Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.
being so huge had its advantages like to kill enemies, walk as a matter of fact this was actually boring i told my herbivore warriors to step back and i caved in the cavern to prevent enemy flow. alright lets move back home that's enough fighting for today. me and my troops moved. a utahraptor came with a message for me stating *recantly a carnotaurus named carnie was spotted with a human out side the dinosaur world i have personally went to settle things dinosaur to dinosaur from Alpha* "alright to things 1. you spelled recently wrong and 2. why would i care? go back to your home and when alpha comes back ask him why?"Â Â Â
alpha pushed grinder away and kept walking. i was in much pain blood was spilling out of my side i tried to move but pain travelled through my body i tried to roar but nothing but blood came out i gasped. i was glad that the females weren't allowed to go into battle but sadly i had gone to far. the dinosaurs would never accept me again what would my mate think of me? i laid there. i had a last minute idea i called to the human to get help... Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
i winced in pain yeah i wonder why alpha stopped i'm lucky he did i stood and wobbled i wondered what the others were doing. ah well i noticed the playground had something i could rest on, it was a slide or something it was much more comfortable than the ground. i looked to the lights of the city... Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Raziel sat in his room in the caves...he looked at a drawing his father adn he had made the day he died....he had swore on that day that he would kill the pathetic humans.
He walked out of his room and exited the caves,"This is the time in which they will die",raziel said then departed out of the caves into the humanworldand allowed the world to close in around himadn began to find victims,soon 6 civilians had falled before his claws.
"They are so weak...",Raziel said and walked out of an alleyway and saw an overhanging chopper and he smiled.'I see you"
1. you CAN have another player as a mate but no detail in your relationship kids play this game you know.
2. Don't mate with people without askingÂÂ
3. No unrealism like the apatosaurus leapt into the air did a somersault landed in an air plane and flew away.
4. don't kill other players
5. no perfects
6. keep PG-13 but jurassic park kind.
7. this is the most important have FUN!