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A list of helpful guides can be viewed here!

Larka's Basic Guide to Items' Prices and Auctions
This is a guide for the basic base prices of a number of items. If there is something you think should be added, please post here with what and a price/price range you believe would be fair.

I decided to put this up because I've seen a number of questions posted and mis-pricings.


Scales: 300k to 400k (most often valued at 350k)

Perfection Potion: 350k or 1 scale

Roadkill: 25k

Colorants: Colorants are sold in the scale shop for 2 scales, however, when a user tries to sell them most of the time unless you must be cheaper than the scale shop or sell for exd otherwise your item will not sell. 1 scale or about 500k - 700k depending on color (browns and greens often the least valuable while black is usually the most valuable)

Color Potions: Most colors are 150k to 200k, but potions 49-51 (white/black/silver) go for much more, roughly 500k or more.

*Disclaimer: Color potions and colorants are very flexible on price as the color preference of the buyer plays a big role on what they will pay.

Fishing Nets: 2k per use (so a net with 100 uses would go for 200k)

Sandwich of DOOM: 300k

Ice cream of TERROR: 350k or 1 scale

Double Rainbow Clip-on: 1 exd (better to recycle if you want the money than to try and sell)

Darth Kitei Plushie: 1 exd (better to recycle if you want the money than to try and sell)

Baro Meat: A+ 15 use steaks (equivalent of one culled baro) go for 40k (minus 5k for each grade below this with the same # of uses)

Other Herbivore Meat: There is not a lot of set prices for meat other than baro. Just keep in mind when pricing that baros give +10 so for a steak of 15 uses of a herbivore that would give +5 per use it would go for half the price of the baro so 20k.

Check out this guide to see the stats each herbie will give! Click!

Cookie: 100k

Healing Cherries: 25k - 50k

Magic Peach: 50k

Fish Heads: 1k per use

Feathers (this includes all colors): 200k

* Note: I thought I should mention, I did a bit above, but if you are trying to sell an item you purchased from a shop on the map (say, the plushie store) the most effective way is to charge less than the default shop because otherwise users will buy from the default shop and not from you.

.:Trading Cards:.

#6-9 of any kind: Your best bet is to recycle them and take what you get there.

#10 Cards: 350k or 1 scale

.: A Quick Note on Selling Art :.

Art is very tricky to price because it depends a lot on skill and what you are offering. Tags alone can go anywhere from 50k to 900k. For art, it is better to post a thread asking for opinions on a price or to look at threads of users with similar skill and offerings and go off of what they charge.

Also, if you are still unsure, auctions are a good way to sell art then.

.: Auctions! :.

Here are a few basic auction terms

AB - auto-buy (optional to add when you auction)

HB - highest bid

MI - minimal increase

SB - starting bid

When holding an auction (very popular way to sell dinos) you opening post should contain at least 3 of the things listed above and an end date (or at least a note about it being indefinite)

Users need to know how much to start the bidding at and what the current high bid is. A minimal increase is highly recommended as no one wants to have their auction crawl forward with a million posts only going up by 1 exd each time.

I recommend a MI of at least 10k, but for rarer items it's more convenient to have a higher MI such as 50k.

For most items though, a MI of 15k to 20k will work just fine.

ABs are not required, but many users will be tempted to offer it so they do not have to bid. Therefore, I recommend making ABs high, higher than you expect for the item (but not shooting for the moon!) this is because if it is low your auction will end very quickly and you will not maximize your profits.

SB: People need a starting point, so starting I recommend setting it as the absolute lowest you are willing to sell an item for. Users will be very tempted to bid if you start low and as the price builds with bids they will get caught up in the auction and winning.

For both SB and AB though don't get outrageous, no auction needs to start at 1 exd and no item that is worth 1 scale needs an AB of 50 scales. I say to start at your lowest for SBs so even if there is only one bid there is no hard feelings when item and exd are exchanged.

If you are unsure it is better to post a thread in the help section and ask instead of finding out as you start the auction you were off on price either way.

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