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Spotty's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#483970 Burnt Umber-[S] Pyroraptor Male of euthanasia.
#483965 Navy Blue-[P] Baryonyx Male of euthanasia.
#483955 Spicy Mix-[S] Guanlong Female of euthanasia.
#483949 Underage Pink-[S] Guanlong Male of euthanasia.
#483948 Bermuda Gray-[S] Guanlong Female of euthanasia.
#483910 Xerxes-[P] Sinornithosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#483806 Lion Tamer-[P] Spinosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#483555 Toddy-[P] Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#483542 Charm and Gossip-[S] Linheraptor Male of euthanasia.
#483539 Brandy Roses and Jelly Beans-[S] Linheraptor Female of euthanasia.
#483532 Mantis-[S] Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#483527 Van Cleef-[S] Balaur Female of euthanasia.
#483525 Sangria Punch-[S] Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#483524 Berries-[S] Balaur Female of euthanasia.
#483154 Pharlap-12%-[P] Dimetrodon Female of euthanasia.
#483153 Venus-12%-[P] Dimetrodon Female of euthanasia.
#483105 Thunderstruck-[P] Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of euthanasia.
#482751 Torea Bay-[P]-[Rr] Dilophosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#482595 Wild Blue Yonder-[S] Sinosauropteryx Male of euthanasia.
#482594 Red Berry-[S] Sinosauropteryx Female of euthanasia.