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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

As he walked over to Araya,he noticed Hanz.

"Hmm...WOLF PACK grunt..."
He said to himself as he sat and cleaned teh blood off his knife.

He had had an encounter when a velociraptor had jumped on him & tried to claw at his throat but he had broke its back and drove his knife deep into its heart.

" going to go search for survivors Araya,you stay here if you want to."
He said adn re-loaded all his weapons and grabbed a few arrows from the crate and he walked out of the shelter,locking it behind him.

Whiel he was walking through the jungle he had crawled past a few raptors,he was following the smoke to teh otehr half of the crash-site,far away,in a barren plain.
Araya wanted to catch up with Joseph, but she had no way to defend herself. She heard a gunshot from behind, she knew Hanz hadn't explained what had happened or what was going on yet, the WOLF PACK group were starting to shoot at her so she ran after Joseph. She'd think about Hanz offer later, maybe by the next time she meets Hanz she'd have made up her mind. "Joseph! Wait up!" She caught up with Joseph and fallowed him. She had to stay close to him because she had lost her weapons in the river. Araya heard raptors closing in, the WOLF PACK group weren't fallowing which probably meant Hanz had stopped them.
Turok took the pistol out of his holster and handed it to her.

"Here,it fires a 3-round burst if you press the second triggger,but only use it if something gets ontop of you."

He handed her a few clips of ammo and strung his bow.

He stumbled a lil and picked up a few TEC arrows,they had a small explosive charge on the tip that activated on impact.

"This will be very useful against them."he said as he slid the arrows into his pack.

As he snuck up behind a patrolling grunt (wolf pack),he un-sheathed his knife nad drove it through the man's skull.

"Keep moving...but be quiet."
Araya saw how easily Joseph had killed the Wolf Pack grunt. She wondered if Hanz was as weak as the one that Joseph killed. "Right," she stayed quiet fallowing Joseph silently, Hanz had said it wasn't too late to join Wolf Pack again, but would they really forgive her after she had killed one of their men? Worse, would they forgive her if she had killed more. If she did join Wolf Pack, how easily would she be killed by a raptor, or Joseph and the others? She had to take all these things into consideration. She continued fallowing Joseph letting him do all the killing.
*after neatrrualizeing 5 more enemy units,with his bow & his knife,Turok hid in the bushes while he waited for a small convoy to pass.

"Shhh...keep low to the ground , and watch where you step."He told Araya as he crouched and made his way along the road the way the convoy was heading , maybe they were going towards the main crash-site.

"Lets follow them , but be careful Araya." He told her as he continued to follow the convoy,keeping his SMG ready & loaded.

As he tailed the convoy , he decided to think up strategys while still staying sharp for danger.
Araya already wished she had stayed with Hanz. She didn't want to get in any more trouble with WOLF PACK in case she had decided to re-join them. If she got in too much more trouble she wouldn't get that decision. She stayed close to Joseph so she wouldn't be seen. If she had joined WOLF PACK she'd have a lot more back-up and probably feel safer. When you only one person to back you up and technically an entire planet was against you, it would probably be safer to choose the side with bigger numbers. Araya knew without Hanz near her the WOLF PACK would probably kill her in the blink of an eye. She held her gun close hoping she wouldn't be seen. She was probably the most cowardly when she was on the starship, things haven't changed here.
James found himself in a cave. His gun, an M4A1, was lying next to him. Both his Baretta 92FS handguns were in his gun holders. James's Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife was on the ground. James sat up. He looked around. A fire was already set up. "What the H E double hockey sticks happened?" James asked. A meal was sitting next to him. "Well at least I got some food," said James. He chowed down. After he ate, he picked up his walkie-talkie and said, "Come in starship," he said. No answer. "Come in starship!" James yelled. "Starship, this is Wolfsbane, over," said James. The walkie-talkie just made crackling noises. "Son of bit-." James heard growling. He put away the walkie-talkie and picked up his gun. James looked around. He walked deeper into the cave. James then saw glowing eyes. "Oh sugar honey ice tea!" James yelled. He turned and ran. James could hear angry calls behind him. His legs carried him towards the entrance of the cave. He saw a dead body on his way out. "Guess that guy was my savior," he said. "Tough luck," he said. The sun was still in the sky. James saw smoke. He then heard shooting. "Guess that's why they can't return my phone calls," said James. He ran towards the smoke. The cries behind him faded away. James then leaped behind a tree and hid. He noticed a huge T-Rex drinking water. "Guess I'm in Jurassic Park," he whispered. He then slipped and fell. The rex looked over at the tree. "Uh oh," said James. He then got up and reloaded his gun. James dashed from the tree, firing and yelling at the rex.
 In the helicopter,Hanz was dissapointed that he couldn't make Araya join the Wolf Pack."Sergeant Hanz!"Yelled the Lt. Johnson."Ja sir?"said Hanz."What were you doing with that Whiskey?!"Yelled Lt. Johnson. """Enough!"yelled Lt. Johnson over Hanz."But sir eh....""I said ENOUGH!SHUT UP!"yelled Lt. Johnson."You are considered a traitor for Mendel-Grumman Corporation and WOLF PACK!"Yelled Lt. Johnson."BUT SIR!""NO BUT!"Yelled Lt. Johnson.In the outpost the MG troops were testing a new weapon but the test gone wrong.The outpost exploded and the explosion was heard from killometers away.The smoke can be seen from the huge deserts of the planet.Hanz was unconscious and a bit of the roof felt on him.The huge stone was crushing him.
Araya jumped when she heard the explosion, it didn't sound like it happened too far away, just a mile off she could see smoke. That didn't look good... "I'll go check the explosion out." She ran through the jungle, her gun in hand, a Utahraptor dragged her backward, she shot it in the head and ran for dear life. More raptors were behind her, one of them pounced and knocked her to the ground, she struggled managing to kick the raptor off of her, she shot in the head and ran again. After running as fast as she did she made good time. Araya looked behind her nervously. The raptors would catch up soon, she had to hurry when she investigated the place. She ran around looking for anything of use. She managed to see some dead WOLF PACK members. As she was walking she saw one being crushed under a huge stone. Then she recognized him, "Hanz!?" He had better not be dead because practically nothing else was of use here, and if there was it was blown to pieces. She pushed the heavy stone off him and found he wasn't dead yet. Araya heard raptors coming, she'd have to fight now, "Why me?"
Hanz moaned in pain and the blood flooded his helmet.He looked around and saw Araya."You...c..c...came to save me?"asked Hanz in pain.He tried to get up but he was hurt so bad he can't even feel his arms and feet.He finally got up and got his SMG."Come...I know an exit!"Yelled Hanz.On the way to exit he saw Lt. Johnson's body,eaten by raptors."Meh..."said Hanz shortly.The exit was right there,before they could exit,the floor colapsed and they felt down on the underground floor.They managed to get away from raptors.There was a huge hole in the outpost,it started to rain trough it.Night came and it was cold.Hanz hugged Araya to keep her warm and they both asleeped.
Araya woke up before Hanz did, it was apparently morning, she looked for a way back up, the stairs were destroyed so trying to get to the exit that way wouldn't work. The stairs was the only escape she knew of because half the other place she didn't know what it was. She went looking around managing to find bandages. She went back to Hanz bandaging his head injuries, she wondered (more like hoped) if this place had any painkiller. She continued looking for an exit with no success. Araya sat next to Hanz, she hoped Joseph had found the other half of the crash site, and if he hadn't yet at least she already knew how to get there. She wondered if they'd be able to get out of here.
Hanz woke up and the sun's lights went trough his visor."Bah!"Said Hanz blinded by the light.He got up and looked around for an exit.He cleared his helmet and put it on.He heard various radio signals."Military test failure at Omega Outpost,proceed to...*static*...".Then he closed the radio.Hanz sighed and then looked at Araya worried that they won't get out again."If we can go deeper we can find the mine and then get out by a minecart!"said Hanz.He found a flashlight and the stairs leading to the mine."Here it is!"said Hanz."Hurry up,before the patrols find us!"said he then.They went in the dark mine were raptors were searching for prey.
Araya hurried and fallowed Hanz to the mine cart. The nearest patrol wasn't too far off, she wondered how fast this mine cart could go. She could hear water dripping from the roof of the cave, the footsteps of the nearest patrol, and... raptors. Everywhere she went there just had to be a raptor! How fast do these things grow anyways? Wait, a better question, who in the right mind would put them here? Wait... no one! Because you'd have to be pretty messed up in the head or pretty dumb to put a raptor anywhere there's people. Dinosaurs and people don't mix. She held her gun close but the raptors seemed to be getting further.
Hanz entered in panic when he saw a patrol,it was his own soldiers.They started shooting at the minecart,so Hanz got his SMG and killed them.Hanz became scared.He shoot his own men,the men that he commanded.There was the exit.But a tank and a jeep with a machine gun mounted on it were next to it.The tank and the jeep started to fire.Hanz was hoped to escape,he was so scared.He dropped his first tears since he came on the planet.A tank's projectile exploded right above the minecart.Hanz screamed like a girl."God help me!God help me!"yelled Hanz scared.He was now a traitor of the Wolf Pack.
Araya wanted to hit her head against a wall, did he seriously think crying would help!? Then again in this situation she wanted to too. She looked at her weapons but they'd be useless against a tank or a jeep. She shot at the men instead killing whatever of them she could. She looked back at Hanz, right now she felt like slapping him in the face. Wait... that was probably a good idea. But he was wearing a helmet. She hit him in the side of his helmet with her gun, "Snap out of it! If they were your friends don't you think they wouldn't turn on you like they are now! They were just trained to fallow orders! Do you think they were your friend if they don't have to think twice about killing you!? If you can't pull your act together we're both as good as dead!" She jumped when she heard another explosion, this time from behind.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

Current Characters
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