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Prissila thought about what Silver said for a moment. "So you are new to the mountains? Where are you from then, Silver?" She asked, tilting her head.

Because Prissila lived in the mountains all her life, she didn't know much about the outside world. As Prissila wondered where Silver used to live, she felt something watching them from the water. She turned her head towards the water just in time to see two black and white fish tails dissappear back into the clear blue water. Prissila had a confused look on her face and she asked Silver, " Is it me, or are those two fish watching us?"

Silver had only seen a splash, not any fish. "I didn't see any fish. That must be what you were looking at before," she realised.

"Anyway," she continued, "I was hatched on a savannah, a couple of months' flight from here. Some gryphon hunters attacked one day - I was hunting. When I got back I found nothing but evidendce of a fight, and a few pieces of our hoard." She faltered as she rembered the day - nothing could describe her feelings. "So I took what I could and left. I came here beause my parents told me the village is where gryphon riders were found."

"What did these fish look like?" she asked.

Ceretus finally got board of the argument with the walls and found himself strolling through the forest again. He was hungry again. That one fish disnt hold up. She got close to the lake and leaped up and flaped in black wings."Lets try this from the sky."

He hovered over the lake watching the shining surface of the water. He was not awearr of the Gryphons on the shore just the shining water and the slow movement of silver scaly body. He let blinked his gray eyes and closed his wings to his sides and droped like a spear cutting through air. He came up at the last second wings opened and his talons sunck into the water. He veered upward and came up with two more fish in both clawed hands. He flaped his wings and overed in the air. Both fish wiggled one stoped the other flinches, twitched the stayed still.

As Silver sat by the lake, she realised that, sitting there with Prissila , she felt happy. It was a wonderful feeling. She hadn't really been happy since before she left her parent's den. As Silver was deciding that she really had found a potential best friend, she noticed a powerful-looking male gryphon float into view over the lake. He was white, silver and black, and as he turned slowly in the air, intent on the lake, Silver noticed his eyes - a grey that was the sort of stoney colour that would scare down many gryphons - or almost anything - from a fight.

Silver watched as the gryphon swooped and caught a couple of fish. Maybe Prissila knew somthing - after all, she had certainly been in the mountains longer than she had. "Prissila, do know who that gryphon is?" Silver asked.

"The fish were very big koi fish, one was black, the other white. Both had a spot on their forehead, the white had a black one, the black had a white one." Prissila described. " The strange thing is, I have lived here a long time and have never seen any koi fish in the lake."

Prissila scratched her head lightly with her obsidian talons. She thought, they may have traveled up the river, but then again  they're koi fish so it would't be natural...  Prissila was still in deep thought when she heard Silver say something about another gryhon by the lake. She looked at the other gryphon and said to Silver, "I've seen him around a few times but I don't know his name."

"Ok," Silver said. She was thinking. If the fish had been circling each other, which Silver guessed they were, judging from the description, then they proboply hd somthing to do with human myths and ledgends, whch, moe often then not, many became reality . . . somehow or another. And the other gryphon slighlty scared her. He had stared where the fish had apparently been, with a hunter's eyes. If human legends like this were true, which they certainly could be, then if  fish was hurt in any way, somthing bad would happen. If human myths were true. But Silver liked saying they were. It made things more intresting, she could think up several different explanations for one thing.

If this has stuff to do with humans, we should go to the town, thought Silver. But she'd never been there before. Then she decided. "Maybe we should try and find somthing in the town - Oriole. That or we could stay here until the other gryphon notices us or somthing."

Prissila was very worried about the two koi. For some reason, she felt protected over them. She knew a lot about human mythology from the books she collected in her hoard, and the few times she went into the town disguised as a human. When Silver said something about Oriole, Prissila thought about the one human in the town called, Altaira. The lady was very smart and knew a lot about myths and legends.

Prissila let out a restrained breath. "Our best bet is the town. Besides, I don't think that gryphon will be coming down here any time soon." she said as she glanced at the gryphon still in the air. "How well can you turn into a human, Silver? Because we can't go there as gryphons."

Silver was glad Prissila would go. Silver had been prepared to turn into a human, but she didn't usally enjoy it. "I can transform ok," and she transformed right then, "but I don't really like it. You can't fly away from danger, no talons or beak to protect yourself. I was really surprised when my parents showed my, at first. I had no idea gryphons could do that till then." She shivered in the mountain air - it was cold without her fearters and fur, only som human clothes. At least they would hide her in mist and fog ok, they were similar in colour to her silver feathers, ut not so much that people wold get suspicious. "Can we at least fly there?" Silver asked - she did not want to walk all the way to the town!

Prissila chuckled at Silver. "Ok and I know a good place to transform into humans while going up to the town." She said. After Silver transformed back into a gryphon, they flew to the path Prissila talked about, with Prissila in the lead. While they wre flying, she thought about the strange koi fish first, then her thought flipped towards the town. It was a medium sized town, with trees all around. there was a park with an altar type thing in the center of it where in the old days, gryphon riders used to go to summon their gryphon partner with their prefered music instrument.

Prissila landed on a stone path that led up to the great town, Oriole. Prissila turned into her human form with the black and white long sleeve shirt, dark brown jeans, and midnight blue boots. She touched her harp shaped pendant on her necklace, which shrank when she turned into human form. She turned towards Silver, who turned into a human again. "You ready to go into Oriole?".

Silver's exitement grew as they flew towards the town. She thought about the mystery of the koi for a bit - she didn't think they usually lived up here. Maybe they had come to balance the area, or help it return to balance, by watching out for gryphons and humans. But quickly her thoughts turned to Oriole. The place of legend where she came from, where riders were found.Finally the town was close enough to see a bit. Silver saw the entance gates, several hoses and a flat bit of land with something rising out of the middle. She noticed specks that were humans, before she and Prissila descended to a stone path. As Silver tured human again she was almost quivering in excitement. When Prissila asked if she was ready, Silver nodded and followed Prissila into Oriole.

Prissila lead the way into Oriole. Instead of going straight to Altaira's house, she decided to give a tour of the town to Silver. Prissila lead Silver to a small, light brown building surrounded by other small buildings. " This is the general store," she gestured to the light brown building. " This is where the town's people buy their main supplies. The owner of the store is named Ava."

Prissila showed Silver the neighborhood, where some of the humans lived, the clothes store, and the blacksmith's forge. She saved the best for last. Prissila lead Silver to the park, she walked towards the altar thing in the center. "Welcome to the park. the altar in the middle," she pointed at the center of the park. " Is where gryphon riders used to summon their gryphon partner after the rider was done with specific training."

Prissila looked over the altar. They are three greek looking columns on the raised ground that were positioned in a triangle. On top of each column was a different metal gryphon statue. drawings of gryphons, humans and music intruments, were ingraved in each column.

Ceretus not knowing had accidently followed the two female gryphon into town. His black cape covered his face. When he saw Silver and Paissila he grew curious. These were...strange humans. He though. Deep down he felt like they were something himself. He dicided he would "follow" the pair to see exactly who and what they were. Human or Gryphon. However deep down inside he flet like he already knew the answer to that but her jsut couldnt quiet put his lips on it.

His Gray eyes peered from underneath the shadows of his cape. He decided to walk to the two girls. "Hello, there young ones! How is your stroll going?" He asked. He was making himself sound older then he really was.

Silver was quite glad that Prissila was showing her the town. Silver paid attention about everything and tried to ensure it was engraved in her memory. As the two were at the monument, Silver stood there staring at it, at least until someone spoke to them. The person who spoke sounded older then them both, but when Silver turned and saw the human, he looked a little disproportional to the voice, it didn't quite fit.And she still had pretty good hearing and sight in human form. Then she noticed his eyes. Most of his face was hidden, but she knew those eyes. "You were the other one at the lake!" Silver realised. " You were the one hunt- I mean, fishing, at the lake before! And you noticed the fish, as well." Silver was very careful not to mention anything that would make a human suspicios or anything.
Prissila was in deep thought when she heard someone say something. She snaped her head in the direction of the human. When Silver mentioned something about the human's eyes, she focused her eyes on his and noticed that they were gray like the one gryphon. Her eyes flashed their natural yellow orange color before going back to a golden brown color. Prissila closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her senses seemed to pick up that he definitely was a gryphon, just in a human form. Moving her hand off one of the columns she said, "Why did you follow us, and what do you want?"
Ravios was heading towards the mountains with a leather bag over his shoulder. In the bag he carried food and water to last a week and an odd wooden flute. Ravios was planning to go to the mountains to get away from the town for a bit. He disliked the town to say the least. To say he loathed the town would be quite the truth. He loved the mountains with their free winds and their beautiful mysteries, which some he belived, should be left unsolved. He began going towards the gate to the mountains, it usually let him through. He saw no reason why he shouldn't let him through this time. He soon arrived at the gate.

Gryphon Mountain

(Humans)A small town in the mountains called Oriole (o-rio-le) which is filled with several trees, plants and a few parks. The general store(where the humans buy food and heath supplies) is a small light brown building and the owner is named Ava. The person who knows the most about gryphons and sees them more often then others, is a lady named Altaira. Her house is dark blue with a black top and its near the gate to the mountains. There's also a blacksmith by the name of Harley. His forge and house is close to where Altaira lives. The gates to the mountains are black and white with twin gryphon staues on the top and only certain people are allowed through.

(Gryphons) The gryphons live in caves on the mountain but they keep the entrance well hidden from humans. The gryphons travel to a lake in a mountain valley which they call the Lunar Lake, three times a year to talk to each other, share news, or warnings. The caves where the gryphons live normaly have two rooms with a long tunnel. one for treasure and one for sleeping.


You are a gryphon who lives in the mountains and it can change into a human to hide it self if it goes  into the town. Or you are human who came to the mountains because you heard of several legends and rumors of gryphons who live in the area.


Since humans first settled in the town of Oriole, gryphons have flown down from the mountains to the town to see the young people who could be gryphon riders. A gryphon rider had to have a certain personality or skill that the gryphon likes. Because the gryphons could transform into humans, A gryphon would study its potential rider. When a gryphon chooses a rider, they would go to the elder so the rider would have some training. At the end of a grphon riders training they would have a ceramony to where they would call their gryphon. To summon the gryphon, they had to use music.

However when gryphons started being hunted for they treasure,  feathers, and talons, they pulled away from the town to hide. And since then, the people of Oriole have only caught glimpses of feathers and large shapes in the fog. Other people in the town have said that they went extinct.


1. Typical rules of rp

2. No swearing please if needed use this symbol *

3. Keep it PG 13

4.  Max of four characters

5. If a gryphon you need to describe what bird and what cat it is example: vulture/lion

6. Gryphons also have to describe what their cave looks like and what treasure they hoard.

7. Gryphons can transform into humans so they have to describe what their human form would look like.

8.For the humans you have to describe why you came to the town and if you would be a gryphon rider.

9. Also if the gryphon wants a rider they have to ask in the OOC chat

10. the humans that will be gryphon riders also have to say what music they would use to summon their gryphon.

11.Have fun!

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