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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Dubluu continued to follow Kralji until the eagle stopped ahead of him. Dubluu, still in his blood thristy craze turned back into his human form and yelled "Where are you cowards?! Your entrails would make a fine necklace for my mother!" Dubluu then looked around and realized that there were no Full-Bloods. Dissapointed, Dubluu took a deep breath and said a simple "Dangit!" He then turned back into his animal form and walked up to Kralji and heard what she said about the day. "Not to be a heartless fool, but what is going on today?" said Dubluu as he asked Kralji. Dubluu lied down on the ground as he waited for an answer. He tapped his toes to the ground as he waited for the reply and even gave out a yawn, showing his large saber teeth. After the yawn, Dubluu continued looking up to Kralji as she perched on the tree branch.

Fia shook her head and stared at her. “What is it?” She asked. Just before she could get an answer, a child from Kye’s little group burst through the bushes, panting heavily. He couldn’t stop himself so he ran right into Fia’s lap. Fia stared at him.

“What’s wrong, Romu?” She asked. The boy, Romu, looked up at her. His face was red from running. “The Full-bloods! They came! They set the western part of the forest on fire!”

Fia stared at him and then looked up at Kralji.

“That’s where the camp is.” She stood up. “We have to do something!” She squealed. Romu clung to the side of her and made little whimpering noises.

Kye fought through the burning inferno. He found a sword lying on the ground and picked it up. He heard crying coming from ignited hut and ran toward it. He slashed the door open with the sword and found a little girl cowering in the corner next to her dead mother and father. Kye picked up the girl and took her to the others of the village. He urged them to evacuate and leave the rest to him and his friends who he was waiting for.

He could see shadows running around in the flames. They were full-bloods. He knew it. He waited, holding his sword, standing alone.

Now that she was paying more attention, Kralji could hear faint yelling and screams of terror coming from the direction of the camp. "Ick. Why can't those stupid full bloods just leave us alone!" She hissed, despair welling in her voice as she looked at the fearful, ash-stained child cowering beside Fia. "I'll do a quick survey to see just how bad it is, and then we better go, quicklyl! Before It spreads farther." Still in her eagle form, Kralji leapt up to the topmost point of a thick fir tree and carefully scanned the blurred, fuzzy line of the horizon. She gasped in horror and nearly fell to her death, when she located the fire. "Oh.. This is bad, really bad. It looks like nearly half the forest is gone! Oh I do hope Kye and the others are alright.." She called down to her companions below. Muttering to herself, she cursed her kindess to the old man they had previously encountered, blaming him for the destruction now upon them. 
Dubluu heard the sounds of innocents screaming through the air. Normally, he doesn't really care about innocents, but he does know that wherever there are innocents screaming, there are enemies that need killing. He charged through the forest in his animal form with a combined sense of vengeance and bloodlust. Once he got to the camp, he can't help but notice the flames. He noticed Kye with his swords out staring at some shadows in the flames. Dubluu turned to his human form and drew out his longsword. He then yelled at the Full-Bloods "Come out, cowards, and fight like real men! My mother is in need of entrails to fashion into a fine necklace and my sister would gladly eat your heart!" Dubluu then picked up a rock and threw it at the Full-Bloods to bait them into fighting. After he threw the stone, Dubluu spread out his arms and yelled "Faugh a Ballagh!"

Fia stared at the smoke that was rising from the top of the tall trees. She could hear the muffled screams of other Animal Borns, as well as full bloods. She gathered up the last bit if courage she had for today and ran toward the burning forest. She dodged burning timber and tried to keep from breathing in all the toxic smoke. She was coughing frantically when she got to the camp. She saw Kye trying to swing at some full bloods that were attacking him.

“Darn full bloods! Go crawl back into your filthy holes you call houses!” Kye yelled as he slashed through the air. These full bloods were highly trained and could dodge almost all of his attacks. He turned his back to see Fia running from the trees. He was distracted, so he took a blow to the head from a full-blood’s sword hilt.

Fia gasped as she saw Kye fall to the ground with a faint thud.

Kralji was now hissing uncontrollably, angrier then ever, and took off from the branch with a shriek of rage. Flying through the smoke was especially difficult, as it was for most birds with their sensitive respitory systems. She crashed into the first full blood she saw, knocking them senseless to the ground. "Come now! Is that really how you are going to fight? Like sloths?!" She yelled threateningly at a quickly retreating group ahead, then realized it was lost to them as they couldn't understand eagle-speak. Kralji did a 360 in the air quickly, looking in vain for her friends and others of importance. She thought she saw Dubluu in the distance, but it was hard to make out the form without focusing intently. She never saw the towering form behind her, grimly wielding something large and dangerous. Kralji lost her breath as the full-blood smashed full-force into one side, causing her to fall into a sharp tail-spin. However she made it out quickly, and with a hiss of disdain turned to face her opponent. She noted that it was one of the scarier full-bloods, about as ugly as they came with all kinds of scars and bruises. "Coward! You have no place here! Leave now or die a thousand deaths!" Screaming loudly at the attacker, then remembering they couldn't understand a word of it. "Oh.. But we do! We have special plans for this part of the forest you know!" He said with an evil grin. Kralji was struck dumb for a moment, allowing her defenses to fall, and resulting in a mind-shattering blow to the head. "Fia.. Kye.. Dubluu... Anyone... Help me!" She croaked as she sailed to the ground. Suddenly she heard- Music?.... But... Who in their right mind would play music in the heat of battle?! Kralji strained her head in the direction of the noise. Bansyi strummed his instrument thoughtfully, not visibly aware of the danger around him, for on his little roof he felt safe and secure. Distantly he became aware of someone imperiled nearby, paused for a brief moment and then continued his music.

The Wings of Revolution

The land of Dereli, occupied with forests, mountains, plains, rivers, and the city of Merlace.


Ancient Forest: The forest outside of the grand city. Filled with huge, ancient trees and believed to hone mystirious surprises, this is where the Animal-Borns live and take refuge from the full-blood humans.

Merlace: A large city within the grand plains of the Belace. The palace is in the center of the city surrounded by beautiful green gardens, made for the princess herself. The palace is surrounded by 3 sections: Upper class, Middle Class, and Lower Class. Upper class is filled with huge mansions, similar to the palace. Middle class is filled with normal sized houses and a few apartment-like things. Lower class is filled with the artists and has very small houses. The city is surrounded by huge white walls with an enourmous shining gold gate.

The Great Plains of Belace: huge fields of dark, green grass blooming with flowers all year around. There are a few streams flowing through it. Many farmers, ranchers, and shepherds live here.

Shadow Camp: A camp in the heart of the Ancient forest where the Animal-Born's live. They have a huge system of tree houses, burrows, and huts built into and under the trees, so that if anything threatening comes, they can hide quickly and not be seen at all.

Black Mountains: A huge system of mountains to the west of the great city that appear black when the sun sets. Dragons are said to live there....



In the quiet old city of Merlace, tretchery is brewing.

The king has changed and the people are just getting used to his new laws and whatnot, but there are a few individuals that believe the king is a lie and everything he's doing is a trick and a lie.

These people are among the descendants of the very first people that lived here; the natives. They are a very special type of people, for they are the closest to animals. Therefore, they can 'shapeshift' into their 'Birth Animal'. A Birth Animal is the animal that a person is born with (obviously) but it varies from person to person. One person might be a frog, while another is a bear.

These groups of people are usually frowned upon by the newer, full-blood humans. But, the full-bloods don't know that their beloved king is a very very evil man.

The revolution against the king begins with a few Animal-Born's in the forest. They devised a plan to kill the king and put the rightful one in his place. They become the 'Shadows of the Forest"; an elite group of Animal-Born assassins that's main goal is to protect the innocent and drive out the imposters.

Though, soon enough, the king learns of this and tried to make every effort to stop these animals. He sets a decree to kill any animal that makes their way into the town,for you cant tell if an animal is actually a human or not. this caused the Animal-Borns to be driven into the forest and live like their ancestors did; Wild.


Soon, the Shadows of the Forest began recruiting more Animal-Borns.

Your job is to join the Shadows and become as great as their leader, and soon, bring peace to this troubled land shrouded in darkness and hatered.


Long ago the Animal-Borns lived in peace and protected the Ancient forest. The great city once had a wonderful and kind king; King Larcentax. But, he died in his old and wise age and the people chose a new king. But, the king grew greedy and overtook this land and claimed it for their own, driving the Animal-Borns out of the land and back into the Ancient forest to hide in fear.

To this day the Animal-Borns are living in fear that the king will tear down the entire forest. But, they have hope; the Shadows of the Forest.



Standard rp rules apply~


1) please don't kill another person's character without permission.

2) no godmodding/powerplaying/mary-gary suing. And no plain janes! those are just boring!

3) be nice and have fun!!

3) please no swearing, but if you must, use interesting filler words :P

4) romance is allowed but dont take it too far.

5) please dont make too many of one type of Animal-Born! (aka dont make 4835739 wolves or 4953987 dragons XD)

6) no fighting in OOC chat please!

7) respect the rp masters! Thanks! 8D


Here's a wee little template for you characters! :D






eye colour:

skin solour:

Weapon of Choice:



and Personality!

Trait 1:

Trait 2:

Trait 3:


How would they act if they wre being attack/threatened?

How would they react to another player who has a little crush on them?:

How would they react in a scary situation?:

How would they react in a happy situation?

And you can add more if you like! ^_^

Have fun!!

Word Minimum
150 words per post.

Joinable Species
Full-Blood Human
Other (ask first please!)

Second RP Master
✧゚・Amerillo・゚✧ (#342)

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