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Exhibited Press - Comments

Seasonal Greetings! (Soooon!)
Posted by Herbal (#4) on 30th Nov 2013
Hello Darlings!

Clara wishes you a happy St. Andrews Day (Which basically is Saint Patrics Day with added Tartans!) from Scotland.
You might be delighted to see that to celebrate this day, she have drawn up some kilts for you to wear on your human avatars!

It's the manliest piece of clothing you can ever own.

Tomorrow, the annual Christmas Calendar will begin! Everyday in December you'll be able to visit the Calendar and claim a gift! But, since Kitty's been bustin' herself with EX mark II, we decided that instead of adding alot of new items, we'll instead revive some of the sassy items from previous years! This means, we'll have some old fancy items which some of you might never have seen before! And some of you might recognize them!

There are some really neat ones ! ;D

And sometimes in December, the Annual Snowball Fight will begin! (I can't recall when, sssssh!) So get your arms ready, and fight for your honour!

Have a great day and have fun wearing your kilts proudly!
By MarsupialPancake - bobside (#336) on 2013-11-30 14:24:06
:D! I will wear them all
By Mod Clara (#2793) on 2013-11-30 15:07:40
All the kilts ever! Freedoooom!
By Blackfox13 (#26611) on 2013-11-30 19:11:05
By Roughard Clatterwag (#28759) on 2013-12-01 05:59:48
DANG! KILTS! *runs to clothes store*