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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Yogscast Rp

Locations for the story

The Dire Tundra: In the far North of the continent of Bristol lies Stoneholm home of the dwarves and the barren Icy wasteland of the Dire Tundra. The Dire Tundra is cold and perilous and filled with Ice Age Beasts and Marauding vikings as well as huge amounts of ore and treasure which is mined by the dwarves.

Sub Locations: The Jagged Cliffs, The Black Sea, The Maze of Pines, Stoneholm, The Temple of Bjebner, Viking shipyard, Black Ice Swamp, Great Cold Father Mountain (Giant Glacier that looks like a face), Dwarven mines, Arctic Expedition Camp.

The Red Desert: An almost Uninhabbited Desert near the center of Bristol ,with the Pharohnic kingdom of Karatep serving as it's only population center. The Desert is filled with scorpions, snakes spiders and vandals, however ocassionally scientists embark to the desert to acquire amber and fossils containing precious D.N.A

Sub Locations: Karatep Palace, Karatep Slums, Merchant's district, Vandal's gulch, The Bone Beds, The Valley of The Dead, The great Pyramids, Djetkar Volcano, Rail Bros inc new headquarters, Verigan's Hold, Tomb of the Templars, Spooky giant robot.

Yog Islands: To the East of Bristol lies a semitropical island chain as well as a few peninsulas, the biomes there are mainly grassland but there are some forests and jungles scattered here and there. The Yog Islands are a haven for companies, towns and cities often with high tech factories and fishing villages popping up every which way, many people move there to get away from the bad things happening on the mainland of Bristol.

 Sub Locations: Sips Co, Honeydew Inc, Railbros Inc old locations, Crooked Caper, Blackrock Stronghold, Owl Islandd, Captive Creeper, Camp Hercules, Lalna's Castle, Nilesy's Pool Shack,, Area 11's pagoda, Park City, Mistral City (On the edge of the Yog Isles to the south of Blackrock, the Airship port, Yoglabs.

Isla Archos: A Jungle Island technically owned by Lalna 85 kilometers of Sips Co Bay, the spectacular part about the island is that A. Magic Doesn't work there and B. Scientist's there have been able to recreate dinosaurs and other extinct life forms, Scientists stay there for a bit but some people like Lalna take up a (Semi) permenant residence. Ocasionally the power goes out and bad things happen but that is almost never.

Sub Locations: Visitor Center, Poet's Park, Main Park, Hotel, Village square farmers market (where fat guys in Hawaiian shirts get shaving cream while at lunch with guys in sunglasses), Harumei's Park, Rapolas's park, Hall of Science, Raptor Pens, Loading Docks, Laboratory, Museum, Lalna's Bungalow, Safe Rooms.

Iskandar Grove: A place west of the Yog islands created by Mages where Science does not work due to a poweful enchantment. Here all magic is true and many mages take temporary residence here though higher mages live there full time, all science users are banished from there unless they are very important, Iskandar Grove does not have a very good reputation with the rest of the world.

Sub Locations: Blackrock Stronghold, Merlin's Castle, Faries grove, Tower of Mages, The Moon Spire, Bazaar of The Bizzare, the great Nether Gate, Ender Well.

Sapling Forest: To the north of the desert lies the Domain of the Elves, all non eco friendly science and magic are outlawed their, they are ruled by a fair and just king and are often relatively welcoming to outsiders, though not as welcoming as Dwarves who will give a pint of ale to anyone who turns up on their doorstep. The Forest is very remote with few non elves living their except maybe a few trappers.

Sub Locations :Sapling Corp, Martyn's Camp, Palace of The Trees, The Tree Village, Minty's Trapper hut, Teep's secret hideout, Robber's Cove.


The Farmlands: A Tranquil Place, or at least formerly now this area lies in ruins and is infested with monsters, only the brave dare tread here, of course generations of farmers and small kingdoms still remain toughing it out against the odds.

Sub Locations: Sjin's Farm, Baby Jim, Terrovale, Yogcave, Richard's Kingdom, Genericshire Village, Minecraft Files world (Chimney, Sky, Cupquake, Cavemanfilms, Clash, Double and Miss Swift live there) Creature Hub.

In the world of Tekkitopia, a land of Sorcery and Super Science a dark presence has been accidentally released by the Mage Rythian and the Scientist Lalna, this entity if not stopped will destroy this world. Are you brave enough to defeat this monster, only time will tell.

Intros for playable races that need backstory

Spacemen: A race of tall thin Humanoids from the stars with glowing blue eyes, Spacemen are in fact Cold Blooded despite the female producing milk, both genders having hair and giving birth to live young. Spacemen are usually Kleptomaniac's and will collect anyhting they are given often not letting go of it, they are also often afraid the dark meaning the place torches alot, they are good swimmers but don't do well with cold.

Dwarves: A race of Short Stocky hair hominids with exceptional strength, they are usually drawn to gold and other ores like a moth to a flame and can take the cold very well but don't do very good in deserts. Dwarves are almost immune to fire being able to walk through flames while taking little damage, but on the other hand they are not quick or nimble at all.

Elves: A Race of relatively tall nimble humanoids who are incredibly good at climbing trees, Elves usually distrust science and magic seeing as to them both seem unnautral, usually they care alot about the enviroment around them and sympathize with all life though they and Chimeras (Science) and Homonculis (Magic) don't get along very well though they do well with magical dragons and cloned dinosaurs. Elves are fast but are very weak when far away from trees.


1. Keep it PG13

2. No Godmodding the story outside of Yogscast/ other minecraft series

3. No out of character fighting

4. No playing as actual members of the yogscast.

5. No Sex

6. No Killing other people's characters without their permission.

7. No Swearing.

8. Don't Dance on the tram, you know bent at the waist with your arms outstretched llike in those signs.

9.No Running with scissors.

10. Don't talk about fightclub.

11. And Have fun.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dwarf (Magic User)
Dwarf (Science User)
Elf (Magic User)
Elf (Science User)
Human (Magic User)
Human (Science User)
Other (Magic User)
Other (Science User)
Spaceman (Magic User)
Spaceman (Science User)

Second RP Master

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