When you are making a character to roleplay on the RP boards here, please try and avoid use pictures that you have found with GOogle Search or other similar image search. This is because in 90% of the cases, these are characters other people have made, and therefor they are copyrighted to them!
This is simple, you see a dragon rp you want to join and go on dA to find art and you find this Dragon
Which you decide to use, because you liked it's design. That's a big nono. That character belongs to someone, in this case, it's my dragon character. This is a big NONO
If, however, the character you found, was YOURS, just drawn by the artist, this would be fine. So if I wanted to join a dragon rp, and decided to use Jules, I'd use that or her regular reference. But it would be fine, because it would be my character.
SO, the moral is: If the character art you use is not yours, (either drawn by yourself or by someone else for you), DO NOT USE IT
Posted: 28/09/2010 @ 08:49 am