Hmm, little sucky poem thingimajig for ya up there.
That's what happens when I listen to music, anyway. You get a special gift if you can guess what song I was listening to when I wrote that bit.
Anyway, this is another cliche "Magical talking animal" RP. Just because, but I really DO try to keep these interesting.
THis one takes place in another place and time (Because, you know, it's not like that's been done before.)
Mountain area, few rivers. Beach to the south, jungle to the east, desert to the west.
Don't look down, don't be scared,
Fluff your feathers, be prepared,
Don't you fear, feel the rush,
Feel the wind and know your name.
THere's going to be a bad guy and a plot. Really.
But I'm not telling you about them yet. So you're just going to have to put the little clues together.
Here we go.
* You can be any bird of prey.
*Colors don't have to be realistic, be creative.
* You can have a max of three characters.
*You may wear battle armor, HOWEVER, you must get it from the shop. You do not controll the shopkeeper. If you need or want something specific from the shop, PM me.
* ALL characters are killable. NO exeptions, No complaining.
* I will be STRICT with characters. If your character is a mary-sue or gary-stew, I'm not accepting it. If I deny one of your chracters, feel free to revamp and resubmit it. I will be happy to help you create something acceptable for this Rp.
*Don't start until I give the signal.