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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Stream glanced around and her pupils widened when a large figure approached her. She backed up and crouched, growling softly.

"K-keep back!" she screeched instinctively. She was silenced when the creature announced it's name. Over her own fear-scent, she could recognise another. This thing... is scared? Surely not of me?

"What are you? And how do you know about that light?" she managed to squeak, trying to force her ruffled feathers flat. Then they perked up again. Another male? What if... ideas raced through her mind. She had a deep fear of all things that she wasn't familiar with, mostly others of her species. She knew all too well what they were capable of. The large creature towering over her head didn't seem hungry; at least, she hoped so. Maybe with a pack behind her, she wouldn't have been so scared, and wouldn't have struggled to simply stand up correctly. Maybe, she could have ran away, but she daren't risk it. She had no idea how fast this thing was.

Dubluu looked at the side of Armondo's neck and noticed that there were lice on the Allosaurus' neck. Knowing of a tactic his mother taught him about getting rid of parasites, he looked around for an ant nest. As he looked around, he took occasional nips at the lice to eat them. As he looked around, he noticed the female Allosaurus and a female raptor that seemed to be quite healthy and way stronger than he is. He noticed one of his feathers fall off and get caught by the wind toward the female. "Oh no! I'm going to end up being hunted down and murdered!"

Portal Curiousity

As in the plot it tells a lot, We start out in the past and come out in the future. The setting will be mainly in Africa at the nature reserve that spans over half of Africa, the lower half.


In a forest of the past a portal is seen, a few curious dinos enter it only to find they are now in the present of the future. The year is 2100 and the place is a lab in what is now an African Nature reserve. Around the resereve is a high voltage fence. This is not a random event. This was planed. The dinosaurs who wonder into the portal are now being watched and taken care of by scientists. The dinos have to find a way back, or is being fed around the clock too good to pass up?


Dinos from the Past are taken to the furture by pure curiousity. Dinos from all around the time line.


No God modding is allowed, if your in a fight you will be injured some how and your Dino may be near perfect. But please no making pure perfect dinos. Also Please keep your selection of Dinos to those on EX. Also one chara per RPer, Unless I say other wise.

Please do not make big big events happen :/ Scientists dont come into the reserve half hazardly they know what they are doing. And guards are on platforms high above all dinos. And please try to let everyone post before posting, aka take turns so that we dont lose anyone Aka you may post 3-4 times with another player but then you need to wait:) Thank you


I reserve the rights to kick you out if you break the rules :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Tyrannosaurus Rex

Second RP Master
Unauthodox (#428)

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