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ForeignDream's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#655871 Dino Egg Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#807546 Dino Egg Bambiraptor Male of starvation.
#807548 Dino Egg Bambiraptor Male of starvation.
#831226 Dino Egg Utahraptor Male of poor health.
#794445 Doodle Guanlong Female of starvation.
#806856 Dots Guanlong Female in battle.
#192993 Dove of Noah's Ark Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#821723 Downy Pont Utahraptor Male of poor health.
#796367 Dust-Bunny Guanlong Female of starvation.
#432851 Electric Storm Dilophosaurus Female of old age.
#820853 Ellie Microraptor Female of euthanasia.
#291179 Ewa Dilophosaurus Female of old age.
#190625 Fallen Angel of the Fire Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#776763 Fell Guanlong Female of poor health.
#311870 Feral Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#812537 Fifi Utahraptor Female of old age.
#300723 Fleck Dilophosaurus Female of old age.
#820847 Fluffy Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#274064 Foot Prints in the Sand Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#799159 Gena Bambiraptor Female of starvation.