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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Prior to Akio being able to attempt to pet, or at least find the owner of, the Owlcat, a large explosion could be heard from his current location. A shaking feeling could be felt, however that wasn't the most important think on Akio's mind. To this young fire bender, the most important thing now was making sure the cause of this wasn't a fire bender. It truly irks him to no end when a fire bender does something stupid, as the fire bender name was already covered in apparent murders and such. Giving up on the now disappeared Owlcat and the other people in the alley way, he rushed off towards the explosion, all ready to punch someone in the face if it was a fire bender who caused it. Rounding around one of hte corners, he was relieved for a moment that it wasn't a fire bender messing everything up, it was just a blimp that crashed in a burning mess.


There's a blimp on fire. The fire bending lad thought. ...Well, looks like nothing to do here! He stood around to watch, at least. Maybe something interesting might happen.

He perches on top of the building, keeping an eye out for mice. He screeches at a few passerbys before soaring off. Ayame had left again, but for what he doesn't know. He circles over her, moving at a slow pace. She is dashing back to the fire with a bucket of water. He chirps and then meows, landing down on a pole. The fire still burns brightly, and his feathers ruffle up from the amount of people around him. Ayame throws the bucket of water onto the flames. Of course, it doesn't help that much. In desperation, he watches her take the air away from the fire to suffocate it again before throwing a gust of wind at it to blow it out as one would blow out a candle.
I hear Aither screech loudly as I do my best to damper the fire, smashing down on the fire with air to compact it. In frustration, I sigh and clench my fists. Air bending. As far as I know, there aren't a lot in these parts. I continue to throw air at the fire, blowing holes through it. But it doesn't stop it. What can? Aither screeches again and lands on my shoulder, purring and licking me. I stroke his feathers and begin to back away, as I've been drawing too much attention to myself. Several people who I've stolen from notice me, and I swallow as they  begin to rush towards me. "Thief!" They yell. I sigh. 'Not now, not now,' I  think angrily.  I throw one last air ball at the fire before turning and running, the other people in hot pursuit. One of them is only a foot away, and he reaches out, grabbing my shoulder. Aither pecks the hand, drawing blood. The man stops running and holds his bleeding hand, staring angrily after us. The others rush past him, and I back up against the wall. "You deserve to be hanged!" One of the men yells, shaking his fist at me. His face is a bright purple, and I contain a giggle.
Harano stared at the fire. There wasn't much cold, damp dirt around, or else he would be throwing it on the fire to help put it out. He could only stare at that. Abayu was gone, as he now noticed. But he could hear the Owlcat. He followed the screeches and found the Owlcat, Sairent, and its master. He watched, silent. What could he do? He tried to think of something quickly, but he had nothing. He just stayed at the edge of the commotion, keeping silent and hoping no one would yell at him or demand him to help with the fire. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

Abayu looked at the child and then the creature. She brushed the dirt off of the girl's face then stood up. She bended some dirt onto the fire to try to put it out. It helped slightly, but the huge flames began to grow once again and engulf another building. Abayu finally gave up and started to head in the direction of her little hide out. She then stopped and noticed something; her gold coin was gone.

That rotten boy probably stole it! She thought. She wanted to find him, but she had no idea where he was. She huffed and stomped on the ground, shooting a chunk of earth out of the ground and launching herself into the air and onto the top of a nearby noodle restaurant. She jumped to the next building and climbed up the wall the the ceiling of that building. She could see everything from the top of it. This place, was her home.

Kasai began to get a little nervous and edgy, as there were lots and lots of people around, more coming every second to try to quell the blaze, but it wasn't doing a whole lot. Sairent gripped her arm tightly, causing it to bleed somewhat but that would have to be dealt with later. He seemed to be agitated, hissing and screeching at everything that moved, especially a suspcious gliding shape that looked a lot like another owlcat. Kasai nervously balanced a small white flame in her left palm, trying with all her might  to keep her companion to stay still. "Shhh. Sairent stop. Everyone's upset, but just be quiet! Please!" She noticed a stranger standing nearby, apparently not doing anything important at the moment. Perhaps he knew something she didn't. "Hey! Uh, you there- Sairent be QUIET- Do you have any idea what happened here at all?" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another earthbender exiting the area quickly, and casually noted her general direction. 
"You're that thief girl," one of them says. "Finally. One of you is showing brains," I mutter to myself. "If you think you can take on an air bender, I'd like to see you try," I say, loud enough for them to hear. "You're just a girl," another says, smirking at me. I shrug and press back farther against the wall. Aither caws and then growls at the men. I take a stance, one I learned from an air bending scroll that I was able to see briefly. 'Thank you, eidetic memory,' I think to myself. They shuffle back, before one of them advances. He sends a ball of fire at me, but I block it with a swift blow with air. I send another one at him, sending him reeling against the sides of the alleyway. I turn to the others, staring at them silently. One suddenly pulls out some water and sends it towards me, a long whip like stream. I duck and roll, throwing air at the bender, knocking him flat. The other two, obviously normal humans, turn and scamper off. The ones I beat soon follow. I brush imaginary dirt off my hands and shoulders before using the air to lift myself onto the building. I'm known for running on rooftops. I begin to nimbly leap from one house to another, before settling down on one to watch the still burning zeppelin. I tried to put it out;I really did. But obviously I'm not needed. I was surprised nobody but those men noticed me. I shrug and Aither lands back onto my shoulder. He has to fly off again because in a few moments, I am leaping from building to building again. I eventually come to my destination, and I jump down from the building, using air to blanket my landing. I run off into a run down hut, on the outskirts. I spread rumors that it's haunted so that nobody comes near the place. I rarely have to back it up, but there are days when kids come over to see if it really is or not. I watch Aither go into the forest to hunt, and I sit on the pallet lying on the floor. I cross my legs and close my eyes. Meditating is something I do to relax.
Akio stood, watching the brilliance of the flames excitedly hopping from surface to surface. The flames were large enough now in which the firebender could fully enjoy the torrid heat of the flames, even though it was a shame that the price for this enjoyment was the destruction of peoples' homes. Akio didn't really think of that, however, he instead continued to compliment the flames silently, up until someone addressed him. "Oh! Uhm, well, there's a blimp down over there, and those radiant flames are now eating up everything around it. I think," Akio spoke back, not necessarily trying to be a smart butt, but only because he was really awkward with communicating with people in general. The Owlcat caught his attention. "Hey, was that Owlcat in the alley this one here? It's quite charming!" he praised, actually very happy that he was able to find that Owlcat after all.
Abayu sighed and fell backwards onto the roof of the building. It was made of earth, so she didn't hurt herself. She watched the stars silently. She could still smell the smoke from the raging fires. It made the sky more smoggy and gross than usual. She sneezed quietly and sat up. She sighed in relief when they finally started to put out the fire. But, the fire was still out of control and it slowly made it's way to another building. She stared as people screamed and the fire began to devour the entire building. If they didn't do something, the whole city could go up in flames-literally.
Fang was walking away from a fire a fire growing dimmer each step he took but he could still feel the heat of the fire on his flanks. Fang felt his little nose wrinkling the smoke was making it harder for him to breathe and he was sufforcating. Again he called for his mother only to get no reply. Fang was scared and hungry. He felt the little chains around his neck get tighter and finalley Fang collapsed nears someones feet he was sure it was a human and he tried to run but couldn't because he was already asleep lost in a world of nightmares and he couldn't wake up.
Lilly heard the shouts of the people there seemed to be a fire but it wasn't hard to tell there was smoke everywhere good thing she wasn't near her house not that it mattered she had a couple. Lily let out a sigh she was fire bender so there wasn't much she could do just then a middle aged man started to talk to Lilly. "Hello there little girl would you like to buy a dumpling" the man said. "NO I would not like a dumpling!!!"Lilly shouted at him. Just then she heard Taber scrreech above her and Lilliy atomatically let her hand come out and Taber landed on it. " How is my pretty little bird" Lilly said to the oversized Raven eagle but then Lilly winced his razor sharp claws were digging into her flesh and his weight was too much so Lilly lifted her arm and Taber flew off just then Lilly spotted another flying creature and hoped Taber wouldn't attack it.
Yuna tried to help best she could, but she didn't want to deplete the fire department's water and she had none of her own. She would use the water in the bay, but she didn't have the strength to carry that much water. She fell to her hands and knees and reluctantly crawled away, propping herself against a building across from the burning homes. She panted, listening to the flames crackle and pop, wincing every time she ward the structures groan. Yuna looked up at the people racing by and knew that just some water would help her get her strength back. "Help," She croaked.
This being, too a small extent, his fault, Xiphos stopped, listening to the anguished cries of victims and those attempting to help. He fingered the stolen scrollss he had on hand, and sighed. Though he did not want to draw much attention to himself, he supposed that he must. With a great involved motion, he splintered the stone, brick, and concrete within the now burning city block, and rose this makeshift sand into the air, creating a cylindrical barricade around the offending area. Whilie that wall kept the fire from spreading, he worked with the benders already there, choking sections of fire by encasing them in the remaining sand, and, before the fire was entirely dead, found himself drained of energy and oxygen, and passed out, sending the walls of sand cascading downward.
Kasai found herself spacing out into a day dream, imagining herself running through the flames without fear of burning. The fire was a bit hypnotizing- perhaps it was yet another bad trait of firebenders. Sairent screeched and leaped off her arm as a billowing cloud of fire lashed out towards her. "Aieee!" She forced the flames back with all her might, and only managed to singe her clothing a bit. Kasai staggered backwards, and nearly tripped over some helpless soul that appeared to be a waterbender.She appeared to be gasping for air and didn't look well, so Kasai vaguely glanced around the area in search of water which was a futile thought, as every drop of water in the place had been sought out and used on the flames. Out of nowwhere, a large barrier of rock and sand burst from the ground and smothered a good portion of the fire. Kasai breathed a sigh of relief, but it wasn't over yet. "Well.. now or never... Can you walk?" She mumbled half-heartedly to the victim at her feet. Sairent dodged and zoomed above her head, screaming his head off at the multitudes of other flying creatures that had appeared. "Kasai muttered in distaste to herself. "Dangit... Why does everyone have to have a flying pet?! What happened to a good old Platapus Bear companion!" She glanced in the direction the stranger had taken earlier, and came up with a vauge plan of what to do next. 

Avatar: Legends of Others.
Most of the role-play takes place in Republic City, home to benders of all kinds, from metal to lightning and even blood. Non-benders are welcome here too- At least that's what they want to think...


Other areas relatively close to the city: 


~Mount Hicci- an eight-hundred meter mountain with many dangerous chasms and smaller peaks. 


~Tong-Lang- Desert- A haunting and lifeless place, only for tough desert creatures or perhaps an earth bender looking for a challenge. It gives way after a while to the Chasms of Higunori: a place even more dead and mysterious than the desert. 


~Spirit Lake- Lovely during the summer and great for long excursions, most of the time.. Just don't come on the wrong day or you might not return. 


~Attacki Forest- a vast and colorful forest filled with various native flora and fauna- and some other things as well. 


Republic city. A vast and beautiful reminder of how Avatar Aang and his friends saved the world. But, right after Aang’s death, the peace of this fine world is already being disrupted. With the new avatar unheard of, and the old Avatar passed, who will protect the city- and the world now? Chaos is beginning its reign of terror in this wonderful place- the question is, will you choose to try to fight against it, or join those bent on destruction and mayhem? 

Aside from all the destruction and tradgety, there are still good reasons to remain here- One being pro-bending, a sport of skill and stamina. 

It has been three years since the death of Avatar Aang, and already the world is spinning out of control. Without any knowledge of the new avatar, there is no one to protect republic city, and so the revolution begins.

Basic Ex. Rules apply: No cussing, extreme unnecessary or gory details, God-modding power-playing bla bla bla. 

There are a few special rules, however.

1. Please stay true to your bender's abilities if your character is one- For example if you stated that they are a waterbender in the info box, don't make them go push over a mountain or something..

2. No being the Avatar- for obvious reasons.

3. Feel free to make Pro-bending teams if you would like :'D


4. Romance is allowed just like in the original series/Korra but please keep it at that or at most pg-13... though nothing graphic or your character will be deleted then killed in a terrible manner... 8P

5. HAVE. FUN. 8D

...Please follow the rules or we will go into the future and summon Amon and have him take your bending :D that will be all! 

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Air Bender
Earth Bender
Other (?)

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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