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Sapphire sat on her bed and sighed, glad she didn't have to work today. Fawn perched on the top of a bookcase, and leaped, spreading her wings and slamming onto the top of the bed. Sapphire couldn't help but laugh. "Fawn, you are so cute." She grabbed the full-of-herself hatchling and hugged her close. Sapphire knew she was beyond luck to have this chick.

Fawn struggled from her grasp and ran to the door, scratching furiously at it, wanting out. Sapphire rolled her eyes. "OK, well go out and play. I wonder when dragons learn their speech skills?" She opened the door and in a lilac blur, Fawn bolted out the door. Sapphire sat down and watched the young one run around. Sapphire frowned. Fawn looked thin, to thin, and she wondered if the baby got enough nutrition.

Sapphire was poor, and made just enough to feed her. With a few sacrifices, she was able to feed Fawn. Sapphire, in an attempt to feed her, stole from the hatcheries food reserves. But she had no clue what the baby needed, she didn't even know developmental skills it should know by now.

Fawn began to climb a rock, trying to get to the top. Her foothold slipped, and she hit the ground with a loud squeak. Sapphire was on her feet in an instant, she knew all to well how fragile young dragons were. Sapphire passed her hand over each part of Fawn's body, and finding no bumps, put her back down. Sapphire bit her lip, she really needed help.

"Please  can I go exploring now?" Crystal begged her sister. "Well..." was the indescisive reply. "Come on, you said I'd be allowed off the island in a few days, and what good will it be if if I can't even find my way around Nan?" Crystal pleaded. "And I promise Silver and i will stay together!" she added. "Fine," came the huffy reply, "but make sure you go and talk to Silver's father first, and be back by sundown." But Crystal was running  off to get Silver.

.   .   .   .

"Flap harder, Silver, or you'll never be able to fly properly!"

Silver sighed. What was the point of flight training? She knew how to fly, and fly at different speeds and everything, and surley wasn't that enough? Humans don't have to this with walking, thought Silver. "Alright, I think your training must once again be halted," Silver's father said. Silver gratefully landed and spread her exhausted wings on the ground, to see Crystal running up to them across the field. "Hey Silver!" shouted Crystal. "And what is it you require my hatchling for this day?" asked Silver's dad. "My sister said we could go exploring and I had to check with you," Crystal huffed. Humans ran out of breath so easily. "Very well," agreed Silver's father, "I have things I need to check on anyway . . ." But Crystal was on Silver's back and the two were flying as fast as possible. The wyvern on the ground chuckled as he walked towards the house.

Xevius stretched, basking in the morning light.  Judging by the position of the sun, approximate tempurature, windstrength, and wildlife activity, the time was approximately 8:34 A.M.  Xevius slunk out of his orange tree, and crept along through the forest at a slow-ish pace, until he reached the end of the forest.  At this point, he ducked into a tunnel system, preffering to avoid the large dragons that usually frequented the few open prarie areas on the island of Ahu.  Now, before I go farther, a word about the tunnels on Ahu; rather than being a dark, stony tunnel system as usual, these tunnels had a substantial difference.  They were a very quaint, enchanting place to reside, due to the various fungus, ivys, and even bacteria that grew on the walls and floor, as well as ferns and even some evergreen plants, which grew exclusively on the floor.  Some of these organisms even glowed, providing the place with dim light.  This, combined with the occasional small animal, and the chirping of insects, gave the tunnels and caves a very earthy feel, almost like the underbrush of the forest.  It was a very pleasent place to sleep, for those who resided in the large caverns.  As Xevius entered this extensive network of tunnels, he avoided some of the larger caverns, thoughmost were empty, as the time of day was late enough that not many were still asleep.  He managed to follow the system all the way to an end of the island, and as he exited through one of the frequent openings, and climbed a tree directly on the edge of Ahu, and sat for a moment, watching, listening, and calculating, before clumsily launching of the tree, angling his wings in the exact manner that would carry him straight to Ren, after ten or twenty minutes or so.  He thus entered the airway.

The great dragon stared silently off into the distance, his bright yellow eyes unfocused and locked outside a skylight to the great hall of the council room. He hardly registered the call of a voice, the soothing warmth of the core beneath him lulling him into daydreaming.

"Your Greatness!!" boomed a deep voice, one that started the dragon enough to let a bubble of molten magma pop out from between two rocks on his neck.

Slowly, he moves his great head to lower from where it had been snaked up, locked in a position to stare up at the morning sky. A grinding sound not unlike an improperly oiled hinged mechanic resounded in the hollow hall, eventually halting as he brought his eyes to level with one of the red dragons that flanked a robed man.

Actually, the robe wasnt even a robe as he looked closer, but a larger dress shirt with a long-tailed coat over top. The High Councellor's dresswear never fit that of a worker under the Stone, but perhaps that was best. He was one of the smarter citizens of Ren--and quite the snappy dresser, as the Dragon observed--and Adavar had always enjoyed that about him; they held more intreauging conversations than the physical laborist that made up the head boss of the Smelter.

"Your Greatness, we are here for your daily report." The dragon spoke to him, backing behind the High Councellor out of respect now that his job was complete.

"Ah yes," Adavar finally spoke, his voice rolling and bubbling with the molten rock that made up much of his insides. "Production is currently stable. Continue on without changing. The Hatchery, however, is running low on food. Order extra so our chicks do not starve.
Also, make sure our workers are receiving what they require. If we are not suffering from work shortage, then our people must not be in poverty."

The two dragons bowed with their noses to the floor, then moved off to report to their respective areas.

"Very wise and generous of you, Your Greatness.
"How is Your Greatness today?" The High Councellor finally spoke, a greeting smile on his face.

"Same as always, Roshen." The dragon said, shifting his weight on the stone.

"Might you wish entertainment today, Your Greatness?"

The dragon considered this. "Perhaps just your company today, Roshen. It has been several days since we have talked at length."

The High Councellor moved to take up his chair.

"How is the situation between Yun and Nan?" The dragon asked, the Stone's waning power making him more wary of war each day that he did not hear news of the other islands.

"There is still no sign of obvious stress, your Greatness, but there is tension. As far as I have heard, Yun's Great Dragon is still in discussion with her human counsel to take up negotiations with Nan's Great Dragon."

Adavar nodded his large head. "So long as a war can be avoided, we can keep our stones working for the peace of Tyrna. I do hope they do not leave their Stones."

"Come on Silver, can't you go any higher? I know you're tired, but let's at least see the other islands!" called Crystal. She really wanted to just glimpse another island, especially Ren. Ren sounded very interesting - so did Ahu, but no way would I be able to see it beyond the brightness of Yun, she thought a bit fearfully. The most recent rumors were that Nan and Yun were nearing war. These rumours were few and very far between, but the thought was rather terrifying - a war?! Crystal didn't know much about what a war would be like, but all she'd heard about Yun sounded like it would be terrifying . . .

Silver was flappind upward as hard as she poissibly could, but Crystal wanted to go higher? Weren't humans supposed to be afraid of heights anyway? Maybe it's because she knows I wont drop her, thought Silver. Well how about i let you fall, eh Crystal? Then you won't make me do this ever again . . . But if Silver let Crystal fall, she probably wouldn't be able to to catch her again. "Look, over there! Do you think that's Ren!?" Crystal's excited yell broke into Silver's thoughts. "Looks like it," huffed Silver; she really was exhausted. "i'm landing now . . ." she warned Crystal. Silver spared a glance for the distant island of Ren, and quickly descended towards the edge of the city.

Xevius, as he passed right over Yun on his way to Run, chuckled as he watched some of the newer recruits for the guards enter their morning excersizes.  Of course, he wouldn't want to get anywhere near any of them, as almost all of them were huge, but it was rather humorous how very, very dramatic their movements were, as they set fire to dummies.  Xevius glanced back up before taking a double take.  Was-  was that a Nan dragon?  Why yes, yes it was!  It was very distinctive, not to mention the fact that all the other training guards seemed to "accidentaly" hit every now and then.  Xevius couldn't calculate any hostility in it's movements.  Funny, he had calculated a huge rivalry between the two islands, and yet, here was single dragon, trying to mend that!  Perhaps war was avoidable, despite his most profound calculations!  This was certainly a new variable.  Xevius decided to keep an eye on this dragon, each time he flew over Yan, as it was a bit of irregularity, and those tended to spice up the most boring of calculations.  At this point, Xevius was merely thinking, and was not, in fact, over Yan.  He was back in the open airway, nearing Ren, in fact, when he saw a Nan dragon with a juvenile human rider practically free fall from a huge altitude to land on the island Ren.  Two thoughts entered his head; How high do they think you have to go to go into islands?  They must have never done it before, or else they're thrill seekers.  And; Well, more Nan today.  How fun.  He would have gone and investigated, but Nan dragons scared him to death.  This one really wasn't very terrifying, but it might know ones that are.

Sapphire stroked the now sleeping Fawn before scooping her up. She sighed and went back into the house, worry-some thoughts still buzzing. She wondered who she could seek help from, but was worried when she confessed she had no clue, the would take Fawn away. Sapphire set the young hatchling on a soft pillow and moved to the kitchen, her stomach growling. What would she do about Fawn? She had no friends, no one to talk to, knew no other dragons, how could she possibly give Fawn everything she needed? Sapphire fixed a bowl of cereal, and chewed slowly. About half-way through the bowl she herd a yawn and the clack of claws hitting wood. Fawn came in and jumped into Sapphire's lap. She stuck her nose in what cereal was left and began to down it quickly.

"I know your hungry, so you can finish that off. It should at least take the edge off your hunger until dinner. I wish I  could get you more. I love you so much. I'm so sorry." Sapphire crooned the hatchling. "Eat it all up okay?"

Fawn paused in eating and looked at Sapphire. "Okay." the little dragon said in a sing-song voice before going back to munching on the cereal. Sapphire stared in shock for a moment, before hugging the little one. Then a thought hit Sapphire. Maybe the Great Dragon will help me!

As the day goes on and all in Tyrna are off doing their work, a light rain starts to fall. Workers on Ren are not affected as the Smelter and Hatchery are underground, though those on Ahu, Yun and Nan may be affected.

Guards shift work schedules. New guards from Yun arrive by dragon taxi to each island, the current guards heading back to Yun for their time off. This change of hands causes a small scene on each island, though for Nan it's more tense.

Just as Silver touched the ground, a light rain started. Crystal intantly hid under Silver's still outstreched wing - she didn't like being rained on. " Come on Silver, we might as well buy somthing," said Crystal, as the two had landed near some corner shops. Crystal heard Silver sigh as they walked in.

As they exited a short time later, Crystal heard a flapping of wings above. She looked up and was startled to see a Yun dragon flying overhead. She backed into the wall, thugh she probobly hadn't been seen any way. The dragon, she decided, must be one that was there for a guard change - she'd heard her sister tell her about it once. What do they need guards here for anyway? wondered Crystal. But there was probably no point in wondering. "Should we go back now?" she asked Silver.

. . . .

Silver couldn't help but shiver a little bit as the Yun dragon flew overhead. Her father had said that these dragons were strong, and to be seen by one could mean death. But it looked sort of elegant against the clouds. And then Silver came up with a dangerous, thrilling idea . . .

"Should we go back now?"

The question from Crystal disrupted Silver's thoughts, but not by much. "I have a better idea - let's follow them!"

Xevius landed on the top of the factory, and slunk in.  He was one of the only dragons small enough to take the matenaince walks, which saved him a whole lot of time.  He quickly cut right through the buiding, straight to his office.  He gently turned the knob, and went into the room.  It had dark grey, utilitarian walls, made out of pig-iron and cement, like most of the factory, but it had a significant difference from most of the rooms.  In the center of the room was a very large table, covered in various drawings and pencils, nearly all of which had been used to draft some device or another.  It was not organized.  Xevius took two pencils in one of his back feets, and one in his front, and began to scrawl, to take up a previous drawing.  He moved his libs in huge arcs, and with tiny intricate movements.  The drawing was incomprehensible to most.  Most people would have wondered where they're assistant was at thit time, but Xevius had subconciously carried out the math; his assistant was sixteen minutes late, and would be arriving any moment now.  Even knowing this, he was still startled when the door opened, and jumped back a bit.  "Ah, finally." he said to the human, after his heart had calmed down.  The small human nodded, and went to peer at the table.  She pulled a sheet across a table, and looked at it.  Xevius suddenly snapped, and pulled it away.  "Wha- what was that?" she inquired. "Nothing." he responded, rather out of character, what with the single word.  He folded it and hid it away, leaving her to look at the various other designs and devices scattered on the table.  She picked up a whimsical device, a tiny metal lizard.  Was it a statue?  She look at it, and fingered a hole in it's back.  "It moves." Xevius said, suddenly back in the room, and behind her.  She jumped a bit, and he snatched it.  "Look" Xevius then put a key into it, twisted it, and put it on the table to run around, amused with the astonishment on the girls face.  "It- it can do things!" she exclaimed.  "No.  It's can't.  He said sadly, as it wound down.  It just repeats, over and over, round and round." Xevius returned to the desk, rather melancholy, and began to finish peicing together the prototype for a less irregular device. 

Sapphire quickly dressed, fueled by the thought of help. After throwing a coat that was a bit to large for her, she scooped up Fawn and wrapped her in the extra coat, and buttoned it up. Fawn Poked her head out of the top so she could see, and Sapphire was off. She walked to work, sho couldn't afford a bike or any mode of transportation. She hurried into one of the many entrances, and after a few turns and twists, found herself completely lost. She had never been in this part of the volcano, and from the clinking sounds she was somewhere in the factory.

Sapphire hurried along, trying to find someone who she could ask directions. She wound up ever more turned around. She took a deep breath, calming herself. Fawn began to squirm, and before Sapphire could stop her, she leaped out of the coat and raced down the hall. Sapphire dove after her, fear driving her limbs. What would happen to the chick if someone caught it?

After a short run, Fawn ran to a cracked door, and Sapphire pushed through, trying to catch her. She stopped when she saw a dragon and human talking about a lizard that was moving around. Fawn crouched and sprang, grabbing the metal reptile in her jaws, before shaking her head and tearing it to pieces.

Dayton watched the Nan island off in the distance with disgust. She could see it's thick smoke from the weapon smiths, and the city itself was none too light with it's disgusting asphalt and smog-choked cities... Or perhaps she was just so biased that the island looked black and bleak to her.

Sovereign, sitting in her usual spot on Dayton's shoulder, sighed, though she perked her head up and watched quietly out toward the Island. "Here they come." She spoke with her sing-song-like voice, lowering herself back down onto all four paws so if Dayton moved, she wouldnt be knocked off.
"Good... good..." Dayton said, not sounding all in focus. She raised her arms, which both held a single bright-colored pole.

The woman backed up as the huge dragon started to enclose on the landing strip. She waved the poles in her arms, directing the dragon and riders to where it was safe to land. The giant white and yellow-bellied beast gave a roar of welcome as he flew overhead, the downpour from his wings nearly knocking Sovereign from her perch. It set Dayton's hair askew, but the woman merely turned to see that the dragon and riders were safe.

She skimmed the dragon as he landed several yards away for any wounds, or any roughed up guards. "Very good..." She spoke to herself. Ever since the accident, she made sure she was the one to help recieve the dragon taxis, just so she could be first on the scene had another riot started.

Sovereign ignored her preoccupied friend and watched out back toward Nan. She had seen a dark figure off in the distance with her keen eyes long before the dragon taxi had come back, but she couldnt be sure...
Xevius was reaching to put the lizard with the other clockwork animals, when a small dragon lept and took it from his hands, before attempting to shake it to peices.  He had espected this dragon, but so soon! He jumped back in surprise, despite the small size and frailness of the dragon. The poor thing must be half starved! As his assistant used a dustpan to sweep up the miniscule clockwork bits of the lizard, Xevius sighed, and went to see if he'd eaten his lunch yet.  Nope.  He tossed a gopher towards the dragon, who happily degan to munch on it.  Xevius turned his head towards the human who had come with, a female who was five or six years the senior of his assistant, and gestured towards the minuscule, dust mote-like bits of metal.  "You'll probably have to pay for that." he said, without a hint of sarcasm. "Or you could build another one," he continued, and began to search out the blueprints of that particular wind up animal from various drawers and containers. "Which would you prefer?" he asked, at the moment he found the intricate print.  He then splayed it out on the table, so that the human owner of the small dragon could look over it, and choose one thing or the other. 

Dragon Stones

Five islands exist in the land of Tyrna. Each "island" is actually semi-floating, supported only by a small fragment of rock that leads down into a deep crater of land that is barren and desert-like. Bridges connect every island to every other.

Tum: Land of the Sheer Stone, this island is located North-northwest of the center. This cold and barren land is home to few, but highly important people and dragons. Tum exports large amounts of ice that is mined from beneath the Stone, providing all the isles water. The dinizens here are large and self-sufficient, resourceful, and creative.
The "city" in Tum is actually built into the ice. The power of the Stone allows the dinizens to create out of the ice and not have it melt. The people here are pale with normally blond hair, or white or blue-toned scales. The dragons of Tum are large and spiked, mimicing the ice in which they live; they are mainly land-based, four-legged with little to no wings but instead have large claws for tunneling.

Yun: Land of the Bright Stone, this island is in the middle of the four surrounding islands. Warriors of righteous come from Yun, trained under the Stone in the ways of order and restraint, rather than chaos and brutality. All of Tyrna's Guards are trained on Yun and move to the other islands when needed.
The city is light in color, featuring white-washed stone walls, and many of it's dinizens reflect the city with light-colored hair or scales. The dragons here are either large or small, trained warrior mounts or house pets with a nasty bite. They are four-legged with wings, though some smaller dragons are wyvern-like

Ren: Land of the Molten Stone, this island is located South-southeast of the center. This island is where all metal is formed and technology is built, with the great billowing fires of the Great Smelter that is located beneath, and drawing power from, the Stone. The people are highly intelligent, but there is a mix of brain and brawn in the population, whether they work in the Great Smelter or the factories.

Ren is also home to the Hatchery, where dragons of all the isles come to lay their eggs. With the Stone's heat, the dragons are born larger than if they had not been born there, and much stronger. The workers of the Hatchery do not sell eggs or chicks, they return chicks to their parents.
The city itself is made of brick and mortar, it's dinizens rough and burly in build. Many have red hair or scales and are very self-serviant. The dragons here are in tune with the Stone, and are rocky in appearance. They are mostly four-legged with large wings, with rare wyverns.

Nan: Land of the Void Stone, this island is located Southwest of the center. Weapon smiths live and work here, as are war forces gathered and trained. The dinizens of Nan have forever been carefully watched by the dinizens of Yun, and the thought is mirrored in Nan. Nan has it's own militia, but Yun keeps tabs on it, so there is not an uprising.

The city itelf is dark and made of cement and asphalt. It's dinizens are shadowy figures, leaner but agile, and good with the weapons they craft. They can be seen with black or dark hair, or similar scales. Dragons here are mostly wyvern-based, marked with bright green or red markings to accentuate that they are poisonous; they feature extended features, such as long legs and whip-like tails.


Ahu: Land of the Root Stone, this island is located Northeast of the center. Residents of Ahu are close in touch with nature, and provide all of the agriculture to needed for the other islands. They are deceptively strong warriors, being home-trained to be prepared for anything and any situation. They have good instincts and are generally the most friendly of the isles' residents.

The city on Ahu is as alive with flora as is the rest of the island. Buildings are built in wood and often grow ivy along their sides. Brown hair is common here, with brown or green tones seen in scales. Dragons here are either large or small, hulking four-legged behemoths or small, sprite-like wyverns.

The Barren Lands are part of the crater that surround Tyrna. No one who goes out there, even on dragon-back, comes back. Few think about what is out there, though the adventurous make stories.

Peace has existed in Tyrna as long as anyone can remember, the balance of the Dragon Stones ensuring that no island could become stronger than another.

However, balance has started to shift as the ancient Great Dragons continue to age, and the Stones' powers are being drawn upon for menial tasks.

The dinizens of Nan have become all too aware of the prejudice that Yun has against them, and has started picking fights with them. However, as Nan's stone does not have direct effect on the commerce of the isle, and Yun's does, the Void Stone has not been taxed as the Bright has in it's training of guards.
As Yun and Nan both have needed resources for the rest of the Isles, it's hard for the other isles to chose a side.

The Great Dragon of the Bright Stone has called on the Great Dragon of the Void Stone, leaving the Stones unoccupied for the first time in centuries, as they talk truce. Will the sides take this chance to start an all-out war?


As long as any human or dragon can remember, the Dragon Stones have ruled over the five islands of Tyrna. Human and Dragon have lived in peace, their cities guarded from war by the balance the Stones have provided.
Every island has grown to focus on what their Stone can provide, with human and dragon alike adapting to work under conditions needed.

Dragons are as intelligent and dilligent in work as humans are, though have their advantages for being stronger and able to withstand conditions that the Stones can afflict that humans cant.
Humans are not seen as useless to dragons. They are small and can work on things that a dragon's large hands cannot, and have a creative side that dragons do not think of.

Dragons have allowed humans to ride them, even if there are bridges that cross to all the islands. In fact, Yun's Dragonriders are the most prized generals of Tyrna. However, many dragons have attatched themselves to a local family, aiding them in any way needed.

A council of humans and dragons alike exist on each island, with a Great Dragon and High Councellor overseeing the Stone's power. The Great Dragon is one that is highly trained and very old, able to control the Stone to an extent, but mostly is able to channel it's power into themselves. The High Councellor is the Great Dragon's eyes and ears of the counsel and beyond. They are the Great Dragon's most trusted advisor, and is hand-picked by the Great Dragon.


1) Obey all Exhibited RP rules. This goes without saying.
a) No inppropreate actions; PG13
b) Mild swearing is allowed (damn, hell), but do not replace a swear for **'s.

2) Great Dragon apps will be open, but know that they will come with being scrutinized greatly, as Great Dragons wield extreme power in this RP. High Councellors not to the same extent, but very similar.

3) No mix-dragons of the different isles. As tempting as it is, the dragons wouldnt be so keen on leaving the island they're adapted to.

4) No God-Moding. Metagaming will earn a friendly poke... as I know I'm prone to it >3>;

5) Do NOT kill another player's character without their permission.

6) Whether a war starts or not will depend on the turn of the RP, but dont try to tip it obviously in one way or another. Have a reason for a fight to break out.

7) When creating a character, make sure to list which island they're from! Both Humans and Dragons can travel from island to island, but they still started somewhere.

Word Minimum
210 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dragon / Human Duo
Great Dragon
High Councellor

Second RP Master

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