Drake brushed her blond hair behind her ears, and wiped the draining sweat off of her face. She flipped her sword in her hand and waited for her personal coach to tell her who the next foe was. This was sword-fighting. She gripped the handle of her sword and stared at the rising foe. She swung her sword again as she passed it into each hand until it fell in her right. She gripped the handle once again and dodged the first attack. She aimed at the foe's chest and they jumped, dodging her attack. Next the foe aimed for her left side, but she dodged by balancing out of the way.
She called out as she stuck the foe in the arm...good they had protective gear on. Drake was the class champion so far. Until more people wanted to join. At this time her pet Fire Dragon, Osana, Flew up to her. Osana was one of the tallest dragons with extraordinary sized wings. Osana's Tail was black because she had accidentaly burned it while trying to make a warm spot for her to sleep on the ground. It was healing wuickly but Osana still whined.
"Hey there Osana. Would you mind giving me a ride to the cabin?" Drake patted the female.
A forked tongue slithered down and a sharp high-pitched voice that was extremely calming to the soul spoke. "Why, it would be my pleasure Drake." Osana closed her mouth and bent down to Drake could climb on. This was Grimble.
Dark and Vexx were soaring above the square, they were flipping, and diving and doing all kinds of crazy stunts and tricks. Dark laughed and waved at the small crowd of cheering students and frowning instructors. Even though they seemed to be upset, Dark could see the smiles in their eyes as he hung by his legs, suspended by Vexx's tail. Dark and Vexx's tricks were causing quite a stirr, the crowd was roaring now and Dark looked at Vexx with a knowing smile, Vexx gave a sly nod. And they preformed this amazing trick, Dark stood on Vexx's tail balancing on the tip, then by an almost silent count of three, Vexx fliped his tail sending Dark flying up into the air, the crowd gasped as Dark backflipped, but b=just as he was about to fall to his death, Vexx breathed an icy breath, making a slide with the wet clouds. Dark slide down the slide and lanned right in the saddle on Vexx's back, the crown went wild.
Slank was standing behind the group, watching Dark and his dragon doing flips through the air, it was rather entertaining from his perspective, brought back memories of his now, cruely done with brother dragon though. He clapped anyways with a smile on his face hiding the diming pain of his loss. Slanks first thoughts of the rider and his dragon was He definatly makes interesting first impressions... interesting in a good way of course. Once he figured the show was coming down to the end he took a step back and folded his arms across his chest watching from a little farther distance, still having the entertained smile spread across his face.
Drake made Osana turn her course and head toward a large arena with a dragon and boy flying in it. Oh how she loved to crash events. Osana blew a breath of fire and they both entered the arena. Osana flew around the large arena showing the audience how large she was. Then Osana caught the glimpse of the other dragon and flew over to him.
"Nice skills." Osana said, nicely.
Drake's long blonde hair was pushed back in a pony-tail and her clothes flew back with the pressure of the wind. She looked over to the boy and noticed how his dragon was a fire dragon too.
"Time to show em' who's better" Drake said taking hold of the reins and making her creature turn left. Osana flipped and twirled through the air. Drake stood with her heels bent in the stirrups. She spread her arms and the air whipped them and she felt free. Then she returned into riding position and steered Osana over to do a cork-screw spiral down to the ground. Osana blew another burst of fire and the ground began to burn. Next, Osana flew out of the arena and flew over to a large lake for water.
Juliet walked through the town square, trying to to be seen by the guards. She finally came to a crowd of people. They were cheering and screaming. She looked up and saw a dragon flying in the air above the city. She saw that there was a man riding on the dragon. But, she didn't hear through the crowd the sound of the guards coming. They grabbed her from behind, and gagged her before she could speak. They tied her hands together and took her with them. They took her into the forest where they were going to ask her some questions about the murder.
Dark smiled, at Drake. "Alright!" he said pumping the air with his fist. One look from him and Vexx knew exactly what to do, they were on the same wavelength the whole time. Vexx flew over the lake, flapping his large wings, creating waves on the surface. They did a corkscrew like Osana and Drake then plunged into a super fast dive straight for the surface of the water, an impact like that could kill them both. The crowd seemed to hold their breath in anticipation, not even noticing that Juliet had benn taken away. As Vexx dived, the wind blew Darks black hair, but his eyes were twinkling, he was both excited and scared. Just when everyone thought they were gonna hit the water, Dark pulled up on the reins, and in one swift motion, Vexx spread his wings and flew up above the water, Dark stuck out his hand to skim the water smiling. The crowd went bezerk, laughing and clapping whistling and howling, Vexx smiled showwing his razor sharp teeth, "Not bad huh?!" he asked Dark happily, "Not bad! That was our best stunt yet!" he said as he rubbed Vexx between the horns, something Vexx loved but would never admit. Dark smiled taking it all in, if his father could see him now he would be so proud.
When they took Juliet into the forest, they stopped at a large tree and put her up against it. A large guard went up to her and said, "Why did you kill this man?" "I never did!" she snapped. The guard slapped her. She grew in rage. She waited for her strength to build up, then she tried to escape. She stomped on the guards foot as hard as she could resulting in the guard having a dent in his shoe. The other guards came after her but she jumped into the air and avoided them all together. She landed with a roll on the ground and ran as fast as she could toward the city, with the guards chasing closely after her. When they got to the town, more guards joined in and soon she was being chased by at least thirty guards. people began to watch as she jumped over things and climbed building desperately trying to get away from them. Eventually people gathered around to see her run away from the guards until finally she pulled out her sword. The crowd made a large circle around the fight. The guards came from behind her but she spun around and knocked them down, without killing them. Others came and she did the same. The guards were scared away and they people cheered and clapped for the performance, then she slipped away, unnoticed.
Drake hopped down off of Osana and walked toward the water sitting, when a gush of air struck her. When she twirled her head she saw nothing, but then she faced forward again...there was the boy and his male fire dragon. They were doing tricks similar to what Osana was doing...but the finale was the best.
"Wow, your good." Drake said over the violent wind. It had started raining and Osana wanted to go inside badly so her wings wouldn't get wet. "Alright, Osana. We can go." Osana looked up to the sky as if to thank the lords. And a giggle escaped from Drake's mouth. "Meet me at cabin 807!" Drake shouted over the wind to the boy riding the dragon. Hopefully he heard. Drake climbed onto Osana's back and they flew straight over cabins and people and arenas. Until finally about 1,500 ft. away from the arena there was the line of cabins and the stands in front for the owners pets. Although Drakes cabin was the largest so it had 4 stands for pets in front and enough room to fit 4 dragons along with it. She just had to pay extra money for it.
When Osana landed Drake took her inside. Drake never kept Osana out-side. Drake gave her a bath in the large tub and dried her off with three towels. Then Drake started a fire for Osana to sit in-front of. Drake then took a 10 minute shower and cooked up some cat-fish, for Osana and some Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Chinese rice. She cooked a quantity of two plates in-case the boy came, if not she would give it to her dragon, who was fairly enjoying the fire's heat. Drakes bedroom was made out of logs and was glossed over to look shiny. She had a closet for her clothes and sheets and another closet for Osana's armor and Drake's swords. There was 2 beds across the room from eachother and many carpets all around. The shower was in the back along with the toilet, sink and counter. Osana's bed was near the bed where Drake slept but behind it. Near the armor closet.
Drake waited for some more time and brushed her hair and put on some decent clothes to sleep in. A V-Neck shirt that was baggy, with cut of sweat-pants. She then walked up from the kitchen table which was in the middle of the room and looked out the window curtains. The rain was coming down hard a burst of light burst through the sky. Which made Drake bump back into Osana who then woke up from a deep sleep. "Sorry Girl! There's a thunderstorm...but don't worry...your safe." Osana deathly hated thunderstorms..they were loud and frightening. Drake knew Osana needed a blanket to feel safe so Drake grabbed a large puffy cotton one and layed underneath it with Osana under it too. Bonding.
Dark smiled, "Thanks." he called after the girl. As soon as the rain and lightnig started, Dark sighed and Vexx shivered, they were a little far from their cabin and the rain wasn't making it any easier. Dark gave up and decided to follow Darke, maybe he could wait the storm out, and plus he wanted to find out more about this girl, she seemed interesting. Vexx flew through the icy rain following Osana's scent, he flew over the large cabins and Dark counted the numbers, "804... 805 ...806 ..... Aha! 807." said Dark as they landed, the now soaking wet Vexx nodded enthusiastically, Dark shook his dark hair out of his face and knocked.
Dark's head towered up and she got up to open the door, fixing her hair and crooked clothes on the way to the door-knob. Then it un-twisted and the rain practically poured in. Wetting the carpets. "You made it, come in come in. Bring your dragon with you, he can warm his wings by the fire, over there. Drake pointed to the fire and Osana snoring loudly. "Are you hungry? I have some Mashed potatoes, Corn and Chinese rice. It's over on the table." Drake pointed to the table and walked over to Vexx. She un-strapped his armer and set it on her bed. Then she attended the table and started to eat some of her own food. "You must be soaked! The storm is the worse. Osana is scared of them.." Drake giggled and stared at her snoring so embarassingly. Drake threw a pillow to the fire dragon's head, and a deep sigh escaped from Osana. She gripped the blanket with her teeth and pulled it off and spread her wings. Then she noticed the other male dragon. She slowly moved her wings down and stared at Drake. "Company....Surprise!" Drake said with a grinned smirk on her face.
Dark smiled at Drake as he stepped inside, "Thanks." he said as he left his wet and muddy sneakers at the door. Dark walked into the enormous cabin, "Wow this is a nice place." he said standing in the middle of the floor, taking it all in. Vexx walked over to the fire and spread out his large wings to let them dry, "Hello." he said to Osana, his shimmering blue eyes twinkling. Dark picked up the plate of food and sat down next to Vexx, he took off his sopping wet shirt so he wouldn't get a cold. He had a dragon tattoo wraping around one bicep. He sat indian style and began eating "This is really good." he said smiling. Vexx snorted at Dark, when he removed his shirt, because he always liked to show off his abs.
Violet Sat quietly in her bed room as the storm raged outside. She had a relatively nice cabin, enough room to fit a dragon... if she ever go one. She pulled out her book of Species of Dragons and flipped through the pages. Dark Dragons, Earth Dragons, Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons,  Water Dragons, and Wind Dragons. All of them beautiful, and all talented. Violet desperately wanted a dragon but she didn't own one. She used the school dragons to train on but... it wasn't the same. She had seen he performance earlier and she want to do that, wanted to have her own friend.  Well, moping around all day won't help she scolded herself.
Juliet trudged through the Storm. She didn't care about the weather. She walked out of the town and into the forest. She was looking for something. She got to a large cave in a large rock far into the forest. She found a torch she hid behind a rock for light but it wouldn't work in the rain. She could see the smoke quietly drifting out of the cave entrance. She walked inside and called out, "Nebula! Are you there?" The second after that a huge black dragon arose from the cave. It lowered it's head near Juliet so she could stroke his face. "Hello my friend" The dragon spoke. "Tell me my dear, Juliet! Are the guards still after you?" Juliet nodded and began,"If i really want to blend in, I must join this high school." The dragon nodded and lowered it's back so Juliet could climb upon it. The large dragon gave a mighty beat of it's wings and they were off the ground heading toward the Sherlock High School.
Slank bee lined for his cabin once the rain started, it seemed to be raining harder by every step he took. Fumbling with the handle on the door, he faught the wind to push it open. Nearly tripping as the door flung open, the wind pulled it shut again, now it was all dark, the room was cold being his fire had gone out, Slank let out a sigh. Walking over to his fire place, he pulled out a box of matches, after lighting the match, he started the fire back up again, lighting the room with a soft yet bright orange, yellow, and red glow.
Violet stood up silently and walked over to the dieing fireplace. It was full of a bunch of coals that glowed a deep red. Slowly Violet took a peice of wood and set it gently over the fire. She watched as fire began to dance on the log, laying its mistical spell. Violet got up a silent as ever and paced back and forth, back and forth. She walked up to the window and peeked out. A lightning bolt lit up the sky, reveiling a black dragon form in the sky, invisable to the untrained eye. But Violet was a hunter, and noticed some things people took for granted. Like ants on the sidewalk or humming birds on a bush. Thats odd... she thought silently to herself.