First you need some clothes, the best place for that is the clothes shop as shown here.
Once you got some nice clothes and you're ready to stop parading in your underwear go ahead and click on the 'Wardrobe' as shown circled in the third map.
Here is your wardrobe. The clothes, shoes, and such hanging out are what you click on to see what you currently have to wear. When you hover over them it'll tell you what options it will bring up. To edit what you're already wearing, click on the avatar in the mirror.
Here you can see things called 'slots', they are like 'layers' in your avatar, or like the order you put overlays on a dinosaur. As you can see, the avatar's underwear is in slot 5 in 'below'. You may have to move your underwear/bra so it will be covered by your clothes, or just remove them completely if you want to.
To understand how slots work, you may have to think of 'below hair' and 'above hair' as different sections. Clothes in 'above hair' will always be shown above 'below hair' clothes.
The lower the number the higher the slot, so 1 is the highest in below (and covers 2-5) while 6 covers 7-9 in above. If anything doesn't look right, or something is on top of something it shouldn't be, just mess around with the slots until it looks like how you want it to.
So now, let's get this guy dressed. Since I want the shirt to be above everything else I will select slot number '6' in 'above hair'. Also if you're having problem scrolling click the 'can't scroll?' link in your clothes selection and it'll change it to a scroll bar.
Now for pants, since I want them above the underwear I select another 'above hair' slot. As you can see slot 6 is unavailable, once a slot is filled it cannot be selected as they're the limit of items you can put on your avatar.
There we go, he's not wearing his underwear over his pants and his shirt isn't tucked in thanks to proper slot selection.
Once you make a change to your avatar it automatically saves it.
Go ahead and have fun with your avatars and be as creative as you want to be, I hope this guide cleared up some confusion.
Posted: 01/02/2012 @ 12:44 pm Edited on 1st Feb 12 @ 12:53pm by Zani