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Spotty's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#494658 Alizarin Crimson-[S]-[Rr] Utahraptor Male of euthanasia.
#485840 Alice-[P] Megaraptor Female of euthanasia.
#452174 Alice Smoke-[P] Allosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#547061 Alice Coral-[P] Sinornithosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#452334 Alice Blue-[S] Coelophysis Male of euthanasia.
#677919 Albino Python-[P]-[Rr] Troodon Male of euthanasia.
#316230 Albie Albertosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#560064 Albany, New York-[S] Ornitholestes Male of euthanasia.
#62342 Alat-[P]-[Bl] Microraptor Male of euthanasia.
#810542 Akaroa-2P-B-RR Megaraptor Female of starvation.
#811483 Akaroa Berry-3P-B-RR Megaraptor Male of starvation.
#406325 AJ Dimetrodon Female of euthanasia.
#560042 Agusta, Maine-[S] Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of euthanasia.
#558664 Adelina-[P] Linheraptor Female of euthanasia.
#621930 Adafia-[P] Atrociraptor Female of euthanasia.
#460339 Acid-[P] Ornitholestes Male of euthanasia.
#363837 Acid Shower Albertosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#571734 Ace Radio-[P] Guanlong Male of euthanasia.
#421229 Accordion Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#516651 Acapulco-[S] Oviraptor Female of euthanasia.