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Caynine's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#222744 TC inks Bryophytha II Buitreraptor Male of euthanasia.
#218624 TC inks Cestui-que Buitreraptor Female of euthanasia.
#223181 TC inks Levitian II Buitreraptor Male of euthanasia.
#186418 TempestBIce JjSs Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#157220 test1.10 Sinornithosaurus Female of old age.
#154768 test8 Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#169254 THallo GgooRrTtVv Linheraptor Female of old age.
#169255 THallo GgooRrVv Linheraptor Male of old age.
#351170 The pretty one Eoraptor Female of euthanasia.
#385773 THZ Bambiraptor Female of poor health.
#409511 THZ Buitreraptor Female of euthanasia.
#420539 THZ (Buccaneer*DejaVu) Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#425287 THZ (Eminence*Cherokee) Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#462751 THZ (Eminence*Reemix) Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#600631 THZ - Albertosaurus Female in battle.
#375284 THZ 8th Avenue SsVv aCcdHh (Lyron*ToII) Sinornithosaurus Female of old age.
#382174 THZ Aires OoSsTtVv aCcDdHh (Ixen*Pieces) Allosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#462756 THZ AM Love GgJjTt AaCDdh (Eminence*TrueLove) Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#152898 THZ Amor BbGgRrVv Allosaurus Female of old age.
#424493 THZ Arbor Vite BbVv AcDh (Demon*Dorsal) Sinornithosaurus Female of euthanasia.