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Exhibited Press - Comments

Art Theft
Posted by Kitty (#1) on 7th Jun 2011
So it was brought to my attention that a couple of people on DeviantArt were stealing artwork from Exhibited, printing them out, tracing over them and uploading them as their own work, with the art from Exhibited "referenced" (mind you, this was not credited in the description.). This is.. Well, not allowed. The copyright lies solely with Exhibited and the original artist; each image was paid for and created (many hours of hard work from our wonderful artists!) for the sole use of Exhibited, so that you can see what your dinosaurs look like.

So I'd just like to reconfirm a particular section of the terms of service for everyone:

"Exhibited's images, text and overall content is copyrighted (c) to me, the owner of the game, & original artists. You agree not to take any picture, edit it or otherwise and pass it off as your own, unless you first have written permission from me."

Please don't take artwork that is not your own.

Positive Edit: The pooper scooper is available in the scale shop. :P It comes with a whopping 750 uses and will fully clean your enclosure, as requested on the suggestions board.
By Pideaux (#8001) on 07-06-2011 05:34:01
Reporting all now
By Mod Herbal (#4) on 07-06-2011 05:35:49
By Levi (#8) on 07-06-2011 05:36:10
I'll never understand how small minded some art theifs can be >.< I'm reporting them now. DA is katelynnsexton.
By Zha'krisstol (#2373) on 07-06-2011 05:44:02
Reported all
By Darke (#1801) on 07-06-2011 05:44:09
These sort of people are a disgrace to all hard-working artists out there. Reported. This just boils my blood.
DA is darkedragon
By Sen (#551) on 07-06-2011 07:49:15
I hated hearing about this yesterday. I can only hope the issue doesn't crop up again in the future, Kitty! Reported them yesterday, but I'll keep an eye out for any other thieves. *hug!!*
By Pandora (#58) on 07-06-2011 08:45:10
It never ceases to amaze me how low people can go these days. o_O EX players are artistic and open-minded people - there's no way that art theft goes unnoticed.
By Scruffs (#1197) on 07-06-2011 10:38:21
Who were they?
By Mod Feather (#958) on 07-06-2011 10:47:08
Ahhh! I hate it when people steal ideas from me and other people! I wish people would just do it themselves and not rely on other people! Like I do! I dont take art lessons, I teach myself! Gah! Im sick of people stealing! >.
By New User (#8860) on 07-06-2011 11:49:03
I put some up, but I put Exhibited's Name in it, so I didn't use it as my own, I gave EX credit, I hope I didn't do anything wrong
By UGone2Far (#2223) on 07-06-2011 12:15:50
who would do this to us on exhibted
By Sayl (#315) on 07-06-2011 12:50:07
Can't people get it in their head? It should be the first thing to be aware of. And Kitty has took her time and patience for these images and the fact that they get "stolen" from her is just ubsurd. :|
By AlphabeticalMusic (#253) on 07-06-2011 13:30:01
Wow, I really want to say I can't believe this but I can. The fact is, if you want your art to look good and get lots of people to look at it, then draw and practice every day. I get tons of people in school telling me I draw amazing, and when they ask me how, I say 'I draw every day and started drawing when I was little.' People are so stupid sometimes. They shouldn't be stealing anything.
By Sen (#551) on 07-06-2011 14:29:41
One more comment: Yay pooper scooper!!!
By Prince (#2625) on 07-06-2011 15:01:38
So the pooper scooper works for ONE enclosure or would it clean ALL enclosures? [I'm assuming it's one enclosure at a time, but to be safe]
By Star (#1753) on 07-06-2011 15:13:14
Art thieves cant hide from Star!

Oooou! Pooper scooper!
By Pideaux (#8001) on 07-06-2011 19:09:23
I'm assuming the scooper is for one enclosure at a time as well. Not that I'm not going to buy it when Friday rolls around anyway - But I would be much more excited if it did them all at once. :'D
By Aki (#2031) on 07-06-2011 20:48:02
would the pic on my page be stealing? I'm not trying to claim it as my own and it is only used on exhibited.
here is the link, but it is also on my page. If it is, i will take it down.
By Mod Kitty (#1) on 07-06-2011 23:29:40
If it's only used on EX then there's no problem. :D

As for the scooper - it's for multiple enclosures. It's 1 click per enclosure, and you can do it from the use item page, rather than clicking through enclosures.
By Paya (#2473) on 08-06-2011 07:38:26
Love the Pooper Scooper. Hate the plagiarism. Hope this is resolved quickly - way to be diligent, all!
By IndieGo (#212) on 08-06-2011 08:38:43
lol Pooper Scooper :D
By 🐉Tysm🐉 (#6974) on 08-06-2011 17:05:19
man, i cant get scales. poop.:] im bankrupt real life money. and im not even a teen
By Shadow (#6618) on 09-06-2011 13:36:14
i have a devian art account and i have made i cons or pics for my friend kara8 she is allowed to use them is that ok
By RyanTheRaptor (#5629) on 09-06-2011 15:45:24
i was hoping the pooper scooper would be unlimited, at 750 uses it will only last me a month.
By Undead Soldier (#6674) on 09-06-2011 16:06:31
Awww, meh cat box's pooper-scooper JUST broke!
By Mod Clara (#2793) on 09-06-2011 20:27:06
Then don't use it every day, Ryan? XD
By RyanTheRaptor (#5629) on 09-06-2011 20:47:06
now i wonder what happens if i don't clean my poop everyday?
By UnwrittenTale (#3511) on 10-06-2011 06:43:07
I LOVE. The Pooper Scooper. xD One of the first things I did when I logged in was buy it ~ So totally worth the five Scales. :D It'll last me a very good time.