that..." I trailed off, not really having something to go off of.

Amber was sitting in a shadowy corner, washing herself with her tongue and asking herself, should I stay or should I go? over and over in her head, when she saw what happened. The ringmaster's son shoving Cherry and rudely snapping at her to move, Cherry disapearing and running to another shadowy corner to cry, that new boy, Benjamin, coming over and trying to comfort her... Poor Cherry, Amber thought. It's a good thing Benjamin is trying to comfort her, I wouldn't have, no matter how sorry for her I felt... Benjamin is nice, and so is Cherry... They're quiet and shy like me, but still good-natured and sweet... I'm unpleasant... I suppose it's because they're more human than me... Father is kind to all of us though, even me... Poor, poor father... I can't leave him, but I can't stand staying here and being bullied by that horrible son of his... I can't believe someone as kind as Father could have produced such a jerk... 
"hmm... Should I get a orange or a banana?" I thought. Then a tall shadow appeared behind me and when I turned around Jaren shoved me to the floor. "Move!" he yelled. I quickly blended in with the floor and ran off. Jaren yelled at to stay out his way. And of course I would! He was a huge jerk,and he was mean,and just plain out evil! I slowly started to realize I was crying and tried to wipe the tears away. I looked up and there was Benjamin standing above me. He was asking if I was ok so I shook my head yes. Even though I really wasn't... He seemed like a nice person. "you want a fruit?" I said holding a orange out to him. I mentally smacked myself for that. Someone was trying to be nice to me and I was giving them fruit. That's a interesting way to say "hello" Though my social skills never really were the best...

"Um... sure..." I said, unsure of myself, hesitating to take the Orange. "I guess that-- I mean, I'm glad that you're okay..." I said. "Man... he-- as in you know who; sure needs to work on being nicer... A-are you hurt? Do you need a Band-a-gee?" I asked, attempting to pronounce 'Bandage'. I was usually laughed at for not really knowing what they were, but I always offered one to someone when they where down, because Father offered me one when I was down when we first met.

I was kind of worried that she would laugh at me for that, but that's one of the few things that I have gotten used to.

"uh... No I'm not cut anywhere. But thanks for asking."I replied. He seemed nervous talking to me. Honestly I was nervous talking to him. I don't talk to people often... I was deep in thought when I was hit in the head with a rubber ball. "owww! Who threw that!" I yelled. And my hair turned from red to orange in a instant. So did my skin. Now I was practicaly a walking tangerine... "I have to go." I said before blending into my backround and walking off. It was a little rude how I left him. I just didn't want him to see me change into all the colors of the rainbow... -(later) I felt kinda sad that I just walked away from Ben like that... So I decided to make it up to him. I grabbed a crate of oranges and put them outside of his room on the train. It was weird yes... I just hoped he would understand what I was trying to say...

Cut...? So that's what you use them for. I need to remember that... but what kind of cut? Paper cut? A cut of meat? A pay check cut? Price Cut? What about--!?

My train of thought was interrupted with the fact that I saw a ball hit her. I watched her go away then attempted to find the source of where it came from; throwing a ball at her she seemed to mind, and care that someone actually threw one at her.

It was O-K that she left, I guess.... but it kinda felt like she was ignoring me, which would hurt if I were not used to it.

Amber left her shadowy corner and walked over to Benjamin.

"Being ignored is painful, isn't it?" she said. "I know how you feel... But maybe she isn't ignoring you at all..."

Then she was silent, unable to think of anything else to say. And then she felt stupid. So she started to walk away. I must look so cold, she thought.

Then her twin sister Ember appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, you look so sad! Was it that horrid Jaren? Let me give you a hug!"

She threw her arms around Benjamin and squeezed him, even though she hardly knew him. Then she said to her sister, "Why do you have to look so gloomy all the time? It's not like Father is really dying! He'll be better before we know it! So turn that frown upsidedown, sis!" She pinched Amber's cheek. Amber glared at her.


I quickly attempted to break away as soon as the hug was granted from the hyper-sounding girl... "I-I don't even completely know you! Please d-don't touch me..!" I said, as my hate for others that I didn't know and wouldn't trust a ton to touch me started up. I backed up a bit, wanting nothing to do with her...

She was so cheerful unlike her sister, as if she didn't even CARE for Father and his current state. I started to turn to leave, hoping that she wouldn't hug me anymore or even notice that I was attempting to 'escape' her.

Ember started to chase after Benjamin.

"Ember, I think he had enough hugs for now," Amber said, "why don't you go hug someone else..."

"Okay! I'll hug you!" said Ember.

"I don't want a hug either," Amber growled. "Ember! Hey, I said no!"

Ember hugged her anyway. Then she gave her sister a playful nip and ran off to see some of her many friends.

Amber bared her teeth and snarled. Father is dying, and she doesn't care... I hate her... She wandered back to her shadowy corner...

And Ember, meanwhile, was thinking, that stupid Amber is always such a grouch, she drives me crazy! And why did she think that boy didn't want a hug from me, just cause she didn't? Ha, she's just jealous, she has no friends, doesn't even try to make any... And I don't see why she's so worried about Father, it's obvious everyone's exaggerating about how sick he is... He'll get better and kick that awful son of his out of the circus in no time!

She seems so careless! Why would she think that anyone would want to touch or hug me-- let alone go NEAR me-- without the purpose of harming me? She was too friendly... I didn't trust her; I wont ever trust her; and that is final.I noted in my head, while going to meet Father, hoping that he wasn't too ill to see me again...

"I'm sorry, but his doctor is here. You're not allowed to interfere." Someone said after I asked them about meeting Father, then she made a disgusted face while saying, "Why don't you go off?" I was obviously unwanted over here, so I left to go hole up in my room. I have no idea why everyone is this cruel...

The world. That must be it.

Its dying;

And so are the people's kindness.

Amber wanted to see Father too, but was chased away too. "Can't they keep all these monsters locked up in cages?" she heard the lady mutter. "What kind of circus is this... Thank god Jaren is planning to get cages for them, and whips..."

Great, another reason to run away, thought Amber. But I can't abandon Father, guess I'll just have to put up with cages and whips...

She passed Benjamin again. She saw the way he looked at her... I guess he didn't notice there were two tiger girls, she thought, he thinks I'm Ember... So I guess I'd better scrap any hopes of making friends with him, he won't touch me with a ten-foot pole now... Stupid sister... Whenever I meet a potential friend, she either steals them from me or drives them away from us both, without even noticing...

Jaren woke up in his bed the next day. He instantly remembered he had to make a phone call. "hello this is jaren. What time will the cages be arriving?" "4-5 days." the man replied. "what are you going to hold in them? So I know what size to get." jaren had to think About this... Then he knew what size he could keep the freaks in. "I think 25 cages for the large dogs we keep will work." he said with a smile. He hung up and walked down to his fathers room. He tried his best to put on a sad distraught face but he was too happy. He walked in. "how is he doing?" he asked the doctor. He was asleep so luckily he wouldn't hear anything. "he doesn't look good... You need to start looking for a new ringmaster." "oh that's ok. I am the new ringmaster!" She looked at him disgusted. He left the room slamming the door.
Cherry sneaked over to fathers room. She blended in with the wall next to the door so she could hear everything. Suddenly jaren came in. The doctor said he wasn't doing good... And then jaren said something, so she leaned closer. "I wil be the new ringmaster!" He declared. She stayed still frozen with fear. Rumors were that he was getting cages and whips... Jaren came out and slammed the door looking smug. As soon as he was down the hall cherry ran off to tell Ben what was going on. She got to the main room and dashed off in the direction he was usauly in. She was looking over her shoulder when *BAM* she slammed into someone and fell to the ground. Though it wasn't Ben...

The Ring
Enter your roleplay's setting.


You where born different. Some of you never even known your real parents. All that you know is that normal people will never look at you without making fun of, or fearing you. Somehow you ended up here; at this circus-- one that travels near and far; also known as MY circus. Don't worry; don't cry; don't hide your fears...

...I am the Ring Master but you can call me your father, if you'd like. Here you can feel as if you have your own family; so why don't you stay with my circus?


The Ring Master is ill; and you all know that he may die soon. If he dies; who'll be the new ring master? Who will take care of you? And would the new Ring Master be as kind as him? Who knows, lets just hope that the new Ring Master wont be his son...


You have never been one of the people who have fit in, either from being a creature thought to never exist, one of fantasy, or just a mutated person. Everyone is different in ways, yet they're all the same in one.

The Ring master is almost like a father to you and everyone else; the heart of the family.

But he has fallen deathly ill with something that no one has seen before; a toxin that slowly kills the host over the coarse of three months. He might as well only have two months left.

Your home will fall apart; and all that you can hope is that the new Ring Master is kind; but he is not; he is cruel...

You can either run away or attempt to help the Ring Master through this, as his family stay by his side until the end.


o No Mary/Gary sues


o No bending of the elements at all.

o Yes you can be the New Ring Master/the Ring Master's Son (if you join quickly enough)

o Everyone must have a different main talent; nor can they have more then 2 secondary talents. Only 1 main talent allowed. Plus no one's secondary talent may be the same as someone's main talent; unless the person joins after you who has that as their main talent.

Include a Primary Talent in your character form. You may also have up to two secondary Talents that dont help in the ring at all.

o There is a spell-checker and it is there for a reason - Please use it, thank you.

o Don't see something enlisted here? Just ask in the OOC chat. ;)

o No more characters with wings unless they are completely different... rare exceptions only now.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fish man
Lion Man
Normal person
Serpant Person
Tiger Man
Wolf Man

Second RP Master

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