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Talk about anything and EVERYTHING here, but keep it friendly.

Introduce yourself! :)
Now that Exhibited is open to the public again I am expecting it to get a great influx of new members in no time. The ones that have been playing the past few weeks probably already know each other well enough, but what about our new players? I'm more than certain that most of us would love to get to know you. So why not tell us something about yourself?

To make this easier I thought of a kind of form for you to fill out. Your post should include the form with some information about yourself and a question that you would like to ask the next person to reply to this thread.


Here's the form, it's not set so feel free to add your own questions. :)

0. How are you? :P

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

2. What do you do in your free time?

3. How would your friends describe you?

4. What's your favourite ... (insert favourite something here)

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?

Question to the following person (optional)


Seeing that this is all I could come up with, we shall begin now. :D

0. How are you?
Right now, I'm super excited about our new players and a bit exhausted because I had a busy but fun day. :)

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

Well -cough- I like to play video games and in that xbox 360 game I got last christmas called Fable 2 ,the villain is called Lucien Fairfax/ Lord Lucien . Until that point I never heard of the name Lucien and I fell in love with it right away. Plus it's a french name and I'm a big fan of anything that is french.

2. What do you do in your free time?
I love to play video games, obviously, and I love to draw, listen to music (breaking benjamin ftw) and play online games such as Exhibited. <3 I also do Karate and Ballroom dance and I play e-guitar/e-violin occasionally.

3. How would your friends describe you?
hopeless perfectionist, total mess, most oblivious person on earth, fun to be around, trustworthy,calm and always polite. x)

4. What's your favourite ... time of the day!
Around 10 pm. I'm more of a night owl.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
After I finished school, which won't be too soon, I want to study communication design in the capital of my state. I dream about getting that spiffy cell phone I saw a while ago. My goal on Exhibited is to own some quality Deinonychus and help our community as much as I can. :)

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I'm really into learning languages! I only know three, at the moment. German, which I'm fluent in, English and French while latter is rather basic and I really want to improve it. I also want to learn Korean soon. -already learned some hangul- Maybe some Japanese, Swedish,Turkish, Hebrew.. -goes on and on-

(optional) My question is ... what do you like better: Shrek or Toy Story? :D

P.S. I'm not encouraging you to give out personal information such as your real name, age, location..!

Post: #131877
0. How are you? :P
a little confused right now but okay XD

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I'm a big Stargate Fan and Carson is my favorite Character

2. What do you do in your free time?
playing Pet games ;)

3. How would your friends describe you?
funny and a little bit on the crazy side?

4. What's your favourite ... animal?

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
understanding the game. It looks like so much fun!

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I love SciFi :)
Post: #132318
0. How are you? :P
Well, rather conflicted right now. It's a rather long story (well, not really, but I'm working on other things, so meh. :P), but otherwise pretty goo. -fail-

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Well, my littlest cousin's name is Ella, and I love her to bits (even though I only get to see her once a year if I'm lucky) and that's pretty much it. I'm sorry I'm so boring!

2. What do you do in your free time?
I dance. And just an FYI, I am not a stick like most of the dancers you see out there. SO keep your stereotypes to yourself. xP

3. How would your friends describe you?
Well, somewhat abrasive at times...easily angered...but bubbly and fun to be around.

4. What's your LEAST favourite vegetable?
A potato. It's a long story. xD

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
Well, for outside EX, I'd like to be able to dance a solo in a recital one day. :3 inside of EX, I'd like to have more PP than my pathetic amount right now. 10,000 would be nice.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Dancing. <3

What is a potato?

Post: #133215
A potato is a vegetable that grows under the ground and can be eaten in a variety of ways, up to and including; fried, stewed, roasted, baked, mashed, smashed, julienned, scalloped and so on.

0. How are you? :P
I'm every well, thanks. And yourself?

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I love all things ancient and old (except, that is, my men. :P), and especially ancient and old of the Egyptian variety. The Ankh was an Egyptian hieroglyphic that read as 'eternal life'. It was also called the 'key of life' or the 'key of the Nile'. It's the first hieroglyphic that popped into my head when I was registering, so 'Ankh' I am.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Read. Usually I'm reading books about ancient Egyptian culture, but right now I'm actually reading a book called The Link, about the discovery of the fossil Ida and what that discovery changed in science and what was thought about human evolution.

3. How would your friends describe you?
A little eccentric and odd, but lovable all the same. Bookish and likes to keep to herself, but fun to talk to anyway. Reserved until you get to know her. Always spouting off some rubbish about some long lost culture or another.

4. What's your favourite ... (food)?
Sour gummies. I love them. Incidentally, I can't stand regular gummies. They make me gag.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
I don't, but then, I've always been a kind of 'go with the flow' type of person.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Ancient Egypt and archaeology.

Question to the following person (optional)
If you could do anything in the world and you knew you couldn't fail, what would it be?

Post: #133224
This is going to sound like a camp answer, but make it so everyone on this planet has basic, civil, fair human rights. Also, hello Ankh my dear.

0. How are you?
Peachy keen.

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
The Ayra part was a misread from a book. The zar turned it from my internet-name to a gamertag.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Work. Ride horses. Be on the internet.

3. How would your friends describe you?
Sometimes hyper sometimes mellow, I guess. Flexible to the situation.

4. What's your favourite ...
Pie. Key lime.

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
People (from a psychological level), Horses (from all levels)
- - As spoken by Ayra - - Noteses: FINALLY HAVE MY MICRORAPTOR. Thanks for making me wait 4 days, lab :D Welcome to my world, Tamashii
Post: #135096
0. How are you? :P
----> I'm pretty good :3

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
----> Kymmie is my real name XD

2. What do you do in your free time?
----> Read and be on the internet X3

3. How would your friends describe you?
----> Quiet, sweet, and helpful. I hate fighting/yelling/loud.

4. What's your favourite ...color?
----> Purple. No, orange. um. I have a lot. XD

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
----> I just want pretty dinosaurs. -shrug-.... dream is to move back to my old town soon..

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
----> Writing. I don't talk very much, so writing is my outlet. I can make my characters do anything, no repercussions for me. Nobody can limit what I write. Writing is a flow of emotions and creativity, someone's little look into my very own heart.
Sometimes I wonder about things. May 28th: Does anyone keep their promises anymore, or do I just come across the worst kind of people?
Post: #135099
Hi y'all! Totally posted everywhere else before noticing this, lol...

0. How are you? :P

I'm good! Thanks for asking. :)

1. What's the story behind your nickname?

It's short for Niara Susarin, my DA account username, spiritual self name, and art/online pseudonym.

2. What do you do in your free time?

Sleep! I have narcolepsy. No, really, I do. I sleep on everything, all the time. When awake (occasionally), I like drawing and reading.

3. How would your friends describe you?

Crazy (which is surprisingly accurate). I've also been told I'm hilarious and good at art.

4. What's your favourite ... color?

I like blue-green. :)

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?

My future plans include: sleeping (as usual), getting married (in July), moving again (in one week) and continuing to take care of dogs and cats. On Exhibited, I want T-Rex and Linheraptor packs. :D

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?

Um... lots actually. Here's a list: Buddhism, dog training, daemonism, therianthropy, narcolepsy, cooking, drawing (pencil, pen, watercolor, colored pencil, ink, acrylics, markers), sculpture, dinosaurs, gender identity, animation, Japan, plus some more stuff I'm forgetting right now.

I like Shrek better, for the amazing background animation and lighting. :)

And next person:
Where's the weirdest/most interesting place you've ever been?

Dinosaurs!! *runs everywhere*
Post: #135101
0. How are you? :P
---------Great, you? Oh wait...
1. What's the story behind your nickname?
---------I don't really know XD
2. What do you do in your free time?
---------Everything! Mwahaaa *cough*
3. How would your friends describe you?
---------loud and very energetic
4. What's your favourite ....Kind of Animal
---------Bob-cat and a Deer
5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
---------Yes, to obtain 50 mil. and get a forever upgrade.
6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
---------I really like animals, so I take classes involving so.
Post: #135400
0--;How are you? :P
Pretty good.

1--; What's the story behind your nickname?
It just came randomly into my head, I couldn't think of anything else.

2--; What do you do in your free time?
Usually watch documentaries and movies on TV, go swimming.

3--; How would your friends describe you?
'Loyal' and 'strange-but-funny' is what I usually get.

4--;What's your favourite ... animal?

5--; Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
Hmmm... I plan on being a paleontologist or an ornithologist.
For Exhibited, I plan on getting a Spinosaur and sort of pimp my other dinos.

6--; Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Animals in general. Specifically the evolutionary process from dinosaur to bird is what I find interesting.
Art, I don't do digital stuff. They're just more of doodles really.
And I have an obsession for owning reptiles. Currently I have a turtle (Red-Eared Slider specifically), but I may buy a chameleon from a local Reptile Expo some day. (They're expensive though. :c)
Post: #137788
0. How are you? :P
I am great and excited to have joined!
1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Umm one of my role play characters.
2. What do you do in your free time?
Umm read climb trees.
3. How would your friends describe you?
umm hyper and I don't know..... is that a squirrel!
4. What's your favourite ... (food)
5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
Umm I dont know maybe become a millionare on here.
6. Is the re anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Mmmm discrimaniation on certain types of dogs.
Question to the following person (optional)

Post: #137793
0. How are you?
I'm fine

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Not that much. All I know is that It's Nicole.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Go on the computer, work on my story which I hope to get publish,draw, and read.

3. How would your friends describe you?
Strange, abnormal, creative, intelligent, and loud.

4. What's your favorite rodent?

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
My dream is to publish a book I'm working on.
My goal for Exhibited is to get plenty of Spino's.

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
I am very passionate about writing.
Everybody likes free stuff.
Post: #137800
0. How are you?
awesome and cora-roarish ROAR

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
well my friends said that i have cool words and my fave was roar so i put letters from my name and added roar and CORA-ROAR was born

2. What do you do in your free time?
umm it depends but on a nice day i like to play with my friends and if they're not home i like to work on my leaf and flower collectiion

3. How would your friends describe you?
active, crazy, funny, animated, always happy, is able to make anyone's day, and always hungry{when i wrote this i have eaten 5 hot dogs time to get the last 3 =~)}

4. What's your favourite ...NAME
revetraqx and nemue

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
to get a forever upgrade and possibly become a mod

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
learning languages right now im learning Chinese and spanish

My question is ... what is best dragon or dino
(i pick dragon)

"Chocolate is great"~Xervos Qiyn
Post: #141764
A dino with wings! :D

0. How are you?
Happy because Cheese is no longer dead! :D

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I use Wolf as my nickname on the internet.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Play on the computer, go outside, watch TV, do something fun, draw

3. How would your friends describe you? Funny, sometimes annoying, weird when I want to be

4. What's your favourite dog and dinosaur?
Siberian Husky and Spinosaurus/Megaraptor/Utahraptor
5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment?
To become an animator or wolf scientist
Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
To be the best Megaraptor breeder
6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in? Defiently wolves and dogs, then computers, dragons and dinos/fossils, Japanese, and science

Question to the following person:

What instrument do you play/want to play?
Post: #144888
0. How are you? :P
I am well, how are you?

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
I like dinosaurs :P Also, my name is not Anya, that's the name I usually go by on forums though.

2. What do you do in your free time?
Go on teh computer, draw, bike

3. How would your friends describe you?
Fun, Creative, Imaginative, Avid reader, Obsessed with dinos

4. What's your favourite ... (Dinosaur!)

5. Do you have any future plans or dreams at the moment? Maybe even a goal you want to accomplish on Exhibited?
I want to become a Paleontologist when I get older. I don't really have any specific goals on this site...Definitely to get a Spinosaurus

6. Is there anything you are very passionate about/interested in?
Dinosaurs, Books, Fantasy, Art

Question to the following person (optional)

What is YOUR favorite dinosaur?
Post: #145176
0. How are you?
Pretty good!

1. What's the story behind your nickname?
Nosredna is my dad's last name, but put backwards!

2. What do you do in your free time?
Currently at school. But I like the Pokemon TCG, Zoo Tycoon, Youtube lol

3. How would my friends describe me?
Funny, generous, nice :)

4. What's my favorite dinosaur?

5. Do you have any plans for the future?
Become an educator.

6. Is there anything you're passionate about?
Star Wars, Dinosaurs, Pokemon Cards


What's your favorite writing or drawing utensil?
Post: #145663
Hi there. My name is Runaway,im new here iv made an rp an adopted two dinos. im looking for friens im also on an Magistream .com as runaway so look me up i love friends
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