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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Tedala saw the cat and smiled. It finally stopped raining and the cat looked relieved. She looked at these people confused. "I thought my brother just got us lost. I can't believe you'd lie to me like that." Bentrax looked at her sister sighing. "I never said anything to you that we were going somewhere. What I have to do isn't any of your business." Tedala looked at him angrily. "Then why'd you bring me here?" Bentrax sighed looking a bit annoyed with her sister. "Because you know our uncle wants me to watch you." Bentrax had gotten so caught up in arguing he forgot that Helen even asked a question.
Helen turned to Aki. "I think you're going to need all the help you can get. Can't you see their aura?" she asked, gesturing to the siblings.
Aki sighed."Of course I can. I was just ignoring it." She pointed at them."Earth and Sky. Done." She folded her arms and sat down on a rock.                                                                                                                                                  
I guess I have to do this, thought Helen. "All right guys, listen up!" she called out to the siblings. "I have something to tell you." She waited for them to calm down. Jack jumped down and sat by her side.
Tedala felt like throwing a rock at her brothers head, but she knew it wouldn't hit him. Bentrax sighed looking annoyed with her sister. "Could you stop complaining for five seconds!? I can't spend a day without you throwing a fit!" Tedala snapped and threw a rock at his head. Before it could hit him he made the rock stop and fall to the ground. He sighed calming down a bit. Fiddle was bleating and rubbing his head against Bentrax's leg. "Fiddle cut it out! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something!?" The goat backed off feeling disappointed. Obviously the goat was hungry. Tedala was trying to ignore her brother now feeling upset.
Aki felt bad for the goat."Come, I'll give you something to eat." She said to it kindly with her mind and began searching her pockets."What would you like to eat?"
Helen rolled her eyes. She pulled out some treats from her pocket and called the goat over."Here Fiddle!" she called, and the goat gladly took her treats. She straightened up and jumped between Bentrax and Tedala. "You guys stop right now! I've got to tell you about your powers and what they mean!" she cried, and the sibling went silent. Fiddle was munching on grass, Jack was listening, and Aki was silently watching.
Aki sat on the rock without a sound, playing with a squirrel that came up to her. She let it run along her arm, and she would pet it and scratch it. She talked to it a little bit, picked an acorn, and handed it to the squirrel so it could eat.
Tedala and Bentrax stayed silent still looking angrily at each other. They sighed listening to what Helen had to say. Fiddle contently ate the treats happy to have something to eat. Fiddle didn't really know much of magic, only that when Tedala got mad magic was bad. The goat bleated trying to stay out of the arguement completely. Fiddle walked over to Aki disappointed with his masters. "They always fight like this, I'm suprised I'm not deaf yet." ((Alright, just to get things straight OCC means out of character chat. (,) is replacing OCC to you. Using OCC keeps notes like this out if the role-play))
(kk)She explained Jacks story over again, giving them all the facts about each type of power, as Jack told her what to say, and ending by telling them that Aki was to stop the evil that had burned down her house. "I don't know anything except what Jack has told me. I don't know who they are, what they look like, or How many there are. It could be one or ten or a hundred." She glanced to each of their faces, disbelief in thier eyes. She sighed, knowing Aki would have to help her get the point across.
Helen looked at Aki with a look that asked, "A little help, please?"
Aki smiled at the goat and rubbed it's ears."I'm sorry, I wouldn't know what that's like." She said soothingly and stood up. She walked over to the others."Okay, listen up." She said."You two are witches and wizards. You have powers. You got that part." She repeated the basics."Right now, there is an evil rising, and you guys need to help me train so I can stop it. I'm the one that's spoken in the prophecy." She then remembered they didn't know there was a prophecy."The great wizard, Merlin, sent his powers into the future for someone to inherit later. I got them, so I can use all types of magic." AKi took a deep breath."And I need to hone my skills to defeat evil. I'm done." She whipped around and went back to her rock.
Tedala tilted her head in confusement. "I don't get it." She was completely confused with what she said. "Train you? I'm only 9. And isn't Merlin the person I heard in stories and legends?" Tedala was petting her goat Fiddle because she was confused. "What evil?" Bentrax gave himself a facepalm. "My sisters so hopeless. She can't even understand a simple explanation. I don't know if we can, we have an uncle that expects us to help him take care of his farm. For a fact his farm is just past this forest back there." A fireball that looked identical to a meteorite had just crashed somewhere beond the forest. "And I think that fireball just hit his farm. Come on Tedala! Let's go!" Tedala, Bentrax, and Fiddle went to the farm. The entire farm was destroyed. He looked for his uncle, and found him dead. Tedala burst into tears.
Helen appeared. "Yep, just like my house." Jack walked up next to her. "If only they could understand me, then they would REALLY understand." He went back to explain to Aki, still sitting on her rock. She was completely dry. Helen glanced at the sky again, hoping it wouldn'y start to rain because of Tedala.  She hated storms. She looked at the sky, and then at the farm's remains. Helen walked over to Bentrax. "Do you believe me now?" she asked him. Jack was still in the forest, and it was beginning to rain. She looked at him, waiting for an answer.                                                              
Bentrax looked at the burned crops, he looked back at his dead uncle, tears formed in his eye. He held Tedala close knowing she was upset. Fiddle sniffed the dead man, he backed off upset bleating with sadness. Bentrax looked at Helen, sadness gleamed in his eyes. "Yes, I believe you now. But who would have done something like this?" Tedala was crying holding onto her brother. It began to rain as she became more and more upset. She looked at Helen with innocent eyes. "I believe you. I'll come with you." Bentrax looked at her sister, then back at Helen. "We'll come with you. We believe you." Fiddle walked up to Helen knowing she could speak animal. "Whoever did this was very cruel."

Witches and Wizards
In a normal suburban neighborhood.
Right now, there is a prophecy that there will be a wizard with a of the powers: Animal, Sky, Fire, Water, And Earth. However, they need all the help they can get by normal wizards, which can only control one element.
Merlin, the original wizards, sent his powers into the future and was given to my character, Sakoya.

No cussing

No inappropriate gestures, but you can hug and kiss I suppose

Your character may only control one element

You may only be extremely powerful if I say so



Animal~ Can talk to animals, turn into animals, summon animals, etc.

Sky~ Can manipulate air, teleport, make storms sometimes, etc.

Water~ Can manipulate water, make whirlpools, teleport, brainwash, etc.

Fire~ Can maniplate fire, sometimes cause droughts, sometimes control temperature, and blast fire out of hands

Earth~ Can Manipulate earth, increase growth of plants, cause earthquakes, etc.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Mortal (Human)

Second RP Master
bbelladonna (#10808)

Current Characters
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