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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Jerry giggled and looked at Medussa. "Jerry you know how creepy you sound when you giggle like that. And I wanted to ask if you still have those books of yours, the ones with your strange symboles." Medussa said. Jerry looked a bit surprised and said. "Ah yes, I keep those books still, but there with Gumby....and well he keeps them in his layer at the cemitary. You know how the old cemitary is far away from town and well barly anyone goes there. He keeps them there. Gumby is a good boy and meens well, he just tends to be violent. I think his humanity is still there, but its traped underneath his new self." 

"Tara... That... looks like it hurts. A ton."

Tara recognized Tony's voice, she was suprised. She opened her eyes a crack, saw him standing over her, but her vision was still blury with tears and weakness. But she was still able to see him tear off part of his wingtip with a broken tree. She

"If you do worry, don't... I can't feel a thing..." he told her. 

"No!" Tara said, not believing him. "Your poor wing..." But he didn't look like he was in pain... Did that mean...? It was a creepy thought... She started sobbing again, she couldn't stop crying it seemed... there was just too much to cry about... She helped him wrap the feathers around her arm, she still kind of felt like just letting herself bleed to death, but he was sacrificing his wingtip so she wouldn't. She couldn't let herself bleed to death now.

"Thank you..." she said, her voice cracked from crying so long, and so hard, "you're very kind..." She licked his cheek, without thinking, but then regretted it, remembering that Raino hated being licked, and Tony probably would too. "Sorry..." she murmured, looking away. Damn, why can't I stop acting like an animal...

"Erm... I think I should go see Rattlebones again," she said. "Will you come with me?" But then she realized he probably wouldn't, he'd probably keep looking for Raino. "Um, oh yeah, I guess you'd want to know where Raino is first. He's out in the woods, I don't know where exactly. I'll come look for him again later... But first I'll go see Rattlebones..." And next time I see Raino, I'll make sure he doesn't see me, she thought. Though that thought made her hurt inside a little.


Rattlebones was in his home, he was looking for his part of the map to where the asylum was then realised Gumby took it. "...Why would he do this?!" Rattlebones yelled outraged. "I-I cant stand this anymore! Raino and the others deserve to die." Bloodlust hissed. Rattlebones shook his head and said. "N-no...Maby...Maby we can sort something out..." Rattlebones then held his head and sat outside on the porch in the rain with blood dripping down his face. "I need to find Gumby and speak with him....But I need Tara, I cant find him in the rain." Rattlebones muttered. He knew Gumby would be on edge because of the rain.

"I don't care what you think that you are; everyone can change..." I whispered, not really wanting to have anything else to do with him at the moment. "He'll just end up killing Rattlebones; then he can be killed..." Arby cooed with a dark chuckle, one that made me highly nervous. "After-all; I think that the saying two birds with one stone should be taken advantage of after-all; don't you agree?"

I didn't answer him; nor did I want to. "Gumby... just... go. Leave me alone for now..." 'for now' meant mainly to myself and to Arby that... Gumby will have to be dealt with later.

"I don't have a choice in the fact..." Was all Gumby could mutter in a sickly tone as if he sounded like he himself was dieing on the inside before continuing on dragging his tail and the body behind him. Blood dripped off of gumby as it seeped through the patches of his skin. He moved along until he was there, his fathers graveyard. He always kept the place clean and knew all its secret passages. He knew the place like as if it was his own soul, twisted and beautiful. But deep in his mind he knew the cycle would re-peat itself. Sadly his new instincts would barley let him keep his sanity let alone befriend and stay around people. 

Tara waited a little longer, but then she felt stupid.

"Um... guess you're not coming... Well, bye, then... Thanks again..." She started walking away slowly, until she went around a corner. Then she started to run. When she was far enough away, far enough for him not to hear, she let herself start sobbing again.

Soon she had to slow down to a walk again, though, too exhausted to run anymore. She gasped for breath between sobs. Finally she was back at Rattlebone's house. She heard him talking to himself... or perhaps talking to Bloodlust... She saw him sitting on the porch, with blood dripping down his face.

"Rattlebones!" she cried, running to him. She crawled into his lap, put her unhurt arm on one of his shoulders and put her head on the other. "Rattlebones, what happened to you? Why are you bleeding? Oh god, I'm so stupid... I was following Raino again, but Arby mauled my arm. And he just stood there and watched silently. I always worried he hates me but this is proof. Then my brother Jackie came and made me feel even worse, and I wanted to die, but then Tony came... and he tore off his wingtip to bandage my arm... It was awful, but he didn't even look like it hurt him, but that made it even worse... I was hoping he'd come with me but I don't think he wanted to... I think he's looking for Raino right now... I guess that's understandable... Anyway... what happened to you Rattlebones? I hate it when you get covered in blood, it makes me scared you'll... you know... let me clean you off a bit..." She started washing the blood off his face with her tongue. It made her humiliated to be acting like a dog, as it always did, but she didn't know what else to do.

Bloodlust did not pay attention to Tara. "We kill all of them! I will kill them, you will have nothing Rattlebones! You know well that Gumby will kill us tomorrow because you told him to, you deserve to watch your friends die by me!" Bloodlust hissed. Rattlebones held his head. "Just think of Raino dieing, his blood everywhere. Don't you want them dead? They are invading your territory and threatening your life.You are setting yourself a death sentence. And your only going to drag Tara down with you fool." Bloodlust spat out. "You will die, because of your deal with him! The deal with Gumby! He will kill us!!!"
I watched her run off to where she said Rattlebones was, but... I felt like I had split loyalties. Sure, Rammy was my best friend and we had more then just one dark secret we had to keep within only us, and I had promised his father over 5 years ago that I'd look after him like a little brother... but... what should I even do!? I can't go search for Rammy because judging on what happened to Tara; he wasn't in the mood-- or more of the infection wasn't in the mood-- for someone to go and meet him. I bit my lip... What could I even do? Then I made my decision, one that surprised even me. I followed the path that Tara took, and then opened the door to where she and Rattlebones were.

Tara finished licking the blood off the doctor's face, and rested her head on his shoulder again. She was still crying. "Listen, Rattlebones" she sobbed, "Please don't let Bloodlust take you over. And please don't kill anyone. Especially not Raino. If you try to kill Raino, I will defend him, that'll mean I'll have to attack you. I don't want to attack you, but I will if I have to. You'd have to kill me first. It sounds like you're expecting a fight... Don't say you're dragging me into this, I'd fight with you, whether you like it or not. I love you like a father, you know... As long as it's not a fight to the death with Raino or Tony or someone... Did you say you need to talk to Gumby? You need my help finding him? I'll help you, then." She got off his lap and wiped away her tears, trying to pull herself together. "We can go look for him right now, if you like."

Then she noticed Tony. "Oh!" she said. "You... you f-followed me? Why? Um... did you overhear Rattlebones and I talking?" She glanced back and forth between Tony and the doctor, wondering if the doctor would explain things to Tony or if Bloodlust would take over and he'd attack. She moved so she was standing between them, just in case. 

Bloodlust let out a low hiss at Tony and said. "Gumby will not change his mind. Once you tell him to do something he will do it. Rattlebones gave himself a death sentence by asking Gumby to kill him tomorrow. And Gumby, knowing him he will never stop until he does what he has been thought to do and was told to do, and that is to kill."

Gumby finally made it to the old grave sight outside of town. He walked inside one of the catacombs and placed the body on a carved out marble table. He then walked into a secret room where his dad and others were buried. He then dragged out a coffin with his name on it and curled up inside it and put the lid on. Trying to keep away from the coldness of the outside air.

Annabelle was walking through the graveyard on the outskirts of town. She had a bouqet of flowers for her late grandma, who died last year. Just when she was recovering from the loss of all her friends, she lost her beloved grandma too... She had been close to her grandma... She laid the flowers on the grave, stood there and stared at it for a minute or two, then started to wander toward the exit, lost in thought. 

Just then she saw a boy go in a catacomb. Curious, she wandered over there to get a better look. She was alarmed to see him remove a body and place it on a carved marble table. And even more alarmed to see him drag out a coffin, curl up inside and put the lid back on. She went in the catacomb and knocked on the lid of the catacomb, like a door. It seemed rude just to take it off without warning.

"Hey, what are you doing in there?" she said. "Why are you in that coffin?"

But then she removed the lid of the coffin anyway, even though she didn't think it was a good idea.

As soon as she saw him, she screamed. But didn't run, she stood there, paralyzed by fear, and trembled violently.


Gumby then got up and stared at her with his reptilian eye revealed. His claws were outstretched and his tail rattled with the spikes that were ready to attack. He looked rather alarmed and shocked that someone would just take off the lid of his coffin. He did not say anything but grabbed the girl by the neck with his claws. He was quiet but in his mind he thought he saw this woman before. His tapeworm body then wrapped around her and he growled lowly as his snake like tong flicked out. He then felt a drop of water on his head and went back to his lesser form, letting go of the girl and curled up in a corner. He was shaking from how cold it was and wrapped his tail around him. He was also scared about what the person was going to do to him.

When Annabelle felt his claws seize her throat and his horrible, giant tapeworm-like body wrap around her like a serpent about to squeeze the life out of its prey, she was sure she was going to die. His tail even rattled like a snake's tail... except a snake's tail couldn't hurt you, but the spikes on this guy's tail definetly could. But then, too her surprise, he let go of her and curled up in a corner, trembling with cold... and fear?! He seemed just as scared of her as she was of him... but why? It was obvious he could hurt her way more than she could hurt him... wasn't it? Cautiously, she crept up to him, and crouched down in front of him.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," she said. "I'm Annabelle, what's your name?" Is that a glint of recognition in his eyes? she wondered. But we've never seen each other before... have we?

"G-Gumby." he said. He was still cold and was curled up in a corner. "my father owned this graveyard...I never seen anyone else here after he died though." he said. He was shaking from the cold and from this person getting to close to him. He closed his reptilian eye, and curled his tail up around him more. He was trembling and shaken, he could not defend himself if it was this cold out. He was even more frightened about this girl. She seemed so familiar but yet could not remember her. His tail was the only thing keeping him warm at the moment.

"Gumby? That's an unusual name," she said. I thought that was the name of a cartoon character, she was tempted to add, but felt it would be best not to. "That's pretty sad, I'm very sorry..."

He was horrible-looking, but right now he looked so cold and so scared, so pitiful and so helpless, her heart melted. She sat down next to him.

"You look freezing... um, this is pretty weird, I know, but mind if I hold you for awhile? Just to keep you warm..." She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. She took off one sleeve of her jacket and put his arm in it, so they were both wearing it.

"Ha ha ha, this is pretty akward..." she said. "Well, what am I going to do with you? I can't leave you here... But if I took you to my house my family would freak out if they saw you, they'd call the police... But maybe I could smuggle you to my bedroom, and bundle you in enough clothes so no one can get a good look at you. Yeah, I think I'll do that, if it's alright with you. If you have nowhere else to go, anyway. I'm assuming you don't, since you're curling up in this coffin."

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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