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Azora sank down in a chair and watched Luke carefully. She tried not to stare at his weapon but it was hard. "Close call, Huh?... "She said aloud. No one responded, and there was an icy silence for several minutes. Azora felt dizzy with excitement and fear. She had been planning to return home shortly before her parents woke up, but that was no longer an option, as news of their actions would spread quickly. Perhaps she could stay with the other girl- Azora realized that they didn't even know eachother's names... But what did it matter? Formal introductions were useless anyway...
  Luke narrowed his eyes and snapped, "Well, for your information, I was going to help you but you can forget about that!" His voice was harsh and cold, as if he yelled often, his tone was dark and his voice was loud, the shopkeeper stared at him and continued to wipe down his counter silently. Luke growled and glared at him, he grabbed for his dagger but Es hit it away. He growled at her, he now deicded that making a fight wasn't a smart move, especially at a time like this. He grabbed his dagger which  fell on the floor and he sheathed it, he stood up straight glaring at Es, "I ask again. Tell me your names."
Es rolled her eyes. "Fine. But why don't you tell your name first." She glared at him again and brushed her long messy bangs out of her face. He didn't say a word. She finally sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm Esmeralda, but everybody calls me Es; except for my parents." She scoffed at the word and looked back at him. "So what's your name?" She hissed. She looked over his shoulder to see the shopkeeper had begun to whistle a happy little tune. She hated happy music and wanted to plunge the boy's knife into the man's throat.
  Luke held out his hand for Es to shake it, "My name is Luke. And- I see that you're not to friendly with the guards either, are you somehow connected to this." He looked att he shopkeeper who disappeared itno a back room, "THe Academy?" He whispered the dreaded two words, hoping that the shopkeeper didn't hear so he would completely disregard the teenagers. When Es shook his hand he gained slightly more trust for these girls, he crossed his arms and looked att he other girl, "And who's she?" He asked in a grumble, wondering if he should've waited to say his name.
Azora could see that this conversation was not going well. Someone was going to get hurt- She quickly gave her share of information. "My name is Azoralin... I... I'm running away from home tonight." she mumbled. They probably didn't need to know that... Oh well... She nearly jumped out of her skin as the strange shopkeeper suddenly began to belt out a random and very loud tune that none of them knew. She stared at him and then at Es, who appeared to be wanting to punch someone. The loud boisterous singing continued until Azora finally yelled for some quiet. She then turned to Luke. "Now... you tell us your story."

Es glared into Luke's eyes again. "Yes. I've heard bad things about it." She gave a heavy sigh and looked out the window. "I heard that kids like us go there, and never come back out." She shuddered slightly and turned back to Luke. "My parents were planning on sending me there. Idiots." She muttered and rested her arms on the table then buried her face in them.

She shopkeeper was still singing the obnoxious tune and it was getting on Es' nerves. She picked up a book from a nearby bookshelf and flung it at the man as hard as she could. The man dodged it barley and gave a small glare to her. He shrugged and resumed cleaned the counters, muttering words under his breath.

Azora stifled a laugh and then watched the shop window, in case the guards should decide to come back. In any other city, stray cats and raccoons would have been prowling the streets at this hour, but in Nirvana most animals except small pets had dissapeared. Azora didn't want to know what happened to them... Her stomach growled as she turned to look at the wide selection of food there. " anyone else hungry?... I have a bit of allowence to spend..." Azora mumbled. She stood up and sauntered over the counter, where the shop keeper still had not ceased singing or cleaning. Azora pointed toward a bag of cookies on a shelf behind the counter. "Can I buy those?" She waited several moments for an answer and got none. "...Um...Sir, may I buy some cookies please?" Still nothing. "Hello? Are you deaf or something?!" Azora was getting impatient and more hungry by the second.
Veriff was trying to ignore what these teenagers were talking about. He tried to ignore what they were saying, about the accademy. He then realized that Azora was beginning to get a bit ticked off. "Oh of course... sorry to keep you waiting." There was a tinge of fear in Veriff's voice when he spoke. Azora payed for the cookies and Veriff handed her the bag. He then went back to cleaning, but he didn't whistle because he knew it was beginning to tick Es off. Luke was the one who scared him the most because he had a dagger. He avoided eye contact and continued to clean around his shop.
  Luke glared at the shopkeeper who seemed fearful of them and trying to ignore their conversation, "Well, as far as I heard, this academy is training us to be like those idiots outside." He nodded to the guards, bumbling around in the alleyway still. "Seriously, a pebble hit their heads and they're acting like they got stabbed 34 times in the chest." He scoffed in amusement. He looked back at Es, ignoring Veriff who were staring at them in fear, continueing to wipe tings down warily, knowing not to whistle anytime soon or else Es might do something worse than throwing a book at his head.
Es smiled and utter ed a small laugh. She looked back at the shopkeeper and started to get a little less annoyed. She knew he was just trying to tune their talking out. Es smiled again and stood up. "Well, this has been a nice chat but, I better get going. Its only a couple of hours till sunrise and I don't want my parents to find out I snuck out again." She gave a salute-like gesture and walked out of the store. She walked down the street to a tall white building. She opened the front door, careful not to make a sound. She quietly walked up the stairs and pulled out a key to her apartment. She unlocked the door and walked in. It was dark and it smelled of lemons and vanilla. She threw her coat to the side and walked into her room and threw herself onto the bed.
  Luke watched Es go out and yelled after her, "We will meet again tomorrow." He slinked out of the shop silently and crawled back to his alleyway. The guards ran off- probably to announce that they are freaks of nature that fail at life and couldn't catch 3 kids- because they had a deadly pebble in hand. Luke scoffed to himself and leaned agaisnt a wall, listening as people walked past his alleyway without a second glance. They were happily talking with each other- things with work, their familes, or just news with each other. He sighed heavily and looked att he night sky.
Azora watched them leave and then pondered what to do next. Perhaps she could return home after all; if she hurried, she could make it there before her parents woke up. She headed toward the shop's door and cast one last glance at the shopkeeper. Azora felt a small amount of pity for him. " It must be hard owning such a large shop... "She thought to herself.Azora fumbled in her pockets and found a few cents that she left on table as a small tip, then raced out the door. A few tiny rays of daylight had appeared over the horizon, and people were already beginning to stir. Azora would have to hurry... The wet patches of grass squished under her feet as she ran the well- known path to her home. along the way, She thought she saw a familiar figure leaning against a wall. Azora considered waving but thought better of it as the figure disappeared into the shadows. She continued on her way without any more hesitation.
Veriff noticed that Azora had left him a tip. He would've thanked her but she ran off before he could say anything. Veriff was now alone. There was no more cleaning to so all he could do is wait. Eventually he had fallen asleep on a chair for at least three hours, about all the sleep he would get since his shop was open twenty-four hours a day. His shop was closed on the weekends but sadly for him it was Tuesday. A man walked in, he was dressed in very strange cloths. There was a symbol on the man's jacket. Veriff recognized this symbol, this was a man of the government. The man walked up to Veriff and began questioning him. "Have you seen three teenagers? One of them in particular has a dagger." Veriff could've blown the three teenagers cover, but he knew there would be terrible consequences. "No sir I haven't." The man looked at Veriff. "I know your lying... and I know that you know too much." The man grabbed Veriff by the collar of his shirt. "If you don't tell me what I need to know by next Tuesday Veriff I'll have to close down your shop and take you far, far away from here." The man let go of Veriff's shirt and head for the door, before he walked out he spoke. "You have until next Tuesday Veriff." The man then walked out the door.
Es woke up the the sound of her screaming alarm clock. There was a knock at the door and her mother stepped in. She was tall and had blonde, shoulder length hair. She wore a flowered dress and a smiling face. Es moaned as she opened the blinds and said, "Wake up sunshine! It's the first day of your new life! I hope you packed everything, because the bus to take you to the academy leaves at eight o' clock sharp!" She giggled and walked out of the room. Es moaned again and rolled her eyes. "I wish I could kill myself right now.." She whined and shoved random clothes on the floor into a small suitcase. She dragged it out of her room and into the kitchen where her mother was making pancakes. They smelled like they always did; like blueberries and vanilla. Es ran her fingers through her hair and sat at the table, noticing that she had slept in her every-day clothes. She sighed and waited for her mother to serve her some breakfast, though she wasn't hungry. She thought about last night and smiled at the thought of the other kids like her.
  Luke sighed, when he woke up from a short nap. He knew what day it was- the day that they would start to go to the Academy. He whined, regretting ever signing up for the stupid place and looked at the sky painfully, "WHy did I do that? I'm so stupid!" He said leaning against the wal lagain. He closed his eyes, he was very tired since he didn't get any sleep- only 3 hours of it. He looked at the other end of his alleyway and decided that he would start off for the busstop- because if you don't go to the academy when you signed up- they would hunt you down themsevles. He started off, keepign off the lines of the crowd.


the very large city of Nirvana. There is little to no reason to leave; the city has everything. Parks the size of a small forest, shopping malls built to immense sizes, enough housing to shelter millions of
people, and more.

Among the tall spires of the main city, there are a few places worth noting:

The Academy of high learning and perfect intelligence, also known as the Academy of Nirvana and also Death.....

Elders'Meeting Hall
This hexagon-shaped building is the meeting place of the city's leaders and the place where the most important decisions are made. Anyone is permitted to enter and listen in to the conversation, but truly important matters are discussed in secret.

There are more, but those will come up later ;D


In the seemingly perfect town of Nirvana, life flows seamlessly. Nothing is crooked or wrong; everything is just right. There is no crime, and all the citizens coincide with each other perfectly. The buildings are new and plastered white. They are tall and proud; the trees and grasses are always green, the flowers always in bloom. There is never a rainstorm, nor is it ever too hot or too cold. Everyone is kind and friendly, and they all are very smart. There are new things being made every day by these smart people. It is truly the ultimate Utopia.

However, a small group of young people have sensed that there is something being hidden from them. A dark secret; the fact that their paradise is NOT perfect, that not everything is the way it seems. It begins with them being taken from their homes and sent to a mysterious 'boarding school' called "The academy of Nirvana". It is in fact no ordinary boarding school. Sinister and evil things go on here.

The local leaders and parents seem oblivious to the horrors; they believe the school to simply be another wonderful place in their perfect town. They must be made to see, but how?
Escaping from the school is no easy task; the long and oppressive list of rules makes sure of that. Even if one does miraculously manage to escape, they are forced to spend the rest of their lives in hiding and constant fear.

"Graduating" from this place is another story ;D

Escapee's are not the only ones I hiding; many, many other rejected people skulk in Nirvana's shadows....


The rules of the Academy of Nirvana:

1: any student caught outside of the marked grounds will be eliminated
2: any student who decides to rebel against authority will be eliminated.
3: any student who is caught speaking when not spoken to will be eliminated.
4: any student who is caught communicating with anyone from the outside will be eliminated.
5: Elimination is very serious and permanent. It cannot be undone or ignored.

6: Students must be on time to all of their classes, meals, and other activities.



Years and years of incredibly hard work was used to create this care-free society. Disease has been all but destroyed; war is only something found in the dictionary. Crime is very rare, so law enforcement is virtually gone.

Nearly every device imaginably has been invented, making life very easy for most people.... However, advanced technology only makes life harder for those who are trying to run away or hide. 


Same as most other RP's~ Failure to follow these rules will result in an elimination ;D

1. No Swearing

2. Keep it Pg 13. No over descriptive love scenes or too much blood and gore.

3. No powerplaying-

4. No mary-sue/gary sue

5. No killing another person's character without permission....

6. Limit of four characters each~ I don't think anyone needs more than that >.>

7: kissing and hugging is allowed, but keep it innocent! >8U

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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