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Exhibited Press - Comments

Life sign from us!
Posted by Herbal (#4) on 25th Oct 2015
Hello everyone!

Again, I am deeply sorry for the long lasting lack of sign of life from the staff here on Exhibited. There is no excuse for it, so I shall not waste time to give excuses and what not. But, I am here to tell you that you are not forgotten, and you have most certainly not been abandoned.

Kitty is working as hard as she can, but life has come a bit in the way. Last year she went through a rough pregnancy, and became a mum! Which naturally has made things go a bit slower than what she'd anticipated. BUT! She has Rykos on board with her, helping her coding new Ex, and they are making huge progresses!

Now. Along side working on Ex2, she is also been programming on my site along with Lioden. But my site is near completion now and once that's completely out of the way she will focus entirely on Ex2 rather than dividing her time like now.

It's a lot of balls in the air for everyone involved but things are starting to come together now! We are all very excited.

Kitty is giving all her love to all of you and gave a few screenshots for me to share with you:

By Native (#31648) on 2015-10-25 05:20:10
Look at the wolfies!!! So cute!!
By Lilly (#31678) on 2015-10-25 05:26:13
I like how this is looking so far! But is it going to be mobile.frendly?
By Mod Herbal (#4) on 2015-10-25 05:31:49
Lilly: Yep! Will be mobile friendly! :D
By Shadowlight (#25257) on 2015-10-25 05:38:52
Right, there are no excuses for haven't beeing there for over ten months. We felt alone, frustrated and abandoned. Sorry that I have no frenetic jubilance at the moment. The idea "you stumbled across a strange egg" isn't new. We have this in many games. I'm still skeptical. Sorry.
By Mod Herbal (#4) on 2015-10-25 06:09:25
Shadowlight (#25257) : We completely understand your frustration =) that's why we made this post.
And no, it's not a new idea ;) but it's just an example of the popup messages :D, not necessarily showing the new , exciting things to come. Just showing that we are working on it!
By brandon (#14677) on 2015-10-25 06:58:23
OMFG Yes!!!!
It feels like its been so long since i wanted to play ex2 but it looks like it will be worth it congrats to kitty
By Shaded Revival (#12329) on 2015-10-25 07:55:02
I'm glad you guys are back! :) The screen shots look amazing, I bet the new website will be worth the wait entirely!
By Gem4567 (#13259) on 2015-10-25 09:55:59
I would expect nothing less from Xy and Kitty! Thank you all so much for bring the notion of Ex2 back into our lives!
By Pegasus (#3082) on 2015-10-25 10:35:23
Great to get an update on the situation! I'm super glad to hear the new game will be mobile friendly, that's going to make playing a lot easier. :)
By Wulfraptor (#170) on 2015-10-25 10:51:58
I never gave up hope! Glad to see my patience will be rewarded. I want a pack of dire wolves... Awooo!
By Saphire (#22491) on 2015-10-25 13:29:11
The wolves are so cute~
By Tyrannogon (#5461) on 2015-10-25 13:52:00
I never lost hope!
It looks fantastic so far. :)
By Draco Sicarius (#32617) on 2015-10-28 21:05:10
Cool! I'm excited for this! I've noticed awhile ago that dinosaurs have a "Relationships" tab that just says "Coming Soon". Will there indeed be a Relationship feature for our dinos to enjoy?
By Teumessian Fox (#35434) on 2015-10-29 16:27:22
Looking forward to the new site very much. Worth waiting for :))
By Starkzilla (#1862) on 2015-11-03 23:27:03
I agree with Shadowlight up there.
By ~ LunaOfMidnight (#151) on 2015-11-15 17:10:32
Wooo!! This looks so neat. I love it so far. :D I am admiring the artwork, too.
By something cynder (#34810) on 2015-11-15 18:47:45
Man...Those screenshots have renewed my passion for Exhibited! Also very glad to hear it will be mobile friendly, since that is the only way I can play. I'm glad Kitty is bringing in other prehistoric creatures, like the dire wolf, in the second one.

To the people who are not yet excited, I felt the same way and totally understand. Your frustrated, I was too, just remember to keep your patience. Nobody is being forgotten, as seen above. ;) I'm sure as we get closer to the release date everyone will be jubilant! I know I am just thinking about it...
By Roy (#12705) on 2015-11-16 14:02:50
Haha, that's super funny. We get an update when I finally decide to give up and sell all of scales.
Still glad you're alive- as you can see, I still got curious and checked despite having no hope for it.
I missed Exhibited something awful, Flight Rising never came close to replacing it.
I wish there was a way to get updates from this site via email.
By Taura (#21) on 2015-12-06 06:05:19
Awesome news! I haven't been active on EX for a long while, but really hoping this new site comes along soon as I still want to raise my virtual dinos :P
By Absinthe (#1182) on 2015-12-12 14:25:53
Delayed response on my part. Really excited! Sparks my interest in Exhibited once more. I didn't want to play with no notion of whether anything would be updated on this old site, or when the new site (if ever) would launch. Now I'm happy with this update and the pics for the new site. Hooray Exhibited!
By Zaerdra (#9699) on 2015-12-19 08:06:51
I'm really excited!
By Dipl (#16184) on 2015-12-24 13:25:44
I remember a long time ago when I was super active on this site, and then completely forgot about it. Then, I come back to see how dead it is, and I see this. My heart is soaring. Even if it doesn't happen for a long time yet, it gives me hope that good things can happen and the great times I had here on EX won't be for nothing. I hope to see more updates soon, thanks so much for bringing us this news, and here's hoping me and the others who never gave up hope can get in on a Beta someday in the future ;3