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Talk about anything and EVERYTHING here, but keep it friendly.

Introduce yourself! :)
Now that Exhibited is open to the public again I am expecting it to get a great influx of new members in no time. The ones that have been playing the past few weeks probably already know each other well enough, but what about our new players? I'm more than certain that most of us would love to get to know you. So why not tell us something about yourself?

To make this easier I thought of a kind of form for you to fill out. Your post should include the form with some information about yourself and a question that you would like to ask the next person to reply to this thread.


Here's the form, it's not set so feel free to add your own questions. :)

0. How are you? :P

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

2. What do you do in your free time?

3. How would your friends describe you?

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?

Question to the following person (optional)


Seeing that this is all I could come up with, we shall begin now. :D

0. How are you?
Right now, I'm super excited about our new players and a bit exhausted because I had a busy but fun day. :)

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

Well -cough- I like to play video games and in that xbox 360 game I got last christmas called Fable 2 ,the villain is called Lucien Fairfax/ Lord Lucien . Until that point I never heard of the name Lucien and I fell in love with it right away. Plus it's a french name and I'm a big fan of anything that is french.

2. What do you do in your free time?
I love to play video games, obviously, and I love to draw, listen to music (breaking benjamin ftw) and play online games such as Exhibited. <3 I also do Karate and Ballroom dance and I play e-guitar/e-violin occasionally.

3. How would your friends describe you?
hopeless perfectionist, total mess, most oblivious person on earth, fun to be around, trustworthy,calm and always polite. x)

4. What's your favourite ... time of the day!
Around 10 pm. I'm more of a night owl.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
After I finished school, which won't be too soon, I want to study communication design in the capital of my state. I dream about getting that spiffy cell phone I saw a while ago. My goal on Exhibited is to own some quality Deinonychus and help our community as much as I can. :)

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I'm really into learning languages! I only know three, at the moment. German, which I'm fluent in, English and French while latter is rather basic and I really want to improve it. I also want to learn Korean soon. -already learned some hangul- Maybe some Japanese, Swedish,Turkish, Hebrew.. -goes on and on-

(optional) My question is ... what do you like better: Shrek or Toy Story? :D

P.S. I'm not encouraging you to give out personal information such as your real name, age, location..!

Post: #239035
0. How are you? :P

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I'm born in the year of the dragon

2. What do you do in your free time?

3. How would your friends describe you?
I have friends?

4. What's your favorite animal

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
perfect feathered dinos

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
training my chicken, Lily.

Post: #240993
1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Um, I guess I just like all that stuff about Elements and Spirits and etc. :P

2. What do you do in your free time?
Um, go on computer, read books, write if I have inspiration, play on my DS...

3. How would your friends describe you?
A brain. That's it, they probably just see me as a giant brain spouting useless facts and is too serious. XD

4. What's your favourite ... time of the day!
I like the night, but my problem with it is that it's too....silent in our house at that time.....

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
Uh, no so far, since I just came here, of course. XP

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Well, I do love all animals (including snakes, sharks, other 'freaky' creatures), and even though I'm scared of spiders I'm weirdly interested in them......
I seriously want to learn a bunch of languages. German. Cantonese. French. Italian. Mandarin. Fix up Spanish. AND MORE!!!!! >:D
Tribute to my Sinornithosaurus, Elegance of Killing. Died on 11/10/13, my first dino death ever. :(
Post: #241823
0. How are you? :P I'm doing well!

1. What's the story behind your nickname? No real story. Star is me, and I love dinosaurs, and I'm a girl!

2. What do you do in your free time? Read, write, play games, watch movies, hang out. Whatever I feel like.

3. How would your friends describe you? Loyal, friendly, silly, big-hearted.

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here) Since this is a site for dinosaurs I'll use that! My favorite dinosaur is the dilophosaurus!

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited? I would love to publish a novel in the future. As for here, I want a pack of dilophosauruses!

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in? Writing.

7. What is your favorite car? Hmmm, lambo?

Question to the following person

What is your favorite color?
You want that rake? You can't have that rake!
Post: #242236
A. Purple!

0. How are you? :P
Alright.. About to organize some clothes or something

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Ferox is one of my characters :D

2. What do you do in your free time?
I don't have a whole lot of free time.. I spend most of it reading or nerding around on the internet.

3. How would your friends describe you?
"Brainiac" lol

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)
Food! I love food. mexican food, chinese food, italian food, desserts...

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
I want to breed some good dinos on Exhibited and maybe sell a few, but mostly battle >:]

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I am a riding instructor by trade, so pretty much my whole life is dedicated to horses. I am also working to become a freelance artist, and I read a lot too.

Question to the following person (optional)
What is your favorite TV show atm?

Post: #242239
A Definently Burn Notice or the twilight zone!

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Well I have two ferrets, Ginger and Pepper. Pepper always reminds me of myself, being hyper and curious.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Play on EX, swim in the lake, or hang out with my friends

3. How would your friends describe you?
I have had alot of friends and aquintences say I look a lot like a ferret XD Some of them didn't even know I have pet ferrets! They say that I am also very quiet, but when I talk I always say something hilarious that makes everyone laugh. Pretty much I can lighten up the mood at school when people are fighting or arguing about something ridiculous

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)
My favorite animal is definently a ferret!

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited? My future dream is to be a palaeontologist/paleobiologist! I want to excavate fossils and attempt to ressurect dinosaurs using devo-evo (developmental evolution) It involves using a chicken fetus and turning one and off certain Dna switches that will make it look and act more like its Jurassic ancestors!

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Paleontology! I'm gonna go on another fossil dig in July!

Question to the following person (optional)? What is your favorite movie?

Post: #242718
Ello all, I'm Shadowlyn

My favorite movie would have to be Jurassic Park and Lost world. Anything dinosaur related.

0. How are you?
I'm good

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Not really anything, I chose it because I liked it. And before you think its pronounced Shadow's not. Its pronounced: Shah-dow-lyn :)

2. What do you do in your free time?
Read, watch movies, play games.

3. How would your friends describe you?
Shy but Friendly once they get to know me.

4. What's your favourite ... (dragons, dinosaurs, magic, Tacos)

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited? Not really, as for an Exhibited: explore everything and have fun.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in? Digging up prehistoric things. A Paleontologist!

Question to the following person (optional)
If you had a choice on what you found when digging up Prehistoric things (like dinosaur bones etc...) What would it be?
Post: #246665
Oooh, an introductory thread, yay! I was kinda looking for this.

To Shadowlyn's question...if I were to dig up anything of my choice, I'd dig up a complete dinosaur skeleton. Doesn't matter which dinosaur, though finding a giant carnivore one would be awesome. I collect fossils if I can afford them. <3 I have a wee collection of them. I wish I could own a carnivorous dinosaur skull.

Onto the form!

0. How are you?
I'm fine! Tired from work, but fine.

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Hydra is a Greek mythological creature, a serpent (or dragon, in other myths) with many heads. If you cut off the heads, more will grow in their place. It was also said that her breath was so poisonous that just walking in her wake was enough to kill. I just think it's a neat beastie-- and I couldn't think of much else to use as a nickname.

2. What do you do in your free time?
I write, mostly. I don't draw as much as I used to, but occasionally I still like to sketch. I'm also a big comic-head and sci-fi nut. If I ever find the time, I'm a casual gamer.

3. How would your friends describe you?
Friendly, down to earth. Polite (for the most part). Your behavior would have to be pretty severe for me to get my hackles up over anything.

4. What's your favourite ... (alien)
I'm a Predator fan all the way. <3 Throw any questions about the movies, books, comics, or any of that at me, and I'd likely be able to answer it. I'm a Predator nerd.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
In general, my ultimate goal is to write a series of my own books. I'm in the process of writing several at the moment, but they're still disjointed and need to be tied together. As for goals here on first goal is to make enough in-game currency to buy scales without using real money, enough to buy my very own big carnivore customs. <3

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Science fiction is a big one. But I'm also really fascinated in anatomy, animation, character interactions, color (especially in paintings), and facial expressions. I also love animals like dinosaurs, dragons, and other reptiles. On top of that, I've had a longtime love for water and the ocean (and all creatures therin!).

Question to the following person: Which do you like better, live action, or animated?

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. --Nietzshe
Post: #246670
0. How are you? :P
fine thank you.
1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Armera is a charater in a novel that I am writing. I needed a user name for sandbox farm... I think that was the site and hers was the eaiset to spell
2. What do you do in your free time?
Write, knit, draw, paint, movie watching, and playing with my puppies who are 5 and6 years old

3. How would your friends describe you?
Weird, my roomate in the dorm called me that. Nerd( though I preffer geek) lazy, with a loud laugh

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)
Movie: Indiana Jones
Book: the Dresden files
knitting project: socks

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
At the moment, write that novel I told y'all about, and enjoy my summer

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Reading, working with horses, and my dinos

Which do you like better, live action, or animated?
Really? that is a tough choice. I have to say though I like both for different reasons, but I wouldn't be turned off if the movie was eather.
Post: #249078
0. How are you? :P
Oh, fine, a bit confused and frustrated, but fine.

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Always wanted the name Abby, just cause, no real reason

2. What do you do in your free time?
read, write, draw, play with attention starved cats

3. How would your friends describe you?
weird, funny,

4. What's your favourite
chocolate covered strawberries

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
not losing all my money. Becoming a famous breeder.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
breeding, genetics, drawing, writing

Post: #249954
o. How are you?
Just fine. I'm excited about all the new things coming out on the site!
1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I dunno, it sounded cool I guess
2. What do you do in your spare time?
Read, write, draw, play video games (mostly Pokemon, Zoo Tycoon and Exhibited)
3. How would your friends describe you?
Nice, I hope?
4. What's your favourite...
Food: Nachos
Books: Watership Down, The Little Prince, A Wrinkle in Time
Movies: Watership Down, Howl's Moving Castle, Wall-E
Songs: Wake Up by Arcade Fire, Monkey Gone To Heaven by the Pixies, Horses in My Dreams by PJ Harvey (to name a few)
Animals: Cats, Dolphins, Tigers, Wolves (Well, I love animals in general, actually)
Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast
5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
In real life: Publish a novel (I dream of becoming an author)
In Exhibited: Own all the species in the game, get in the hall of fame, help the Quill club win for the first time ever
6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Animals, writing stories (I'm always very passionate about whatever story I happen to be working on at the moment)

Post: #250080
Yo. Name's Alexei, hiii!

0. How are you? :P

Pretty good. Got a bit of a sore head, but other than that, great.

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

Gonna be lazy and quote wiki: "Star jelly (also called astromyxin, astral jelly, pwdr s, star rot, or star shot) is a gelatinous substance that, according to folklore, is deposited on the earth during meteor showers."

I just liked that a lot.

2. What do you do in your free time?

I've started to learn to draw, so I spend a lot of time doing that. I also like playing video games, chatting to my friends ... stuff like that.

3. How would your friends describe you?

Honest and ... Bizarre!

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)

My favourite video games are the Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku series. :>

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

Would like to get me and one of my dinos in the Hall Of Fame.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?

Science! Particularly Entomology. And collecting doujinshi (fan manga).
Post: #251264
0. How are you? :P

Doing good! Amazingly well, considering it's morning ... but I've had my coffee!

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

Fraoch is Gaelic for the Scottish Heather flower. My name is Heather, so I use Fraoch as my online nickname.

2. What do you do in your free time?

Tae Kwon Do, mostly. Volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters as a Big. Read books. Play games. =)

3. How would your friends describe you?

Nice, laughs a lot ... weird?

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)

My favorite book series is the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

IRL, going back to school to become a teacher. Here ... just learning the ropes, mostly? Hope to breed some good dinos. I love breeding sims, but most are not complex and I get bored easily... I LOVE how complex this one is! :D I'm not usually a dino person, but like the images of the feathered ones. Going through guides, figuring out how to make 'em all high quality.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?

Making a difference in people's lives. It's why I'm a Big Sister, and why I'm going back to school.

Question to the following person:

What type of dinosaurs are you leaning towards?
Post: #252612
I'm leaning towards Buitreraptors and Sinornithosaurus'. o3o

0. How are you? :P
I'm alright. A bit tired, but iced coffee is helping. <3

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Couple years back a friend started calling me Moofin; it is moo + muffin, as at the time I was going by lifelessevilmuffin, or Muffin for short.

2. What do you do in your free time?
As I am now? Usually I just surf the Internet and play online sim games like EX, or chat on IRC with some friends. If I was able to drive, bike, or walk places, I would probably get out more.

3. How would your friends describe you?
Derpy... goofball, goober. Insane, weird, strange.. hyper at times. Artistic, "MAGIC!," and.. so many other things. I'm also very kind, caring, and "wise," but they appreciate that more silently than bluntly stating it.

4. What's your favourite ...
FOODS. Shrimp Alfredo, pastas, potatoes, kraft mac n cheese. <3 omnomnom

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
...not die from my social anxiety disorder once I go into college this fall. Been homeschooled and virtual schooled my whole life, with little to no social interaction outside of family, so I'm going to be freaking out. I'm hoping that won't happen too badly.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Photography... Not as much lately; I can't get out at all to photograph things. I do really enjoy drawing, though. And playing with baby animals. xP

Post: #252615
0. How are you? :P
Im really good kinda bored

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Well no story really

2. What do you do in your free time?
Go on the computure and sometimes read

3. How would your friends describe you?
They would say im a weirdo

4. What's your favourite ...
My favorite video game is skyrim

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
I want to go to college

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I love Roleplay
Post: #252720
0. How are you? :P
Very sleepy ;;

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Well, the band that got me into the whole Industrial music kind of scene is Psyclon Nine, and the first song I ever heard by them was their song "Parasitic", and so it's been my usernames since c:

2. What do you do in your free time?
I like to draw, listen to music, go to the barn, and most importantly play on the internet c8

3. How would your friends describe you?
Eh, immature? Haha, though I can be serious, and act civilized when necessary c:

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)
my favourite colour is red, and drink is vanilla frappuccino, aaand dinosaur on here is Deinonychus.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
In reality, I would love to be a horse trainer as my ultimate dream, or even work at a rehab center for Thoroughbreds. On Exhibited, I would love to be pretty much known as the Deinonychus Queen 83

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Horses! I am currently doing hunterjumper/showjumping, and plan to also dive into the discipline of Crosscountry riding. I've been riding for 8 years, and don't plan on stopping any time soon! I would love to also train track horses, both for racing, and once they've finished their careers in it. At this time, I'm also apprenticing with a natural-horsemanship trainer, so I'm starting on bettering and adding on to my equine education c:

My question for the next poster, who're some of your favourite musicians? ^^
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