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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Darkmoon raced through the trees, deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally she saw it: the Time Gear, floating over the crystal clear pool, casting it's bright blue light across the clearing. At last! ahe thought. And thank god, there's no one gaurding this one...

She leaped up and grabbed it, landing on the other side of the pool. As soon as she took the shining piece of metal, time started to freeze. A strange electric sounding crackle buzzed through the air, then a wave of blackness started spreading from the spot the time gear had been at an alarming speed.

Darkmoon was already running, with the time gear clamped firmly in her jaws. She escaped the forest, just in time: the forest became completly paralyzed a split second after the umbreon left it. 

Namina was walking to the base with the others. " This has been a long day for all of us so lets go back to our base." Namina said happily. Darkrai and other members of team destroya were panting and out of breath. They were just in a area where they had to battle other pokemon. "Tell me agen, why did I chose to be with you." Darkrai muttered. "At lease we got some food for the night, after all we need to prepare to open up so we can train new members." Namina said happily. There guild was in a mountanside in a giant cave. They had a team, and they were the famous and well known team. " we just need to keep marching and marching and marching....." Namina continued while darkrai sighed.

GoldHeart snarled angrily as the wild Zangoose used Cut. He hissed and retaliated with a Bite that ended the battle. The wild Zangoose fainted, and GoldHeart walked over and picked up the Oran Berry he had dropped. Cursing the fact that he seemed to be a wild Pokemon magnet, he put the Oran Berry in his mouth and, grimacing, chewed it up and swallowed it. "Urgh! I hate those things!" He spat, curling his lip. Their mixed-up flavor made him want to hurl, but they were medicinal, and medicine tasted gross.

He walked to an old, broken archway, looking through to spot a Time Gear, hidden in a little grove. Grinning at his luck, he crept up to it, checking to see if there was any gaurdian. None that he could see...

He jumped hight into the air, snapping his jaws closed on the Time Gear and landing in a tree. He leaped from tree branch to tree branch as the forest ruins froze behind him. He leaped out of them just in time, and there was a snapping noise behind him as the last tree became paralyzed.

Shade takes a deep breath, drawing the air over her tongue. Yes. He went this way. A smile danced on her lips. "I have you now, sweet." She slid forward, ignoring the grey trees and dead-looking grass. It reminded her of home, though. But she had no time for sentimentality. "You!" she barked, turning to one of her lame henchmen. He whimpered, and pointed at his chest. "Yes, you! Get a few men and go look for the traitor. NOW! ON THE DOUBLE!" She spat. They were so slow.

Unsheathing her claws, she scratched at the ground. They had followed his trail for a week now, and she knew he had been there recently. Very recently; probably today. And he had a Time Gear now. She cursed. Those stupid Poochyena were slowing her down! She would have to abandon them somewhere. Not like they would know. "Ohh, boys!" She sang, her voice syrupy sweet.

Her grin turned slightly malicious. "I have something special for you to do..."

Namina continued to say march over and over agen. Darkrai then said to the others silently. "This is worse than the time when we were stuck in that cave with her.." The other's giggled and laughed. They finalymade it to there home in the mountan. "All right we are home~" Namina sang. Darkrai then shouted. "Finally!" And he then quickly whent inside with the other's Deathly shade stared at them. "Now I can eat!" Darkrai shouted agen before eating a apple with the others. Namina walked around checking on things, making shur they were ready for there big day tomorrow. She then hummed and skipped around happily.

Cynders woke up on the beach.

Where am I... she thought. How did I get here...

She remembered nothing, except her name, Cynders, and that she was human...

Was human. But apparently not anymore. She examined herself and to her shock realized she had turned into a cyndaquil. Oh my god, what happened to me?! she thought.

The waves were sloshing at her. Since she was a fire type pokemon now, she figured it would be bad if she let the water touch her, so she struggled to her feet and scuttled away from the ocean's edge, further up the beach. What do I do now... she thought. I guess I'll wander around and see if I can find something to eat, and a safe shelter for the night... Maybe I should try to find some friendly pokemon too, to help me out or at least tell me where I am... Though most pokemon are very aggressive and attack anyone who tresspasses on their territories, so I should be careful...

Namina walked around on the beach and saw another Pokemon. "Hello." She said happily. "How are you doing on this fine day?" Namina asked walking up to her. "Oh everything is so pretty today." Namina said. "Oh and do you think you can help me? I am looking for sea shell's for the others so we can make necklaces and other things." Namina said happily bounding about. She looked happy and exited. She then saw the water and jumped back. "I don't like water though...." She said. 'I think I will look here." Namina said, digging in the sand until she found a shell.

I guess I'll help her look for shells, then, thought Cynders, maybe when she's done she'll help me...

So she started digging in the sand too. She found a shell and gave it to the skitty. 

"Um... What's your name?" the cyndaquill asked. "I'm Cynders... I think I'm lost... I was wondering if I could stay with you for awhile, since I have nowhere else to go..."

I wonder if I should tell her I was a human who got turned into a pokemon, and got amnesia, she thought. No... I'd better keep that a secret for now... That's probably not something I should blab out to strangers...

She dug in the sand while she was waited to hear what the Skitty would say, and found a rock buried in the sand. It had a strange but beautiful and complex pattern engraved on it. What the heck, thought Cynders. This is definetly not an ordinary rock... it's probably just junk, though... I'll hold onto it anyway, though, it's pretty...

Namina then said. "I am Namina. The leader of Team Destroya. You can stay with us as long as you wish, we were going to open up for recruit training today so it is a perfect time to come in." Namina then said. " Some team members like to joke around or are softy's. The second team leader is Darkrai, he tends to new recruits but since your a friend I can allow you to come in, like a VIP." Namina continued filling up a little basket with shells. "I can show you where we live." Namina said joyfully, for she thinks she found a new friend. 

Did she just say Darkrai? The legendary pokemon of the dark? Cynders thought nervously. On her team? And he's the second leader, and attends to new recruits? Creepy...

For some reason, she felt like she had met Darkrai before... perhaps it wasn't this Darkrai (if there was more than one Darkrai anyway, she wasn't sure if there was), but it had not been a pleasant encounter... She remembered a fight, someone fighting by her side, but no details...

"Thank you Namina," Cynders said, "that's kind of you. I might have to stay for quite awhile, I'm far from home and don't know how to get back..." I don't even know if I have a home... she thought. "By the way, I found this strange rock," she said, showing the weird pattern on it to Namina.


"That's cool." Namina said. Darkrai was coming to the beach when he saw Namina. "Namina...Who's this?" Darkria asked. "Oh shes a friend. You wouldn't mind letting her stay right?" Namina said. "She fells somewhat familiar....Did we meet before?" Darkrai asked. He felt her energy then realised. "Oh...its you...surprised your alive still." Darkrai said. Namina then said. "Darkrai! be nice! Your lucky we are close friends...." Namina said to Darkria. "Oh and the reason why were friends is because surprisingly you defeated me in battle and so on so forth..." Darkrai said crossing his arms. " The future....that's all I will say....." Darkrai said. He seemed angered at the new pokemon. Namina then said. "Darkrai stop whining about how you were defeated by a human who turned into a pokemon." Darkrai then said angrily to Namina. "I am not whining!...I just am angered my plans were wrong...and failed horribly...but at least there in someone else's hands now."

Darkrai's words made Cynders nervous. So it's true, she thought, I have fought Darkrai before... And so has Namina, but it sounds like she won and I did not... She must be tougher than she looks... And she said she was human once, too... Maybe that means it's okay for me to tell her I was human once, like her... But not in front of that Darkrai, I don't trust him... Though he might already know... He might know more about me than I know about myself, I'd ask him if he wasn't so threatening... And is Namina actually arguing with that legendary pokemon? And they are friends? I always thought Darkrai are evil pokemon... He just said he had plans, too, in someone else's hands... But Namina does not seem the slightest bit concerned...

"Er... do you think we could go to your place now, Namina?" Cynders said.

Namina then said. "Shur can. Darkrai can you carry the baskets and other things?" Darkrai then said. "Shur...shur I can. Were partners after all and I am stuck with you." Darkrai then picked up the basket and followed Namina to there home. Darkrai stayed behind them as they walked ahead. Namina skipped along joyfully ahead. "I cant believe I got defeated by her....that small creature looked so helpless, and when we were trapped together in that cave.....why did she save me? Well I guess I am stuck with her now so I might as well get used to being bossed around by a friend....but I am still bothered that her first partner, Deathly, has everything and all my plans. But I am surprised by Team Destroyas power. For such week looking pokemon they are quiet strong." Darkrai muttered to himself. He didn't realise Cynders heard him. He just was behind them while Namina went on ahead. "We are here." Namina said joyfully in front of a crystal cave. She skipped in, and there was a diamond door witch opened up. Inside there were many different pokemon, but more dark pokemon. There were rooms carved out and many beautiful unique things inside. "Were back everyone~" Namina said joyfully. "And we have a new friend. I will show her to her room before we make some dinner." Namina said joyfully. Darkrai then put down the basket. Everyone there seemed happy. They had a hole in the cave witch looked out over the land and sea's. Namina then shown her to her room. "Okay here it is. Tell me if you need anything. And sorry about Darkrai, hes just grouchy and mad all the time. But once he gets happy he tends to be nicer." Namina said to her.

GoldHeart growled, pleased with himself. One Time Gear, after hitting about 8 tough places with absolutely no luck. I need to find another Time Gear Theif and see if they know just who has which Time Gears. Otherwise, I'm running about half-blind. Suddenly, he sniffed the air. Shade. And pretty close, too! It smelled like she was almost...

"Hello, dear."

GoldHeart turned around slowly. "Hello, Shade."  He growled, spitting out her name like venom.

"My oh my, did you give me quite the chase. And what with those silly Poochyena slowing me down, I would never have caught you. But they're...doing a special mission for me." Shade batted her eyelashes at him. "So, it's just the two of us."

"I'm not sure of that." He rumbled. "It still reeks of Poochyena around here. I don't trust you." Tasting the air, he realized that she was the one emitting the Poochyena stench. Odd. She never kept lackeys long enough to accuire their scent.

"What are you talking about, my sweet? I came alone." She breathed into his ear, circling him.

GoldHeart growled deep in his throat. "Don't make me have to throw you off another cliff for trying to sweet-talk me out of my mission." he hissed. Unsheathing his claws, he hissed loudly.

"Oh, must you?" Shade sighed. "I was having such fun..."

She lunged at him.

Darkmoon happened to be nearby, when she noticed the luxray and the zoroark circling each other, speaking threateningly to each other and preparing to fight. I bet one is a time gear thief like me and the other is one of Primal Dialga's henchmen, she thought. And I think I can tell which is which, listening to how they're speaking to each other...

She decided to help the luxray out. She crept closer, getting ready to throw herself into battle too. Then the zoroark sprang at the luxray, and Dark Moon sprang at the zoroark. This henchpokemon was several times her size, but she landed on the other Dark pokemon's back and started attacking.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky




The Present: there's the pokemon village, Treaure Town, Wigglytuff's Guild, and lots of wilderness with wild pokemon that savagely attack intruders - the Mystery Dungeons. The planet's paralysis seems to be making wild pokemon more savage than usual.

Then there's the Future of Darkness, and the Hidden Land, where Temporal Tower is located (well, technically it floats over it, but anyways). I'll write more details about these later.







 If you haven't played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you should either get a copy and play it, watch a walkthrough of it on Youtube, or read a description of it on Wikipedia or Bulbapedia (a helpful pokemon wiki site). This rp will be loosely based on the plot of Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky.

 So Temporal Tower, the place where Dialga lives, is collapsing, and that is paralyzing the planet. Time is becoming frozen and that traps the world in perpetual nighttime. And eventually, in the future, Dialga loses his mind and becomes the evil Primal Dialga. Some pokemon have become evil too, and work for Primal Dialga (in the game, Dusknoir and his army of Sableye underlings), others return to the past through time portals, collect time gears which need to be taken to Temporal Tower to stop it from it from collapsing and save the world (in the game, Grovyle). But Dialga's henchmen are determined to stop the time gear thieves, so Dialga sends them to the past to hunt the thieves down. And the henchmen pretend to be ordinary pokemon, to gain the trust of others, and tell everyone the time gear thieves are the bad guys and have to be stopped. And everyone one is fooled.

 In the game, the player character was a human who was working with Grovyle the thief to collect time gears, but while out at sea there was a terrible storm, the player character fell off the boat, got amnesia and ended up lying on the beach, where he or she was found by another pokemon. So they become partners as an exploration team, go to Wigglytuff's guild to sign up as apprentices, and so on. I think we should have several characters like these two for this rp to work. I hope it works, anyway.



Same as the plot, I guess


Read the rp guide.

I haven't worked everything out yet, I don't think we should be allowed to play as any of the in-game characters except the player and partner pokemon, but we can also be a time gear thief like Grovyle or one of Primal Dialga's henchmen like Dusknoir.

You can create as many characters as you want, as long as you can handle all of them.

Maybe our characters can interact with some of the NPCs from the game, like Wigglytuff and Chatot at the guild (and perhaps the apprentices except the in-game player and partner, of course), all the NPC pokemon in treasure town, Celebi and Primal Dialga from the future, and the sane Dialga of Temporal Tower. Maybe even Grovyle and Dusknoir. I am still thinking about this, though. An NPC from the game cannot be your character's best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend, though, just a normal friend or aquantince.

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Guild Apprentice
Primal Dialga's Henchman
Time Gear Gaurdian
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