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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 2nd Apr 2011
For anyone that didn't get it, yesterday was an April Fool's joke.

Got you. ;D


I am aware of the bug with images at the moment. o.o Apparently the library we use to build the images uninstalled itself from the server, so looking into it. Pah!
By New User (#3107) on 02-04-2011 03:55:50
Ha ha ha ha ha he he he he
But what whould happen if you hatch that egg
By Witch King of Angmár (#2167) on 02-04-2011 03:56:39
i just wanted to say i never play exhibited, and now i had a heart attack!
By New User (#3107) on 02-04-2011 04:01:14
Please answer my question kitty
By Mod Kitty (#1) on 02-04-2011 04:03:38
I'm afraid I just don't know what will happen.. You'll either have to hatch it or wait and see what other people do. :O
By Pandora (#58) on 02-04-2011 04:09:53
Hehe! 8D I picked it up right away, because I already expected something strange when I logged on. I had already experienced pretty wacky stuff on other sites, so yeah...LOL. Thanks for the surprise, Kitty! ~
By New User (#3107) on 02-04-2011 04:09:57
Well I got 2 and sold them for 27 scales and got myself a year upgrade and some potions to so I am lucky
By Spyre (#3768) on 02-04-2011 04:22:56
XD You sure did Kitty! Now to find that egg!
By New User (#7347) on 02-04-2011 04:23:02
I knew it! =D
By Mod Clara (#2793) on 02-04-2011 05:29:20
Guess the server has played its own April Fools joke on you with the images Kitty XD
By rex (#3228) on 02-04-2011 06:00:31
oh man you sure got us
By Buffy Kiev (#3836) on 02-04-2011 06:55:37
Awww, I knew it was a joke xD! But it was funny! I was laughing and laughing!
By Eligio (#1437) on 02-04-2011 07:29:05
can you still find the egg
By Spyre (#3768) on 02-04-2011 07:31:38
Yep, you can still find the egg, seems I just found it ~~~ I decided to incubate her XD
By Eligio (#1437) on 02-04-2011 07:57:27
oww cause i can't seem to find them any where
By Raging Raptor (#143) on 02-04-2011 09:43:54
Nice one, Kitty! I wasn't able to find the egg though. T.T
By New User (#607) on 02-04-2011 10:08:16
I feel kinda bad, but I couldn't stop myself from LOL'ing at the people who took the joke seriously and threatened to leave EX. X'DDDD

I got an egg~ But I'm gonna keep it in my collection. 83
By feralhydra 2 ( kristy XD) (#6068) on 02-04-2011 12:31:17
good gob kitty that was so funny , i bet you were ROFL over this you shuld of seen some of the posts some people were flipping out over this so bad lol .
By Ankokou (#3281) on 02-04-2011 12:32:34
That was fun, thank you. ^_^

I want a chicken species. XD
Well, I guess I'll just have to see what comes out of my strangely hideous egg.
By New User (#7231) on 02-04-2011 13:58:02
btw, where is the egg? i want to know what it does:D
By Shadow (#6013) on 03-04-2011 02:46:38
By Pinkeuro (#5848) on 03-04-2011 06:07:52
Why don't people just read the fine print? xD Yeah I was reading the comments from the last thing and people were all getting mad and wanting to leave... Anyway EGG? Why am I always unawares? :P
By Enement (#3093) on 04-04-2011 03:13:35
Yes, it was intresting some took it seriosly, I nearly did.

By Shadowbolt (#2674) on 04-04-2011 10:51:26
where is the egg? i want the egg!
By Spyre (#3768) on 04-04-2011 12:54:36
You find the egg from a random event.
By New User (#7069) on 04-04-2011 16:00:43
Next year do kiwis (the bird)! ^-^
By feralhydra 2 ( kristy XD) (#6068) on 06-04-2011 16:49:35
hey how long will it take to fix the bug ?

plese anser kitty .
By Pinkeuro (#5848) on 06-04-2011 18:21:12
Lolz I got the egg and it hatched! But due to the bug I guess we'll never know what it looks like until later...
By Witch King of Angmár (#2167) on 07-04-2011 08:13:43
i hate those freaking bugs!
my newborn male allosaurus razor doesnt have an image.

(i discovered the bug! meeeheeehee)
By Bakura (#738) on 26-04-2011 12:11:21
I knew you were joking Kitty. Though it was a funny joke. ;D