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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Ready, Sahk?" The huge grey beast grunted. "Une. Dos. I hate counting. Wheeeeeee!" Tofu screeched with glee, then Sahk took off carreening down the hill, his long majestic bird legs hanging at wierd angles. "Eeee Watch oooout!" Tofu yelled at any passer-byers who might be trying to use this particular path at this particular time. Sahk hit the ground and then bounced up again, narrowly missing the head of some elderly being trying to make it up the hill. 

They reached the bottom of the escarpment and landed in a soft pile of snow. "Hooo that was fun! Let's do it again!" Tofu leaped on Sahk's back again and they proceeded to casually glide back up while avoiding the bewildered stares of their victims. They reached the summit; Tofu paused to scratch her companion Sahk behind the ears. "You're such a good birdratgryphondragonthing, aren't you now." Sahk half-purred half gargled in agreement. 

Kiku walked down the busy boardwalks for the Western village, her hands in her pockets. She looked around at the busy people who were in a hurry, then looked at Chichu who was following her loyally. She stroked her griffon's soft feathers and smiled. Today was the day that she could finally get her papers to be free and fly anywhere she pleased. She kept walking until she reached the flight office. When she entered inside, the man at the desk glared at her. "What are YOU doing here? Come to steal more money, or perhaps the clothes off my back I presume!" Kiku stared at him quizzically.

"What? What do you mean?" He stared at her. "You are wanted for stealing everything that catches your eye!" Suddenly, a guard came up to her and grabbed her, holding her arms behind her back. She struggled to get free as Chichu screeched, but was held back by a few more men. "I never did any of that!" She shouted. The man at the counter glared at her. "Oh, shutup, girl. There have been multiple accounts of a girl that looks exactly like you doing these things. So how couldn't it be you?!"

The men had finally dragged the Fox-Woman out of the office when it started raining. They dragged her and her griffin all theway to the jail, throwing her inside of an empty cell.

"I'm innocent!" She screamed as the men walked out of the jail doors. She finally gave up and plopped down into the old, smelly dirt. She sighed and rested her head against the wall. "How did we get into this mess, Chichu?" She stroked the griffin's feathers again.

But, not ten minutes after she was thrown into jail, a loud crash was heard from outside. Kiku sprang up and looked out of the steel-barred cell window. "What the..." She didn't know what to make of it at first, but then suddenly realized what it was. "Sky Raiders..." She muttered.

After six cycles of sliding down the hill and running back up, Tofu finally decided to call it quits. "Fun, ain't it Sahk?" Sahk made no sound, too tired to play anymore today.

They began to make their way down to the Air Loft, where many of the very largest flying companions were kept. Tofu stroked his face gently. "I know, I know we both hate you having to stay here. But remember the LAST time I tried to sneak you in my quarters?" Tofu chuckled, then turned to leave, however some excited whispering caught her attention, from a group of Keepers gossiping in one of the loft's corners.

"Oh... Didyah hear? Someone got sent to the dungeons today!" "Really. Probably a bunch of skycrap, in my opinion." "Nono, I'm serious! Some wierdo fox lady, probably for treason or theivery or something." "Huh. How long's it been since it's been used anywho?" "Pfft some bandit was 'sposed to be locked away last week, for eating the entire winter's supply of jelly." Tofu hoped the bright purple stains had washed off Sahk's feathers by now, or they'd all be in trouble. 

Tofu kept quiet, not letting them know she was listening. Listening to other's gossip was by far one of the best ways of gaining information, albeit misguided and misinterpreted. The Keepers suddenly ceased their chatter. "Did you hear something-" "Probably the wind HAHA-" "Shut UP!" A horrible whistling sound was coming from somwhere above them. "Did one of the beasties get out- What IS Th-" The Keeper never finished his sentence. Something massive and apparently flammable crashed into the loft's roof, setting off a terrible series of barks, screeches, and a few moos. 

Deathira was sitting down behind a boulder, sowing a small odd looking doll with now eyes out of a red and black cloth. He was quiet while ding it, flicking his tail with a low purr. His feathers glistened like tar grey as some glowed green in the light. The decorative scales on his tail made low wisp like sounds as a soft numbing noise came from his low purrs. Then he was done making the body of the doll and moved on to the clothing for it and its small button eyes. His yellow reptilian eyes looked back and forth, watching the gentle string pull and tug into the threads of patches. Then he heard something. He looked up with his white mask on and did a small humm. He did not see anything, so he looked back down at his doll and did another small purr. 

Kiku tried to act fast. Her legs turned to jelly out of fear, but she managed to pick up a nearby piece of wood and tried to pry open the jail door. She pushed as hard as she could and it barely budged. She continued to push until is was close to opening- then the board broke.

She yelled something in another language in rage, suddenly hearing a strange sound getting closer and closer. There was a loud crash and dust flew everywhere. Kiku dove for cover from the blast with her griffin beside her. She coughed and brushed herself off, seeing that the blast had actually blown a hole in the wall of her cell. She grinned and sneakily walked out of the hole. But, she managed to accidentally tripped and fell and was noticed by a few of the raiders. They began to come from their little airships onto the boardwalk of the Village. 'Great,' She thought, as the raiders ran rampant through the streets.

One, a boy about her age in particular, closed in on her. She narrowed her eyes, and her griffin hissed and growled at the boy. The boy just continued to walk closer and closer until Kiku couldn't take it anymore. She quickly drew her small, old pistol and pointed it at his chest. "Don't come an inch closer, you piece of scum!" She growled.

Tofu screeched a feral cockatoo screech and then stared in horror at the flames quickly growing before her. She stood frozen for a few minutes, then took off. "Sahk! Sahk where are- Oh." Sahk, instead of running out like the rest of the sensible flight creatures, stood mesmerized by the crackling hissing flames.

"I always knew you had some phoenix in you somewhere." Tofu muttered, knowing it was futile attempt to move him now. She could only escape by herself and hope to the heavens that Sahk really did have some firebird in him. It was quite possible, as he was a crazy assortment of mixed breeds that were often looked down upon here, where most everyone had a purebred gryphon or dragon or whatever. "Stay safe, mi amigo." She whispered, then fled the crashing burning structure.

Unfortunately outside was not much safer than inside. She could see a massive airship moored just out of range of their arrows and guns, pulled by some gargantuan airbeast, and it appeared that a large amount of shadowy forms were exiting the ship and- entering their mountains. Air-raiders, the history books called them. Tofu called them Wind Thugs, and they were not exactly known for their friendly amiable nature. 

Kiku continued to glare at him and he just stared back at her blankly. She sighed and stuffed her pistol back into it's bag and hopped onto Chichu.

"Stop!" The boy had finally made a sound, but, not just any sound; he actually shouted. His voice made Kiku freeze. It was so stern, yet youthful- and it scared the stars out of her. She looked back at him.

"What?!" She retorted.

"If they see you flying, they'll be sure to capture you or shoot you down!" He warned. She just stared at her, then rolled her eyes.

"And why do you care?" She asked. "Because, You're young and free. I would give anything to be set free from this gang..." He muttered.He spun around quickly, looking in the direction of the ship, then faced her again. "Okay, now's your chance! Leave! Find a friend and fly as fast as you can away from here!" Kiku stared at him. "Well, how about you just come with me!" The boy thought for a second. "I-I cant. They would find me!" Kiku grinned and grabbed his arm, dragging him onto her griffin. "You've obviously never seen me fly away from something!"

She blew a small whistle she had and Chichu, with one mighty beat of his wings, flew up into the air, flying away from the great Western Village. She suddenly saw another person who seemed to be stranded in a part of the village. She flew down to try and help them.

Tofu had clambered onto the roof of the nearest non-kindling building, and was spazzaclly jumping around and screeching for help, despite the possiblity that it could attract the enemy raiders as well. A dark blur somewhere in the 'sphere quickly turned her direction, and Tofu waved all the harder. "Over HERE! I- Oh.. No, no no go away from there- Uh oh." Seemingly without warning, she leaped off the building's summit with grace like a dying fish, and took off at a dead run towards one of the outbuildings.

The building had a quaint, simplisitic design but if one looked close enough it was quite ornate. Frescoes of winged beasts of all sorts decorated the walls and cieling, but the real 'jewels' were the carefully arranged boxes throughout the room.

Every single one contained a beast egg; a myriad of shapes, sizes, textures, and color, all cricitical to the well being of the entire Mountain. And now, a masked fiend was swiftly examining every one it could get its hands on. A few went into a large sack hung over his shoulder, but most others ended up on the floor where they either rolled away or- to her horror, shattered and splattered their contents on the fine tile floor. A few more seconds of this and Tofu could take it no longer. "BUTTFACE!" She yelled, and tackled the thief, who after recovering from suprise tried to flee.

They were in the middle of punching one anothers' eyes out when a very tall, very lean figure stumbled through the doorway. An bent arrow protruded from one shoulderblade; its face, through shrouded in darkness, was contorted in pain. "Let go." It pointed a thin sickly limb at one egg, and the other raider leaped up to obey, seeming to forget its previous confrontation. They both exited, slipping the massive egg into another hidden fold. Tofu was frozen in terror for a few moments, then with a roar leaped out and grabbed the ankle of the closest thug. 

Kiku could see the thugs start to raid the hatchery. She narrowed her eyes. That was just low- even for those stupid Sky Raiders! She quickly turned Chichu around, flying as fast as she could. She landed her griffin near the hatchery, only to see that they were not only attacking the hatchery, but another person who was defending the hatchery! She jumped off of Chichu and took out of pistol. She managed to shoot two or three in either the arm or leg. She ran up to the other person and looked at her.

"We have to either fight them off, or gather the surviving baby flying creatures and make a run for it!" She suggested, shooting anotherone of the thugs in the leg, since she was a terrible shot.

The boy silently watched from Chichu. He didn't want to be noticed by his fellow crew members. He wanted to help the two girls, but he really didn't want to die.

Tofu flailed. "If you MUST take something like the Insectidae offspring! No one even remotely likes them!" she growled at the thieves, then turned to Kiku. "I really don't think fleeing is an option... Seems a bit coward-y don't ya think?" Tofu grinned sheepishly. She was very good at being a coward, but this seemed important. "We'll fight our way out of this! Nice gryphonthing by the way." 

She was about to bash one of the thieve's faces  but something in the distance distracted her. A line of movement on the horizon made her squint with curiousity and at the same time terror. "What. is THAT?" She muttered. 

Sahk burbled happily, letting the increasingly bright flames lick his feet. Most of the loft's occupants had fled by now, except for a few of the resident flame-birds that hovered around his head and bathed in the warm fire. "Sahk likes fire. Fire is toasty. Toasty bunnies." 

Deathira was walking when he heard a commotion coming from somewhere. He followed the noise until he came upon a site as he saw this 'thieves' taking as it appeared, some hatchling's. Out of rage he charged at the 'thieves' and growled. He used his two extra arms to grab two thieves by the head and bashed them together while his other arms took the eggs. He growled and roared like a raptor mixed with a human/ mammalian creature and threw the thieves. He then went into the quarrel and knew even though he was a bit bigger than the humans and creatures, he could still get hurt. His mask shown his yellow eyes as his raptor like feat kicked some of the thieves down. He hissed harshly and did not say anything. His feathers stood up on his neck and body as his emerald and some bright green feathers shown with the many sown or patched areas on his body. He then stood in the middle of the quarl and was quiet, waiting to see what the 'thieves' would do.

Tofu paused in mid-slap as the most horrifying beast leaped into the fray and started kicking thieves left and right. "Oh. Erm, thank you... I guess.." She said awkwardly, eyeing the strange beast with concern. There were certainly a lot of totally unimaginable creatures living on this mountain, but she had never seen this one before.

"Um, well, I gotta go find my birddragonthing before he eats someone. Um, yeah." She backed away slowly and then ran off before the thieves came to their senses again. Tofu felt a bit bad about leaving the wierd six-armed thing behind as well as the hordes of eggs left scattered on the floor, but right now nothing mattered except Sahk's well-being.

She had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that something terrible had happened to him, and he was lying somewhere dead or dying or- Tofu quickly ceased her frantic fearful thoughts and focused on locating her steed. "He either ran to the supplies fort, to the loft-barn, or off into the forest someplace, I'm sure." She pondered quickly as she ran, her crest bobbing up and down with uncertainty. She glanced a look back to see if anyone was following. 

Deathira was picking up the un-harmed eggs and took one of the thieves satchels and put some of the eggs in there. He then  was curious that a creature was talking to him and out of curiosity followed her. He made no sound as he moved and walked, only still like breathing came out of his mouth. He carried the eggs carefully as he followed and tried to stay out of sight of this strange creature. He knew something must have been wrong so that is why he followed. Step by step he lingered behind her, with his claws gently scraping against one another. He wanted to talk like all the other creatures but he knew he could not. He felt out of place though and so far, even though fearful, continued on. He looked back over his shoulder then continued quietly.

Sky Seekers

Welcome to the beautiful, and mystical, land of Mayniika.

The tall, protruding mountains are home to a few villages of Flight-Trainers. The tall mountains are mostly made of rock and have pine trees growing out of the rock. There are also many paths and bridges made of wood sticking out of the rocks, which the villages are built on.

Below the huge mountains lies a beautiful evergreen forest filled with many wonderful, and some dangerous, creatures. Ancient temples and other things are scattered throughout the forest. There are also rumors of a wise old mage living there...

Just outside of the forest lies a huge field filled with wildflowers and a mighty river running through it. The river is said to be home to some kind of river monster...

Continuing through the field, you would reach a huge canyon, separating the lush field, from a barren desert. Nobody is allowed beyond the canyon- it is said to be Extremely dangerous... and filled with adventure!

And finally, back to the huge mountain peaks. The great villages of the Flight-Trainers lie on pine boardwalks sticking out of the rocks and snaking around the mountain. There are long bridges, covered in beautiful lanterns, connecting the villages for the people that cannot ride flying creatures. There are many shops, homes, and perches for flying animals. And, at night, these villages are truly beautiful, because they are soon covered in small lanterns which look like the night sky.

The Western Village is home to humans and elves.

The Eastern Village is home to anthros and any humanoid creature.

The Northern Village is home to trolls, yetis, and snow elves.

The Southern Village is home to sea creatures, and fire elves.


Mayniika; a beautiful, mist-shrouded land filled with many secrets. Only a true adventurer would dare to seek them out...

Mayniika is the land home to the Flight-Trainers; people (or creatures) who are bonded with a creature of flight for life, training them, caring for them, and being their family.

But, something threatens to destroy their society and their way of life.... but what? The only way to find out is to Seek it.

A land discovered by ancient people. The villages were once one village, but were separated due to cultural differences and a bloody civil war. Now, there are 4 villages, each with their own unique culture, way of life, etc.


1) All of these villages have exceptions. Like, snow leopard anthros would come from the northern village, not the eastern village. If your creature is something different, please check with the RP masters :D

2) Standard RP rules apply, no godmodding, mary/gary sues, power playing, killing another person's character without permission, ect.

3) If you really must swear, think of creative ways to do it.

4) And if you really must have romance, keep it to hugging/kissing blah blah.

5) RESPECT THE RP MASTERS OR YOU WILL DIE!!! (No means no, so no begging if we say no or tell you to stop doing something you need to stop the first time >8u)

6) No fighting in the OCC please!!


8) ALSO! This rp doesn't exactly have a crystal clear plot, so we'll all have to make it up as we go along pretty much! It's more fun that way anyway! ^-^

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137 words per post.

Joinable Species
Creature of Flight

Second RP Master
✧゚・Amerillo・゚✧ (#342)

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