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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Parking in the parking lot, Dex popped his trunk and grabbed his bags. He then shut his trunk and headed towards the main building to get his dorm number. "I hope I don't get stuck with some bloodsucker." he thougth darkly, but his thoughts were interupped by the sound of his cell phone buzzing. "Again I am so sorry I couldn't see you off, but something came up at work, but don't worry I'll make it up to you, I promise~DAD." Slipping his phone back in his pocket, Dex scoffed. "Yeah Like I haven't heard that before. " he thought.

Pulling into the parking lot of the new high school, Aphrodite Ryans looked at it over the top of her sunglasses, through the windshield of her car.  She sighed before opening the door and climbing down.  Walking around, Aphrodite pulled a couple bags from the back seat then the rest of them from the trunk. Setting the luggage on the ground, she shut the car door and trunk before locking it and shoving the keys into her purse before she struggled to pick up the cargo and began to drag it towards the dorm offices to get her room and dorm room key.

Singing along to some recent pop song, Crystal pulled into the parking lot, apllied anothe coat of strawberry swirl lip gloss, then flounced out of her car. She opened her trunk and grabbed her custom, pink Louis Vuitton luggage, and clopped her designer wedges to the main office. Pulling out her pink and black leopard cell phone she called her parrents, "Yeah, I'm here, and you better send the rest of my clothes, there's no way I'll survive the week with just six bags!' she complained. "I know but mom!!" "Whatever I diddn't want to come to this stupid school anyways!" "Goodbye!" she shouted into the phone, rolling her blue eyes. "Well at least Dex is going here, and this year I'm gonna make him jus fall in love with me!" she thought slyly.
Flo drove into the school parking lot with the music blasting. She parked the car and sat there looking at the school that she would now be going to. Maybe this school will be better than the others. She really wasnt excited to be here. Her parents had forced her to go. They probally wanted me to get out the house or something. She got out the car and went over to the trunk to get her bags out. "They probally wont et us do pranks here. I'll probally find a way to do some little pranks. Maybe I'll get a suitable room mate. Who knows." She locked the car and started to walk over to the main building to get her dorm nmber and key.
Aphrodite flipped her sunglasses up revieling her nearly stark white eyes and hauled herself and her luggage into the building.  She then dropped her bags on the floor once she reached the office, she heard someone talking inside and figured she would wait until the other one was finished before she went and registered herself in.  She leaned back against the wall and blew the hair from her face and closed her eyes. It had been a very long drive for her to get here, and she did not mind waiting in the hall for a little while, she just hoped it wouldn't take forever.

Flo stepped into the main building. There was a girl standing in the hall. There were people talking in a room in front of the girl. Maybe there will be a chance that I'll get a room with her. That seems better than others.She went to the other side of the hall and sat down. She pulled out her phone to text her parents. 'I'm here. It looks boring so far. Just a plain white hallway with a few posters. I'm about to get my dorm room number and key. I hope you're happy. ~Love Flo. She pushed send and shoved it back into her back jeans pocket.

As Dex made his way into the main office he tilted his head back slightly and lifted his nose to the air, catching scents, he wanted to get used to his surroundings, part of it was his wolf like instincts. He smelled humans, floor cleaner, coffee, perfume, and the scent of mystics, which strangely smelled like vannila and magic( and yes some creatures can smell magic, weird huh?) he was just about to contine towards the front desk when Bam! Anothe scent drifted towards his nose and the hair on the back of his neck rose. The scent he caught was of blood. Blood and death was what he smelled, it was just as he passed a vampire that it hit him, he sensed the vampire caught his scent too because their eyes met and they exchanged menacing glares, Dex let out a low growl and the vampire slightly barred its teeth, the humans didn't notice but a few mystics did.
Aphrodite's eyes opened at the sound of a growl, she knew what it was, as she glanced around, werewolf, whom of which she did not mind all to much believe it or not.  She looked over at the two and rolled her eyes.  Crossing her arms across her chest she gave them both a look, and not the most approving one either before she turned her gaze away from them.  Because odds are, if there actions kept up, a human was bound to notice eventually and then they would be in trouble, and she sat down on one of her suitcases.

All of Dex screamed for him to fight, but he knew that he couldn't fight the vampire as much as he wanted to, so with one last growl and a glare, he stalked off to the front desk. He put both hands on the counter to steady himself, his blue eyes swirling, vampires really set him off. After a minute he cleared his throat and stood up straight, " Dex Aarons." he said to the secratary as he blew his wavy black hair out of his electric blue eyes. When he said his name, a few people turned their heads and some even whispered. "The Dex Aarons?" "I thought he was dead!" "Are you serious!" were what Dex's highly trained ears heard. Even the secretary was startled but she quickly covered it up by saying, "Um yes your room number is 140, and here is your key card, your roomate has not arrived." Dex took his key and gratefully walked out the door into the open air.

As John-Paul Jackson carried in his books, he had a feeling in his gut that the place may not be what it seemed. Remembering that he brought a book titled "Mystics for Dummies" he opened the book until he found something quite disturbing. Apparently it wasn't just humans and mystics going here but also vampires and werewolves. "Well I'll be d**med." John-Paul said quietly. As he put the book back into his backpack that he brought along with the suitcases, he walked up to the secretary to ask for his room. Being nervous with the amount of people around him, he cleared his throat and said "I am John-Paul Jackson."
Aphrodite watched as the werewolf left, the whispers he had set off ammused her a bit, he must have had or still has quite a reputation, good or bad she did not know, being she had never even heard the name before. Standing up she walked calmly into the office to get her dorm number "Aphrodite Ryans" she said simply, the secretary who still seemed to be recovering, handed her, her room key "dorm 155" she said as Aphrodite took the key with a smile "Thank you" she replied and walked back out into the hall again picking up her bags and guitar case, smiling at the girl that had been across the hall from her before walking off, and a human walked in.
Flo stud up and walked into the office. "Flo Collins." The secretary then handed her her room key and dorm number. "157." She said and then got back to work. Flo looked at the card and then turned back to the seretary. "Um, do you know if my room mate has come yet?" She gave her an annoyed look and then did something on the computer. "No" she must have seen the small frown on my face because she added "but I think she'll be here shortly. Maybe within the next hour or so." I turned and walked back into the hall. I'll be lucky if I dont get somebody exsteamely annoying. She thought as she picked up her stuff and walked down the hall to her room.
Niko drove down the rode to the acadey,jamming and beating his hands on the steering wheel to his favorite band HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD. "I've been laying in the sun,bottle and a gun,and from the way you look at me,i can tell that your a freak,get down baby down,ill show you how,yeah baby let me show ya how!" He sang along and he drove up and parked his car. "This place looks ok i guess."He said flipping up his black sun-glasses with wolf symbols engraved on the sides. He slipped a stick of gum into his mouth and got out of his fire-bird. He got his bags out of its trunk and walked into the school.

The secretary handed John-Paul his key and said "Room 156". John-Paul looked at the key and then said "Thanks." He put the key into his pocket and carried his bags to room 156. He dug through his pocket until he found his key. When he was about to unlock the door, he noticed a younger student going to the door next to him. "Let's just hope I get no roommates" John-Paul said in his head. Being the shy person he is, hequickly looked away from the other student and continued unlocking the door. He slowly turned the doorknob to open it to his new room.

Aphrodite watched as other students approached to there own dorms, one seeming overly timid and the other, was the girl she had seen earlier. Looking away she gave a small smile to the two of them before walking into her dorm and taking in a deep breath before making trips back and forth from inside the dorm to the hallway bringing in her luggage and putting it away, then pulled out her guitar of a normal suitcase to discuise the face she had one and set it on a stand, hidden in the corner from wandering eyes, it wasn't she was ashamed of playing it, but it made her nervous being she didn't know how good she was in the view of others and wasn't about to be teased for it if she wasn't good.

Harlington High

Harlington High is a beautiful, widely made academy with plenty of acres of forests and land on the outside. It's a rather old looking academy with beautiful victorian styles and finely crafted furniture and with three floors, this academy is very private. On the left upper floor, a long, windowed hallway leads to all the girl's dorms, while the oposite, for the guys, on the right. The bottom floor itself is reversed for the school purposes, while the top is the recration parts, such as a pool, gym, indoor tennis court, basketball court, and lounge. The outdoor part of the school has the gym building, stadium, tennis, soccer, and basketball courts, they also have an outdoor swimming pool. There's also many benches parks and recreational areas scattered here and there, there's even a few wooden swings that are attached to large, nearby trees.


Vampire intro: Your kind has learned the rules now. Go in the sunlight, you burn; simply put on a high quality sunscreen every 2 hours, wear dark, long clothes and sunglasses in the sunlight. Feed carefully, and don't be caught. Lie low and keep safe. But is that really possible, when you attend an academy with humans mingling with werewolves, the sneaky mystics and someone watching your every step, listening to your every word? Probably not.

Werewolf intro:Of course you inrolled in that academy. Everyone has to, no matter that they may be... oh, just a human who can shift at will into a huge wolf? Unless on full moon of course, when you have to lock yourself in your dorm or go out so you don't tear down the school. It would be a simple schedule when you learn there are vampires there. Vampire, your worst enemy, the undead creatures of the night, plus Mystics who can expose you with just one spell. Oh, this is going to get messy.

Mystic Intro: So you were sent to Harlington because your parents found out that you could do things that other kids couldn't like shapeshift, bend water, shoot fire out of your hands, and control humans. They told you it was for the best and that you should follow the rules and be good......yeah right!

Human intro: So, you enrolled in a perfectly great academy... well, the kids do seem a bit odd, the pale ones always in dark clothes outside, the tanned and strong ones always shifty on the night of the full moon and the seemingly normal ones with weird tattoos can do so many crazy things- but it's not like they're vampries, mystics and werewolves.


(Didn't know where to put this so yeah)


Colors: Blue and Silver, Mascot: Wolf/Wolves


Don't get caught if you're a creature, in any form. Secret school rules apply that no werewolf, mystic, or vampire can attack any living human on school property. You cannot fall in love with a different form of creature due to the hidden laws. Of course, follow the usual school rules that would apply to your own school. Absolutely no fighting between the vampries, mystics, and werewolves, no matter how bad they may seem!

(Of course, those are meant to be broken. XD

RP rules are my rules and you have to obey them. Romance and some swearing is allowed. However, romance must be kept at a PG-13 level, and swearing must be alternitive or starred out. Please don't use it constantly as well. Drama is accepted. If it seems like something huge, I suggest asking me first. No godmodding, power-playing or anything like that. And above all have fun!

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100 words per post.

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Half Dragon

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