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ForeignDream's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#799159 Gena Bambiraptor Female of starvation.
#796367 Dust-Bunny Guanlong Female of starvation.
#796362 Cotton-Candy Guanlong Female of starvation.
#795522 Toke Anchiornis Female of starvation.
#794446 Tid-Bit Guanlong Male of poor health.
#794445 Doodle Guanlong Female of starvation.
#794444 Sci-Fi Guanlong Male of poor health.
#794335 Liam Anchiornis Male of poor health.
#794334 Harper Anchiornis Female of poor health.
#776763 Fell Guanlong Female of poor health.
#770712 Released Dino Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#770256 Released Dino Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#770246 Sage Oviraptor Male of old age.
#770096 Released Dino Utahraptor Male of poor health.
#768706 Black Pearl Oviraptor Male of old age.
#768702 Gurkha Oviraptor Male of old age.
#768069 Released Dino Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#768068 Aviator Utahraptor Female of old age.
#738596 Pikmin Oviraptor Female of starvation.
#684079 Released Dino Graciliraptor Female of poor health.