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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Sola's ears flicked, her muscils flexing for a fight. She hadn't been challenged in a long time... then again, she hadn't seen another demon in a long time. The male's threats affected her none, a fight to the death was nothing new, nor was blood on her paws.

But the vampire's reaction cought her off gaurd. Was it nuts? Did it have a death wish? A low, gutural growl came from Sola. "I do not know why you are stooping so low to protect a vampire, but do not think sentamentality will allow you to win anything from another demon. Now, leave me alone, before I kill both of you." She turned to go, determined to let these two play tea-time by themselves and return to her sunbathing.

"Oh, tsk tsk," Miikaelia sighed softly, picking up a stick. "How rude of a Demon you are, Miss Demon! I invited you over for tea, after all!" He tossed the stick at her, hitting her in the rump. "Why don't you grace us with your oh-so appealing appearance? Or... are you too scared of this little Vampire and Demon pair?" It was a taunt.

The Vampire really had some nerve.

And maybe a death wish.

It waited for the Demon female to stop. It would resort to more taunts if she didn't stop, after all. It wasn't afraid to do so. In fact, it humored it.

Sola froze, her calws working the soft ashen earth beneather her. A growl rumbled in her throat. She may be a lot of things, but she wasn't afraid. Of anything.

She half-turned, looking back at the vampire. "Me? Scared? More like disgusted. Demons shouldn't stoob to that level and travel with vampires, a creature we created for our own devices." She shot a look at the other male demon, taunting him with her eyes. "I will not 'grace' the dirt beneath my feet vampire, for that is all you are worth to me." She flicked her tail and turned away with nose in the air.

The Vampire felt offended. Well, can anyone say harsh? No matter. It huffed. "I'm sorry to inform you, but Cerx is my dearest friend, not as a Demon, but as a fellow living creature. Granted, I'm not really living, but that does not permit you to be such a preppy snob." It then glanced at his Demon friend who was crouched, ready to attack the Demoness for her offense. "Don't even worry about it," it told him. "Someone as weak as her doesn't deserve to fight with you. After all, she's all bark but no bite." It twirled its parasol. It waited for a reaction from the Demoness.

It took Sola a matter of seconds to react. She outsped the surprised Cerx, who was unable to block her. Sola pounced the vampire, her teeth tore into its shoulder with vegance. Blood, well, the dead blood the ran in vampires, filled her senses. It tasted horrid, like bitter almonds smotherd in salt; but Sola didn't care. She saw red, angry and ticked.

Cerx pounced her, throwing her of the injured vampire and sending them both scrambling in the dust. Sola lashed free, but spun around to face the two. "All bark? Unfortunatly, I don't bark, I kill." Her ears were pinned flat and her wings arched. She snarled and pounded straight towards the other demon, hell bent on a fight.

Cerx, angered that she had dared to even jump his friend in the first place, barreled towards her without mercy, slamming his body into hers roughly. He flexed his torn wing, making sure to smack her in the face with it cause why not? He could do it, so he did it, even if it was a bit pointless. "Sorry, Princess, but I don't take kindly to those who harm my friend," he growled darkly.

He saw from the corner of his eye as his Vampire friend jumped up onto a low branch of a tree, leaning against the trunk and holding its wounded shoulder.

It made his own blood boil to know that the Demoness was the cause of the Vampire's friend pain.

Sola let out an angered hiis. Like she had been tought, she rolled with the impact and hit the ground on her back. "Well, prince, looks like you need a lesson on the real world. A demon pride 101"

Her back legs lashed out, catching him hard in the gut. Her fore-paws wraped around his neck, locking her claws in his shoulders. Using that has a hold, she pulled herself up and sank her teeth into his shoulder. Black blood filled her mouth, send white hot shivers of glee. Demon blood had an intoxicating effect on other demons, often giving valued spurts of strength to the drinker.

Cerx gave a low growl, moving to bite her himself. "Don't lecture me in pride," he growled, sinking his own teeth into her shoulder. Feeling her blood fill his mouth, he drank readily, feeling the warm liquid slither down his throat. He shoved her off once he had his fill, sticking out his tongue. "Bleh!"

He shook his head and growled. "Pride doesn't have to be in just one's self," he snapped harshly. "Pride can be in friends or in family. Demon pride is just pride, no matter how you try to look at it. Every creature that moves, whether it be a human, a Vampire, a Demon, a Werewolf... They all have their own pride."

Sola licked her lips, showing her blood stained teeth in full. "Pride can be in many things, but pride requires respect. Only if you are respected by those of same rank as you, can you have pride in other things." Her body hummed with energy, intoxicated by Cerx's blood. Her energy felt boundless, like she could level mountains and tame seas.

It has been so long since I last tasted demon blood. I must not let it get to my head.

Syra gave a hiss. She was looking for a crack in Cerx's self-ritous armor. "But its obvious that someone like you would know nothing of demon pride. Tanted by humans and vampires and other lowly creatures. No demon would teach you such skewed values." She waited to see if her remark did any good. It was obvious to her this demon did not have a normal life, considering his attachment to a vampire and his various scarring. She bet he didn't know the first thing on demon society.

"It's hard to learn from a race that was never there for me," Cerx shrugged off. "After the Purge by the human Exorcists, I knew that even the strongest of Demons always fall." He went over to his Vampire friend, having it fall gently onto his back. "Holy water and what not can do that to you."

He glanced back at her. "We'll continue our fight at a later time. For now, my friend needs my help." He then began his race toward the Vampire's home, knowing that it was the only place with a bloody first aid kit for miles.

Sola growled, turning her back on the ignorant demon. At the mention of the purdge, eveything inside her coiled with anger. She'd been in hell at the time of the purdge, the higher ups had shut down all travel to and from her home. She returned to her sunnign rock, but found she was to wired now to rest. Instead, she launched herself into the air, beating her wings against the stagnant air. You know nothing of the purdge. Holy water is childs play. Try watching those who taught you slow have their souls ripped apart as they are excised.


A dying world. Chaos is everywhere, from fights for food to death everywhere. The planet is dotted with blackened areas that are void of all life. The area you are currently in is a mountain with a forested base, but that is quickly dying as well. Soon, nothing will be left.


The world is dying again, and you must save it by finding the lost tablet that may or may not be real. The Blackness, as many call it, started in a few places, but slowly spread like a creeping vine does up a tree. Everywhere it goes, it leaves behind desolate blackened earth that nothing can grow or live in. Many dangers await you on your parlous journey, and many friends will guide you; but beware: Not all is as it seems.


Long ago, the world crumbled, vanishing from existence. Creatures and plants began to die. Everywhere, things were becoming ash, being destroyed by an unknown force. They knew not what to do; or how to survive in this morbid place. Some remembered a better time many did not.

The Great Phoenix rose from the ashes of this dying world, and showed the creatures how to live in peace and harmony, and thus save the dying world. Before he died, the Great Phoenix wrote a Stone tablet, telling future generations how to save the world incase death approached again. However, it also gave clue how to destroy everything, thus it was hidden, long lost by history.


1) Typical rules. :P I will eventually type them out, but right now; I'm to lazy.

2) Check Occ chat, I post a LOT of stuff there, clues and such.

*Regarding Dragons*

This is meant to be an every creature RP. I know dragons are great, I love them to. But, because people tend to power-play with dragons, each person is limited to 1 dragon. If to many dragons are here, I may temporarily ban any more dragon characters from joining. So maybe 1 non dragon character as well would be best. :}

A dragon can only be of 1 element, and that determines species.

Fire Dragon ~ Western Dragons

Earth Dragon ~ Eastern Dragon

Water Dragon ~ Water dragon?

Death Dragon ~ Wyvern

Poision Dragon ~ Hydra (7 head max)

Normal Dragon ~ Any species, but has no powers.

You can suggest an element, but give me a species you think it should be. :)



Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Death Dragon
Earth Dragon
Fire Dragon
Poison Dragon
Water Dragon

Second RP Master

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