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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Mkay, actually, so what's up with the roommates? All I know right now:



I'm thinking Midnight and Chris can room together, but that's up to you two!

~yay first post ^.^~

((Well, let's go ahead and start!

Btw, I need to warn you guys: I'm absolutely positively majorly completely obsessed with an anime called Hetalia. It's where the nations are personified as teenagers, with a ton of stereotypes (like, America eats a LOT of hamburgers.) I'll probably make a crap ton of Hetalia references every time we RP, and I've already made two: Kirkland is England's human last name, and Bonnefoy--Charlotte's last name--is France's human last name. England and France DO NOT GET ALONG. AT ALL. See where this is headed?

Wow, that was long. Don't say I didn't warn you!))

Charlotte looked up at her new school and decided immediately that it was schmancy.

She could see other kids, only in uniforms, walking around and doing stuff inside.

We were supposed to wear our uniforms on the first day? she thought.

"Ugh, great." Charlotte ran inside and started looking around for a bathroom to change in.

Allie frowned down at the paper in her hand. "Okay, we're in room 239," she said, glancing at Niki, who shrugged.

Allie led the way to the room, looking around curiously as she did so. "Wow, it looks really old in here," she commented.

Niki didn't respond. Allie sighed and kept going.

Finally, they were at room 239. Using the key she had received along with the paper, Allie unlocked the door and went inside.

((Come on! Get to the hundred-word limit already! I want to post as Niki! :P))

It was a fairly simple room. Allie started to unpack her stuff, hoping to make the room look more lived in.

"Hey, Niki! What do you think?" she asked.

Niki said, "Mmm, okay."

She finished texting her friend Julie and looked around. "Only one closet?"

This meant she would have to share with Allie. What if Niki accidently put on one of Allie's dumb outfits? It would be horrible!

She remembered then that they could only wear normal clothes on weekends--school days meant uniforms.

Niki tugged at her skirt, grumbling. It was a horrible green color with darker green in it--plaid. Barf!

Then, trying to send a message on her phone, Niki fumbled with it and then dropped the phone. Before it could hit the ground and break, Allie zoomed across the room from where she had been, catching the phone with ease.

"Thanks," muttered Niki grumpily. She hated it when Allie used her powers.

"You know," Niki added, "you should really be careful about who sees you doing that." It was unusual for Niki to say this, but she was feeling annoyed about Allie's superpowers again.

Allie rolled her eyes and went back to unpacking.

Caroline walked across the hallway holding the key to her room. The new school looked big and daunting, how could she possibly fit in? She shrugged off the nerves and focused on how exciting her life would now be- all the experiences yet to happen. She skipped down the hallway, wearing her new school clothes. She loved how comfortable and elegant the clothes looked, and they were green, the perfect colour!
'Room 238, 239...240! aha!' She had found her door and unlocked it, letting the door swing wide open. To her suprise, there was someone already there. Her new room mate was hurrying around the room, opening and closing wardrobe doors frantically, and rushing into the bathroom. Caroline hovered in the doorway awkwardly, then cleared her throat.
'uh...hi, im Caroline. must be Charlotte?'

"Hey!" said Charlotte cheerfully, eagerly running over and shaking Caroline's hand. "Yeah, I'm Charlotte! Ugh, I can't believe we had to wear our uniforms the first day! It sucks! At my last school we at least didn't have to do that... oh well, this school doesn't seem that bad, and the green goes with my eyes! Not so much with the hair though..."

She pointed at her fiery hair and then went back to talking. "You seem pretty nice! I'm glad I got you as a roommate, I can think of lots of other types of girls that would be a nightmare to room with."

Charlotte was moving excitedly as she talked, and accidentally bumped into a dresser, causing a scratch on her arm. "Oh, crap! One second!" She ran into the bathroom, shutting the door.

((meanwhile one room over))

Allie felt a little hurt that Niki hadn't thanked her. That phone was practically Niki's life--it had her email. contact info, apps, internet, music, everything.

Oh well. Niki was just a little jealous of her powers. But Niki had everything else--looks, popularity, friends, confidence. Allie deserved one teeny little thing all to herself, right?

Niki was still on her phone. Allie pulled out some of her books, then a poster bearing her favorite quote from Albert Einstein--If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ((This is my fav quote too, haha))

Suddenly, Allie spotted something small... something many-legged... something spidery.

"AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" shrieked Allie, running out of the room, followed closely by Niki, who was also screaming.

Caroline laughed, she felt a little less awkward now. Charlotte seemed so confident, and friendly. Her mood picked up a little, the coming year was going to be great, she could already tell. She unpacked some of her clothes into the drawer and started humming. Suddenly she heard high pitched screaming from the room next door. What on earth is going on? Has something terrible happened? Should i call the police? Caroline had always been the one to panic about things, and her heart raced as she charged out of the room and into the corridor to see what was happening, her mobile phone ready in her hand. So much was happening, and school hadn't even started yet.

Niki followed the screaming Allie out of their room, horrified. As the two girls ran in terror, they noticed a blonde girl looking at them, surprised, from the room next to theirs.

Niki gasped, "Spider! It's... in there!" She was slightly out of breath after the short, panic-driven run. Allie, of course, was unaffected.

Glancing back at their room, Niki made sure the spider wasn't crawling out to get them, then looked pleadingly at the girl.

"Will you kill it for us?" she asked hopefully. "Please?"

Allie rolled her eyes, of course.

Again, Niki checked that the spider was still a safe distance away from her, then looked back at the blonde girl for an answer.

Charlotte finished bandaging her arm (it was for show, of course--didn't want to get found out) and was about to exit the bathroom when she heard screaming.

"Huh?" she muttered, running out.

Two girls who would have been identical if their hair was the same color were sprawled on the floor outside room 239, looking absolutely terrified. Caroline was standing outside Charlotte and her room, phone in hand.

"Spider! It's in there!" gasped the blonde girl.

"Will you kill it? Please?" she asked Caroline, looking scared.

"I'll get it," Charlotte announced confidently. She armed herself with a paper towel and strolled into the twins' room.

The spider was perched on a phone, which must have been left behind in the mad dash for safety. Charlotte lunged and flattened the spider, smearing its guts across the phone.

From behind her, she heard a gasp.

"Oh, no... my phone!" the blonde screamed in horror.


A spider. All of that chaos outside, was down to a spider. Caroline laughed, she had never really been scared of spiders. She was daydreaming, and didn't even realise she was being spoken to. "Oh gosh im sorry, i completely didnt hear" said Caroline, looking embarrased. She would of dealt with the little creature herself- but charlotte had already pushed past and dealt with it herself.

Caroline was horrified. "Charlotte! You...killed it?!" Caroline loved animals, of all types, and couldn't believe that she had just seen one get splattered all over the phone. She felt a lot worse for the spider than she did for the phone. "You could've just put it outside" she muttered. She turned and faced the two new faces, standing in the hallway.

"Im Caroline" she said, smiling at the other two girls, "and thats Charlotte over there" she said, rolling her eyes at her room mate who was now cleaning bits of spider from the phone in their room.



Before Niki could say something about her phone, Allie stepped forward and said, "Nice to meet you guys. Thanks for getting rid of the spider... I think."

Charlotte shrugged modestly.

"I'm Allie, and this is my sister Niki." Allie noticed that Niki had run into the room and taken the phone from Charlotte, gingerly cleaning it off herself and then cradling the device to her chest like a doll.

"Ugh, one second. I have to deal with my sister," Allie groaned, giving Niki a look, "who obviously can't live without her phone." She walked into the room, yanked Niki's phone from her hands, and set it firmly on the nightstand.

Charlotte would have felt guilty about the phone, but since Blondie (or, apparently, Niki) was such a ditz, she didn't.

Poor Allie, Charlotte thought. She has to put up with that girl every day.

Caroline was still looking a little shocked that Charlotte had killed the spider. But it was just a spider, right? No big deal...

Charlotte wasn't scared of spiders at all--she wasn't scared of anything! But why waste time carrying a stupid bug outside when you could just smash it and be done?

Obviously, Charlotte wasn't the most empathetic of girls.

She decided to say something, because at the moment there was kind of an awkward silence thing going on.

"Hey, so let's all get to know each other! Except you two, obviously, you must know each other really well... cause you're twins... so, anyways. I'm Charlotte, as you must know by know, and I like sports and doing awesome stuff that most other people would call stupid or reckless or dangerous. That's why I don't have my driver's license, even though back home I'm old enough for it! So, enough about me. Tell me about yourselves!"

All three girls stared at her for a second, a little wide-eyed.

Eyes narrowed at Charlotte, Niki said, "I'm Niki. I like shopping, hanging out with my friends, and watching movies. I don't like annoying, rude, inconsiderate people." She shot a pointed look at Charlotte, who gave her a wide-eyed, innocent look back.

Obviously, these two weren't going to be BFFs.

Tossing her hair, Niki added, "I also like listening to music, parties, and Youtube. Is that good enough for you?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes, then gave Niki a glare.

((Since Allie's mine too, I'm just going to do her on here))

Allie winced, bracing herself for what was coming next. Niki was pulling The Attitude (oh yeah, it's capitalized), something she knew never ended well. And with someone like Charlotte, it was going to get messy.

Though Allie was aware of the dangers of getting between Niki- and Charlotte-esque people in an argument, Caroline wasn't so educated about it...

((HINT HINT. :) Lol, you don't have to throw her into the crossfire, but it would be cool if you did! I'm interested to see how she'd try to defuse the situation!))

Not Just Average Teenagers

Kirkland School, a high school somewhere in America.

That's pretty much it.


Well, the townspeople of the little town nearby don't like you much, because strange accidents just happen to occur around Kirkland students... a lot. Gosh, what's up with that?


High school is a challenge. But what if you added superpowers, trying to keep said superpowers a secret, boarding school, and other superpowered people into the mix?

Yeah. Pretty tough, huh?

You've just been accepted to Kirkland School, which is a schmancy boarding school in the middle of... America.

(Did you think I'd say nowhere?)

And there's clueless normal people too. Either you force them to sign an oath in their own blood promising they will never tell your secret (maybe that's going a little too far...) or tiptoe around them so they won't find out.

Up to the challenge? Keep reading.


Kirkland School's been around for ages, and yet it's never offered a single extracurriculum class involving superpowers. It's like they don't actually know you have powers, and it's merely chance...

Who's prepared to take that chance?

I suck at "history" stuff on roleplays. Again, sorry?


The normal Exhibited RP rules, and...

1) One power only.

2) Your power can't be shapeshifting into animals, though it can be changing what you look like (as long as you stay human).

3) You can't have power stealing as a power, though you can have power absorbing--but only one power at a time.

4) You can't have the same power as someone else.

5) Up to 3 characters, please make at least one a normal human.

6) Immortality cannot be a power.

7) No randomly running around killing other characters.

8) You have to email me a video of dancing stripper cats singing Katy Perry's Wide Awake--email it to Okay, kidding. If you read through all the rules, put Wide Awake somewhere in your character profile.

9) I'm allowed to make up new rules, within reason, during the RP.

10) Characters are 14-18.

11) Pick a roommate, you are in boarding school! They have to be the same gender as your character. If a character is already taken for a roommate, you can't be pushy or annoying about it. You have to ask permission of the other person before you say they're your roommate!

12) List strengths/weaknesses please, and one weakness or more per strength. I would say that having a power would be a strength, and having no powers would be a weakness.

Well, that's all the rules I can think of.

Oh, and a note: natural abilities means you naturally had the ability when you were born, synthetic abilities means your ability is man-made and injected into you, so you started out a normal human. No abilities, of course, means you're totally normal!

Please join, I have high hopes for this RP!

--Spaced Out Fangirl ^.^

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Human w/ natural abilities
Human w/ no abilities
Human w/ synthetic abilities

Second RP Master

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